Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-02, Page 8ik uzs F • NOW POSTROFFIOE, urs8a.ms, to7p..m. TM..w. ,,• . 31L A+fPWEt 643, a' 4n. Daily' la d,c i urn LZ:tioph m ••• tura �• ...� 2 30lp.m`. ffr.t 1..North,- 3, 48p. tn. •gen.nedi to Ppit>,ts )9.00p. m. ki, tSc ,13• North . 10,34,p, n. 'i iiesda 1' Fridays .' Mares Ctnsi • 16•0b B.,SoS� B.,uuthtlr 9-3°P• tn., S & B. South 10.00a. w.. t, G.& B. Nardi 3.t0 n. ua• n bugh • l' g.144. ;J • �:s;•s^� � abet ti • u The Lucknow n'tineJ, Bruce County. Friday, May 2nd. Qntar>fo. Elect►'ons The- Ontario Legislature bas been dissolved and the nomination of can- didates` wi}1 take place on the 29th of . May, , and till: ele;;tiorr a eek later. PMT,1 fight will therefore• be short and sharp. Farm to Rent - 13eing lot. 29, con. 2, Kinloss, coh- taining 100 acres, 80 acres are cleared, Iwith good brick house • and good out buildings, well watered. Fur GEO. GAUNT, Whitechurch, Ont. A Coming Treat A great musical and, literary treat is in store for our citizens on Thursday evening, May Ith, when Miss Jean G. M urray, assisted by heti class of thirty well .trained pupils,, will give nL grand. entertainment in the Temperance Hall. The programme includes vocal solos, duets, recitations and _musical Seriously 111'1 Our readers., will ,regret to learn that Mrs. Savage, wife of Mr. John Savagh and ;u7:ot`lier of Mrs. G. W. Berry,, ; is at present in a very low condition from inframation of the lungs;., and that but slight hopes are entertained for her recovery. tago,aed' g' 'kinxt j 1& dS,att .X614- Thosi H,; • Treleaven. while WiOrRiing; inn + Mitehell's roller -mill on $lu>tiday last received a severe cut on • ; 14tike•fis,pk of his _lett hand by coming i3lacogtact w:ith.a circular saw. • 'tie Fa1l' Wheat "Fhe fall wheat- throughout this •sigctitgil,.,is, ,looking exceedingly' well atipl liaises an abundant hat vest. Thl ,ws,rap rain during the past week lies ,;greatly. ' improved its ,prospects. rt Sehioustbss Mr. Donald Clark, of Huron town- ship,, met with a serious financial loss last, week l'by the death' of his fine imported :!Clydesdale mare' and foal. She was a: valuable aniinal',and, Mr. Clark recently said. a ,00lt from., her fo • ,,, . QQ . Old Cure The following receipt is' copied out • of an almanac dated 1600 : ''°4, cure for -blight in potatoes Cut potatoes. • - in two, put them in strong sa] t and • water, add some Bluestone to the water, let them lie in it over : night, ' then lay them' to dry two or three. days before you plant them: Thanks and' Cusses Ata exchange makesstraight,hit . when it ssaa,ys that t .A e. ierr-of a coun- try newspaper will grant more favors for thanks in a- month than any other business man in a year. It is also a well-established, fact, that he will te- oeivemore all round "cussings—" in a week than any, other man in a life tame. • Luplen.uw-Rbflbr, Mill and Grocery A:aiy pen ;cans wishing, to patronize ',the..above mill. can procure. the flour _,t$$.feEld at4heamill ort' groeery. The best f1 ur at thedowesthpriie and any' persc buying a 'lot for. their own use and 'Kaye it at wholesale prices. No other -shop in town sells my flour.—. 'Cleo Kerr. ,Meeting .in Li'ucknow A public •. meeting of the electors wilii be held in the town hall here on Tuesday, evening. next, the 6th' inst , whelps Dir:. H. P' O'Connor, of Walker- • ton, the• nominee of the Reform Con- vention.; and Mr. A. 13: McCallum, of Toronto, will address the electors in behalf. of the Mowat Administration. It is also expected that Dr. Tennant, the Conservative standard bearer will he present and addrest the meeting. 'Let there be a- large turnout. of the. •electors. - 1 _ Mysterious Fire9 Lucknow has a -new system ,c,f watervvorkst ` and on Sunday night ro last: a fire was " m 'steriously"' started one • of their, principal blocks. These " mysterious" fires are• apt to follow; the introduction of 'improved systems of tire pratectior►. We had. a siege of them' here -in Listowel- -When We, first bought our steamer, and again when we put in the'waterworks. There are restless.• spirits in every town, vaho are never satisfied till they give a new thing a`. practical • trial. Other towns, %Viarton for example, have had' the same experience.—Lis- towed Banner. , 1nspeoting No, 3. Major. Boyd, of Port Elgin. who is now in command of the 32nd Bruce Battalion, was in. the village on Tues- day, inspecting the armory and ac- coutrements of No. 3 Company and find • it in iiist-class condition„ andin the course of his remarks, the Maipr plaid a high tribute to Mr. J. N. floss for the neat and tidy way in which the stores were^,.,l ept Lieutenant 1-1: i Mornison intentjs snaking our company eeeondi tea. none in, the catnp this year, and' he: is, puttVingl the glen through thein drill{ on, Tuesday. and Friday t evening¢ , aft .each 'week in the town u fall, and • rties wishing to. join the 'jtl OOmUanr. e1 a•ped a 11 on the. L,►ieuteilt- �..._ _44 rum .present -indications the pros- pects are that a very large fruit. crop will be gathered this year.. It is as yetearly in the season, but the trees are very full df bldom buds, and in fact never gave better promises at this season of the year. Card of Than KS I have much pleasure in thanking the North British and Mercantile and' lie ore nsurance . ompanres fur their promptness. in paying loss I sustained by the late fire on my premises. Thanks also' to Mr. R. Cuiiningl►am, of Guelph,. their agent, with whom if you insure, you , will always fin d your policy correct, W. 