HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-04-11, Page 84
The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, April rr111,
" Lt1CKNO VOWt'aFn.1OE.
111a,ILs, Aa1uvE.
I.` s 'r .South, •.6.13'W en. Daily
B 1 ,, dt B. Norte 12.30 p.
Wird •,
Itis o>rtgi1 • 2:30p.m
ir1loss ►,•
1', 0-e Bs Nerfk' 3.38p. m.
!+moo a For Sale
ssAissKIlvin Greve 'arm:i Langside,.
•the property of Mr. Jas. Crowston, a'
fine young horse rising four.
„Don't Do It.
Don't tie your horses to. the beauti-
ful, growing shade trees and have them
peel. the bark
off so as to
. s injuuretheir
ssie's1C�isagsshesse �(wi
little common sense in this. matter or
you may be taug,h a, Its on.
Entrance Examination,
The next entrance examination to
'the high school will be held July the
3rd, 4 tla: and 5th. The municipal
-nstitutiorissof`Ontario atnd`t rhe Minn
tton Governrrgenl; are subjects which
/have been addded to the already some-
; what lengthy list.
1;.,S• ritB..$Octb,
10.30 p m. 00
3w(r0,�a, Por
16.2 1r
.11..& B.
South f
L. U. & B. South
WV G.& B. North
_1:.ivrrco l� ►
ul9s4-. r}
stiskt Nur.
4.30 p m,. .
y .
fionAervatiye :Meeting.
• A meeting ofat Le• Liberal C.onserva-
�'five Ass0.041, , n of: the south..riding of
I3ruce,: wt %lbe.: lte]sl; an, B.othw e�e1i's hall,
Walke.Ftuy ena Tuesday,' April ,15th,
1C9,4,Ya afi 3' o'cl�o,�k p:. m.
O;to• "Rant •
• ' funning; laQGaures. • 80 acres are cleared.
with' goOdl brink house and good
liulialtti2lpi well watered. For
tennis, lar ell other particulars apply to
it o,: GesterfsEss Whitechurch, Ont. •
n nk.. iia• i'n•,oi+reculation that .the
11xs'n>#wof, the. late Mr. Fred Arming
givenup. Tins is
not. true,, _ In; ,futazre tIse••work will be
•garrtied. onr.hy M,n;. Percy, Anning•and
eyery, care will be taken to give satis-•
:faction to those• desiring work in the
• x>larble line.
N,9ble Six Hundred
I•t< is said tha23. _,£big:
Hundred sof Balaklava still survive, and
• nat.A,, o£'the number are sweeping
ttkossings;osti•begging onthe streets for
a livir►g�; These• are the men upon
•'hose hrea'ts the. Q„ en pinned the
Victoria, Cross amid• .the tears. and
apclamations of '• thousands. . It is
atrange if true:
At tNew;..Bretrd.
-4nyentirely. new. breed of pigs has
-recently been • introdueed. into • this
frei.ghborhooti by one of our most en-
'the chief .points of distinction between
there . and the ordinary .pig, are, that
i9kiey have neither tail nor ears. They
were, prlocuretI.from Mr.. Joseph Fer-
guson of' ' Brant;— C-hesley Euterprtte
A Poor System;,
tine; easteM. exchange. pertinently
says s."•We will, never. .have decent
r cads _wdrile we follow the present sys
' �ti t so long as. •a man can
swindles the, public by working outs
iris.taxes under,•the present system by
tlsrziwing' a lot of lastyears gutter
waish in the middle of the road, on
nanny days when they can do nothing
•else -jus sw long will we have The,
kind'of roads ,thrth now inflict us. We
will neasn hays decent roads until the
read taxes, are .collected in cash and
worked. out by hired workmen. under
competent supervision."
Inspector of Prisons
The annual report of .the Inspector
of, Ontario Prisons has been published.
'line total number of persons committed
to prison during the year Was 12,531,
of whom 7,(J92 were. convicted `and
sentenced to various terms of irnpris-
oeirre.nt. " The nationalities df the
persons oornitiiated were; Canadians,
1,-1(44,270 ; :English, 2,112 ; L ish, 2,370 ;
)t,:;..:otcir, 644 ; Americans, 841); others.
