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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-04-11, Page 7
• TBE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE • The follow s at popped their third readings : To amend tb" (merle Insurance ,Aet- Nf: Oilmen (Hailton). To enable the cagy of Brantford to issue debentures for drainage, water, school and park purposes -Mr. Hardy. To regulate mining operations -Mr. Hard/. --;^a•, ,.. ""tk �l feiod uiavilAt 0r400' Qc S►nithville Railway Company.-:A2t;R 1 . ovum - To incorporate the Dunnville 4( SmijtI villa jetbation Reil*ay Company -Mr. Hrreourt. To vest certain portions of the St. Cath. arinee,. Thorold+ i 4 /itmgent Fails road tri the town of Niagliele Fella and • the town. -,+hip-o! eStlianfordeeeThe triPrney t3enerel, Mr. Fraser presented report of the comms mince on Rill No. 76. ' , Mr. Fraeer-Reepecting mortgagee en4. t naleceet .arsenal property. s t• NATI • r;> A VERY EMIRAN ,` ,i O1,OR. 1 Two PA$m[ PUPIL SWINDLE. Sketch of the Lath Sir William G One vho Kn.. Him. AN ORIGINAL AND STRIKING FIG Alt England is stili Teaiking of Sir William Gull, the eminent Court sic' Ys laden with eketohcd of ,,the nts�►n $ timed stories illnntratiu ),ie, n r} eo ; i'ba' Pczji Mall CsazettP t'e of hijin than he t9�ad..one of tete abieete Most originiplTined striking personalities wbloh a eieree )eat conveneioo,al, profession has pr'odnclfid in this generation. Everything aboaloTuu) wad pietur"esque ; hie hgrnb_t"o origiq,, i ; a `eon of a vlila e, tradkr Lbio ,'rapaggniq.o at of faoeeend`featnre hid •brilliant 000vnrsa- • tioui teeming with epigrams, peraies and gnoiatione.; his extreme eineplicii0 of. life at home/; and lite .influence ,i}nd top*a• tion. at Cuurt and in " society," combined d. ethos! nthoxr*u , •� ?°„ 1 g i - : ohool AO. • Mr. Meredith moved the third re `''a Bill respeoting the qct r: of London -WdingYor the amolgaeneitiom- of South with the• oityprOn , far. Waters moved ars amenndmenfit that rite be inserted in the Bill• proving that e territory in question, viz,,Weattrrii;nater, te'net'annexed"until a by-law to that effect was submitted to the ratepayere and ported by a majority of them. He th d the prinoiele uuderlyin•; this wars oo rent and clear ars a mgttg; ., r ferigli j •sties that anything farther in that tttin would be nnneceesary. , -`The t�i"mendment was carried. . The following bills paesed - their readirige To amend the Aot incorporating th lage of Tilbury Centre -Mr. Balfour. To incorporate the,, Nei* & I,,� Railway C mpany-M�r, Clans . 'Co amend the Railway AoL.o1 Ont& Mr. The following tills, pass their readings : epec:ing the Sennta G .C(omp& M _Maiikenzie ;: e, . e socia the onto Ra Ootn any -Mr. Li. r -• tract , To make fgrthe pr'ggisfc ,f©r pr'' cx�, ing the lip ri d,,r ,r oontegiods die ;r inmong boreeke,7, r• Drury, ;;; The fellowi.i bit i were r=eferred ba ramiteepeeeeh' 1 R<•epeotteg''the� Midwife* of •arohite lir. Ross •(Iisidrdleeex).. - To corporate,' thhe Huron &' On Railtsat Company. , r, Rose (Huron) To' plif-x ihuprOoedure• for enfuf me -(bel ea' he> -The �Aitorni General. • • WW1 reepeot,to s• ani! costa of sum- mary oonviptithjs , e Atterney•General • The Rouble C©nitl�ttoe reported the fol. lowing bills, . • a '''t "-; Respecting contraots t prance--rMr. ' ( '' Gibson (Hamilton}. :,:�•;4• r • To amend the Retail* t, ..tr.'Gibson Respecting the expense en County Court H eee "• judges under the Ditches and' Watercoarees •---•_�t...•..tot,.-entr. fleetly. '' ''' Mr tel ibaon brought} •down, the,annual re- • Ott Provincial Board of^Health. ef Petit. neat advent into oomniaittee on the 'eetiiiiet` s. ''� ' -' The grant for education wee taken np. • e . All. the -items for edtuq iopn,totail 100 18, ;dre.:pa''esa `se,' ,; 'a Mr ','Giibaron explained that',an inc"rease'of .: 1116:500 foie Materiel fee :tl CentrsltPris0h .would bo.tiriied�-'int ' �',ob%.