HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-09, Page 2•
zims or TWO oouguroa,
olitt 4. sande of fresh work to be
itfp, tie dry, Cornelia roused herself
t bee reverie, lighted her reading -lamp,
». E"...prolog a ponderous volume waa loon
,„!ettli tolihe world around her.
Esp eine came down -stairs the nest
•,y". •Ilnynnse is goad sairier and radii ar.. t.,..t'
....r.nn....-rtmr.vR.6:+�1 -n•+^rvn�rtwm!!�.na-n'..m�
leaving her room she had fastened one of
. ,tb i wall -flowers in her dress, and had
_caught herself singing the retract of a game
which she used to play 'with the convent
. _ "gee ttitag de__bettea tines_
Girod givens t"
Her sprightliness, however, soon
vaniehedt for in the.botenpetressi diming
roots she found to her dismay that a sub-
stantial meal awaited her. To sit down M
cleat o'clock to a regular defamer .a la
fotarchette, was an almost unbearable inflict-
ion • her ; she resolved- to
ijme which had already been so foolishly unapproachable, bat Esperanee waa toe
W miaoaeltle *0 heaitzte.
11 was with some diffiault'y that she said, "Oh, Bertha l" Jebel exclaimed, " I am 83
" Indeed, you are very= good to think of unhappy, do have pity on me. 'Cornelia
helping me. my ooaain ; I know I am very will not have'me in her sandy, andlChriata=
ignorant." ' bel will talk about the Commune, and I
" If you will take pains, it will be a can't bear it, indeed I can't."
pleasure to me to help you," replied Cor- " Bat what can I do for you ? " said
nelia, with mach more warmth. " And I Bertha, gravely, bat net unkindly. " Of
am going so give you one correction already- coarse you may sit hers', d that is what you
Do not $!e aces eAAsee- Pe a .µ.ms} . „
. S4�L1�"T.""i,.Y YIt-:4�?'�'.'1.i3...:.. .•. �'ONi14 .1.N.Y:y.'•F1.-Jy.
.'-�w��,.isy-i�ttguan. "-""-tees, Y went -that �tco'-�; tit �ert�a, tiE you
" Indeed ! I had no idea of that ; in could only love me a little -I can's live
France it would be thought rade almost withoutlove."
not to do it Bat a thousand thanks for " I thought so Daae," replied Bertha,
tPping me." with a half smile ; " bat I find I can mac -
The hour spent in Cornelia's room was age without it now." Then, as Esperance
not altogether a pleasant one. A brief looked astonished, " I am speaking, of
examination brought to light what seemed course, of one's ideal of real love, not of the
to Cornelia almost as ... oleranoe that relationship
sandahe..weal-nily all•deepeir-over -such,4n_-brings- .
unpromising pupil- Esperanoe,
ignorance, ordinary gore oft _ _...�. __
speranoe, scone- I don't know what yon mean,"
tamed to examination of any kind, and Esperance hall frightened. With us,
understanding English very imperfectly, relationship brought,all that waa true and
vte, of cortege, at a great disadvantage, and strong, and beautiful in love. noes it not
eaoape was Stet supposed, and. afterwards
added to the story. ae a feel,,.,.
OL:oouise the anbject was avoided both
with the Collinsona .and with MT -evinces
herself, Ito that it was long before the truth
was really known.. Baperanoe, in conse-
quence, thought -the Rilchester people hard-
hearted and =sympathizing. is would
have been a relief to her to `talk some-
times of her father. and of their troubles in
TtifLt she ever aunCeAf to it, they changed
the conversation at once, in reality from
kind-heartedneas and a wish to spare her,
but with what seemed of course, to her, an
atter want of interest.
Those first few months tried ber severely.
;She was very lonely, anaiotas 'about Gas-
pard, end out of harmony with her sar-
rotindi.nge. Cornelia was gold end sar-
eaetio, end her time- for etudy • wsz a real
trial. • Mrs. Mortlake was nnj sec and
irritating ; Bella, crow and spoiled ;
Bertha, disappointing and 'reer rved. This,
at hasten was Eeperance's Niew of the
by a crash, as of eomething lalllag heavily
ou -aha-Stine. floor.. . _ . , ..........- - -
An unguarded exolamatton of wrath
made itself hoard no dletinotly In the choir,
that the reading of the 'neon was for a
moment suspended, and the two vergers,
seizing their diver -hoicked sleets, battened
to quiet ehe diiturbanoe.
