HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-09, Page 8+PI
:flours..8 a, fn. to 7).
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13aft *South 6:13 a* in. Daily
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^•- 97•Cr..& B. ,South
I H. &B., South f 9.30p.m.
L., LE. & B. South 10.00 a. In
North- --3420-p,m-
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t iniough
t„. • • ' Kinloss '
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'Farms for Sale
Parties desiring to purchase farm-
ing property will consult their own
. interests by reading the Lucknow
• Banking Cos. new advertisementsthis
A Beautiful Pillow'
The—handsomest—floral- pillowTwe
have everseen was sent from buffalo,
N. Y., to Mr. Savage, on the death of
Mrs. Savage. It is made of cut
flowers, chiefly roses and carnations,
while across the centre is the word
No Services Next Sunday
• Qn, accounOft the opening services
in connection with the new Presbyter-
ian church, in this village- on Sunday
next, there will be no services held in
the Methodist church, which will give
the members of both.congregations an
opportunity of hearing Dr. McLaren,
of Toronto.
Schooner Wrecked
Word has been received from up
the peninsula that. the schooner Ariel,
o4ned by Capt. Finlay MePherson, is
ashore on Baptist Island, near Cape
Hurd, , The tug George Douglass went
to her assistance, but could do tothing
on account of a heavy sea. She is a
total. 'wreck ; no insurance.
Concert To -Night •
There should be a large turnout at
a •'the concert in. the Temperance Hall.
"fi this evening, to hear Miss Jean Mur-
ray and her talented class of pupils.
• ,I. ,;,., Miss•Marray is deserving of a bumper
house, rand we hope Our citizens will
' ',tr.rtarti out -en masse and show their ap-
-'tSpreciation. of that lady's liberal assist-
„ . ..
ce at the many entertainments given
iiii the village, during the past three or
,, four years. ,
Notice to Farmers _
4g!'” Owing to a very great improvement
4 in the water power of the Lucknow
:;4q. , - Rainer Mills, which will enable me to
• '...), run by"water about nine months in the
t•-:‘ •
, year, a very great reduction in running
expenses of the mill, no wood, no
engineer to pay for, to belie& the far
niers with light wheat in the future if
- they wilt clean it well. I will give •a,
return. of 50 lbs of flour and feed in
every 60 lbs. of wheat, no matter what
, • . it may test, .G.E0. KERR.
West Huron Nomination
At a large meeting of the West
Huron Reform) Association at Goder
ich, on Monday last, Mr. J. T. Gar- row, baiiister, of Goderich, was select-
ed as the party, standard bearer in the
, coming election for the Ontario Legis-
lature. Mr. Garrow is undoubtedly
the strongest candidate the converi-
,. tion could have selected, and he will
' make an able successor to Col. A. M
Ross, the old Reform vvarinrse, who th
has just resigned. Mr. J. M. Roberts; I K
of Dungannon; on Wednesday received in
the nomination as the Conservative it
candidate in West Huron. Th
• .";"'" • -
The Luo -know- Sentinel- -Brute Ootoity, Friday May 9th.
4110 -Notice Ready -Made Olothin 1
sisasvingvls,ced all my acqounts
the, hands of Mr. 0. A Shepard, all
owing me are requesled to settle same
with him at once as books must ,be
closed. D. A. McCrummorr, M. D.
Ohurch Opening
We a• ain remind our readerJ04,
'-sfiYterian efiurch here will
be opened on Sunday next, when the
Rev. Prof. McLaren'of 'Knox College
Toronto, will preach both morning and
evening. On Monday evening the
Professor will also deliver a. lecture in
the ehurch. Colleciions at all services
ji,ajjof the building fund.
Died in Wingham
Many of our readers will be sorry
to learn of the death of Mr An rew
n rew .
Mannus of Wingham,
but formerl
the first concession ofthe. townshi
Kinloss, which took place in that .t
on Friday last. Tffe young man
served as an apprentice to the har
business with Mr. R. Procto.sof Lu
now, and was in his 21st year.
contracted a severe cold some two
threeweeks ago, which turned to c
congestion of the lungs. Mr.. -
of a large number of friends here
this, their hour of great trouble..
