HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-04-25, Page 4A
s tirtL$ ACBOI INO TO 41313 iDICTAtmfd
AM=y^j� ,
ow _�ntil�,>�t�
gulf, , lerga W
r Aa 1 r, . ,
.n �--�hiA�� ea�eca� its �9rkt�arl'�,
•� qi to..or.:04:a , to •Oonnel.l'it. ,
doe lot At 9e. per yd.,. worth 12ic.
;A large ettick of mens plow bopts,
at'. , tttie's, eat lowest prices.
. --No. 1 and No. 2 shingles for sale
at M. Oorrigafi's.
10. --c pusor.: oys rea 1y ma e sults, at
alum, rApril 25th, woo.
i.., D F1711I., o&
'The . anadian Baptist in its last
Week's issue says that the purification
• of Canadian political life is an object
which GNI honest men must ,desire, .
—]f'you w tit bargains in boots and
shoes, call at W. k Little's.
---For lace curtains go to Connell's-.
He bus aline at 60c. per p{ir.
—Pero_ of our leading hotel -keepers
paid -Oa -arid costs, list; week; for vio-•
lation .o`f •the Liquor License Act,
—4A11 kinds of garden seeds, Dutch
sets to 'onits • .seed a
PrloPe q.unitY, FridAY, Apra 2 h
I-1444#4 To RENT'.
riutE SoiP,1'.Il xI jsLF QF LOT 64 AND.
�a 66, oa the 1st con. of Kinloes.
Half fs mile west of Lueknow, containing 100
sores and principally cleared land. Fur
particulars apply to
WILLIAM • 11 EN D1RSON, Lucknow,
or DAVID HEJNDERSON, 1st concession,
lot 69 and 70.
will keep for service, -this season, at
but 6, Con..9 Asbfield', his celebrated thorough
ed shorthorn bull, Earl Byron. -)Karl Byron-
bred by 'Phomas Edward Fiulayy, Lanes, t)ut.,
got by Highland Chief (imp.), 1257 ;. dam
Belva Lockwood, 14211, by Baron Lush, 1388;
Minit 7236,..hy_ Sir; .1.ohn, 3900 •
Maid of Raven Hill. 3316, by 1.othair, 800 ;
Beauty of the Valley, 2446, by Consta nee's
Duke, 441 ;• BeautY Roan (imp.), 32, by Chil-
ton, 10054: Countess by Shamrock 2nd, 8.555 •;
�Ycw4+k�>.,n:x9 • 'F:�Ill9ik'Y�L'd.w.+ ��; �"
��ij TO
pursuance of the Revised Statntes of
Ontario, chapter 110, section 36, that alt cred-
itors and others having claims against the
estate of William Johnston; late of the Town-
ship of Rimless in the County, of Bruce,
yeoman,"deLeased, who died on the 19th day
of March 189Q, are required to send by post or
.Fuwnship of KinI;ss, in the County of•Bruce.
the last will and testament of said-d.,ee„sed ..n
or before the 15th day of May next: their
names, addresses, the, full particular of the;r
claims, astatemeut of their acoi,nms and tire•
_nature.of- the securities, if ao•y,'held • by them -
and that afttr the said 15th day of May to-xt,
the said exe3utors will proceed oto distribute
the assets of the said deceased among the
parties totaled. ehereto,rr and heing_hact_nabi
to the claims of which notice has been received
and the said executors will nut be liable for
the assets or any part thereof so distributed to
any, person whose claim shall not have been
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver,
IrTgiilfraTONfitanifir -"
system, all the impurities and foul
humors of the secretions; at the same
time Correcting Acidity of the,
Stomach,. cuFing Biliousness, D r
pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness,
Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness
of the Skin., Dropsy Dimness, of
Vision, Jaundice,. Salt Rheum,
Erysipelas, Scrofula; -FTu£tering of
the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen.
eral Debility; .all these and many'
other similar Complaints. •'eld to the
ings, so happens :that two eases of
considersble importance, involving
questioto: of political and efhcial
tnurality are just now before parlia-
rttentary coiniiiittees at Ottawa. In
beth cases the main evidence is
iurnishecksin the statements of the
accused themselves. In the one
instance a member of Parliament
lca 'nits the-.genuiness of letters in,
.' which lie boasts of having used .both -
his inf u, •ncf' .sas o' member . and; ,his'.
money to secure a timber unit for
another „party, one of the pouditions
on which. Gine work was under taken
for .his cftlfut beisig, the' bestowment. of
member's. ,wife—this share ' of- tbs
gains having aineunted,, in faets to no
less than_$75,0091 I,n the other case,
the General commanding- !the voluns•
teera during the Northwest rebellio
•-.Mf ' Wn4. Anderson was one of
the judges at ;Ilse Winghaw spring
show held in that plane List week.