Esperanoe listened with hushed breath,
really quite trembling for the vlutlw. She
then the eager voice' Melte& -agate, " I was
doing no harm hers."
Another admonitory " hush " followed
by a whiaperud altercation, then that voice
once more.
" Well, since) l mayn't palate' will coma
The footetepa drew nearer ; Euperenoe,
and indeed everybody looked curiously
toward the -door -with a stetoly, measured
step, the two vergers returned, their staves
triumphantly raised in the air, and behind
them walked the culprit, a young man et
two cr three-and-twent tall and hand'
the toffee so execrable that it was an im-
poBaltisbility - moreover, Mrs. Mortlake was
see evidently offended at her pumerons
,,. refusals, that she forced herself to take
what she would much rather have been
The• garden looked teniptingly cool and
shady', and after breakfast was over Eeper-
imee asked leave to go out. Cornelia
-eeceaved her proposal with some surprise.
'` -" Oh, certainly, if you wish to do so, but
"there is nothing worth seeing in our garden,
ae& besides it is almost time for service."
" Oarvios a tethe_cathedral ?
lbngisg to see the interior."
" Yon will have plenty of opportunities,
than, for we always attend both morning
and -evening service : be careful to be ready
Ave minutes before the hoar, as my father
kitty particular as to punctuality-"
And Cornelia moved away, leaving
Esperanee chilled and repulsed, though she
could not have explained why.
Ohs was still looking out of the window,
rather sadly,- when tea. Mortlakereturned,.
leading by the hand a fair-haired little girl
cbjaboat .six yeah of age, who would have
b. extieedingly pretty, had not her mouth
bspotled by constant posting.
tin and kiss your new cousin, Bella,"
said Mrs. Mortlake. " Cho at once, there is
a good child."
" But Bella drew back with an obstinate
2peranoe who waa very fond of children,
began to coax her, and world soon have
won her over, but MrteMortlake interferred
in an aggrieved tone.,
" Excuse me, Esperance, bat I must
really have the management of my own
child. Lesiva her to me."
Then as Esperanee moved tie the other
aide of the zoom, with heightened color, she
turned again to the child. " Now, Bella,
do as mamma tells you,•and you shall have
a piece of anger."
Eaperance world mach rather have been
•' *Mout the bribed kiss, but after Mrs.
Mortlake's very pointed remark she could
-trot venture to say to ; Bella hesitated for
-a minute, advanced a step or two ie
..rte M once more.
" A large piece, mamma ? "
.. Yea, my darling, a large hers
s , " Bella hesitated no longer; and Esper-
fume, much amaiad, met her halt way and
kissed her -unluckily on both cheeks. -
" Bella ran back to her mother triumph-
" Two lunette of sugar, mamma, two big
limps, ehe kisaed me twice ! "
°• 'Espennoa laughed merrily, bat Mrs.
Mortara, vexed at the foolishneaa of her
`awn bribe, looked annoyed. .
4, ""Nonsense, child, I said one piece,"
• =,.then, as Bella begets to ery loudly, " Ah, I
'-hnew thaleivould Dome of is ; it just shows
'-'40u,Eseniitranoe, how careful you Aught to
be with btildren, and Bella is so very sensi-
tive.Besides, how could yon expect.her to
asderatand your French ways ? I'll not
have them introduced here, so piealle re-
member. - -
- Bsperance was too surprised and indig-
nant to attempt any vindication.
" A thousand-" she would have said
" Pardons," but the words atuck in her
throat ; she hastily substituted " a thous-
and regrets," and left the room, while Mra.
Mortlake began - to, bargain with her child
as to the amount of sugar ehe should have,
lithe would only stop crying.
Though Eaperance would.only laugh in
after days at the recollection cf her absurd
introduction to Bella, at`' the time she was
considerably ruffled by it ; it wee the first
Ohne in her: life that ehe had suffered from
her T f.
joe-it was hard to be falsely blkmed,
b• Mortlake's slighting mention of
ench ways," had wounded her
>!x tis with a very. heavy heart that at
the pointed time she joined Cornelia and
B , and walked with them to the
cathedral. Butcamfort came to her as she
entered and gazed around with wonder and
lade. Whether from the beauty of the
eight, or from the vastness and strength of
all about her, or from a certain reeemblance
to Notre Dame de Paris, she did not know,
but somehow ehe was stilled, her heart no
longer throbbed indignantly, and for the
first time she felt at home at Rilchester.
