Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-09, Page 1•
.11.&4^ .115,,nt2141.1E-IZZAMPtie.
Is puhtisheel, every Friday at the " Sentinel"
block, north-east corner of Outram
and Campbell :its., Lucknow,
iF.Yevicej'r WITJ► smallness at 111ESP,jTcfi,
�l'•H�t.'Ud3K19LOVlf ---
(Not Incorporated.) •
/ • tips] p')i'nts. Cheques, drafts and
mortgages cashed. Notes discounted. ' Amer-
ican currency & American bank drafts or
echegties bought or sold.
Interest allowed nn deposits from five dollars
and upwards at the rate of five per centum per
am• um. itT,,cre�tcLlettrr- An -,sent or villx„e
property at the lowest current rates•
A. McDUN31, D, M. l)., C. M. C P. S
Jet 'O. office, Kiutail.
Surgeon and .Accoucheur. Surgery op-
posite Cain's hotel.' Office hours front 9 to 12
A. m., and from to 5 P. m.
Fire insurance effected in first class stock
insu) ance companies o,lly.
We have one 200 acre, tree 100 , acre and
two 50 acre farms for sa.e cheap. Office
hours 10 a; m• to 4 p. m.
G. A. SIDDALL, Manager„,
T r• TT �T•p�• {�.�
s�tktti---ttnrl---�t.G,)UCheY12 4.41-rte--dext tWM tTrW1• •�G NS- TH y�-,-TOW `{ -{-..Ll
i 1 at .•1111.LJ a 1.� 11
• M.S., M O. Y.S.0► i liysician, Sur-
im )lement siw ). 'Residencepresent,
Ltickuuw Hotel•
It, either by inail or telegram promptly
,trey ided to. Charges moderate. Office, Cor-
igau's. hall. Boarding house, •Cain'. hotel.
0..J i.. 1.1. 0. G. lCinlough P, uz, Untarin.
`lJf ters, Solicitors, etc., 'h)derich, Ont.
T. G. GA uie,w, Q. C. Wu. l'RounrooT.
.4 law, Solicitor in Chancery,. Convey-
uncer, etc. Office, next door to ;11ure:hison's
jewellery store, Luckl)ow, Out, .
•i\1Oi'RiiIS0 V, . ATTORNEY AT
JUL** law, Solicitor in Chancery, .Commis •
sinner, C..nveyaucer, etc, Deice, over the
/barber abet'. from removing (travel from the land in.
question. c'The csefaii.dei_1_ts _
G(F-14E-RA L " the richt to the travel under a by-law
• .atoe, Fire & Amine,. Guelph, Ont.
< thuus'nd dollars to invest for .private
parties. at reasonable interests. .ELL1OT
In the CaSe of Rose vs West i4'awanosh.
At the Queen's.Bench Division, in
Tor?ntu last week, 'the cage of Ruse
against the 'Township of 'West Wa-
w»nnsh, was tri , or•
Justice Street,, and resulted, in favor of
the plaintiff with full costs. Judge
Mont in action tried at Goderich wiAt
out a jury on 1st,'Apr•il, 1890. The
plaintiff claimed to be the owner of the
lands in question under the will of his
father subject to the life estate of his
,nothei, Isabella Rose. The action
was brought to resteain the defendeiits
mortgages at'7 to 71; per cent. interest,
-payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply
to Ronreer AIURRAY, St. Helens., •
agent. . One way excursions to the North
West anal Paciti ; Coast. Full •information to
intendi'i °tr ,vellers'to any part of the world,
►r from 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for
sale in Oi,tario'as well as Manitoba. Parties
desirous to sell farms will consult their inter-
• este by iuspecting the.advertiaing facilities of
Sa)s' oilier in Great Britain and Irekand and
• continent of lands for sale. ANGUS STEWART,.
Land Valuator, Lucknow, Ontario.
Fire Insurance Company, board of
•directors meets for the trat eti )n of business
en- the first Tuesday each month. Parties
wishing to have their property insured in. this
increasingly popular Company, will by giving
notice, be :galls,] upon by • agent or• by, one
of tete Dir3ctors. •Busin ci.11s promptly
.attended tu. Office, Dungannon. J. M.
