HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-04-25, Page 8he 1LUUb! n,ovv nel,-Bruce County, 'dam ;
uC`�'t$tt�eit.•to romps tf�� ��.
, • Marr,s_Aaeaive , • .
i'elta 4 Sonde. 6.134. on. •,Diyill,y,,,,
>» 1.240.p,.in' •
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'1F3: ivorc 3.d8 ;"{�4'
c•B•Nurt ,
geld.. ,
i301r,: w..
.00p. m.
Orsi rE1061i i fi , i
�Dr E1lfi tFt.last e received f
4rueofeld• a. r, . e. Clear Grit d
•'ink colt. = iW1r Shepard has solt.F
' his 'chesnut, ••"Ridgewood'; , driving
mare to a gentleman in ,Seafortle.. for
a good price. The "'Chicago Voluu:
teer"•filly owned. by Mr. Wm. Hood'
is attractin a ood deal- of att�enl,
5�•;�c^�J ... r .nY. 17...4- .
;among a toyer';oa• -urea-sung-stocx at
present, and the " knowing pnes"
predict a fast future for her. .
Lucknow Roller Mill and Grocery -
:E ny--person} ish 'F-to7pa1 oaize
the above. mill- can procure the flour
and feed' alr.the mill or grocery. The
est flour. at. thee,Iow-est price and any
person buying a lot for their own use
and have it at wholesale prices. No
othe sho, . w.
Good-bye John
rDm .44 ddxess 4d' ppasutt i t `'
riv- • Mount Forest, was recently made'•to a '
gentleman who was, about to leave.
that town, which startedr'oft thusly :
"It is with regret we learn that the
'happy relations between us, are about
to be Severed, it may be throughout I. ,
endless eternit " Where an_ 1 -
r.viri. y u . .. • '9Y' .. .. 94L'1.5 �$4" G.L -ao.. . x. }e r t .v. • n t'r-tW .n-k•rti4•
k' ;4 (.11,4A -B *,,-SaerHb-t• if 9.3O.p. Wi
L:11. taIt:•Southi 10.00 a. m.
W . (.& B. North 3.20 m •
Rol . scl • 4.30 pk.ui.
'.i• ti11'l��
r,• ?> gt lam#
Oki r Safes on to• Rent • .
"'Fiftyacres... East half of lot 3,.con.2,,
]i initlssr Townshipipri formerly owned'
1eil .Beaton.. ' Apply to G. A.
�ddi�g • '
,• Going to Camp
. :The 32nd Bruce Battalion will go
. "-i to'.ea r.twelve days,�'early incl
, v'a 431(6e7?a41d40414'expected that No.3 core-
- ' • p t iy, ofJaucknow, will be in good
1• slap feir the occasion. Get the boys
't ge her captain.
1loot True
A' report is in circulation that the.
-.. 1 einess-of the- late Mr. Fred Anning
o 410 i . rill, s given itp; r i }s
trot;true:, In •fubure.tiie wo qe
*tried on by ,Mi:. Percy'
e+461trocar vwiil` be taken • to rvo - sa rs-
fi iaun-tothose desiring veork•in'the
• marble line. .
Ckioitirig Club • ' ,
M :eif,, •
Taickntose Quoiting Cholla '• Svcs held on
bloneity evening :last, ;w.heri the fol-
lawang'officers were elected: President,
Murchison ; Vice -President,
� .ATlia; See.-Treas., Alex. Lawson;
lavaging •Cclmrnittee?. Roberit,liwd_
11**er, H Ery Days, J.: G., Murdoeb and
Jas. B. -Hunter. It is expected.; that
the club will have a very large mem-.
r : lifbip• :this year, as.• some fourteen
i nteealtersweltre present at.the .inaugural
)119. t .l"ls .
ortUni . •,. r
For the, iriforrnationrof the general
pitblic who have ;any bills on 'hand
isauedain,the following banks, viz,';; ---
City bank ;of : M1'cintreal5 .Royal Cana-
dian bank,, and..dnsolidated 'bank, we
i*,y;; s't'ate that • the notes . of • these
barks will be worthless after the 7th
off' May next. They should be- pre-
sented for, rode nption on orx before
t +t..da.tQ,•.
