HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-02, Page 1A s pL XII, --18 nth r' Buick LUCKNOW ' ONTARIO, , FRIDAY1 MAT 21 ' 1890 REFORM RALLY. Asli.fiehL Farmers are 1 -- H- LL -NO -850. Culross Mutual Fire insurance The Price of School BOOKS ,g e e ec ion o 11886 so it grill he during the present' campaign the opponeuts of the Mow go vernrxtent will misrepresent auti falsify the record. They will be cog ct«ed from time ttr tine,but that rake no difference, as t:{ey witr persis eptly misrepresent utftil after • the ballots are counted. Thee*LiberiiI • elector, the free and iud _pendene ele tor, will 'snot be ciWeived, They • each and all will investigate the, • , • charges made, and the- closer the investigation 'the more easi'ly Ail the accusations of'the enemy be c¢tnhaterl, block, north•eatt corner of Uutrau► stud Campbell Sts., Lueknow, —BY -- JAMES BRYAN, EDITOR & PUBLISHER. 5V.ASTIIR1.PTION PRICE 41.00 PEIt ' YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL lilNi)S,4»' 70B : PRINTING �i EccrrI:7► 7F1T8r NF.ITNESS aS ift4ESi":a MEDICAL A. Mcl)t)NA.I.l.), M. 1)., C. 1'I. C. P. S • 0. oilier, Kintail. "frh R. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN, II Siirgenr, and Ple.POilcilcur. Surgery ,'1,- ,>o,,r; 1,:•tul s h tet. Utfi.:e hours. fruw J t,> 1:3 u. nl.,, aria frotn 2 to,ri'p. lu. out't Brace Again ae1ert f`tt popnna ._... .._. e,..... 1N�r Itep- reseut►tive to Carry the •Runner. The convention to select a candiiate t�, support the Reform government of Mr. Mowat for tile South Riding of 13ru+•e int at Formosa on Tuesday last. There ,vele present alrn t one hundred anti fifty electors, made ,up of litany of the most prominent rn itr--t-Ite--lti•d4rrg;-- hes ides--- 1;—•ew"fr- ueighltoring constitnerenes. The pr dent . of the convention, Mr. Carter, of Teeswater, took the choir al,out two o'clo l.., Iu• the abeenee of Mr: J. Steven;, of the Walkerton Telescope, Secretary of the Associution, who was una e to atteuc owing to a very severe illness, • Mr. D. •Sullivan, of Brant, seconded by 1Vlr. Peter Curri gala, of llolyrood, in ved that r, !'alters Mr, Campbell, of Luckttow, aet as aecre,tary.—. Carried. Credentials of d.:legates then beii►'r called fu • Iodise lug names were handed in ► p oug ng.' The roads have dried up these last few days, owing to the north winds and hot sun, The fall wheat on light soil looks very well, but on heavy cloy land the winter frosts hat e (leaved some of it MU. The literary society' in eonneetioe with school No. 5, has closed its meet en ' ings. On the et hole the meetings were gin every -eel atti•i►dt ;, est- The contract for repairing our Pub - lie School bus been given to E. C. Johnston. Robert* Farris is at • present home from Woodstock, where he has been engaged for some months past: Thai Vc"U. COULON,.11.1)., (' M., F.T. s - _ALS , Ill l_'.1'.S.t l., Physician-, . Sur- • ti,nd Accoucheur. ('tla.e in xi; uuur t., 'V. w\Ill simp!,,ruetit shop. 1lebideuee at presence, ytuw ►_ •at 1. R. 1). (.ET)t)ES, V. S., ta1,I.c4 either he mail or tele;;raul 1,r twptiy ttteurlt:tl to. (;.tai•tfes.in' detate. 0fl11je. Uor- rit;>tu's h.tlt, Bjardiug house. Cant's ti LI ['MON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, 0* in H. C. G. Kittl,>ugh 1 . u., Untari•,, `t ARROW & PRUUI)tiOO'I'•, BA-RR1S- .1Jf tors, S tltcitors, etc., 1- tlerieh, Out: "L'. G. UAltltew,' (,),, C: 1Vx. 1•Ruu logos. L1.IO'I'• TB, A.Vlal, AT'1'UltNEY A'l' law, Solicitor iu Chancery, C,» tvey etc. Office, next' door, to '.lJ.urchisun's ,jewellers store, 1.uckunw, Out, ' MOIL 1 ISfNT-, AT'1'URNEY AT • 14.w, soltcitpr'in Chancery, O to rn s- ▪ i�1ei, rsryveyau�ei, et7; 1)1ii:e,•aver tha • barber shop. GENE3 AL $) op t"UNNINGIIJtM INSUR ance, Fire t'tt !gothic, Guelph, Ont. lZONEY '1'O LOAN! I HAVE A I� E W thuussud dollars to invest for private parties. at reasonable interests. ELLIOT �'RA V ERS . ONEY TO 1,.QAN'! ON FIRST-CLASS 1i1 . InortSage,i at 7 to 74 per