Grand Concert •
The approach of elections cau
seine excitement,b,ut nothing in co
parison to that caused by the inform
tion that Dewdrop Loclp, Parainon
-purpose—holdin-g one their old ti
concerts. Paramount, for many yea
has held a position as second to no
in the literacy excellencies of her co
-certs, arid the prospects for the prese
are that they are going to produ
something that will equal if not exc
anything ever held , there. Wh
is being prepared, consisting of music,
vocal and instrumental, recitations,
etc. The leading talent of the sur-
rounding districts has been seeured,
so you may expect a treat if you at-
tend. Don't forget the nigt, Friday, an
May 16th. °Come eat d, have ,a
good laugh.—Com.
Mechanics' Institute
The'anniial meeting of the Lucknow
Mechanics' Institute was held in ' the
Reading Room on the. evening of Mon-
day last. The report of the retiring
officer being read by the Secretary the
meeting -'then elected the following
parties as officers for the year : D. D.
Yule 'President ; John Murchison
Vice:President ; R. D. Cameron,
Treasurer ; James Somerville, Secre-
ary ; T. W. Hildred, J. G. Murdoch,
A.. McPherson, Allan McDonald, C.
A.. Shepard, John Scott, Robert Gra-
mm, 0. W. Berry, and Thomas Law-
ence _Directors. The President made
few very encouraging remarks on the
rogress and standing of.the 'Institu-
ion and hoped that eyery one would
ork energectically fOr the welfare of
he Society. A. vote of thanks was,
iven to Mr. C. A. Shepard for his
ork and 'attention to thelibrary, in
hiding hooks, preparing 'catalog -ace,
tc. Various others received votes of
ranks and the meeting adjourned
!Tat before going to press w
received a large advertisement from
Mr. Ed. Brasher, announcing a big
sale of ready made clothing. It- is too
late for this is3ue, hilt our readers can
,have the advantage by calling early
and secure some sof the bargains. .
- - 4g 44$ 4 e-suillinery, Connell
0 takes the lead. Our aim is to give yuli
the latest styles at the lowest prices.
Q0 Oalch
Messrs. Geo. Mair and John Mc-
Garry opened the trout season on
Thursday last, by one of the best
baskets of speckled beauties we have
ever seen. The "catch" numbered
forty-six, averaging in size from eight
-inches length -to arpouncl and'quarterinin weight.
Firemen's Band Concert
y of
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on -
ses ses
n -
Gone, to'Her Reward
That silent, but never erring moni-
torof time and mortality —death—
has again made an invasion into, the
ranks of our village and has- carried
away . to that borne from whence no
traveller has returned,. another old
and much esteemed and respected reSi-
dent,in the person of Elizabeth Mc-
Auley, beloved wife Of Mr. John Sav-
age, in the 75th year of her age
Deceased arid her 'hUsband came to
is section from Amherst Island, near
ingston, many year ago, and settled
the township of Vawanosh, when
was an almost unbroken forest...
ey were among the first- pioneers of
e and Aft'er..s.ume tint, e they
noved to Colborne township, axed
ally came to Lucknow about twenty
ars -ago, The deceased lady was
doubtedly the oldest Methodist in
e section. Having'been converted
en she was very young, for sixty -
o years she had remained faithful
her trust, and tiil called home to
receive the, welcome applaudits.ot her
heavenly father,.."-Welf done thou good
and faithful servent." She had biam
ill about two weeks, with Congestion of.
the lungs, and as little hope was en-
tertained for her recovery, her cflildren
were sent for, and when she passed
away, there were present Mrs. (Rev.)
Forbes and Miss Lacy Savage of St.
Paul, . Minnesota,. Mrs. Stocker and
Mrs: Frank :Savage, of Buffalo, Mrs,
James Savage of Michigan., and Mr.