" OLGeettlit.srse
}-thoreeif;hbred imported-Glydes-
dalestallion, "Lochnagar" 1689 recently
' purchased by Mr. Angus 'McKenzie,
e R p1tiss,, arrived here on, Thursday
-1.4t-' 'histand,is gronoirncecl a very fine animal
try those.wha,have seen him. He was
s'i d,.bys old' "Lochhragar" 1469, and
grandstre "Prince of Wales." He is
a dark brown and weighs, nineteen
hundred pounds. He has taken a
number of first prizes but arrived here
tqo' late to be shown at the spring
shoos here on Thursdaylast.
The Bag&got.Mixed
"The devil twasdh'the bag",so it was
said ley one who ought to tie know.. On
Monday last Our mail -carrier, Mr. D.
Ce,mpbelli brought' down -she Lucknow
,nail' bac, from London and ours was
forwarded to Lucknow. Not. to be
▪ .neaten by the devil, Davie•liired..a
livery rig, drove -to • Lucknow, got
titingtelisediand, was•ebaek again abou t
4 p. in., with,the-Wingham mail hag.
Mr. Campoe,l ia►one,of the most faith-
ful servants in the eml;loy of the P. O.
Dept, and'•deserves credit•for his un-
called.for. action.—Wingham Advance.
W,hs#t[ For 7
We mix in the great international
jluouc ; we crowd and push, and worry
,And all for'what'i Over in the grave-
yard. yonder lie the hopes,. ambitions
and • drains, of. al'thousand men who
rushed. and worried; who toiled and
strugglbrll only to find a narrow. pris- . the
rxti oell,where no hope orthought of -la
lime eizn, come. And does it pay i 'an
Ought it tee be the base metal of' a out
fluctuating cornmercial, value or the in
▪ priceless coin. of, pleasure and- content spo
that we poor mortals should stare.- to 'can
,secure ? Buriad cities, centuries. old, Icon
-are found coviered with the dug of lire
human, beingai They yield up. their pro
treasure8,,,and vandals dig among,,, the , wit
dead without a sacred thmight that cit-
they,,ulayy`Hrel a bit of gold tosratiate• itte,
ttwirl greed.1.l, And. the pian who.p%uses grfe
to reflect„ peon, ttlo'cause of'it alt picks • chi
*Anted bone iii the=glare of his. neigh- : don
ltio,4 clustered diamonds. it
Another. Doctor
As will be seen by his card in
another coli•rrrn, Dr. D.- McD. Gordon;
of Auburn,` has decided to come to.
Lucknow, and has opened out an
office in the shop formerly occupied by
H. McCallum, and next door to W.
�lllin's. The -Doctor is -a clever phy-
sician 'and will no doubt make an,
able successor to Dr. McCrimmon,
wlro has just left the place.
Going to Paisley
At the end -of last week, Mr.. E.
Stove] of the firm• of C;iff & Stovel,
Lucknow, wholesale furniture mane-
'ffcturers;,eanie to Paisley and. entered
;into;partnership with Mr. Harry Ellis.
'The new firan ,Stove]: & Ellis -ha -v
(chased the furniture business of Hogg
'(3,Ellis and purpose going into
mhnufacturing on a large scale•—Pais-
Iey Advrcate.
South.Bruce Reformers
A meeting of the. South Bruce Re-
jform Association will be held at For -
Banking Firm
Mr. George Mair, of the Lucknow
Banking Company, having. entered
announce to the people of tuekirow and. surrouudiug country,- that any
-into par-tners1trp--with--Mir.--Clark II. pi -EX j
Smith, late manager of the Traders' I
Bank of Commerce at Drayton, • has
coming to me having their teeth t tl t I
will purchased -Ili barik�tig business o�f71'.�r.
0 ou , ra wi put in -two sets of teeth,
_.1 J
W. B. Tisdale of Teeswater, and. the
business is now carried on, them,.
under. t
Narrow Escape
A boy named Morrison, son of J. F.
Morrison; shoemaker, Wingharn, was
out shooting the other day when his
gun burst and he, hada narrow escape
from being. seriously injured. As it
was he only suffered a little from' the
powder flying in his face, This should
be a. warning to the Lucknow infants
who are allowed the free_.use.-of fi-xe..