1tOEEa:TS, See'etary, Wer•. ANE, Treasurer.
passed by them, ostensibly under sec.
550, sub.sec. 8, of the Municipal Act,
R. S. O:, ch. 184 .The By-law provid-
ed that the pathmasters and other.
employees •of the corporation shall beauthorized and empowered to enter
n ny land. within the municipality
when necessary t, do Ai, save and ex-
cept orchards; gardens, and pleasure
r:,unds, and ' search for and
take away any timber, gravel,
stone or ;there; material necessary for
making and keeping. in repair any road -
or highway in the township, and pro-
viding that the right to enter upon
such land', as well as the •price or dam-
age to be paid to any person for such
timber or materials, Shall, if not agreed
upon by , the parties concerned, he
settled by arbitration, etc. Street J.,
Is of opinion that in passing the by-law
in this form, the crauticil did not carry
out what *as intended by the•Legis-
lature by the section referred toe that
what.ithe Legislature„ 'did intend was
that the council should, as•'necessity,
arose for their doing so; exercise the
right. to take gravel from any partieu-
ar parcel or parcels of :land., having
first declared, the necessity to.exist and
Lodge, No. 112
meets every Friday
evening at 8 o'clock
in their hall, Campbell street. All, brethren
..3ordiall•,� invite,]. 1i).'1'AYLOR, Noble Grand;, t
'k.l'n,EIN ELLIOT, Recorder. .' f
e;hosen and descriced the land from
which the parcel was to 'be taken by a
by-law ; that ••the by-law is tipiln its
ace illegal because it purports to cott-
er upon the officers •powers much
wider and more extensive than the
statue authorizes.; and that there is
nothing in sec. 338 of the Dl(unicipal
Act to prevent the plainti(Ffemu main-
taining -this action so far as it is based
upon a claim to restr.tiu further dam..
age. The tit, also denied the
plaintiff's. title to the land upon which
they.. claimed the right to. enter, and
this invt,lved the construction of the
will 'of lila father. Upon this the con-
clusion of the learned judge is that the
property of whisli•the testator intend-
ed to dispose was his town property,
'uated in the second connession of
est Wawanosh, upon which pr upon
rt of which h�,'i was living, and ,that
y further deseriptleTn inconsistent
til this 'consti'ur'tio'n should be re-
ted.lee, .therefore, holds that the
intiff is entitled under the will to a
vested remainder in fee, and by virtue
• Sherwu0J', Nu.
„ riO, Lucknow. Meet
r2)v• every hest and third
Monday in every
1 )11th, in the Odd -
fellows hall. Visit-
ing brethren a r e
cordially inviter]. A..
'{{"17-7---7,` , D.tviSON,
•••'.1.111D. 1). �.rel.i: SEC.
0.' ..1V I,UCKNOiV LODGE 011'
:cl_a t' .A teiout 1i)rder••Unite l Workmen,
meet int n Od,lfellows hall, or, the 'last and
second Monday evenings• of each month. at__
eight o'clock, Visiting brethren, cordially
invited. ,ton' PE,tit'r, Blaster Workman.
.A.:IICINT.YRE, Recorder.
_. • sit•
1 tote. Reading rot,m open every evening pa
from.6 to 1,0 ,..1n , excepting Saturdays, when
the lours will he from 2 tl 6 p, nt, The"
librarian will be in attendance during these wi
hours. D. i). YULE, Preident.' JAS. Semen jet
yr MAI, Secretary-.
._ pia
of that estate to• restrain the defend -
^S: ,f I:RUMi>i ?' T3 S ants from injurine 4iis inheritaucul by
,a •'+ Medians, will be in } taking away gravel and to the injuno-
Lu ow on the Second and i
tion asked. The defendants to ,pay
fourth Friday and 8athrday of each mo th,
the cor.9 of action. No enquiry as to
Having purchased a large amount of stock at
)r.'duced rnt,'d, I am prepared to make good damages. Grirrow, Q. 0., for the
sets of teeth. for $10 and the best .that are
mime for $12. Filling and extracting a epee -
J. S. J:mobm.
1!.ret MAIM t1,r,111�r)..IOYt.-- l 1.... • .'