•, t 'neat year wen thematerial•.ti 'ap. The illem of .r6,39f1" fol. th& :- „mit was then pawed. Mr. Druryesald "that the 'Government intended to utiliec the service,of Mr;' R.W. Phipps, , foreetry ofl`iuere th,l:oomiw,g gear . to &ddreee Farmers' Institutes. ' This year the Government was lalling ,a policy of discouraging the Attend/trio of young Eng. nehmen ; as then .:Agricultural College, Guielph, who went ranching to the North- weet afterwards'' or, took positions in the States, and: to end ago the attendance of the eons. of fame • _" in;Onterio, who after gr&dna ' g refer e" ,to;heft farms, -_ . • The Truth Atoll* a Boy. He comes out at the front deer .bright•. faced and happy. He comes eat for no portion reneon, eave-thaYt he vents to be moving about. He is full of-phyeioal action, and must get some of it out of him before bedtime, or he won't be. fit to sleep. He doesn't know' this with his head, but hie knows it; for,after all,the' body does a d.deal'of its own thinking independently - of wb we Deli conectotiences. Hegtands on the stand looks up and down the Street. He d beet know what be is looking for. Indeed, he -is not looking -for anything. ,$e jest looks with a Hort of pndi~fined hope that he will eee something suggestive - to him of what to do. He jumps down the steps and goes to' the gate, hangs on it a moment, makes a few Bounds with his voice such as nobody. but O boy oan make, and nobody else would make, it he could. They don't mean anything. He. neak_!je_ them because. -welt,. herniated) is a boy. $s if he had suddenly • though of something to do, - he bange the gide ope. and rushes down the middle of the'stree yelling • like a young Indian. ,But he het not suddenly thought of something to do He has simply done that beo&ase h oonldn' think of anything to do, and inns do soca thin Then he pioke up a Ston and it ,,,a n dog, and cringes aod'feel sorry 'it it bits the mark Belle doesn't wan. to hart the dog. He thrq-s the stone be- ' cable lie and the -dog -Attu: the atone are there, and it is handy to"do so For a few seconds he stands and lonke ,up into & tree at -nothing. Then , he breaks' into a run again, and suddenly sits down on the curb- stone as if he had .aocomplished something t . and was content. • Panabokke Seimastewikram& KarumatI- lak&, Abbayaw&rdhana Bhnwanesekara Jay&sundera Mvdiyanselage Tikiri Banda Ratemahatmeya is the name of a Cinga. !eee gentleman who bas been appointed by Queen Viotoria to a seat in the Legislative Counoil of the Island of Ceylon. ' Mme. Old Guard -Marie, did yon got the flowers I am to wear in my hair this evening ? " Yee, Madame, but"- " Bat what ti the hair l' " unfortunately, I've mis- It is a `poor clothing dealer that doesn't find. eaopsea fora hall a dozen spring openings. enig•' 01,111 ersOnageo;91 the day ! call .ding 9r idvetP .. whish by a perp glSan°9 : • er' ,. pro vies r a a - *, m00 intrgdklot l# hint. no Loddon Pus C paroori"#hpit,,,the,reszde4 soya r of , pea the opening `ip groat 4a>}'�1.� The ovei!ri w se t of g rte ee4ernote with thq;besusy1#ndinrollrgenoeoftt�e boy° and hie f shit" gtoryecit lets lege of r„s,iaMg,. .and he,- a promised! him ,q free ,ed eap� '91`8'94. ` . df'rorrt tele. Bigeoo it x sohool, ought` "Where- he , :sorts R • trained, he- wiiye apps trhnehtted.l$y„hie patron to the gallipote Land- ot-GGny, ;boapiep .and,-beginning--with•the direo. harpbleet.offioe4;;70. tf phiarmiacy, be rose; -by duet of talent and hard work to the higheee euetiratte of feehian as a physician, the third friendehip of prinDes;. and �a11 the honors which the ancient ueevereitiea could pour e vu- Upon him.