HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-09, Page 57 • e The Lucknow Sentinel, tiruce County,. Friday, May 9th • • Last *eek we promised to saysomething ^ _ .f'a'ct � of the matter is, we have' been about straw goods, didn't we ? Well.the have them, in ban too busy to get all goods marked do :hav �Youths and .:O-h�:ldrens straws, and a nice down, but we Mons, Y'o - - - x _. �, and are going to clear them, out at 1Oc. A �ange.too. One, line we Cheap, isn't it 9 but the ru woman's Black Sun Hat f®r only l�cr . Ott' ea many gen " emen. The y are nobby, stylish and dheap; - �- ,_e- ,� �h,ree great re ��al�e�, the q; We have a few left and dislike y so please come caxly. Speaking ofd1slLke to be out of sizes when.. you call; p - mens wear reminds us of three cases of ' GENTS tIES, SCARIP,S, AND . - , .:� th® mos__�tmoa�l_and fad-styles-s-tyles-off-�iec� r � BOWS, those many 8mal�. items that go to complete wea�, besides Braces, Shirts, Hose, and all' to -day (Thursday') o plete a gentleman wardrobe, opening into stock ; Prices s Right, fua With thisi le spring weall er We naturally think about Parasols, and we have taken a look around and have placed '�' 11 rens Parasols, at 104t. and� • �• � on the counte � a line of 20c.,. Misses, at 25c., and Ladies frc'm 35c., up to the pure silks and satins, at rages ? We think se, and have bought accord.ino'.$4,This is right, isn't it, keep full b y If tha' weather should change from fine to rain, we have provided for the change by . preparing A Zino of Ladies Goemaniers i s r4 envv n t a er Coats,. formerly $4.50, now going at $2.50. Notice the sample in front of the store, and you will agree ,. •gel eatest snap (Idle season. It's right for a roan to say' 'What he h mestly thinks, isn't it ?j1 That's what we mean when we sa with us that this is the r, WANT 10,000 DOZEN EGGS � NEZTi �hi'T�I (MAX)(C'�,,Y') at I3ighes Market Prices Butter and all produce taken in exchange for goods. Try us. • iNicINTYRE'S OLD STAND DIED. 'Toi i.—in St. 1.Hel«'rna, on :Churdlay, May 1st, • Thos. Todd!), jr., aged 23 years,, 1ICAotLEr-.—Ir. Lucknow; on Thursday, May 1st. Elizabeth McAuley, beloved wife of Mr. John Savage, aged 75 years. and 10 months. i<IoMArtNL•S.—In Winning, on Friday, May 2110., Andrew McMarinus, son of Mr. Andrew M-cMannnrs, formerly of Kinloss, aged 20 years, 4 months, and 15ri'ays. R'r:Titr:vu••oxn.—At St, Helens ore Sunday, April 27th;Jen net' R itlrriff ord, %danrhter of Mr. Haigh Ianthexhird:, aged :38 years. PUBLIC NOTICE. :0:. :Court of Revision, Township of Kinloss, 1890. y��11E COT.TPLT FOR THE REVISION OF the Assessment Itoll for the 'Township atf Kinloss, will be held 'in the Town Hall, :Holyrood, on Monday, the2fith day of M'.ayat 1.O o'clock.in'the -forenoon. • • • PETER Rian, • Township Clerk; Kinloss; Min '29th, 1889. PUBLIC. NOTICE. 'Curt of Revision, Township of west Wawanosh, '90. t--. •:0: • rw1H i COURT OF i- EV1-SION OF THE O. ASst enLe1Ii ]kill •of the Township of West Wa.wanosh forth2 -present year, will be • held in the tost•nship.laal.l on the 27th day "of May, at 10 a. m. • • t. K. MILLER, 1-850 Clerk. BJtJLL. FOR 'SERVICE. • li Il. TH(1)(1‘,1AS I:'1JWtla 1f1NL t + will fltr service,ALthis season,AY, at 1 t6, Con. 11 Ashtieldr his celebrated thorough wed slio;Lhorn bul'1, 1,11.r1 Byron. Earl Byron • .1rec.dl by 'Phomas Edward li'i nbty, Lanes, Ont., got •lav Highland ''1,•.'f (imp.), ]2117 ;• dant .1>elva'Lockwood, 1.121 I, Ly iFlr or Lush, 1388; l'Iionic, Warren. 723 i.t' ;;h•, .,-i, , 3r)00; ,paid of 1l.aonn h ill,':3j I'., i, , 1.othair, €300 ; • 13cwnty.of the Valley, 'r! 1•:, 'ilv ('cxistance's T)uke.41L ; Beauty R....n (d1',' ), 3:1,, by Chit- trnt 1-005,1•Corin teas, 11;• N la o4 roc 1: '.2nd, 85515%; ••Gazed., by Splendid, .,;M. ,,y 1'.irroe Comet, 8125, ht e 1 by .11v. i111c:.f 1. Terms 81.,25. Rev. Atm Clark, of C de4on, who +hexa been 4'1(tnoting the services in Erskine church, Dungannon, for the' last two Sabhuths, was the ,guest( of Mullin %this week. Yours faithfully, Clover Seed.. Although. Clover Seed has advanced 15c. p,er bushel, we have decided to . clear out our entire stock of choice Red Clover, at only $4 25 .per- �- bushel. • This is your chance. Call early. 