HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-04-18, Page 8.-_... The Luso':nov' $le ' Buie , t OVI'S W,a, 41 tett 1NTi h in Tuaelirt gni ediate Tointe S' 41 . m. ::Ai Ifc.I JSor:th 46140,13.4n- ; v O 0p,.m. 3.00 CFF]. CE ; Rl 4BIVE.' y�,6q,6.13 a' ai... Daily ' 1,o.30 B. N. •', , 1l. .. Song'$ervice - T1'hie servi: o.song and praise in " xljtel Methodist church on Monday averring last at the Sunday School an- •niversary was one of the best g ve-n in the church. er Veterinary Surgeon 1 puVec.Diunty, Frkiay, 4tewo tow! '7";=.2L_;7- NEWS OF TOEE T OWN. A Week's Record of the ruthlnd Border Town. —Fpr choice clover and timothy go to J. Elliott's. —Mr. G. Burgess left on Monday► —Head quarters for binder twiue at W. .Alli 'a ‘4"'.'Snytli,} ..9.30 s0utl '• P* — .e Ba N:or+;h 310 p. m• of 1x004 ifal�slough . iyltis&:, tj VS Tuesdays and Fridays t' Ana N11ctnzti N1e1<>•o, 41tiW' Wanted" 1 • A►*° T vo good servant guts` wanted 14ing,ral, housework. • Good wag • 1y:at'SENTINEL office. e ;S,.easonable Rule find out the number of rolls �e�d•�=to-►•psper-a rorom; add-th'e-su oC,thevfdur sides together, multiply by- '. y- tllyi' iglit and divide by 32, deduct 101lt finer each , door and.. , for . each "iii&,v.. - .,,. villi►= rillir:. Y: . ;tn graduate of the Ontario V-eterinar College, will open out on Monday nex an office in this village,- next door t .Dr. T"ennant's office. Mr. Cook in tends making- a—speciattrof-'horse dentistry. -Lucknow-Bollen-kl i l l-:-and-Gr-ocer-y } Any person wishing to ,patronize the above trill can, procure the flour and feed at the mill or grocery. The best flour at the lowest price and any person buying a lot for their own.. use and have it at wholesale prices. No other shop in town sells. my flour.— tGeo: Kerr. y t 0 for Again Nominated es. Mi. W. M. Deck, of the Kincardine has again been nominated the Reform candidate for Centre Bruce. Mr. Dack-is a first-class re- re- ilieportet, presentative aud it must be a ' ood deal o p easure to him to again re- ceive the unanimous indorsation of his, constituents, in the face of the•vile slanders hurled at him by his enemies. Queen's Birthday . 'As the 24th of May, the Qu.een's birthday, falls on Saturday this year, the village' council ought to make Monday, the- 26th a pull iT c holiday. ;Thiswould'. be more satisfactory to the merchants and citizens generally and 'would in nowise interfere with the enjoyment.of the days -pleasure. This course is being adopted by the councils 'of most places -in the Province. Fire at Bervie 4. lifts 'nitre Rent tieing lot 29, eon. 2, Kinloss, con - Mining 100 acres. 80 acres are cleared, . `-J rices house and good olifa gs, • well watered. For -'tennis and outer. particulars apply to Ottz..,GatiNT, , W4hitechurch, Ont, Caretvel iamcs - We return our • hearty: thanks to •thesfrremanaaridyal1inthers,who assist- ed. toy kout the fire, at- the she ► oft ►a , even ng. as . e oss to vs v►kllrbb -considerable but when vee con- -eider what it might have been, we feel 'sincerely grateful that it is no worse. W:•Contiell. .fyot True 4.„'report: is iii circulation that the liusiiiess of the late Mr. 'Fred Anning of ?Kincardine, is given up. , This is net 'true. •In - future the work will be carred'ou:,by_ Mr. • Percy Annirtg and eyery. carewill be taken to give satis- faction to those desiring work in th e lo ► c .c. on ' e nes ay night, a fire•broke out in an unoccu- pied shop and rapidly spread among the principal buildings, •destroying ' N. McIntyre's Post Office, 'Mrs. Walsh's store, Gallagher Sz Needham's store, W. H. Gabel's shoe store,and dwelling, 'George Garbutt's tailor, slice), J. Stan- ley's butcher shop, N. Harrigan's ,tS.0• flour and feed store, W. derrc;,'s dwelling. It was only by extraordin- ary efforts• that any portion of the vil- lage was saved. It is supposed. to have been the work . ► 1 TAPP roar e Bchvol Examination A very pleasant time was spent at the,;public examination held in S. S, No.t i Kinloss last Thursday afternoon. The:school was -decorated in a manner which_ did great credit to the pupils az ttaaclier. 'The pupils w,ere exam= 'hied in a' number, of, subjects by DteseFa:, 1 eKay and! Isarndn and acs it:W ad' themselves very crdditably. Olean Up It is ,now high time to refer to the .filthy condition of • many yards. and st els in town. As the pasthas been a more than ordinarily mild winter, it ist., justly. claimed. that people should 'nay more attention than -usual' to the cleaning, of yards and outhouses. Carelessness in these matters is what rrailx, brings ont epidemics of fevers, "diptlieria, and. so ou. ; Aesient-Workmen Assessments Nos. 5 and 6 have been issued to cover fifteen beneficiary claims, seven of which are.attrihutable tu.tfhe effects of la grippe. There are now 19,608 members in the Ohtario ,jurisdiction.. F,uur hundred. and' •. 