•: From the $trot, those who knew him”" intimately predicted bis brilliant bton career.. Of a Manly and "massive type of • comeliness, and`witli falroiaating m.anz.ere, rio 40:-- ow how to -combing the graces of Fraser. the oourie,�tvishet 4e pgmois'nr profundity - third '9t i.Aienner Thigh is one of the Beorete of Thigh ffi alts parser of a court costa iii l 0 nye- , y _ pbysioian. ire onitivated the art of•oo. Within: with as much assiduity as iiway subtle methods of bedside diagnosis pilietable presoriptione. ".&s an orate event possessed rare gifts; and when Gall eases to. deliver ,aneoraiicp, either at the C_ of Fhy eioaans or'et any of the more p ok to lar medical aseernbliee, there was, en g : owtre$�dsnce, an • ere a easel_ was something well worth hearing. delighted, is - aradox and, in pis eario generalizations, tie did not ° fear to s hie profeetiunal 'brethren by i. (ing ma'iitired &,d "�taggreesivo inorednlit o value of medicines. The great mists_ thepeor, be once told a popular audio_ is that they ,cannot be, reasoned ou$ their belief.'tha$ disease conies by P_ -__ denceand eeYby medicine. Hisenint-water treatmen 1rheumatism shook the founda- tions city a well-ostabltehed syetetii of ntedib n, and the reunite whioh he achieve& be adoption of what were at the time eidered almost Nihilist theo of therapeutics made his wards in G hoepiita`i. To, thofe old-aohool praotitionere who ticket every eynoptom, and have a do she and r he Was tom - re to ways kie Mint ook well - the of ries zen ODD ent tier bet ow- ar- re. to of ilit of tly er, th oh 80 re he p. nt an an se he ly st nd ut 00 0 e _gene In th 6 brio ifoourton iSnelidh aud philo a ma Mite arid the h The journalistic) Field -Kate. Some Of the Frenoh esteem) are finished. so marvelously that it takes an expert ehopper'so tell them from silk. ,Firet tramp, -I like this modern style of erchiteovere. Eitoond tramp -So do, ; does away entirely with the wood. Florence Nightingale, aged 17, Pf anode, Mich, on Monday night pewee from the door of her father'ii house, intending to go to the 'well for water. Two mtn seized her and atteinpted to force her into a car- riage. The girl struggled desperately, and soon being miesed, neighbors sleeted pursuit. Site wee rescued in i* Secluded pare el greet have b f the town uninjured, except by the ehifiek *6 her nevem Three • men ! eon arrested. • • `lenetethite Xxencielq of How the Orullelema 7,r Englishmen are Fleeced. Detective Murray has received the 1°1- .1040,0g letter teen] Alderson & Sona, Civil and Mining Engineers, Stewart Buildings, New York: e, Deer Sir" -Having had two intimate Mende disappear seen after their arrival in Canada' to commence the life of gentlo� partioniare before you, in hope that • eiterteerone edvertiee=cnte leseried in t ,London nue and other papers by certain Srme, who have lived for years upon their ill gotten glint; rnsy be put a stop to in she interests of humanity. The first caee.tbat came to my notice while living in London, England, was that of Anguesus 'Rawlings, who resided with his parents at Mande Villa; Oampbellville. London, who was at- tracted by the heading of an advertiegment in the Tithes to the eons of gentlemen and where, stating pupils were received acid tan�ht farminv Mn- *- - -. TEA TAHL E 43 0E3.$4) -•-Oirle'are to weer gaudy oeck'tiee. -The price of cai raptor hoe doubled. Tia muni - g nI, the keds weary-worn. n,u -The summer dq are here to eta B the sad and weafX-worm: � y voice c, Ring out, ye belle 1 the holy Bsbbath peal, . -Mauy spring h(ifo will be orownlese. That in your -Most people agree that eon a dayold Iny son di tatod14ere to a heal, hat bleu rhe sin t, a a with es heal," is best. p Calvary's fount, and with the saute r..j ice. Bing out. ye bells; O echo Par y� .cel'; f"":.'7 ^�SS3Fi,.