They walked- much faster than she would
have liked down the choir aisle, and . she
had only time 'for a brief glance at the nave,
with its glorious vista of srch and pillar,
before they passed through the careen gate,
and were ushered by a prim -looking verger,
into the deanery pew. The service seemed
to her dull and dreary in the' extreme, and
though the choir was fairly good, she soon
wearied of the complicated Anglican chants 1
and lengthy canticles, in which no one
attempted to join. There was something
depressing, too, in the smallness of the con-
gregation, whioh Certainly could not leave
numbered more than a dozen, and in the th
half -incomprehensible foreign prayers.' do
Esperance was sadly tronble1 with ar
wandering thoughts, sp that. she wee re- ' th
Eared When the hear waif ended and she th
wee free once more to devote all her eyes to ' • T
°the beian,y. around. of
Corlmjia, however, allowed no lingering,' her
and they hed se -steely / left the cathedral of
before she began in 'her Clear, authoritative and
way, " As eosin as we are at home will yon bur
come to me in my room, and I will see what B
etttdiea you had better take up ? We most Co
o„ lose no more time." ) i
Esperance knew she ought to; have been t '
mnoh more grateful, bat there ws some-
' thing in Cornelia's cold kindneet which reeo
rated on Ilea -and --nndnubteelly there Wee B
fn her tone an implied reference to the
the yon see, are some houses, all falling
wn, in the Rae de Rivoii ; the silly people
e destroying their own city. And look !
the they are shooting the insurgents in
e Lnrembonrg G rdens."
he familiar nam_a, and the cruel want
coneideratisn in speaking theta before
were too mach for Eaperance'e powers
sandnrance ; agein her tears broke 'forth,
not attempting a eecond argument she
riedlyt isft the room.
at where could elm go ? To return to
=elle would be to receive a doable scold.
and she longed too much for sympathy
care to seek ber own room -she would,
ny rate try to find Bertha before she
rted to it.
ertha was sitting in the great drawing•
J(rt.�.,17Git -..1
quick, trite 'gent.anewer, she was generally
either puzzled- completely, or frightened by
her cousin's peremptory matinee into absard
Cornelia, seeing that this was mese waste
of time, began a lesson on physical
geography, but this was not mach more
successful. Though exceedingly clever, she
was not a good teacher ; ehe could neither
understand nor ejmpathize with the diffi-
culties of a lees talented mind, and even
painstaking slowness made her impatient
and sarcastic.
Esperance was redly unhappy -aware
that -she -had- nneweredeleadlyencad-veaed-
that she had not done more justice to her
father's teaching. She was certain, too,
that had the circumstances been different
she could have done much better, and a
oonscionemese that Cornelia did not under-
etand-her. added to herwretctiedneste.
Bat . this last thought reminded her ,of
one of Gaspard'a pieces of advice-" What -
sisters ? "
" If we were not sisters we ahonld pro-
bably hate each other," replied Bertha ;
" never were there three lest congenial
people, I should say ; but being related, of
course, we have to tolerate, or if you -like
' love' each other. Now you understand
what I mean about existing without love."
Esperanee looked aghast.
a Is must be very dreadful," she said,
with a shiver.
" Oce grows actuetomed to it in time,"
replied Bertha. e It will Egan cease to
trouble you."
-"-No-that l carrnever-belieevei-a'nd`uutit--
I have come to that state, •yon will love me
a little, will yon not ?'' and Esperance
looked un so casnengiy that Bertha was
feirly conquered.
" I will try," ehe eaid with more energy
than usual. " Only I am Eo unpracticed
that you must not expect much from me—
I can't be demonstrative-"
ever happens, don't let -yourself become a " Never mind,. 1 wilLdo all the demon-
' femme incereprire,"' and, taking courage, titration," said Eeperance, Lan -fling, and
:ha began, You will 'think me hi nkingly plump Berths what seeta� to her an
ignorant, Cornelia ; but really. it is partly overwhelming embrace. "There ! now
m ignorance R'
y m of English that izietree
stupid ; yon must not think I have never
been taught these things."
" The fraita 3f good teaching are seen in
the impression left on the memory," said
Cornelia, 'calmly.