'Uonnelli -Mec-h mics' Institute— • The annual meetinceof•the direetors and-inenibers of the Mechanics Insti- tute for the election. ofofflcersand other important business will, be held in the. reading.. room on Monday evening next, 5th inst.;_at eight o'clock.. It is also: desirable that all friends of the Institute wh—r tion of -books, etc.,' to de so at this meeting. Pay Cash An exchange, in writing en the/Jong credit system, 'pertinently says : Pay cash for what you get and you. will get. .it' cheaper. When you buy . on credit you have to pay not only -your own debt but all the bad debts of your merchant.. I -1e tells you frankly that 'if he did'not lose so much he could sell cheaper to you. By the credit s stem the retail merchant is forced to buy on credit, the • jobber.must'do the same, and the wholesale merchant the same. \AYF TIIE EARTH ! I • ..._--BLTT r` C340.1.2. ilIVIMSIMPAANY " of ,club -swinging will be given by a company - of six young, ladies in hand- some costumes. The popular Seafort•h Quarette Club, composed of profes- sional singers, will also take part, and sing several selections. The pompany is one of the best in the Province and has received flattering press notices wherever they have appeared. Two acting tableaux will be given at the -close-of-ea-eh -part'nf-"the programme, the firs't by "Canadian sports," truly represented in appropriate costuuues, and the second '►Tenting,on the old camp ground," introducing a company in full uniform. This entertainment will undoubtedly be the finest ever given in the village,.'and Miss Murray• should be.., greeted by a vtry lard house. .The splendid brass band of the Lucknow Fire Brigade will also' be in attendance. -If you want bargains in boots- and shoes, call at W. J..Little's. The Relief of Lucknow ' A great many people living in' this ern s, so .en one particular thing that° they. ,lose sight of a great many of the real. objects of life. With many there, is a laudable desire to lay by -something for a rainy day to be enjoyed in the retirement of old age, but in the struggle, though successful, they have become prema- turely old, their health is undermined, and instead of expected pleasure, they are attended by those. ills"that make men miserable. • Our belief then • is that they live best who give all' their abilities, physical, mental, mot•al and social an equal chance to develop,. it will preserve youth, maintain a green ,old age,. anti makes life worth living. " All work and no 'play makes. Jack a dull boy." In this connection it may be well to Mention that the'Lucknow Fire Brigade are busily preparing to give us., an enjoyable outing 'on, the Queen's natal day. To be in keeping' with .the occasion it is intended to hold, a grand military review and sham bettle,'particulars of which will appear on the• bills. This` will be made a�special' feature''of undoubted success, as no better ground's', for the display can be found in Canada. Our citizens and neighbor's are invited to forget for a' time the 1ivorries and cares of business and enjoy: the day. We promise that such a rest will be like a new lease of life to many. Live as you go.- ,-Remember. a,iso thin there will be a..higl'r class concert in the evening. -=A large stock of ,pen's plow boots at .W. J. Little'o, at. lowest prices.. _. • —To -day ,(Frith,) is the day set apart. by the Minister of Eclucation as a tree planting 'day for all school's. Illegal Fishing' • We heard down street - the other day ,that a certain "local sport," who is old enough to know better, has been guiltily taking trout out of 'season at, the creek near the oat meal mill. The ,law 'says that speckled trout, brook trout,. rover trout,. shall not be' caught 'between lith Septeinber and the Ist`of May.. •Bass and maskinonge shall not be, caught between 15th of April and 15th of • June. Pickerel shall not be caught between 15th of April and 15th of May. , . Arbor Dayan Interesting Day' The Minister of Education • says : 'Arbor Day has now become one'of the most interesting days 'of the year. In. 18^5, 38,940; in 18,86, 34,087 ; in 1887, 28,057 ; and in'1888, 25,714 trees were planted. In a very few years every rural section in 'the pro- vince will Have its pleasant, :shrilly bower- -Where the pupils can 'find shelter from the scorching sun during the summer months, and -where their' taste for the beautiful in nature will find th.e:same •gratiafication. Church Opening . The opening services