^SiFC "+Cita a bb»th yells. • RiAnout, ye bells.] the sA.eemoeresett. and" ele$r,• the sleePer b]" "' 4 o eso ra . • 1 And soothing the ter• -Low iano-la P w s a •ways. . � u ci�acns ..'. igiL t he-EpanlAttee will beput on child° r That every aorilyonr eilv'ry tones a ee 9 g ua v tt..«. r be ).vluwee. r 3oi;i a%v„e iu c tanwng Jesa's i,rai u. --New note paper 'has a (rest or mono gram in White. e-Out•glaea: dumb -belle are made for feminine athletes. -An honest bank cashier ie like an un- loaded gun, because be will not go off. -He (making a ctrl) --And what ha roe in iniibury avemen vibioh I was informed was paid £1,000 ono -third of which was -paid to an agon in Toronto, -who was, Mr. -se, "Veb kept the London offices.well supplied wit Monthly pamphlets degoribing all sorts o farms for eale, eto. My friend left hem in high glee, arrived in due course a Toronto, and was forwarded to Hamilton from which piece be wrote to his mothe as well as mylielf.; with a sketch of the ear rounding country. His next letter wa rem Niagara Falls, when he said his nee week's letter -would contain it'sketeh Nee in which he was going to locate. Bo he next week's mail arrived ,witheut remised letter and he has never' bee wird from since. Hie parents ire bot eed, but they never heard what became o fee. The scoondCase was that of A -Fran egbie, the son of a deceased Britieh fficere who died in- India and left him a mall fortune, which he invested in an ntaxio farm, first being educated for tb rimy -and --pluoketrnis'TT-Lnethematios xaraination - He was. attracted by. the dvertise-ment already referred to ; paid his tie ; arrived' in Toronto, consigned to or 2300, eitttated on the margin of et lake a lontly. place north of Lindsay. He as swindled. out of hie money, and ith the baiance he went into another ace, which 1=oelbedas nosatisfactory, egged of me te restore him to isivile toien. I rePliect end urged him. to come my private quartere, wh'ere he could find home until we got him something end°, ut my letter was returned marked "Gone ay," and he has never been heard from noe to my knowledge, although mPion he were very friendly anchheehad done utmost to find him. / hope that this. ntvell investieation will be the means of a flourished for years in London and The , name of the agent in Toronto re - red to in the letter is given by the writer, 6 Detective Murray thinks it prudent net m &Mend Yard, and one that Chief of Hee Grate* had from England concern - the oases upon whioh he working. He at liberty juat now to pultIfsh their tents, but they indicate") keen,intese taken in certain queetereim England* eratood they have an important' bearing the business.. . • • • 1 0 a in a an iz to aw el SD hi Be de ha On fer bu fro Po ing is n eon Olt the und on Taken on the Winle. Bib:Mira will be 75 yore OM on the lst on injunction reetrainieg firni.lrom selling stoves beioev pool rates -a merited rebuke of an attempt to tuare a court of jug- • M. Pontine, the mineralogist, claims -to have discovexedebe a mixture of copper and lime the ithitatiful Mier azurrnee, the ocen• position 014bitch bag eo long been a,puz• zle to arthitiaPiittint is said to be perfeotly unchangeablee,and is identical with the famous Alexandra* bine. . The civilization of Africa seeme to mean the extermieation of Africans. There is 'more -shooting and etahbine than. preaching or praying'. The wheele of the oar of pro- .