OUR WATERWORKS. and the eight and six inch for the
principal street. •A steam pressure of
about _ 40 p r sruare
C1r '•t +"_.7"`...t. r,'atrx_rev�.r.,-�nes� *..._ .s - _�^`4•'• ess . - --- .. "
n.. ,_e -
gineer is a permanent) paid snag
It• -must have been a good deal of
whose sleeping quarters adjoin the At the recent examinatforr•nf' ao.
satisfaction to the advocates of the pumping houce. He is a mechanic, commissioned officers and men wi
and, I believe, . quite competent for have attended the Rivalr;yal School t
waterwork and the citizens of the vil-
h;s position. Infantry at London, we notice frog
lags m general to have such an able ,, The apparatus consists at present of the report "of the De.
and practical expert as Mr. Pell, of 1,300 feet of good hose, 1,000 of General, to Major Boyd, putt' a dj .
which is new, yd, co. Oat t
the Underwriters' Association, pass tapable of carrying
one large reel, says the Port Elgin . Time$, fiat tl. '
such high praise upon our system of P y g all the hose. The 3.nd has taken the highest stand t
lire protection, as that gentleman did order is given for two. lighter standard any regiment in the. district Peon
on protection,
lest. He thoroughly reels' acrd St h -reek• ancfladder truck,' .the twelve regiments in the distri.
,+ Y ex -and equipment will he procuredat the there were 30 non-commissiour
amined the whole construction of the earliest opportunity. Apparatus is officers and men attached to the schor
works, rks, puaYps, boiler, etc., and afterP
ke t in the first-class Town Hall, for a three month's
the firemen had .given hint an exhibi- course, thes
The fire company is volunteer, about thirty,' eight were 'from the
e 32nd t,
tion of its "squirting powers," he pro-
.• 55 strong, and officered . by a chief, over ,one-fourth of the whole. Of tie
pounced them fully satisfactory and captain, and firat and second lieuten- thirty attached only ten succeeded ii
Vi'a 'the ants. The force is divided into see. obtaining certificates and of , thi
expressed surprise that a
gtions of 15 cache:the first section bei -ng; . number six were -from he -32nd, -t-h -
size of Lur•know should -possess so the pick of the• brigade,' and the real other two had certificates and Weer
complete and extensive a -system of working force, the balance acting as simply attending to make therrlselve,
waterworks. He said he had exam_ reserve,. The fire company is really more perfect, so did not require th.
itoed a great many similar works, but composed of the business men and issue of an extra certificate. It wig •
e d had great seen apair of pumps that property holders of the village. Frac- slit's be seen th�.t•alt from the 32n:'
P P tices are held twice a week,'and from were successful, while only four of th,
worked with more ease and did their the work done at the fires which have remaining twenty from other rAgiment,
work better. He also spoke very a - occurred since the introduce".. , succeeded it
Tested and Pound Satisfactory by Engineer
Pell or
"a. erwor s, would This is certainlyan excellent showin,;
o • e manner in which thejudge that a good
seventeen hydrants were distributed pleasure of efficiency has been reached. • for the. 32nd and it may' be added fur
throughout the. village. While the The fire al'a'rm is given by the means the County of Bruce. It must be-yery
centre of the place was.atnply protect- of the Methodist church bell and the gratifying also to. the officers to know
ed from all sides, yet the outside' steam whistle at engine house, Keys
streets were. not overlook/ed, that their .every and exertions . overlook/ed, and there to the church are in the possession of trying. to keep the 32nd in the front ii.
is no butldin; of any great value in several 'gentlemen and: the caretaker rank are so. ahly seconded by, thos,
the 1 illage that cannot hereached by lives close to rho church. The bell is under their cointi,and. As the regia
two or ]eines se Ce',a,iis of water. He an excellent one • and if the pro o.,ed•
meat .goes into camp, this year sheet
said out -moths andother fir's appliances electric system is put in, wnrtldplrive young; ellen will prove of great assist
Were. 'fully ample to gleet all the , re -
a. most efit,ctive alarm. I consider ance and' with their fine band and
quirem(alts of the Association for .a that tlie.niethod of giving fire alarms bugle hand, and the additional new
class "D," and with the addition of a in Lucfairly �,know 'is ryood, comparin
g . clothini;, which has been. 'recently
Hit' watch r thea ill . • , ' .
ui_` ,• , 1;--t-lre✓—wiii et only Malts a fine
ratio, could be advanced to,clrts; ajori y o small
(places: appearance, but we feel sure will also.