Esperance flashed angrily.
'em sure i speranee was, wever, quite satisfied,
cannot.; if the memory is bad, -the best and moreover, ehe had solved the mystery
teaching may be thrown away to it." of Bertha's nonchalant manner and dreamy
- 'f On it," corrected Cornelia, in the -same indifference. If ehe neither loved tor waa
imp.uive tone ; ". but do not excite your- loved, what else could be expected ? Here
Biell so much; I surely may hold different was en interest already et the 'deanery ;
views without rousing all this indignation."., she world make it her special object to give
" It is not your views -I do not care for Bertha pleasare. '
your views," replied EsPeranoe, her 'voice' Her letter to Gaspard that day was
rising; " it ie your -your. slights to, my almost cheirfal, and though she could not
father, to the education he has given me, avoid telling him what she thought of Mra.
that nuke me angry. Yon do not know, Mortlake.and Cornelia, she dwelt eJ mach
you can never'know, how good, how wise, on Bertha'a kindness, and the beauty of the
how noble he was." • cathedral, and gave each amnting •descrip-
" Perhaps not," replied Cornelia. " Bat tieing of the English manes and customs
if I were to judge of him by what ,hie that Gaspard was relieved from his anxiety
daughter is at present, what should I--" about her and much cheereel iit�l elf-.
e -c Garet into tears: nese.
" You are cruel -cruel ! to speak so of CHAPTER XIV.
him -now that -oh, papal papa I why did
I not die too ?-shells fallingall daylong -Earth 1e sick
'And Heaven is weary of the hollow words
and not one would come where it would which states and kingdoms utter when they talk
have been welcomed ! " .. Of truth and justice-. Tarn to private life
She, was leaning down on the gable her And sacra] neighborhood look we to ourselves.
.. A light of duty si ines on every day
face. hidden. WOnld Cornelia never speak, For all ; and yet how few are warmed orcheered
she wondered -world no word of sympathy
me so am happy. And you will really do a little
more than tolerate me ?
" You ere the strangest child I ever saw,"
said Bertha, but as if she did not mind the
atra'ngenesis. " Yea, I will try ; but you
' have come to ,a most unlikely quarter for
The Ezcurrion.
pass thous grave lips ? Rllcheater waa a picturesque old town,
Bat. still the silence was only broken by with narrow, irregular streets, gabled
her own �goba ; and looking up at last, she houses, carigae old courts, and'ancient
found herself alone. gateways. A peaceful -not to say sleepy -
She was eo dismayed, so astonished, that air pervaded the whole place ; even in the
she could not cry, even though each a principal street there wan little traffic, and
desertion seemed to her mons creel ; she the few pedestrians walked : quietly and
eat looking at Cornelia's vacant chair, and leisurely along, as if hurry and bustle were
at the map of mountains and rivers on the a thing unknown to them.
table, soaked through and through with her The population was not very great, and
own tears- had of late yearn decreased, 'so that although
When Cornelia returned she was quite-- there was little actual ptvert-v in the place,
calm b
cousin a scorn ane - enrprise, she was pressing aspect, the old hooses having
busily engaged in treeing the wet tear- fallen oat of repair, end the owners nos
marks on the map to the same length as the caring to lay out money on -them.
various rivers. These deserted quarters, however, were
" I think yon do not require the quiet of some way fe.. the cathedral, and rarely,
my study foe such an intellectual employ- if ever, obt : ted themselves, upoa the
ment,"eaid Cornelia, end as our lesson notice of the ore wealthy'citizens.
is over you may go." Proximity to the cathedral beings mark
Espsrance could not help smiling at Cor. of station, hooses in the close were eagerly
nelia'a sarcasm. • sought after, and though they were•mostly
" It was very foolish, was it not ? I hope very old, draughty, and ill -built, some
it has nos. hart the' map," she said, with a people had been known to leave much more
little laugh ; adieu, then, and many thanks comfortable dwellings for their sate. There
for your lesson-" were certainly, however, the advantages of
Cornelia was 'mate with astonishment. a fine view of the cathedral, and an open,
She had left the room, quite oat of patience healthy situation, not to mention one of the
with Esperance s' tears, and resolved to great attractions to the inhabitants of Ril-
read her a lecture on her demonstrativeness cheater -a first-rate view of your neighbors'
when ehe returned -but her plane had been houses, and the' beat possible chance of
frustrated, the good-humored reply to her knowing all they did.