csnt. interest, p yaute yearly. Charges niuderate, Apply, to ltoilarit•r MURRAY, St. Helens. TUH1V MJ1ii111SON, (:. P. It 'IICK,.T •J agent. Ono way excursions to the North 1Vestacrd Paciti': Coast. Full information- to intending traveller* to any part of the world, ivroNEY'I'U LOAN ! AT 6 PER CENT �' frtim 2 to 2( years. Lists of farms for sale in O,:tario•as well as Manitoba. Parties desirous to sell • farms will consult their inter- ecti by inspecting the advertising facilities of 5u )s-ribor in Great Britain and Ire.and and s.ontineyt of lauds for sale. ANGus STEWWART,. Land Valuator, Lackuow, Ontario. - .__ -EST �WAWAN+)SII MUTUAi4 V ' Fire Insurance Ctompany, board .of directors Meets fur the transacti 011 nt b.usiness 1 •'n .the first 'Tuesday each month. Parti••s a • wieldee to have their property -insured in this rr1r increasingly p.vilar Company, will by giving notice, be eallel upon by an agent or by • one tt of .toe Directors, Business• e•dls' • •pY'unrptly a uttenr)et t". Office, Dungannon, ,T, M. ti lt')B;.it Secretary, WN. LANE; 'Treasurer• rt ir..ari���a,e t SOCIETIES ri TUCI(NU W of 4 L'odg•e, No. 112 f t Meets every friday evening at 8 o'clock ;oi in their hill, Campbell. street. All bruterert a a;ortlially invited. 1) TAYLOtt, Noble Urand ; tit • Juus ELLLOT, Roc trder. Luck: toiv, Mese"rs. Joules Bryan, J 01 G. 111urtloh: It and Angus McQuai Councillors'; U, McDonald, lettere Cutinele Jas. 13. 1-lutiter at 'Welter Campbell. Kiuio,s, Pet Corrtg .n, W ui. • 'yule is, Peter 111 Kenzie,' Julie Nicholl, John Pary and Jas. McLeod. Teeswater, .1't Little, J. K. McLean, Dr.. Stewar A. G. S'tew•at't ant John Farquharso .Walkerton, 01. Thompson, Tho Hunte, L, Pu•sell, (hove Watd,_Joh Bruce, 11. Cryderutan, It. Il: Mehr► Sang ee:i, 11, Truax, Geo. ltife uric 13: Ritchie. Ban', D. Sullivan; Ca tain Finlay, Andrew Rowand, J. 13 T'4.uudy, Geo. Custer,,, Wm.' Die Andrew Waechter, John S. D1cQhie Ahearn Rowand, Win. Little, M. Mc Nivea and A. Rae. Culross, A Shoemaker, Wru. Pringle, Geo, A, Pringle, S: Sea'ui,an•, J; Anster, Joh Gordon and George Little. Carrick John Wilton, Thos. Ineles M. Kinkle Robt. McPhailtu Goetz,, John lien derson,;J. W: Parsell and '1'lios.•Ito roe The presiden'then asked fur' turnips lions, when .l1r•. Andrew Waechttr of Brant, nominated., seconded by Peter Corrigan, of Kinloss, in an able peech, Mr.• 11. 'P. O'Connor, our lave tuber, as the standard 'bearer • for South 'Bruce. The nomination wee •eceiveel vitli :applause and cheers, he whole crowd rising to their feel, peering again and. again. The chair - tan waited some time for other noiri- natiens,:.bu't bone coming forward he nn'ouriccd D1r. 'O'Connor, the unani- nous' choice of the conventio)i, wh.ch •as received with another outhairst'of uplause. D1r. O'Connor thee ad reseed 'the electors present, heartily, banking them for the 'honor conferred pun bait and dealing• with the .Sep - rate School que:,tiot►. In the course' Itis remarks Dir. • O'Connor' was .equetttiy applauded. Mr. McCallum, to of tete l;/ohm representatives and native of the county of Bruce, ad- •essed the Meeting, in a retain.. 111 r; td t: t• a 11, t,• 11 S. u . P - • r, 1, • n c, Lochalsh. Seeding' is the .principal occupation" • .of the people of this locality in general, but 'getting. married in particular, as several cases of the latter take plane eve -Ty week. They are too numerous to enumerate. . The .boys of. Lochalsh have' organized h their base ball club and purpose ,t%.- ing a series of Iietelles that were left undecided last year. / Tl: e I. O. G. T. have •changttd their eights of meeting for the, suntnter mullahs, from Thursday to•Dluudny• of every. second weele. D. G; M(213cttn,.our popular. tailor, is very busy at present, so much so that an assistanttuiloress is at 'work for him. The wheat in this vicit,ity is looking fairly well,_but the st v�ere front at nits -. is testing its fast green color. It is now air asserted fact that the joint tit ck ;;gist mill is goits ahead, -1 there being five thousand/1%a, h'undretl dollars on the, stock book, and�t'l1Hre is no doubt but, what the building wiJ1 he in, the course of erect•iotl in a few weeks. , Te the Editor of the iSauiinel-: • Teeswater, April, 26,'90h DEAR SIR.