—Have you see t.anything as good
_ value as' those .pants Connell - ,slakes to
order for $3 anctl3.25 per pair.
—Highest price paid for wheat and
oats at the Lucknow roller .wills_ --r
(leo. 4err.
—Mss L. Mclnt' sh, of . Luckeow,
was- ghes guest -of ,lips t' --J enn a Ilei
during the E.ister vacation.—W gltaan
Advance. .
Wlhitesvash brushes, butter dishes,
tins+ pouud'hutter prints, flower' pots,
`$ower hanging baskets at M.
'.Corrigan s. _
—$l a law passed at the' last
uf-the-ontario T ogislature, the
pay Of jurors was raised from if.50
a day to .$2.
—Mr: W, R. McIntosh, of Toronto,
who is studying for the ministry in the
Presbyterian church, 'ss • at present
visiting friends at Partitnount,
the'hands of Mr. C. 4 Shepard, all
owili ere are requested to settle same
with him at once as books must be
closed.. • D.. A. MoOsaliMUN, M. D.
.—A11 kinds. of groceries of the best
qualities kept V. the new -grocery 'very
cheap, aS we'sell•for cash and produce
only:. Goods delivered to any part of
the s,towii,s--gip. Kerr, -
Y --Nose is tyle tine asst .clean back
wirers, privies, ,cesspools;;• , wells and -
os er plpeesIf�t iz ring-0e1eanin. 'Ac-
fdording to law' atl places mustgbe 'put
In o proper shape 1 eters May 15th. •
• —Ladies requiring millinery cannot,
de ;better than:. inspect our stock.
• dust:reciiverl,-a ease from. Detroit of
*roost fashionable goods in the
hr'k•et.. ' Leat r.e you r - orders early i s
were very busy: -W. Connell.
-S`.l I e .,,ijmu at reeetin ; of the mein
''bet's_ of the Mechanics' Institute will
bA ,;ilieid on ' 1V.Ipnnday,� May 5th at •8
pmisoals 10 esodrnd ern. ..to; ' ru •d
officers' for the ensuing year and receiv-
ing.,re orts.; very member is re -
r. s.
• --I 'beg to thank .the Royal Insur=
ante Corepany, and Mr. George Mair,
their ,gent here, for. the prompt pay-
niie4t of niy•loss .by fire on the night of
the 13th iiist. under their policy. —W.
Donnell: t ' •
Oar Waterworks. •
, a is,
ma sweet will,valuable furs, the
;sroperty:.9.f supposed or asst ined
rebels, aisd•, having. ordered -their dis-
.tributioq .:anirioggt., ` members of his
stats;, .with a dna 11e share for hifnself.
He ' 1s.i appropriated to his. ;$. u• use
horses found in a strxble, etc. E His,
°plea js ;the astouisllii g on that:be
thought he had a right to do these
things by virtue of. his'position.'3' Ti, -
to -purge tine Qoaiitions and the public,
service ' from such ....,reproanh. The
honors o -f' _Parliament aacl of. the
adian militia demand that caelistifais::
tices be.sternly .surpressed,' and it
to be devoutly hoped +'that _the• C.nv
ernment and' Parliaineut May prop,Qs.
equal to the oeoasiisn.
s. .
1 en
I'ernia $1,25.
848-t f.
Solicitors for said executors.
Dated. at Walkerton this 8th day of April,, 1890•
T. IIILB.IIBN 00., Proprietors Tordat ,
1890. -:
Ou-i-stag for the- seasois -now-about-complete.-
ow-pabout-eo- m tete-:We nt.ver presented a better selected lot of goods to our many customers. Each department
Toots and. Shoes is replete with gree bargains*
'Reader, if not already a custoeinel., call and have a,look through.