Geo.'W. Berry, of this,place, aa her
grancison Mr. J. Savage'ef Dfiffalo.
Tho remains were buried in the ..Dun -
pillion cemetery on Saturday last,
and was follOwed therefby a large .
number of relatives and friends.
Deceased Sir Knight 'Taylor •
. re]
- -
Referring to the funeral of the late fin
• Mr. Thos. J. - Tnylor, 'brother of Mr. ye
, D. C. Taylor of linclinow, the Kincar-, un
dine f?eview says : Members of ..fesh- th
ua Preaeptory, No. 132, Royal Black wh
knights of Ireland, interred the re.: tw
'mains of deceased Sir Knight Thomas to
J. Taylor of Kinloss township, on Fri-
day °afternoon of last week. Deceased
was a member of the local preceptory
and his avas the first funeral the
knights have been called upon to at-
tend as an organization. l'.),eputy
County Master Davison of Lucknow,
and District Master D. McFarlane of
Kinloss, along 'with other brethren
and relatives and friends, accoriapanied
the remain3 to their -last resting plive
Tho members of the preceptory made
an imposing turnout.. The Rev. Mr.
Turnbull WAS the offi.ciating clergyman.
The Taylors of Kinloss, father and
sons, afehighly respected in Orange
circles, as also among their neighlors
asist acquaintances.
new, are ew and far between, but the
band concert Committee are endeavor-
ing to introduce to their .patrons
new features -never before equalled by
any, on any previous occasion, intro-
ducing all the leading local artists.
Among the leading attractions, the
Lucknow Glee Club in popular •songs
and glees with lightning changes ef
costume, together with comic and
sentimen:al solos, duets, quartettes,
re -citations, table -aux, etc., by" 'Misses
Lalla Berry, Emma Smith, Jean G.
Murray, E. Whitely, Emma Peart,
and Messrs. Geo. E. Kerr, H. Morris Jn,
J. Eby, E Pope and others, also two
of the leading farce comedies of the
day• will be produced with effect, by
popular artists. The committee have
engaged Mr -Geo. E. Kerr as manager
throughout, which is a sufficient guar-
antee of satisfaction of a first -Class
Mourning at St Helens
Never in the -history of the village
of St. Helens has anything occurred -
that has cast a deeper gloom of sorrow
c ion, an e su
den and untimely death of Mr. Thos.
Todd, second SQ11 of councillor Thos.
Todd, which occurred at that place
on Thursday last.' The deceased was
a young man, only in his 23rd year,
and was universally liked by all who
• had the pleasure of his acquaintance,
and in his demise the village,loses a
bright and, promising citizen, He was
an industrious and hard working
young man, and while engaged -fork
ing. hay a few days previous to his
death, it is supposed he -hurt or,
strained himself in some way, which
caused a rupture or knot of the bowels.
Medical.aid was summoned and after
a consultation an operation was per-
formed by -Drs Case of Dungannon,
Elliott and Tennant, of Lucknow; but
as some days had elapsed since the
accident occurred, it could not save
his life. He was an active member of
the Temperance Lodge and the mein -
hers. of the society attended the funer-
al in a body. The remains were in-
terred in the Dungannon cemetery on
Saturday last,. the funeral being the
largest that has ever left village. Mr.
Todd and family have the heartfelt
sympathy of the whole section in their
sad bereavem -nt.
A Weeks Iteebril or the Pushing herder,
. TOvu.
--Flour and feed at M. Corrigan's
grocery next week.
—First-class piano for sale. Apply
to Mrs. Armstiong.
—Those prints Connell is -selling at
9 cents a yard are a big bargain.,
_Mrs. Smith's advertisement is new
this .week and will iuterest all our lady
—Ham, -spiced roll, breakfast,bacon,
and side bacon at M. Corrigan's'grocery,
—Bring your boys to Connell's if
you want, a ready made suit cheap. •
—Mr. W. J. Brampton, of Lucknow,
was in town the forepart of the week.