.arms by their "loving and •devoted"
English Barley
The government,, for convenience of
prompt distribution, has placed a few
'cars of prize prolific two -rowed barley,
just .arrived from England, with The
ee e • ros. - ompany, of'. Toronto,
who are, prepared to ship it promptly,
freight prepaid, to all whoremit to
them $4 per bag. Each bag', contains'
.112 pounds, and . purchsers can
obtain. any number of bags required.
Address,. " The Steele Bros. • . Co.,
Toronto,"—Grote, ' April 17th: •
select a candidate for the approaching
general election to the Ontario Legis-
lature. A meeting of the Reformers
of the village to select delegates to the
convention will be held in . the Si
;TINEL office at 8 o'.clock,.on Thursday
evening; . A. full: attendance • is, re.
quested. ,
Fire Company', .
Brigade on Wednesday evening last
At a very large meeting. of the Fire,
the new officers were elected as•follows:.
iei;'1-los. Lawrence; s ire Tin,
G. W. Berry; 2nd Chieftain, David
Moody ; Captain, M. Campbell ; Secy.,'.
David Lawrence ;; Treasurer, W. J.
Little.. The company .now numbers
]between fifty and sixty and newemem-
'bers are being admitted- .at every
dueeti ng.,
'A Clever Speaker
The .Rev. Mr.-Mathers, oc Preston,
son .of Mr. C.' Mathers of Kinloss,,
preached to a large congregation in
church or_S'.urulary-last
Keds a clever speaker and his sermon
would have done credit., both as regards
delivery and thought, to men much
.older in the work of the ministry.
He has•tia bright future before hintand
will certainly rise to the front rank, of
the young men in the ministry.
,BJa„cx Knot
The growth of this disease' so des-
tructive to fruit treesiso so rapid that
all trees in the village should be at
once carefully examined • and every
trace cut out' and burned. Where it
was all destroyed last year it will be
found again thick enough. If it were
carefully kept down. all over it would
soon be conquered. The- statute' is
very stringent on this paint and it is
only just to those gardeners- who are
careful that its be rigidly enforced.
(,Queen's Birthday
The twenty. fourth. of May is the'
Queen's biithdity. 'If you don't give
us a holiday we will 'all run .away.
That's' right children. The Lucknow
Fire Brigade are training themselves
for an exhibition on that day and
they want you to see 'it. A ' sub-
scription list is ;being circulated, and
from the hearty and substant 1
responses of the citizens so far the
committee feel justified in promising a
good day's entertainment. So far as,
mapped out it is intended to occupy
forenoon with a waterworks exhi-
ioni base•bali and,lalcPOS ,9 matches,
d -an old time Calithiimpian turn
The afternoon to be taken up
band competitions- and athletic
rts, in which firemen, and; farmers
take part. l:u the, evening a
cert'will be held'such as Lucknow
men only can. hold. Posters cond.
grammes Will shortly be issued
li full particulars A word to the
zens : If the committee should fail
call on you for a subscription no
nee- , is intended. .Mir,; J. Mur-
will be pleased'tb.itecept your
at}ori, and gratefully,. acknowledge
orr,the eempany,.
for the price of one set, $i5, made of the very hest material in the world. l
.--rise uoxuicl>erJuJ) C.-.AS•H--.i.-SOTS; L -on -long Fsngla:rd:---The'teeth -wi'll`ne_-_:._.
C. Ash d; Sons, and S. S. White's, cotceded -by all who are, in the '
business to be
r •wq, u %e ice' Th WorM
Beautiful'•Spring • .
The warmth • in the air is the first
hint. that spring is almost here. • The.
.bud snow show themselves on the trees,
the grass is growing, the birds sing
most lustily, the red -breasted robin
,can. be seen hoppingfrom b€tnch to
'branch; and' there will be a gentle
stirring of the leaves' by the wayside t
and the 'wayfarer, looking down, will
see that a flower' has been born and is
seeking the 'warm air and the bright
sunlight. -It is in the spring, too,' by
-''-hie way, accordilirtirthe poet, who
probably knew what he was talking
about, that "a young man's fancy
lightly turns to. thoughts of love,"
But , who the young man is, he does
not mention. •
Died Suddenly
-Many of. our readers w -ill' be -grieved
to learn- of the death of Me: Thomas.