260. • The religious denominations to
w hich they' claimed allinity wore :
Roman Catholic, 4,5.11 ; Church. of
England, 3,876 ; Presby terialis, 1;610;
=rlet:hudist, 2,61'2 ; others,': 816. (►f
ilio 12,531 persons committed '9,333
l euld read, ani;( write, while 2,i1i)
o a>uld neither read nor write. The
trutirl)er -of. persons confiner! in the
various iestitnt,hins of the province at
the end of the year was 1,9.11:, against
],978 at the enc? of 1888.
Municipal Changes,
The Municipal Committee in the
Ontario Legislature ha,\e adopted th•c
i reposal to have both auditors Lppnint-
•edsby the councils in fulurr•, ill:- 'a,xl of
one being nonmed lay the'heaLll of the
Council ; they have also de,'ide•d that
t he aullit,rrs should lee permanent
uc now - o er r Ir and rocery r
Any .person wishing �sto .patronize
the above mill cars;,prg ri. theArtie'
and feed at the mill or sec l'y. • Th
best flour at the lowest pricelland a
person buying a lot for "eir ovine
and have it at wholesale .=prices. ):00's
:other •shop in town sells my flour.
Geo .• Kerr.
A Dangerous Weapon,
The catirpult is a'daii�erouii wet poli
in the hands of the boy,, and cause
much • damage. Besides °brea[tg'•
windows, they become so proficient in
ite use that ttkhey can , ki�t} a bird as.
easily as. with a piste;ll, 'an.0 ennibers :of
'the feathered songst-ets afe slaughtered'•
,in this Way.
Lacrosse Meeting.
To -night (Thursday.); a mee#ingot'
the lov€rss of lacrgsse will be• heldto.
see what action, to, take. for the coming •
season. There ap }flans to`be,no desire
to join the association butt only to,
keep upthe propen spirit `among our.
young boys in our.national game. Let
Sabbath School Anniversary
Sermons in behalf. of the. Sabbath l'
School will be preached in .the Metho
dist church,. Lucknow, next Sabbath '
morning and evening by the Rev.
Thos. Amy, of Bervie. Every person
Foreign Missions
Foreign Missionary Soci.ety or the
Presbyterian church of Canada was
hcsld in Hamilton on Tuesday lasts,.
The delegates present from Luclzunw
being Mrs. J. Somerville, Mrs. W.
Connell and Miss Kate McKay.
_Easter Services.
The service of scripture and song , comine. tome'having thein
rendered in the Methodist church last.
a5abbath evening was very much,
• 11 AM GO: M; (1 Td- IT 4 VE 1'? IN I.1f C is �: O 13', TOO,N D I iz , E4 :.
announce- to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country, that any
a1,l �a O N OP , RA a 1l I , i '
at • ear it. The scripture readii gs
and musical selections -rendered being
upon.. hjres,evdirt celebrated by Easter
day. v, he4chbir minder the leadership
of Mr„. W. H. Smith, deserve great A
praise for e manner in which they
"executed, tlidir parts The whole ser-
vice l!'q; edifying -4d elevating.
ir3 ly;Apprrs ieted. '45
lt'lise-La11a Berr° , lasfr'tveek appeared
;b$fci+re; as`%Ki`ncar4,rnq uclfence inn a
hand concert giveli in tate Town Hall,
•ind': the'Re ,,orter Ira-gpoaking of her
singings y;,r' Misestalla, Berry, of
Lucknow,,hail ; a giftesd and cultured
soprano voice and,.' say s several times
ef'eetually. This waster first appear-
anco before a .Kincardine audience
and ,her voice,. expressionand range
Peat-icybe ve is h
bice'` is of almost phenomenal com-
pass, the lower.notes being full,
perfect and powerful, while her high
notes are .certainly posesssing equal
m�erit� She has been: an earnest
Abti°and has accomplished much,
and: doubtless will some da, attain a
-Fant Sawing
In our, issue of:March 28th we pub-
lished an item stating that Messrs.
Archil,alil "Nicholson and Wm. Mc-.