of the hand- some new Presbyterian church in this village will take place on Sunday, May 1'ltli, when sermons both morning and evening, will be delivered by the Rev. Dr. McLaren, of Knox College, .Toronto. On the following Monday • evening I)r. Mcaren will also deliver a lecture in the church. The opening services will be continued on May 18th, when Rev. J. Janies,'D. D., of Walkerton, will preach morning and evening. A numoer of the neigh- boring ministers will be present., Appropriate .music by the choir. Collections at all the meetings will be for the building fund. All are heartily invited to attend. Queen's Birthday On the strength of a numerously signed regpisition the Reeve has. proclaimed Monday, May.26th, to be a public holiday for the celebration of Her Majesty's birthday: This has been done in order that the 'regular Saturday's business may not - be nterfered with, and also to be neigh- borly with towns holding their eob- bration' on Satthrday. In addition it' will enablraour celebration committee o.secure special' attractiiins otherwise nattainable. . the' indications are int we will have this year the 'best "p Mai+ ce.no�lebration knnowIn the. thstory Tiui tariff changes recommended by the committee on ways and means in the ' United States Coegres4 a few weeks ago, are likely to lcotne law' Without any material mod if cations. Though in framing this bill, the effect .it would have upon Canada was most like],{{{� never taken into account, yet that ballad -A -will be affected" by. 'it, acid that most seriously, is a {matter quite et•ident. The United 5 ates supplies: the market for. •most of that which Canada has to seil`yeaad it is> estimated •that at least 80 per cent, of. whatever duty the Americans impose, Canada has to pay. For instance. the pro- posed duty cin .eggs is five cents-- a dozen and of this, sum. according to the' above calculattion, the people of Canada pays 4cents and the people of' the United States -one cent. The leluty on cattle is to be $10 a head; which simply means that ,the Canadian farmer will have; to take $8 a head loss for his cattle''than he would have todo wore there'po duty. And so we might go on through tab whole list. Canada is largely, far t'scatlb purposes, at the ,mercy of the. United States, and the higher the duty which the eople of that, country impose on tCaPir ?mports, , tlse:.groator_..rthe. ids lo`Uiii ds, MO OBI • WAN A Uf VI NG. 9/ t- AMS-CIDI fx TO HAVE rr rbf: LUC E NOW,- TOO, AND I"IIEREUY. announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country, that any PER i .! t ORr.- PER 0/' �' �./ `.�$� •-4., corning o me aving telt TEETH ee out, t at wi l put in two sets of tett a, T` - i -P f At -Y A -I -PE TEETH ARE or— .for the price of one set; $15, made of the very best material in the world. use no rubber taut C. ASH{& SONS, Lon;on, England.• The teeth will be. C. Ash Si Sons, and S. S. White's, 'conceded by all who. are in tine business to be • Those firms have their names on their goods, and the people can see what they" are getting, and as I use nothing but the hest material, 1 will gugaranttte'sat-' isfaetian to all reasnnatile people, the unreasonable .and there are a few I can always Le found•at Dr.•M•eCritnmou's office,. Lucknow. D. PAT. '' i$O ', unw9 Leading Photographer Je- :S'i IftINGE l _ Is. as usual ahead in the finest styles and positions for photo;. CABINET PHOTOS, Finest retouched and/ burnished., $1.60 to $3 per doz. Caxds $1 to $2 per doz. A'MBROTYPES MADE TO PERFECTION e I -Ie also keeps a large stock stock of spectacles, t;special,y- the well-known ' l ‘t - and also deals in Be' ]Keepers.' supplies, books, .station.ery, .albums, frarlaes and fancy goods. - Remember the studio, B. L, Johnston's old sta. d. Next door to lteid's• bakery. DRES►J6.00 US THE L'UCKNOW BANKING COMPANY- (Not I nco►porccted ) GOODS MR. CEO. Q'IAIR PROPRIETOR DRESS GOODS. Lucknow, Jan. 2nd, 1880,. MONEY To LOA, IIS,. DRAFTS ISSUED Or ALIS Iikl- portstint points. Cheques, drums and .mortgages cashed. Notes discounted. Arno loan, currency & 'American drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Ssvinws Bank dep.,sita according to agreement. 1Iections, tiotes. or accounts will receive pronr t attention. Fire or life insurance ted in stock o.' {Mutual Companies. We represent several'first'class Lnan Corr panies and can effect mortgage longs to suit borrowers o,► best terms on either village 'or. farm property. Office l0 a. in, to 4 p. n,. G. A. SIDDALL, Manager,'. • POPULARPRICES. Leading shades in 1ltienriettas. Fonlaiis, Cashmeres. &c. Trimmings to match, in LACES+, BRAIDS, PASSSAMENTERIES,. AND RIBBONS; Spring &. Summer. Millin9ry. FEATHERS, FLCW.ERS4 LACES; RIBBONS. NM; FIRE! FIRE! Insure yout farm property, private dwelling, in the old, •reliable, the 'LONDON MUTUAL —1 AD1"IAL90 AGENT FOE,L_ • n^ CITY MUTUAL l AND CITIZENS.`. ii -' - 0 I'Ofice,---A. ROSS harness sp. Lue knevr. 1tilt-MeltetiYtris* ry Surdiife5aon. , ae.. Grant. Agent; Einekii ,