Taylor, brother :of Mr. D. C. Taylor,
of this village, which took place at his
father's residence near Kinlough early
on _1'ednesr]a,y—anerning, last.— De-
ceased had suffered, for a. number of
years - past with. "consumption . and ..
. during, that/. t!iine had visited a. large
'number of the health, resorts: on 'the
Continent in order to shake, off the
disease, but y'itlrout avail. lthough
1often very low and near the point, of
.death at many times- during his long
illness his ' indominable pluck and
cheerful spirit' never-°failed;.him and he
always seemed to rally, and even up
to the last few minutes before his
death, he did not appear to be any
worse than,usual. The funeral 'takes -
place on Friday for the Kincardine.
Gone to: Underwood
While -we are. at-•xlf times pleased to
learn of the success and prosperity of
our. fellow citizens, we cannot help ex-
'pressing regret at the departure from
our midst of Dr. McCrimrnon, who
left last week to take up his residence
at the village of Underwood, in. Bruce
township. '%he. Doctor has. always.
been prominently identified with every
interest, of the village, both, as Reeve,
Councillor -and citizen, but- probably
in no place has he taken a more active
influence than in our educational in-
stitutions, and a great deal of the
success and ability of our present pub-
lic school is due to his indefatagable
efforts during the many years he has
ably filled the position of chairMan 'of
the School Board. Dr. ' McCrimmon
was a good citizen and a clever'/ .phy-
sicia,n, and while his departure from
our village will.bea serious loss to the
place, the people o£ Underwood are to
be heartily congratulated in' having
secured. him.as a citizen and Doctor.
Mrs. McCrimrnon and family do not
Tntend leaving; for, a.faw; weeks yet.
he new field of labor w,hinh:the 'Doe-
_tor has sclected is considered among
medical men • to be 'one of the • best
openings in the Province, and it is the
ear nest wish of his many friends here
that, the fullest expectations will be
realized and. that•/his efforts will meet.- r
With. success,. •' d
Those firms have their navies on their good's,. and the people can see what they -
are getting, and as I use, nothing but the 'best material, Iill guarantee sat.-
isfttction to all reasonable people, the unreasonable and ' here ars a few
such in -the world, will please bear in'wind that I don't want their trade
I can, always be -found' at Dr. M;cCriwmon's office, Lucknow.
D. P.T.TTZA T "o 'v'a,:
Luthnow Leading Potogracr
Is as
usual ahead. in .the finest styles and positions for photos.
'Finest, retouctrod aid buraishe3, $1,50=
to $a Saar doz. Cardi $1 to $2 per doz.
He also keeps a large stock stock of spectacles, especially -
the well:known.
and also (Seals in Be' Keepers supplies,
books, stationery, albums, frames and fancy goods.
Remember the. studio, E. L, John, n's old stand. Next ,
door to Reid's bakery.
Leading, shades in_Henriettas,
Fonlahs, Uashmeres, .1itc.
Trimmings to match, in a
Sprig & Summer. Millinery.
(Not Inc porated. )
-•)"---O -0-
• Lucknow, Jan. 2nd, 1889.
1� , portant points. Chequde, drafts, and
mortgages•cashed.' rotes discounted. Amer,
loan currency & American drafts bought and
sold. '
Interest allowed •+a Savings Bank deposits
;according to .agreement... Collections, note*
or accounts will receive prompt attention.
Fire or life insurance effected in stock or•
Mutual Companies,
We represent several first•el'ass Loan Coin
panies and can effect'- mortgage 1oens to suit
borrowers 011 best ter a on dither village or •
farm property. Offi rs,10 a. w to 4 p. m.
G. A. SIDOALL, Manager.
Insure your' farm property. private dwelling,
in the, old reliable, the
---t AM A,18o •AoE;sr non-•
bfl£oe,--A, BOSS ha'rneeri- shop. '^Lucknow.
Will be in the otilco evprySaturday sftoruoo'n .
Gee. 'Grant, #--ilii, Lucknow
A ..
'4' t' .