;Donald,. of Kinloss,, -together cut 14
'cords of wood 'in 8 • •hout^a. This feat.
was dicredited by some and the result
was that a bet of $20 was made that
they could not do it again. They
went to work and succeeded in cut-
ting the 14 cords in 5 hours and 45,
hintese-thus „ inri ire—bet.
Fruit Pt Aspect
According to information received
from all the best strawberry, peach and
3grape•growsing,regions the winter has•
not affected_ these ;crops prejudicially,
,and the crop promises to be large
'The March weather in point of quality,
ihas exceeded the expec ration of the
.farmers. It has' been neither unduly
• promoted nor retarded. The prospects
of a big fruit- crop will • rejoice the
hearts not only of ,the, growers, but 9f .
the consumers, who are every year be-
coming more 'numerous as the merits of
a summer diet largely composed of fruit
are being exemplified.
kg erran • , in. e musica wort.
The Reports of Bruce.
From the annual report of the Min-
ister of Education we learn that there
are 15,924 pupils between the ages. of
5 and 21 years in the public schools of
the County of Bruce. The average
attendancea,of pupils, .however, only
,reaches 7,673. The towns of Kintcar-
dine and Walkerton are not included
in the returns for the county. The -
highest salary paid to a teacher in this
county is $S•64, the average salary.., of
male teachlers, $445, and the average
salary to female teachers, $275. There
are 2 teachers with first ciess certifi-
cates, 65 with seconds, 119 with thirds,
2- with • old county board certificates
and 20,.with temporary certificates.
There •are 59 Normal school teachers
in this country. .
Anothe1 Fire
between ten and eleven o'clock on
Friday night last, fire was observed
bursting• through the roof of an un
_ossu.pie.d imam: bn.ikding just north -af
Mr. Fred Grundy's residence, and be-
fore thealai5rn could be given the place
was enveiiopes1 in flumes. On the
alarm being sounded, the firemen
turned out very promptly 'and soon
had .a streaeer of Water playing on the
fire, which soon extinguished the
flames. Engineer ,Douglass soon had.
stearin up and signalized hiyre idiness
by the.w1histle, before the firemen had
.cone three hundred yards from the
fre ball.• • Quite a delay, however, was
tensed $?rt rseaching the hydrant, arid
several, minutes elapsed before to
party • wino Thad ,charge of the wrench
arrived and turned 'on the water,
which has caused a good deal of rorrr-
rt t. Barring this aittie incident
everything worked very fine.
Orange Blossoms.
On -Wednesday, the ,2nd of April,
Miss Tena McClure, daughter of John
111cClure, was married :to Mr.. Alex
C. Mcl:)ougall, of Victoria, B.. C., at
the r'esid'ence, corner of: C;trnpbe11 and
Outram streets, by 'the Rev, Mr. Mc-
Kay. .
c -Kay.. After e cerem my the com-
pauy.sat down, o a sumptuous wedding
breakfast, when • dancing and other
amusements• were indulged in to an
early 'hour. The happy couple left on
tine ten train for their future home on
the shores of the Pacific, midst showers,
of rive, old slipper's"and all such par-
erphernalia used on such .occasions.
The Si:x'rJNEL wishes them happiness.
S ripped Out
It is currently rurnorerl that Mr.
,John Cribhis, connector of taxes .for
Aruahel tow nship has skipped ith
so,n.e w'2000 of the fu'ilds o. ,(:haat• muni
eipality. He has not been seen by
my-- 'of his : friends-' since -Saturday' inn
ss c •k, ,and the natural conclusion is th
that. he has. left .for greener fields'• ful
lir. Cri!>bis has been collee:tor for the
pa ;Title years, and was a man in
whom .evenly one of his acquairitances lo
halal the rireate5t contidenee—a coati- lis!
delle;, licg'ot by their o•xp,•rience,of his a
heretofore . sterling honesty esty and• tip' edea,
rightness. Previous to leaving Mr in«
'Cribbis visited, the cicrk's office and eta
asking to see. his bonds abstracted exp
to ►
A Grand Concert.