—I am instructed by my directors (several of whom speak very favorably of your paper) to ' forward you a.copy of the minutes of our last meeting, with a humble request to have such published in the SENTINEJ which is, 1 believe, read by wany of our menihers.-. I sur yours truly Alex. Adamson, Seo'y..' Directors met in the town hall, Teeswater. Members all , present President in the chair.. The 'minute of .previous meeting, were read an ,adopted. Mr.. Reid moved, seeond -leyIsle r�!ar-liet;ha-t all-ap -rcatiorrs--fil insurrinse be laid on the table for in spection.—Carried. Arm,trong,lieid, that. ha. lit amined eight applicatiotra an• dtitl�"i them satisfactory, the President• and Secretary shall prepare and issue poli cies for same.—Carried.• s Take the Ontario readers, ..ackatotte • d 1 lednsd by educationists and hook' -- ed ublishers to be equal to the best in .he world. These-ma/le, -are sold=a.-t aa - 131 cents per bundled pages, while the Amerigan readers range in price from .19ih..cen.ts "to -24f per hundred pages. ' In the contract with the pub• - d lishers of echool Looks a elau'Re. was• • inserted. which enabled the depart. - nient of education to call for an b' :under oath, ' of• the production 'el the '.books, and to lower the prices if the • profias were excessive; A year ago itch arbitration yes held with'Richard' Brown, bookbinder, Jernes.Bain; public' •librarian, and E+l,ward Morgan; judge• of the county: of York, a's' ai titr'Atorse These gentlemen were impartial, and' only a•f�w years ago the judge was toe active Conservative politicia n. The' Only redaction which could be' n)atiig• was in the price of dravai,Iig boot sr which were reduced ti•om ten to. sial -ciente pe copy: • • Ie work• of tire• ii arbitrators was thorough, as the cost!' of all the school books was taken hitt:), consideration; In •sulnmin; up the• arbitrators say': "An exemi.natiore into the prices charged in the United" States, for echool books of a kind' *tiniest identical with those forming: the subject of ..this reference hire satlstfed" us, that the prices of Canadia(1, school books are far below the prices obtained in the United .Mates; a dl that • the ed'ucati•,n dentrtment• of Oleario has exercised extreme--eaare•iir (teeing with each book; as -to the retai•lI price thereof so 'that the•puhlic. have' obfained•the hooks at lower•'ltrrices thesis could' hare been obtained 'render any other. system t'lian the system• nf. authorization now • adopted:. °byt- •.ttlai�' • department, and this system while it fully protects the public eppeers to be reasonably fair to thepublishe•e Tho• pul)tic wi}l.lae glad to.leain••that at the present time the •rovertrrment has •oltly: one authorized text book; ih eaclj' subject, so' than neither teachers or trustees can ina•ke •changes,, which it}: times past have been harassing. e ecretary then read a letter .from Professor 'Shaw of Guelph, as follows : "I would • like to call the utteutioo of farmers tan experiment that is now being tried at .our barns Isere, which will 'save t housands: of dol- lars to the farmers of the country when introduced:' I refer. to an . apparatus which enables threshing to be success fully done with a steam engine stand - Mg at any ,distance away from the barn up to 30J feet or more if 'desired, and at any angle that may be wisheelha The` o n lyeesee a--dea i ses a r -e ---a• 'k p l eeede -t .the desired distance front 'the .barn door,. 