Exeter Times.
•.._ .
—The Rev. J. MeNabb'assi'sted at •
the sacramental services in the Metho-
dist church 'on Sunday last. •
—Seed corn, seed beans, seed onions •
'and potatoes at M. CIMI rigsurs grocery.
quaipted with the news of the da
—No business man is fully ac- rinest retouched. and. burnished LSO • •
„it') he has read the ifclvertising
to $3 or d.oz. Cards $1 to $2,40
Ile also
-,Whitewash brushes, whiteuing,
clothes baskets, clothes pins, buttex
ladles, and butter printssat M. Corri-
gan's gruceiy.
Come}} 1:.1)6 at, *3 per pair are the
best value ever offered. Go to' Con -
malls' if you want anything in ordered
—All kinds of groceries of the best
qualities kept at tne new grocery very
-cheap, as --we -sell-for- cash and -produce
only-. Goods delivered to any part of
the town.—Geo.Kerr.-
—Mr. D. Mc y hn
Fine niglit dresses engwoiderY -
trieurus6d- for 75 cents.
Ladies tindwr skirts, eml)roidered and trick
Trim '$1 25 and upwards. LovePy all over
; • a • ers.
ng e win sr 1LQ Benver, Color-
ado, in the hope of regaining his health
has returned to his home in Lucknow,
and is still in poor health but we trust
that de climate here will do for him
what the Colorado climate has failed
to do.
—Any of the ladies requiring a
dress made in the fashion cannot do
better than call on Miss E. D/L:Laren.
Rooms over Mr. Connell's store-
Men to take orders for Nursery Stoci
E, on
Salary or Cornuaission• I can make* success-
ful salesman td any w1 will work Or follow 1 Just opening today a case of, fancy hats in
my instructions. Will furnish handsome out- all the latest styles, also a lot of new
fit free, A nd pay your salary or commission ffimers at
every week. Write for terms at once.
AM, Nurseryman,
I 'e 12846 ' Toronto, Ont. —.---—,
fur infants and children cheaper than you.
' •Lan make them.
65 CENT'S.—C
- AT $LOO. •
1 Wike-T A LIVING.
annonnee to the, people of Lucknow and surrounding country, that any.
coming, o me having theirteeth out, that I il1 put it two sets of teeth,
-----z_i-D- ----:•-_,-',',,,-',..-.-s2i,
for the pri3e of one set, $15, made of the Very best -material in the world.,
use no,rubber but C. ASH & SONS, London, England. The teeth will be
C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded by all who are in the
business to be . ,
Reguarod i no Work
Those firms have their names on their goods„ and the people can see what. they
are getting, old as I use nothing but the bet Material, 1 will guarantee sat-
isfaction to all reasonable people, the unreasonable and there ara a few
such in the world, will please- bear in mind that I don't want their trade
I can always be found at Dr. McCrinnon's,office, Lucknow.
PiliTEBSON, Lnoknow,,
Ltoknoris Loading --
W. Photagriphor
Is as usual ahead in the finest styles and positions fer photos.
columns of his paper
—Dates, figs, oranges, lemons, pine
apples, and coconuts at M. Corrigan's
grocery. -
--Turnip seed of all kinds, also beet,
einn•gle and carrot seed of the hest
kinds sold cheap at Geo. ,Kerr's
Lucknow, ogle clay last
week, a ten dollar bill. The finder
will ye suitably rewarded by returning
it to the Sprribin.t. office. -
--:-The Rev. R. 11. Barnby, of the
11ethodist college, Montreal, preached.
'an able sermon in • the Methodist
church on Sunday evelsing last. He
is a clever speaker. •;4'
keeps a large stock ' stock of spectacles, I/specially
• the well-known. •
- - C....A.11AS1<A.. .
— 3
. and- also deals in Bee Keepers supplies,
books, stationery, albums, frames and fancy goods.
Remember the studio, E. ..L.- Johnston's' old stand. Next
• door to Reutivbakery,- — ---
e •