The people of Lucknow and vicinity
will beiglestto learn that Miss Jean
Murray intends giving a rnusiclal and
literary. entertairletrt in the nNar
Miss- iss 11.lurray,'s well known.
ability and the success that always
crowned her efforts are a sure guaran-
tee:that e rare treat is in store fer her
ny admirers in this locality, • Ili
r•, past ? d iss 1�1 urray always cheer-,
ly responded by invitations to take
rt in the various.e;ltertaaiumentsand'
efforts were spared on her part to
ke them a success. An musician,
elocutionist, a talented usician,
cultured lately,, ,>Iiss Murray well
des a crows`led house. 'Iter resider-
. of seloetions front the beet English
:sirs will be looked fors'0rcl to'with
pec'tflti011s of delight. She will be
istcol by the (1Iee Clue, .who will
eeaur in their new co tomes which
now being prepared in ,Detroit. A
s of well drilled pupils will assist
hake this coming concert one of the
t over hell( in Lucknow. \Ve wish.
s ,Jean every sttccess.
oflicery and hold office during the th,
pleasure of the council. It has aaiso los
1, es
. 1,»on decides) that they statement mane
on I)ecerrlber 15th shall he an audited
s.r:e..t ;:nrerrt, and .tha,k.�t]an.tia;n_rr fora Maar
snail end then and. the second at>,dit
sluti1 1,e don atway, with, To gie•e more,
tinny. to prepare this statement the
iermirl:,t,tion will be: held on the first
' Monday. iii 1irtnuaary• and the election
on the second•Mbnday. First meetings
o Coutrcils will be held as heretofore. the
>se Of his sueetics, and it is likely
amount he stole will he' a total
s,-a.LB he mortgaged and otherwise dis-
eel of hi propertyprevidestuleavitig.
e reeve and, councillors are now
icing revery c'fii>rt to retrieve t;itti'
. and' have put all the legal rna-
chinroy• at, hand in nperntion, but
everything appears against them; and
they appear tohave does the business
in sneh a; careless manner that •there
is very little sympathy expressed ' for
m --Tara Lender.
—1:1011 t forget' the r.•,ncert and de-
bate, at the Mechanics' fns itute, next'
Thursday evening, An excellent pro- t
grereine is prepared: See bills,
►� 2
teeth. out, that I will put in two -sets of teeth,
KS �:-
for the prise of cure set, $15, made of the very best, material_i.tt the.. ri
�. ._ .,,...,. .__.._. .. aro d. L .
.nse:rio"ru'blier t,ut C,'ASH R SONS, Lon.non, Engla•,d. The teeth will be
C: Ash Ja Sons,, and S. S. Whrto'•s, conceded by all who are in the l
business to he
'/ZZs e'_tf hR no ware.
hose -firms hair t err names on heir g nods, and the .people can see wli t they .-
are getting and as I use nothing but the best materials' ,will.
guaran Pe sat-
isfaction to all reasonable people, the unreasonable 'and there are a few
such in the ,world, will please bear in mind that I don't want their trde.
Leen adways.he found at Dr: McCrinmon's office, Lucknow.
ti IL:DA woEr�.501 f,.,,•�...fie..rV w
• T Mv,•.+
Luckaoua's &oathng Piotogriphor
. �W. J. STIHNGE tt; ;-444
Is as usual ahead in the finest styles and positions for photos.
Finest retouched ' and. burnished, $1,60
-to $3 per doz.- -Cards $1 to $2 per dog.
He u,lsso keeps a large stock stock- of spectacles, especially
and also deals .in Be, Keepers supplies,
books, stationery,- albums, frames and fancy goods..
Remember :the studio; E. L. Johnston's old stand. Next.
door to Reid's_ bakery. .
he Hub Grocery!
— X 'O x
Having just received a large consign
meat of .
nosh Groceries;
Choice family Roy,
Choice Tobacco,
{ '1 aware
Teas, Coffees,
arta Sugars,
which will be sold cheap at
the Hub Grocery.
DRESS u004:4
Leading Shades in Efei i iiettas.
Fconlahs, Casinne • tS. A e.•
Trimmings to match, in
LACES, 131; A1])s, Pr155�11SL1'�'1?I.I$S,a
‘A..V D . ipt3UNS,
Spring &. Summer "Mi llinely,
Goods delivered to all, parts • • —AT--
—nT—of the village, �.
�•' 9py�,t7s9j•7,