stinging speech, and the little ringinglaagh, For, like all small towns, Rilchester de -
were even wore aggravating then the sad. rived its pleasure, its store of anecdotes, its
den burst of passion, and for once in her daily ;conversation from gossip; - and as
life she felt thoroughly nonplussed. This there waa but little amusement of a higher
little French girl was, indeed, a puzzle to kind in the place, and a dearth of work, or,
her but on the whole she was not more truly, a sleepiness in the atmosphere,
altogether displeased with her for being out which tended to destroy the faculty for
of , the common, and as a new sandy of work, there was some excuse for this.
character ehe interested her. The arrival of a visitor at the deanery
Eaperance,°meanwhile, went down -stairs, was, sufficient to set all .the tongues in the
to her
pwever ; her teare were spent, and, certain parts of she town had a most de -
amused and a little triumphant et Cor- place going, and when it gradually became
nelia's evident surprise ; the consciousness known that the dean hed adopted his niece,
of having averted e " scene " or a lecture and that she would •thenceforth live at Rile
was exhilarating, and she was quite con- cheater, Esperance became quite a nine-
vinced from Cornelia'a mantler that some- days'- wonder."
thing of the kind had keen intended. Had she•only come to the place earlier in
But her jay was short lived, for in the the year, when every one was fall of com-
dining•room She found hire. Mortlake end paesion for the whole French nation, ,ehe
Bella eagerly looking at the last "Illustrated would have met with a mnoh warmer web.
London News," which tette fall of the come ; bat the horrors of the Commune
horrors of the Commune. • had quite altered this feeling, and to be of
".05, mamma. what are they doing, to Frenclrbirth was the reverse of a recom-
that woman ? " asked Bella. mentation. •
" Shooting her, darling ; she has been . Her appearance was criticised severely,
spreading petroleum, wicked creature. And and strange stories were set afl gat as to her
history ; one old lady -well-known as the
greatest gossip in the close -had 'told per
friend that the dean had been seen to flash
quits angrily when some one' had made
inquiries after M. de Mebillon-she feared
he had been a moat notoriova character -
the dean had felt his sister's marriage most
aontely, she knew this as a fact.
From Shia beginning arose a wild story
exagger&ted stilt more at each repetition, in
which it was stated that'Esperance'e father
had ended a moat iniquitous lite by•at-
tempting to betray his country to the Prue.
elites, and had in consequence been shot,
while her brother hal assisted in tile mar•
der of Clement Thomas, and had, •able•
quently been killed ea a communistic inane.
gent. When it transpired that he was
alive and welt.. in_..,London,, su.,,ma elotis
ln#--l.otf,c�;t.; the -. ookeclvox .:-
. y
n.+wx •. z to
" 'Tis we. not they. who are in fault,
"When others seem so weecg "
Of course her grievances were not wholly
imaginary, but she magnified them greatly,
and - would not see the good points which
' counterbalanced the failings.
Her letters to Gaspard, which hal at
first been brave and cheerful, were now
either in a strain of forced merriment, or
with an undertone of bitterness which was
very foreign to her nature. She never
complained, it is true, but she indulged
herself more and more in little mecesms, at
the expense of ber cousin or their friends,
and-Gespsrd-grew-serionely tmeasy about
He wrote to her at last with'a very gentle
remonstrance, end entreating ber -to tell
him if she were really unhappy ; 'but the
reply was fax from satisfactory, and only
made him still more anxious. It ran es
follows :
" The Deanery, Rilchester, 121h Septem
ber, 1871."
M'z Dns Gesrnn,-A thousand' than
for your welcome fetter end"for the ecolding
you gave me, only I can hardly call it by
such a name, since I am accustomed here
tors much more severe fault-finding. So
yon really think I am growing sarcastic !
Well, I am hardly surprised, for I am a
great, deal with Cornelia, and she is jam
one great. piece of earcasm-I suppose it is
infections. ,Nothing in .articular has ha
since wro e. i ert, a is et 1 away
and the house' is very dull, the most en-
livening thing being one of Bella's scream-
ing fits, which are liken kind of intermittent
'fever, and Dome every other day- In be-
tween she is what Chriatabel calla ' good,'
really petted and spoiled 1 .She, is , indeed
an enfant terrible. I forgot 'to say that I
have had my first experience of an'English
dinner -.party. 'I wish yon could have seen
it, it was most amusing ; that i3 to say,
the . evening was, for I did not dine, thus
she dispute, his lips gravely compressed,
but en irrepressible sparkle of amusement
in his keen'bine eyes.