'and in the case. of a very lou c rive a carrier near the centre of th The Dari Continent . By concert.of action, preparations 'for the publication of this gleate work were begun iturueiliately after Mr. Stanley's departure for the relief of '' .Penni Bey, in June, 1887.. The i}lus- trahions were made from photographs turd sketches so . Jessto insure accuracy and present the people and scenery of Africa just as they exist. The opening t chapters and historical portions were t put intype, Stanley's brilliant advance p and heroic returii were followed step ti by step; acts, scenes anal incidents D were collected and, put in shape; every la report, as it.•reaehed us from the ti gallant explorer, was treasured and t placed in •ardor, so that.within a few ti days after his arrival at Zanzibar, our p special agents were enabled to coot-' et utuni'c;t.te t,.)•us the inform tion neves- T sary to round up, and tiuish the entire work, making at the grandest, most t beautiful, c�.tuplcte end authentic: hook to of discoveries, startling adventure and eo marvellous wonders that the world has th ever seen. to t,, v�V y�-.l �1 0.'F•, COURT' 1p ' t, 1 '`(/ Si,urwoo.t., No. GO, Lutknow, . Meets ., every last. and third ai Monday in every W mont!i, in the Odd - fellows hall: Vt.it- ° ing brethren a r e cordially invited. T. I ' �IATTgIE, C. It. ;' 111). D. Yur.ic SEc, each. The meeting was also addressed y Peter McKertzit+, John. Nicholl and W tn.. Valens.,.Qf Kinloss; Jas, Bryan ick J. (.x..11 urdoch, of Lucknaw and . R. 'Truax, of Walkerton. A vote f confideeee hi the Mowal, 1Govern- tnent haying heen passed, . the most enthusiastic cotveution, ever held' in South 13ruce broke up amidst cheers for the Queen, Mowat and -O'Connor. U. U. W. LLTOICSNO\V L0DG1+. OF • the Ancient Order United Wolku.en, meet in the Odrifellows hall, on the. last and second Monday evening,' of each month at .eight o'clock. Viaitint; brethren• cordially invited. JOHNPRAtt't', Master Workman. A. McttirYnE, Recorder. JUC KNOW M1%CRANICS' INSTI• .I tute.-- Reading rot.m open every evening ' from 6 to 10 p m., excepting Saturdays, When 'the hours will, he front 2 ti i p, nt. The librarian will be in attendance during these It ,a►rs. I). 1). YULk, President. Jas. SoitEn Viir.L, Secretary. ' -DENTAL s..rEntail?, I.. D. Si, 0.1 • Winghatn, will be lar Luc►cnow stn, the second eis4 fot,rttl _ei1d`ay and Saturday of each moat&. Having purchased a large amount of steal at reduced. rates, 1 ani prepared to make• gocid seta Of•teetth for $ O *rid the beat test are ,.-ssei. selon.$12e- r i11inreand,extractir . ,a e • J. S. Jistto>rll. �'' Its lieniI k City Owing, to the . fine weather the fanners are `busy seeding. • Mr, and Mrs. I.1,,ugh Mbintosh leave settled down in their new borne 'in Hemlock City. We wish Mena long life artd prosperity. Several friends from the vicinity of Appin are visiting et, Mr. DO Mc - I n tyre's. For the past three weeks Mr..Peter ] ttyre has been painfully su(Tering intetrial growth of an atis,ress ' ' •`he skilful treatment of torts '+<. '�-'• • ..mon, of Kincardine, M. McA-ot ald, of 11<i-ntaii, with t„'1V•,, , 0p .its -nine . _ ve-a .a ,, ,. g .�- �' lad `te hu doe .and _M to report that he is recoiering. g drive to, support the endless,' rope .vhich rugs front' tire' engine to the jack. This apparatus has been run- ning here fir several 'afternoons with complete success. ..Our engineer i►i- •farries pie that the power required ie considers bly Tess than when -the engine is stationery in the engine' house. This is owing to the.factthat less',g:ar- iu; requires to be used with. the. ap- parat-u-s• • placed as described. A fur- ther trial will he' made -df it at the barn .here on the afternoon of Dltnld-ay 24:h inst., 'whoa we will test it threslrieg Peas, and•. tlhe•jnck wili then lie placed in a posi,ion where it would be im- possible to work an ordinary steam liresher. I may also mention that his invention is not covered • by any atent, althhugh 1 consider it to I.te rte of Ill wense lemetit t', .farmers, urine, recent yeers thousands -of dol- ts have been 1 .st to the ' fartners of lis ;'OUtttry through tires arising from he use steam threshers, itisowui,h that le Legislature has heen asked to•com- el parties by en tet sent to. place their ,;size at least 100 feet from the barn. he introduction solves the -eh de lliculty. 