By having the village placed -iii .even
class "D" e great saving of insurance
t rate -w
and W hielii willnmo a than compensate'
for the amount necessary to rape each.
year for the eoustruction of the works:
This reduction does not only apply to
buildings along the main street; hilt
to all places within' the waterworks
limits, .and as nearly every house in
the entire place Can ,be. reached; . the
whole village will undoubtedly parti-
cipate in the low rate of insurance.
Several parties have already received
a reduction in their insurance rates•,
and in no case -has the amount of re-
daction been less that' the extra • suis'
required to' raise .the taxes necessary
to meet the yearly expenditure for'the
Since the above was put in typ-swe.:
have. received the followi'tl, .from.
the Secretary of . the Underwriters'
Association : '
After a careful inspection andtest
of the• waterworks and fire appliances,I
of Lueknuw, I beg to report as follows:
The pumping en ;sines are of the
" Duplex direct -acting" • type and 'are
of a capacity sufficient to supply afeaur
:.'nod. fire. streatlis si,rnuitaneously.
The pumps, when. running to their
full capacity, wort: stiloothly and we'll,
and .are 'suh,tantial machines., The
boilerr is of ample'size, well set and
puinps and toiler are provided ' with
all necessary . appiiances to ensure
continuous working. .
The' water supply is taken from a
ponce, whieh is fed from a ntil.l dam,
and ig so arranged, that a scarcity of
water is nn unlikely: contingency. A
tank or well is under the engine house,
.below th,r.level of water in pond and
the pumps take water fiOU) this well.
Su . .
talon pipe is provided with
streamer, air overlt'w valve is • on
discharge pipe of putties and 1 find
everything has beep delete to Make
the pumping machinery efficient:
Engine house is offirst-class con-
Istructien, prat:ti,ally isolated. The
system of mains ,nil hydrants is .veru
comprehensive, covering nearly every
I,ltildin;'in the village and allowing, of
the concentration o.f two or. more
streams oti any building in the business
-I append a plan of village, showing
exact disposition of the mains and
hydrants. 43.'hero are 363 feet of 8
inch main„«,}037 feet of 6 inch main,
laid 5; "#Bet of 4 inch, with 17
plaintiff: M. 0• Gatneron (Goderiah) , atanda hPdrants. The 4 inch main
for the defendants, is useilfur threo,la'tsraI,( teiatione
There is ,'n() night watchman to
report• fires, but I am told that one is
to he appointee] in the near' future:.
The construction of Lucknow is
largely frame and no fire limit by-law
is in force. 1 aril afraid; that with a
favorable wind, a very destructive fire
might tike place, as there are several
;frame ranges of considerable, extent.
It • inayhe said, however, .that the
tendency is to erect first-class buildings
in future, and that the fire company
and appliall.ces have preyed most
efficient so far, f. would especially
draw attention to the 'excellence of
the waterworks, which may be referred
to as a model fir other villages to
follow, especially as' the whole plant
was completed at a ,cos.t of ah,:ut
.S4e,000, an ' extremely low cost for
.such an extensive system.
Alt of which is respectfully sub-
H. S. Pete, Inspector. •
Toronto, M Iy 5th, 1890.
--� ..._ 411.41111110.
h►sliiielJ. •
• Rev: A. Potter.,' Methodist i1'Iin'istee,
Dungannon, gave a very able and in-
structiveIectUr•e iii Zion church on
e.` Che ' ltetninisce►ses of the .Arnet•ican
Civil .,►1'ar",'last Friday evening. _
Tile following is stleestending in
order of rliel.ieof pupils of 8. 8. No.