He was solemnly conducted to a seat,
and atter one rapid 'glance around,Eeper-
antee was relieved to see' that he beehtalead
with perfect reverenoe, joining in 1
Deum in a way which set an example to
silent congregation, and during the reading
of the second lesson, scarcely stirring, but
gazing at the reredos and the grand east
window, through which the eaoehine wap
streaming, shedding, an • exgaiaise radiance
on all around.
At�he close of the services, Mre. Mort-
lake made all speed to go out, but not
before the >rtranger had already left the
choir. Whieperzng an explanation to Cor- °
nelia, she folloeed in the direction of the
north choir aisle, closely attended by
Esperance, who was full of cariosity, and
in great teeror kst Cornelia should call her
Lathe aisle they discovered the cause uS -
the downfall and the angry txclaznetlola-s<
prostrate easel and canvas ,the young
artist had just raised the laatter, a
looking at it critically, -when a. Mor lake
" Mr. I1agnaw !
i.gdeed taken us by
" I came late la
artist, glancing f
Es.-ra.oe :s
hoping to oall on y
thinking that the
meeting -place. Th ops
escaping an infliction of two hours. Th
ladies . come to tide drawing -room abon
nine, or, perhage later, looking very sleepy
and bored, end then they sit trying to talk
for,abont half an hour, a footman bringing
Mlles- t -coffee, and then tea to prevent them
from quite going to sleep 1 I mast tell yon
that they are all dressed to match, the
married ladies chiefly in grays, m5uvee, and
violets, and the young ladies in limp white
nnnalin. . I .suppose it is the way English
people put on their clothes, bat they -always
look es if they had been out in one of their
fogs. Later in the evening the gentlemen
straggle into the room, as if they didn't
mach want to come ; they all look very
black and sombre, the old gentlemen, wear-
ing great white tient and the younger ones
Miff -looking collars, and no dress clothes at
all, for they are ell clergymen, there seems
scarcely a layman in the place. They stand
all together .in a group, like so many rooks,
though it is not thought imporpsr in Eng-
land for .them to speak to the ladies, end
perhaps two or three venture into the circle
by and by. I noticed the other night shit
there was quite a little manoeuvre to secure
a vacant chair. Englishmen seem so
much happier when they are sitting down,
they never seem to know what to do -with
their hands and feet, otherwise. Altogether,
it was very dull and atiff,,bnt perhaps I
have seen a bad. Specimen ; ' people •never
could endure many such parties, surely,
they world die of ennui. Why do yen ask
point-blank if I am happy ? It was incon.
siderate of you. Of course I em not, and
cannot be, away from you. As to the
cathedral, it is marvelously beautiful, but
the long daily, servicea do not agree.. with
me ; perhaps it is being quite unaccustomed
to such things, or perhaps the foreign
prayere, or it may be what Mrs. Mortlake
woald call my ' frivolous French mind.' but
certainly they are at present a penance.'
No oge here has a good word to say for a
Frenchman -they seem to think we are all
Communists, and forgot, that the martyrs,
Monseigneur Darboy,,the Abbe Deguerry,
Pere do Coudray, and many others, were
else French. It is very had to bear. I
snppoae, however, the troublfies are nearly
over ? Have yeti heard . lately from
Monsienr Lemereier ? I hope he has not
been arrested, poor man. How wonderfully
in earnest -he wads that morning we left
Paris. •
With my compliments to Bismarck.
Je t' ewbrnue de tout e¢ur,
Esrus.& CE BIEN- ADiEE r s Maerre os ." •
In reply to this letter Gaspard sent a
little French edition of the English Charoh
Services, and she was so uch touches by
Ins anxiety for her, and o really anxioae to
do right, that she tried ery hard to attend
One bright sonny morning, about the
end of. September, Esperanoe, after a
greater effort than usual to listen to the
Paalme, had taken her place in the nnoom.
fortable oaken stall, which was ber nsnel
seat, and had opened her French Bible, in
order to follew the reading of the first les-
son, when a soundof voices in the choir
aisle roused her cariosity. The speakers
how are you ? You have
et Light," replied the
from Mrs. Mortlake to
• .. , . ., .. : •. -
on later in the day, not
cathedral might be oar
e dean is well, l h ?"