„gresa leave a bloody track in the viegin eoil. Between the Englishmen, the Ger. MIMS and Italians, who are . trying their hands .4 redeeming the natives from savaged -3,V' it is bards() arty which under - are literally following that declaration of the divine anther bf Christianity, that he came ncit to bring peace into the worldebut the word. -Brooklyn Eagle. A large American eagle is now on exhibi- tion loll, show vvindow of Alex, Dann, Wy- oming layette°, Scranton, Pa. It was omp- tiered afteiteconsiderable difficulty. The eagle ;made* appears,noe on the farm of James Fitzpatrick, Wyoming county. Fiexpettriek'e 'attention was attracted by an unusual disturbance in his -pig stye. Think -in" his porkees might .have been at- tacked by bears or a catamount, as both are numerous in the wilda of Wyoming, Farmer Fitzpatrick seized his- treaty shot - to the retione. He wits surprised to find, inateadtt a bear or wild cat, a large eagle hevering over the pen. The bird, steadying heel! with wide -spread winge, was endease oring to pick up one of the pigs with he talons. Fitt*petrick :drew a bead upon the huge iiird and fired. The Elhot did not kill the eagle, but the farmer captured it after The Virtue or Hot Milk. It is worthy of reiteration that Milk heated to ea high a temperature lid if den be drank or sipped ebove 100 degrees, but not to the boiling point, is of great value as a refreshing stimulant in oases of over- exertion, bodily or mental. To moat people Who like milk it does not tante do good, but that is a mall tnatter compared with the ben( fit to be got from it. Ite motion le ex- ceedingly prompt and grateful end the effeote much more satisfaotory and far more lasting then those of any alcoholic drink whatever. It supplies real strength " Give ma the mem who sings at his work," save a writer. He eau have him Also the inorkyllisurtiotlee at- his work; yon denied yourself, Mies Fannie daring sae everyone who (rile. going to be when yougrow • grown ' at are (yon p ? T ninny -Ma- Saye- I am going to be just a 'an- other lazy loafer as pa is.. -" Confound a printer, anyhow!" " What'a•the matter?" " Why,I wr to a sonnet to my flanoee'a ' Wee Foot,' ind, they've printed it °" Web Foot,",'•••� "- -" I hearthe . opera bonne is going to open," said Snarley. " Is that eo ? " asked. Hartley. " What .with ? to ' "" Bunch of Keys," answered Snarley. ; --Retiggu�t_--I sey,..dogt're-tubal-sort "of -a - Cramp ie "ibis on • tbe.. bapk of my neck? Dootor -,It is teething serious, but I *quidadvjaq ydht. nevertfyeleets, to keep yen! eye. on,it� _!1 Come brother,t' sate the editor Of the Voice, prohtbition •paper, "let ne eland side by side as we 'look auto the glass." Very Well. brother, very Well ; here'e looking at you."• -Shoe dealer (to young widow, whn fe haa` lirfgeoverpile of ladhei slippers) -4e yon looking for number two, ma'am 7 Young widow (blueh1ng)__Yea, Bir. Are you an rinmai`ried man ? Lent ? She (wearily)"-•Rest,principallye; I -is Was your watchman well , mended ?" " Oh, no directly. Insed to see him ineohurch, and as he stayed awake cluded he was,the man I wanted." 4siireeti# r ode in Denmark. Danish butter, which oonititande lop priees inner markets, is all made from Sotired or ripened cream, as most efssOur own butter* theugh there ire advocates of the sweet -cream system, anct marry who practice it'. The new Danish system has proved eo succeestul that a description of for the Dairyata woethy of attention in this countryiet,On the day before it is intended to ripen meant a quantity of whole.milk is taken (2 per cent. of the quantity of oreatee4o be soared), and one- fifth of pure coy:twitter is added -to it. It is poured into clean can or earthenware 'jet-, and liva_teditui-learn,perallart-of-sV6 - 90 degrees Fahrenheit, packed in hay, and "allowed to stand for twenty hours. If the external teniperature has not been too low it will then have thickeneclete an even and ehould be Wavy. or cueiede .the &teeing Mid spoil anr-ireant ta. which it was added. The oream, after being sepeteated, hi heated to a temperature of 66 to 68 de- grees Farenheit, or a little less in dime:neer and a little more in 'winter. Is then poured inso the cream *easel end well, stirred, after which: the sour milk is added,. the mixture being again stiffed, covered