,♦ t.`
The.announcement is tirade that,the
I3on. A.,,M. Ross will not, be a. c indi-
d\ate for West Huron. at„the approach-
ug general.. election, •The' Treasurer
has represento?l this conctit.nency ,jj4.gq
1875, throughout the ••whole. period• of
his parliam tar -y serei.�4nrat ':the ciin-
riection hassbrought honor sad advan-
tage alike to the censtitueney.siisi to
the. representative Mr. Ross has
borne atil iioportaut part•iii Proidnci tl
affairs. For the leo three.'Pai+lia-
-Meats bit. has been,ttkie of the most
fa Allier and one of the inost influen=
tins voices:in the Assembly. He .'has
een -.a wises and prudent and ''able
guardian of the finances of the Prn-
xinae. No jdb passed' through his
—.hands. No extravagence can- be
i1iarged,agair.st him. No faults mark
his ,adreinistratioii of the Treasury
- Department. And as 'Minister of
Agriculture, ,notwithstanding his want
'uf praetical•,knowledge of the science
of agriculture, he gave to the Province
Wang wise and useful measures' of
•legislatio`ti, of sound advantage to the
farming community. IIs' brought the
,Agricultural College mime di •eptly:
.ser, thti.-soiitrot of ,practical f rtneers, en.
eourliged the formation f Farmers'
Institutes inmproved the t yeti and pi±r:'
,fectod the machinery for the ireserva-
tion of the pubie'healt , and enlarged
,tlfe',usefulneaa/ if the I3ureau of Sts•
tisticis, Ontarici has had rto mere
faitifttl servant, and West Huron will
.,brut ri aciily 'find a repx•eseftativo-.that.
speak wit* -*coal aotl ori'ty in the
legislature," or that will corrinand iirt
such large measurethe esteem and cons.
•s/ii�de((nt�yoe of .the whole',(eeple;.:-Toronto
yah � • • ., .
� v
Ourmillinery department is supplied with the
newestand, best •• good, in the market. .Ladies are
To the ;Editor :
Luiokriow is adrnitted to have onenf
the most complete . systems of water-
-works in the country, but it is also due
to the people who have, spent their
money to know What steps have been
• taken to secure their efficient working
in case' of fire. They will thereforeybe
'pleased to learn that the fire company
has been reorganized, with an exper-
ienced- chief and staff of officers,, and
• 3ompany of volunteer firemen',
numbering about 50 members, from
which a hose company has been select-
ed.. A hook and ladder company, will
also be formed.
To maks, our citizens More secure we
lea' _that theI'll p
to appoint a number of special con-
stables, who will act as a s
p goods and secure the
the fire company from outside interfer-
ence. We think this arrangement will
give our. viJlade perfect fire protection.
Owing to the fact that the labors of
the firemen is entirely voluntary, and
further, that many of the most efficient
members have no property, interest in
-the .place, the company' have -made pro-
vision to establish a fund, to be known
as the Firemen's Relief Fund, the ob-
ject eing to secure these :members
against loss of clothing, et.,air.d afford
••assistance in case of accident. This
fund is now open to t e generosity of
our citizens anti property holders, whose
-self intarest should place them in prac-
tical sympathy with such a cause, Let._l
every one have a good word for the
company and the will. -endeavor to.
merit the praise, ,
learn 'Village Council are about
at $ es .t salvage corps 'O TINWARE ARE, CHURNS WASHING ASHI•
NG ��( /,� :
r a protect
invited to call and - see us, No trouble to show goods.
`� W_ C O 1�TN' L, _
i have on hand' a full supply of re seed 4
pP y p p paints.all colors, ' Paris White" whitening and
bastine, the best wall coating any shade,: white -wash, paint and all other kinds of brushes.
cod v1 d-v-L.CS''
• t.
chines, Wringers, .(cheap,) and cistern . u
p nlpe
O.` K. building paper, the best and cheapest in the market, indistinctible and verminsroc
also carpet felt, tarred and brown felt bta<ilding,,p spear. p '
flash wire, plain heist, oiled and anneli
_ ed and.
Parties ho intend to build would
f.nd. itto thefts ad,
�� ....._-. vantage to give mea call.
Eawetrinighing a speciality.
Repairing promptly aitended eo,
=MOS... r.A.�/�..r� r. V'z rrV m s t V -+.r fir/ or.