" Very well, thank you, he will be glad to
see you, I am sure," replied Mrs. Mortlake,
moving toward the door.
Claude Magney hastened to move the
easel, which lay in Esperance's way, and
walked down the aisle with them, holding
open the heavy outer door while Mrs. Mori
lake uttered'many--last words.
Yon are here for some time, then ?"
she asked. '
" I cannot tell how long," he replied. " I
have a commission for a view of this
interior. One could not have a more
-c4eagh•Lf j - t -a -in y. -1I-ow-giorionrr
it ie in this light I "
Esperance thought the grand old- door-
way, with its sombre moldings, the eager,
half -wistful face of Claude Magnay, and
the background dim with brightness would
have made a wonderful pioture ; bat
detecting a alight eiade of impatience,- and
a restlee movement of the hand which held
the canvas, she ware not , sorry when Mrs.
Mortlake closed the convereation with a
preasinginvitation,to dinner that evening
and really turned homeward.
" What a thorough artist he is, to be
sure ! " she exclaimed, half musingly. " So
engrossed with hie work, and with the
beauty of the cathedral, that he forgot even.
to speak of the disturbance he made daring
the service ! "
" Is he English ?" i'gaired E-apsrenoe,
secretly wondering whether any one so
polite could bother dielike to the Rilohester
people' having prejudiced her against the
whole nation.
Yee, oh, yes," replied Mrs. Mortlake.
I am not sure that the name is not of
Scotch origin, but the family has been in
England . for years. 'This young man's
father was an architect -e very clever man
rand a friend of father's. He had great
money losses before his death, and had it
not been for Claude's talent! 1 don't know
how they would have managed. However,
all is comfortably settled now ; one sister is
married, end has taken the youngest child
to live with her ; the mother died not long
ego, and so Claude has only himself to
Esperance thought this a ver heartless
speech ;. but the mention of the nee, the
bereavements, and the loneline:e, touched a
chord in her own life, and for the first time
since her arrival she fell .thoroughly inter-
ested and attracted.
The day parsed rather more happily than
usual, and Eaperence was quite in spirits
when she went to dress for dinner ; ehe
could not helji looking forward eagerly to
the diversion of seeing some one really new
and not an inhabitant cf Rilchester.
Claude had already arrived when she
came down, and was standing telking to
the dean, having gnite lost the somewhat
preoccupied expression hehad worn in the
Tho dean gravely ' introduced My „
niece, Mademoiselle de Mibillon -=he"
always uttered the name withstn effort
and Claude's easy bat courteonraf.mannere
seemed all the more pleasant, when con-
trasted with her nncle'a pompons solemnity.
" I am afraid you were one of those
whom I disturbed thin morning in the
cathedral," he Reid. ".I bone ton will for-
give me for the confusion I nrede,'was:il
very distracting ? "
Esper'ance a first impulse was to utter
the false " Ob! not at all," a form of polite
lying proverbially habitnsl to French
women, and not =frequently indulged in
by their English sisters. She had, how -
fir, been brought up very csrefally in this
specs by ber father, her standard of truth
ss high, and with ready tact she eaid
stead, " I do not think it distnrbed the
ogregation generally; for myself, I cannot
y =ant, it takes aceta small thing to
aw off my attention."
" I had no idea there was any info as to
t'painting during service time, so I hope
y ignorance may 1 e my exouse," said
ande, turning to the dean.
(To be Continued.)
were evidently close behind her, for she Ev
could distinctly hear even the low -toned re
conversation. w
" No painting allowed in service time, , in
sir." ce
" What, not out here ? How can I coos• ; as
aibly disturb the services ? " replied the dr
second vdihe.
" Can't tell, sir," answered the first : no
" but 'tis against rules ; you must move' at m
once." Cl
Bnt I tell yon, my good fellow, this is
my service, jest as much as it's yours to
wear a bleak gown andcarry that potter ; ' The Ducheas of Marlborough declares
besides, the light is perfect now."
',..rl'he r'eplywee� iiandJbla but' ivas to l6vser
that lae:and:the r:. n2 ; ____eeeeee _t
,Dnl,te-raze t-Izvs�n:,,�OQ,tid1Q°•. ..��.......:.-,::��
as year.