1. was asked Ivy the ini•eu- o.rs • to consent that they. be' all wed give it a trial here, a:td `l alp, so evinced el' its utility and succi ss,� at ,1 feel it tny d uty to let t he - fin - ere ,lf the country !,now in regard it. • Tizo3IAs .SIIaw. Little—Mcingue, that Professor aw's' letter be inserted in the min. es, --Carried. Clark—Little, the Treasurer deposit the Halnilttori Banke Wingharn, ' to credit of the Cotnpany whatever money he has on baud.—Carried`. An intimation from Mrs. M. J Taylor that sheintends tnak,ing.tiepairs en her buildings having ltethi brought itt. Reid.--)E*rmstrong, that the Direc- tors give consent to such rw,pairs.being done, provided all duetprt,cautions are used to prevent tire while acrid 'repaint; are in progress. --Carried • The opening chapters, embrace the, to ancient 'history. of Africa, ,, and • the earlier exp.lotatious, also an account' of Sit tli .remarkable superstitions and .Li/ legends that prevailed about the Dark Continent' for , so. meaty centuries, in atnon; what %%ere considered etvilized th orations, and w hick frightened even the -most hoe dr spirits away frsur its shores. E eh event and exploration follows in • regutir order, so that the reader obtains a complete and connected- his- tory of the entire subject.. Thisis one of the most valuable features of this sp.enrdid work. R. GRAHAM, A..;ent,-Lucknow. Again :t Candidate. At a special meeting of the leading Conservatives of East Huron, held on Wednesday of last week, at tht Queen's Hotel, Wiughaut, A. H. M isgreve, of Whiteclureh, withdrew his resignation and iiio►rc3e more in the field in East Junin in oppositton•tt► Thos. Gilson, M. P. P. Mr. Musgrove's throat . is• eom®what better. Robt. 13irrioinghatn• party :•.t rg nizery =was- abwrsir the tx>tat'rt= logs •• ,:\ .4* t. • ll McKague-•-etrmstrtmg, • that' this Board 'do now nt ,,orti to errant.` trgetin in Teeswater towit'hall on the last Saturday in May at 2 o'clock p. Carried. ' Alex. Adam -on, Secretary. S'OI3ntls in' the Counntri.ir The warm bre,tth,.af Npring �s 1)eit . wafted•, over the hills and , clown' through the valleys and the bright sunshine• is• warwiitg the bosom of die cold earth Old seeding the life blend pulsing throu'h the veins of the.trees; and the plants and the growing ;;rain, • Jere and .there the flowers are ahowine their tender little faces, aril „on all sides a •e visible. the signs of•r•eturning summer,. Nature has- taken a Treyleiter of:life, and the birds are singing their slings of jetieus welcome to thee - budding treest 1 It, lilacs -Will soon be ready to shad' their feagrattee on the air and as the farmer • wilnds his way a.eros, the fields 1►e mole a trental calculation of the number of bushels Of wheat that he is likely. to .get per acre. The sou•ndki of e wit•ry lift are, very different- fano tltotre'• •of the busy eentree of •tet}'clet �Pe• 'Meeting, of the l;;rnibs, •.tilt, liozeteg• of the 'butnb}e' bees, the lowing of the kine, .the tirdele of the' bell on the wether • or the harsher 8C WI of the cow hell; • the crowing of the roosters and the , Clucking of•the hens, the watch dogs. honeat bark, the chirping of the chip- iunks, with the occasional cawing of le crow as they dight nn the 'feltrt nd survey the scene with a keen eye• o l'usiness, all these and -a 'hundred • ther sounds tell of the country, while' • r every hand there is a dense of near fe under the revivifying influence,,bf ti' '�ifri' rtzl li' Tt turtr 1g irltr>lsttrri ish utureoasing. strmigt;h And t•1 a i----A'meetifij of the directors of the t tMechanics' Institute will .bo held 0 to night, (Thur"sday). Business . of of great importance to he transacted. li 11-111Vi1rbe rtritiamsti ” raquolif d - to b,d ti present.—D D; Weans PrJa, • a, •