'eighty-seven applications were received. :d'hring. the month of March. The brethren of Dakota have appealed. to , the Order generally for assistance to enable thein. to purchase seed grain, l;►st '• year's crop having been .list through drought, and Lucknow Lodge voted $5 to aid them, at the ineetiug, on Monday►night last. One thousand -cisiietrs .- for --..each working day -is:- the average amount now paid for death loges,in,this jurisdiction, Sepoy Lacrosse -Club , Ill* junior Sepoy Lacrosse club of this village was organized on Thurs- Jay° night last, when the following iincers•i'ere elected: --- Hon. Pres. James Bryan,' Esq. Pres, M. Campbell jr. Vice -Pres. D. Rt, McIntosh. Captain, James Kerr. Se-e°retary, D. N. Lawrence. Treasurer, John Berry. Field Captain and Manager, Wm. Grundy jr. 111upagiiig.,committee, I F. Gordon, Al.aWhitely, Dave Thompson and Clio. I.err.. They intend holding a giVo.14Qrissetournament on the 24th of May fortwelt'e..handsome meddle, and 'flre',secretary wAilld lilfe,to hear from junior cluIrs in this neighihorhood. The 'next meeting will be held in H. ,,, Morrison's law office toanig}t•t. ('!'burs - 1 • Learn to Fence Fencing is recommended as the best means to teach girls how to stand, walk, and move • with grace. No exeecise 'can give such- freedom' for • every part of the body is continually in action, and' the idle practice of standing about on one leg, so universal' with young girls, and which is known to have often caused irreparable mis- chief to the figure, is prevented by learning to fence. . ' The game of croquet., in 'w there was so :rxruo,'a resting -on one leg, was found most injurious. In fencing the legs are so placed that the body rests equally, on. both fent, which must be firmly, on the ground, and the beautiful way in which the left arm serves as a balance, makes the fencer recover her position with facility and quickness. W.C,T.U. DON'T —No 1 Wingham roller flour at J. Elliott's. .etre-roadsvery baa the past week but are now drying up. —Corse and see our tabiei of fur 20, 25, and 30 cents. Mrs. Smith. —For jellies and jams and all kitids of canned goods go to J. Elliott's. —4 good second hand wag.on for sale Apply to W Treleaven. —Just arrived at Mrs. S&vith's, one case of hats, only 20- cents. —Twenty yds. of good gingh tri for $1 at W. J. Brumpton's. —Nine different kinds of hinder twice to choose from at W. Allin's. —Call and see those 25 cent sailor hats, for children, at Mrs. Smith's. ---=Special-�tsa �aina teas for "30 days at W. J. Brumpton's. —If you want binder twine worth the money, call at -W. Allin's. ' EARTff t I AM GOING TO HAVE IT IN. LUCKNOW, TOO, AND I HEREAt announce• to the people of Lucknow aud, snrroui ng-cou-iitry, that ..� -any-- 1- —The' ttrst regular practice of tile Fire Company will be held- _ this (Friday) evening. ,-Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMath, of Clin-toni-and Mrs; -Polley, of Stella, are' visiting at Mr. J. Lindsay's. —The Exeter bankrupt stock of wall paper on sale ,at W. J. 13ruoip- ton's, Lucknow. —It will pay you to take a look ,at our summer hats. They are very fine. Mrs. Smith.' -- ` mining a ,goo► family carriage should call and see. W. Tre- leaven's phaeton, which can be had at a bargain• —The entertainment in connection with the •Mechanics Institute has been put off till seine time next month. Due notice will be given. See bills. =Mc. Hugh McKay, of Kinloss, has-purchasekthe 50 acre farm of Mr. Wm. McAllister, on the 1st coc. of the same low reship. —The man who makes no enemies, -rhe t-Tiianac s a arc's as a rule, but he who 'makes a iieedless 'foe, is, ' by long odds, the bigger fool. • Horsemen leaving their orders for route bilis at the SENTINEL office will 'secure satisfactory results. • Good as- s(rtment of cuts. —Farmers attention.—Having ie cured a large quantity of binder twine, we are ,now prepared to accept orders at prices ranging From 9.i, cents per lb. up. W. A17iu. —Tike imported thoroughbred Cly- desdale lydesdale stallion " Lochuagar'r just purchased by. Mr. Angus McKenzie will be• in. Lucknow till Saturday evening: —All kinds of groceries of -the best qualities kept at tne•new grocery. very .cheap, as we sell for cash -and produce• Only. Goods delivered to any part of the town.