>, in the April monthly review : Sen.
4th—li. Andrew,• W. J.' Webster, 1).
Smith, C .Gardner, E. Wilson. Jun.
-1t1.1=JL Anderson, G. Webster, .1V.
Gardner,. i '1't)olc, it. 'Webster Sen.
3rd—;11. Andrew, J. t\'ilson, A. Gard-
ner,. 13. ltitehie, S./Gardner. Jun. 3rd
—J, Rid., 41. Anclet•sof, A. Brown,
Webster. ,$en. Zed•—R. Webster,
I,. 'Hunter, J. hello, 11I. ,1. 1Vebster,
J. Sliroucl, . it. Gardner, E Gardner.
1 u rr..21141—E. ' Gard tier, 111. Wel,ster,
J1..(,rtr<iner, ,l ..l{;,i(l, ..'Vilson, 8.-
.W bster. f4en, Part TI—M. Brown,
1t. Bolster, C: Took, C. Webster.
Jun. fart 1- -,1. Wilson, J. Webster,
J. ilurtter, 1,. f}ahoclr. Sen. Part 1.
—J. 1 f shack, F. Anderson,. ,II. Reid.
Jun. Past I•-.':1'..Gardner; 11:.. 13arber,
8. Wilson, E:. Weitster, J. Hunter.
The a'erage attendance of pupils' for
the month was 48.
—It ha estimated tbat the next cen-
sus' will give C`attada a population of
between eight or nine million. Since
last census the population in Mutest
every city and town had greatly in-
oreased, while the ryral,aeetion are as
full es evetr,
take a first place among the regiments:
assembled' as. they have in the .past.
lolyrood-Mechanics' Institute.
The first of the monthly sumrnre
lectures, under . the auspices of this
Institute; was delivered on ' Tuerdae
evening, April, 29, by Mr. , A. Camp
bell, I. P. S,, .of Kincardine: The. -
.success of the season's course(, lec-
turesdepends very largely upon the
character of the opening cne, and in
this respect the ►ua:na.ers have every to be hopeful,•a:x'1blr. Campbell's
lecture was all that could t'e desired.
The subject of the lecture was' " The
growth of Science and the progress of
linoivledge.” After reviewing, in a
brief but comprehensive way, the lead-
ing inventions and showing their bear.
ing upon the progress and pre,sperity , '
of, humanity, the speaker weal, ore to
show the vast fields of research which
have been. opened up .by such inven-
ventions as the te'eseope and the, mic-
roseepe, the one ,making us feel • our
insig.liI Cance when looking at the mil
Bots c;f worlds which peopiespace, and ,
among which our world is as a grain of -
sand on the seashore, the other re-
deeming. all by showing us a world in
a drop of ,water peopled with its [nil -
lions of inhabitants. He, thea re-
viewed the lines of logia i„if the great
leen showing what tl et' have done for
us and pointing out our responsible to
.future genera:ionst and to the future'of '
our country, and showing the position
that country occupied anion; the'
nations, closing with'an-eloquent ap-
peal to use our hest energies for the •
advancement sold pInsperity.of our
nritionel land. The'whole lecture was
fill] c f Splendid• 1de(is a1111 well .calcu-
lated to lead to deeper thought and re-
search. It is iinpos.ible to do it jus-
tice in so brief a 'sketch as it must
have been • heard to the' 'appreciated.,
After the lecture the effit'ers of the
Institute were appointed; the old
officers being unanimeusly re-appoirit-
ed, viz Pres , 1Vm. Valens, Sec Treas.
John Purvi.q,
—A gs)od story is told of a minister
preaching in a neighboring pulpit by
exchange a week or so ago, who found
in. .. the Bible 4 note requesting the
prayera of the churr'h on behalf of •
"13ro. A., who has been deeply atili.ct ...
tui by the loss of his wife," and after
reudui; the note and- observing its
request, learne.l, to his consternation,
•Ihalt' it was a"year old,:and that the] •
brother prayed for was, present on that/
sabbath the.8rat time with a net: .