'I Yours truly, ED. BRASHER. The dGrocery! IMMENSE BARGAINS, 'Having just received a large consi2m nlent of. , ( • Fresh Groceries, Choice t xi,i y.otr Choice Tobacco, - , Canned Goods. Crocker, .. ' Glassware Toa$, Coffees, aid Sugars, which willbe sold cheap at the Hub Grocery. - Goods delivered to all.. parts •of the village, JOHN ELLIOTT. <I O g t4 w H t3 c 7,9 ._s PUBLIQ NOTICE. Court • of 'Revision, Township of Ashfield, 1890. RE COURT OF REVISION OF THE Assessment roll of the Township of Ash- field for the present vear will be held in Fin - lay's school house, No. 9 on the 286 day of May, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m. 7.817 W. LANE, Clerk. MIL -LIN ERY! :0; OF INTEREST TO THE LADIES. :0: Mr. J, Mnr,'hison, Lucknow, has op• ened a new millinery store in the stand lately o't u- lied by Mrs..Findlater: The business is strict- • y millinery, THE COORS ARE ALL. NEW. ME LATEST STYLES. T1fE PINES THE LOWEST. Mrs, Murchison will be pleased to have You call and inspect the stock before purchasing. ACON. MAKING, HORSE SHOEING nttn- C E N E RA'L RLACKSMly 111C. :0: . Arla,m Thompson begs leave to tha th ,inhabitants of Luck now and- snrrdmndin con.ltry for the liberal patronage bestowed o. bun during the last seven years; and wishes f, continua ce of his olds customers and a 1..N. share of ]1e new. as i is in a better positioie than evert( supply the wants of the publ He always has en hand a stock of. KEP Wagons & Zuggics of all hinds, He also will remind them of his far famed &COTCN DIAMOND NARROWS which he al'viray has on hand Ad aremade the very h est material. Parties wanting au thing ,in tl kis line nvilltin well to give him acal and gee prices before purchasing elsowhevn Partieular attention paid to ALL KIKEIS OF IIORSe SI SEiNO. flat feet, ccntractione, and interfering. By' .trict attention to business, gond work manship a.ad employing nothing but gond worknion, r trust to 'retain the p atronaR4 kindly extended to me. ADAM THOMPSoiv Osmpbell 3trete opposite the I3tr0k _ DR. CEASES Has a, world wide reputation as a physician and author .His Mandrake Dandelion liver Cure is a triumph of medical skill, cures all diseases of the kidney and liver ' • SYMPTOINS OF • ._ A�L� Distressing CCI l,UI 1 N T aches h • pain, lin the back ; a dull pain or weight in the bladder and base nfi abdomen ; scalding urine often niptrnctsd ; frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among aged persons , hot, dry Skin, pale corn-. plexion, red and whi ce deposits, drop dizziness, sour stomach, constipation, piles, liven sort, swelling, etc •LrrSYMIPTOMS, CF ' 11 GG'M r i.i 1 der biedes, � lin. plcxion, a 'weary, tired feeling, mi lite Or energy, headache, dyspepsia, iudigescion,spote. Pimples, etc. HOW CURE ' Mandrake and])an(lelion are nature' T,lver cures and when combined witt. Kidner rem.. (ties as in Dr, .Chase's Laver ('ure, will. mon nnsitively cure all Kidney -liver troubles. it acts' like a ch]•rni, stimulating the• clogaaed liver-, strengthening the kidneys. and invig• ra- ting* the wholebody. ,.old by all dealers at $l with receipt book, which alone is worth th mrnley. ' KI NEY Dr. Chase's Pills ern the Kidney. Liver Pills marle.The• . L� _ R act gently yet efi•ectually. 141 3..y PILLSp be taken during any cmllr > - - merit.: They cure Inidnov lav' • troubles, headache,hiliotsuega, cnstivetie•s etc One pill a, dose. Sold by a1l,dealers. I'ric% 2.10 T. EOMAISON illADFOED. ONT. Sold tiv Trois v' & D.\vs'. Lucknow. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND • yyr�'',•'.YY u,..•�.�i?r _v.1i1•ryt 5 •