—Geo. Kerr. At, the regular monthly meeting of the W. C� T. U, of Lu,eknow, the fol- a lowing vote of thanks was passed': The members of. this union desire to ex- press their great indebtedness and gratitude to the friends outside- of the organization who responded so gener- ously in the matter of „ refreshments ,to the band, and other friends who,. provided the excellent music fur nished ; to the gentlemen who' cheer - .fully performed the heaviest "part of the decorative work ; tb the chairman and speakers. who spoke so well on this great subject, and such encourag- ing words to ourselves as a Union. Our thanks are clue to all our friends who by help and patronage made the -At Home, of the. 20th ult., such -a success. The Printer and the Press. The printers ! Hew I love them ! For what you'd hardly guess Love th, m for patient, honest toir, Their fellow men to bless. • They falter not, thongh oftentimes Thugs poor men g.r unpaid ; And every line the sheet contains Is sent without„our a,i�Jj • Hciwignerant we should be Without them and their. Press ; To furnish four our .tarnished minds , A literary'mess. , The Printers and a Press,. Go l bless them d,.y by, d:i,y, • For every high all noble; thought They shed aroundour way. _ 34wrtatha'of heavenly love entwine Tile Pres Inventor's soul, While xnc ledge spreads from_clime to clime. A trut front pule to pole. : . — ighest price paid for. wheat and oats at, the Lucknow roller mills.• Geo, Kerr. • - • —Mr. J. Bennett,painter,h as opened shop in Lucknow, opposite Mr: Alex. Davison's furniture shop, and iaf- pre- pared' to do all kids of psi+lid,, at the lowest rates:, —R. McCharles, auctioneer,, ,will sell by public auction at lot 8, 'con. 18, W. D., Ashfield, on Tuesday, April 22nd, a large quantity of farm stock, impletneutt, etc., the property ofJohn D. Mathieson. -Cameron, Murdoch & Co. are ead quarters for shirting's, cot= nades and prints. See their digo blue prints at 11 cents. othing' beats ,them for washing and earing.. —As soon.as we get our insurance raightened up, we will attend to busi- ess again. The millinery being en.' rely destroyed we have ordered • a ew stook and will be ready for busi- ess.. by Saturday. Showroom np- airs. W. Connell; —Go to Cameron, Murdoch & Cu's. r anything you want in the boot and be line. Farmer's`should see their ow boy's boot before purchasing. hey have just received several. lines ladies'. and ,gentlemen's fine wear, oin John McPhdrson , Co. also other lot of those cheap slipy,, ' —At a meeting of the bak tt tit alkerton on Thursday of last week, o proposition to make bread 126: per lb. loaf was cast aside- in favor of opting the cash systeim of doing sines on May lst, and continue to 1 at 10c. per 4 Ib. Zt was claimed at more than the profits of the tire credit business vt'loat in bad counts and that a mall' trade at IOc.I r loaf was better than a . c. edit busi• t eua at 12c. li to in w at n ti n n st fo sh rl 'of fr an th 4 bu sel th en ae .fe n l.YL •,-L, , coming to me having their teeth out, that I Will put in two sets of teeth, TEETH TEETH TEMPRARY AND PERMANENT for the prise of one set, $15, made of the very best material in the world. I. use do --rubber but C: ASH 3z SONS, London; England. The teeth will be C.? Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, cor,,ceded by all who are in the 'business to be =1 oWildeRequale ._�i t1 Those firms have their names on their goods, and the people can see what are getting, and as I use nothing but the best material, I will guarantee at-. isfaction to all reasonable' people, the unreasonable and there aro a ew. such in the world, will please bear in mind:that I don't want their -tide. 'Dean always be found at Dr. McCrimmon's office, •Lucknow. t coy' D. PATTERSOIT, L::okaovtr., Lucknow' &oaig Photographor . o W. J. STRYNGE H:` s as usu• abLea,r1• rn tl,.e-fin-est-s;F3L_ aiu esitienlS—it-r-Rhbto , CABINETpHOl-OB, Finest retouched and 'bu nished 0' X150_ to $3 per doz. Cards $i to $2 per doz.. AMBROTYPES MADE TO PERFECTION - ie a ,iso keeps a large stock stock of' .spectacles, especially the well-known •and also deals in Bee Keepers supplies, books, stationery, albi ms, frames and fay gods. Remember the. studio, E. L, Johnston's • old stand. Next- door to . Reid's bakery. TheBub DREss, . GOODS4 Grocery! DRESS G•OODS.. IMMENSE BARGAINS, Having just, received a large consign 'Bent of Ftesh G !oceries, Choice fanil. flour, Choice Tobacco, Canned Goode. Crockery, Oiastware Teas, Coffees, - Ida Stows, which ,will be sold cheap ' at the Nub Grocery; Goods delivered to all parts of, the villa,'re • POPULAR PRiCES,. Leading Shades in Illenriettas.. 11'oulahs, Cashmeres, :),\e., Trimmings to match, in LACES, BRAIDS, PASSAMENTL'RIEB,. ,AND RIBBONS, 1. Spring & Summer Millinery. J FEATHERS, FLOWERS, LACES, - RIBBONS. JOHN village. ELLIOTT'Lr .,e , tt t$•4.