over and left perfectly quiet for nineteen.or tweety hours. Care should be taken to , keep the place in which the.. cream is ripened of an even tempeirature; and if there is any diffionity in eecurieg this ob- ject', the vessel should be protected by a packing of haye At the end of" the tame named the oream should be ot an even, sonr, but sweet odor. If it ie lumpy or emits an nepleasant odor the souring hae gone too far. and the butter will not be first-rate. • Experience, however, renders those who practice the s3sterci very pro. licient,_ so that fsilure is n'ot at all com- mon -Bt. James' Gazette. • Airs. Diary, Clement Leavitt. Mrs. Mary Clement Leavitt, Who is now in this country, was appointed te the office of World'S Orgarizer of the Woman's Tem- perance Union in the year 1884, since which time she bas travelled 62 000 miles*, Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Teemenia, Japan, China, Siam, Singapore Burmah, India; Ceylon, Mauritius, dadagascar, Natal, Orange Free State and' Cape Colony. In all of these countries Mrs. Leavitt organized Women's 0. T. Ueions, the number of ouch being 75, which number hair since been doubled by the unions. then). selves. Mrs. Leavitt has alsp formed many White Oroge Societies in several •lande where they had -not-existed before; ait well as about twenty Men e Temperance- So - [defies among the Japanese, Indians and Malagasy. Mra. Leavitt has no salary. Her ser- vioee are given freely td her heroio and self-denying work. Not only has she sacri- ficed home and country to it, buthae given up a positionin whioh year by year she could financially haye made coneiderable 'The mission hes been eupported mainly by voluntary contributiene of friends by the way, the American W. C. T having niade up all deficienciee. The kind contri- during her stay in England, which ehe reached on the 15th ot last July, it is hoped sufficient money may be conteibuted• to defray her current expenses; and to Bub- stentially aid the further Work of her mission. As gegland hes pot previonsly contributed, it is einoerely hoped this will not prove diffioult. " can't stay long," as the man about to be hinged said to the sheriff when re- quested to be aestea. " I am weigh off," as the short ton o noel said. " Afi," he said, as the postman handed "him a letter, " an epistle!" " No," said hie wife, as she opened the envelone and a uttered to the flor, ",seaten-opiatlbe trollikiVii Ring out ye belle,! that Heaven may catch the That', our,dgar ones on yonder jewelled shore May join. With ne.to bleu Jrhnvah's re gn Ru• bin our lives, of the brief week passed o'er; Ringput, ye bells! the Welc, me is t,, all be-neembors-o1' the race: 'O`may"Davy cove! Anil -Worship God whatever tray befall, And fit the salt. for Christ's etern•d home. .T. An tsmoN6, Ha itoa. The White Love, six year's. She had been injured in h..rl16th year, by a fall from a hammock, a ed bad never left her bed since. It was very. Bad to eee this sweet yunng girl, .just bud. t ding into beautiful womanhood, stricken ' like a rose -by the frost. Sadder still was.it from the fact that oho had jnit - plighted her troth to a noble young man, • whose devotion for •bei• was so great that if amounted almost to worship. Although,. from the nature of her injury, which wae.. spinal, it•was impossible that Faith should' • evereeeooveX_ so.- as -.to. -leave .-her couch: `Ro� r faithful Ctoahiismtro h- morelover, evo ed and loving than ever, eo that his very existence seemed bound u -p in hers, and he asked no dearer joy in life than to serve her, " and comfort her, and be near her. The love of these young -people ,waa very beautiful. Suffering, no doubt, had mode it parer than it otherwise could ever hay. been, though the eseance, from the first wag ' the fragranoe-bar apotlee foo sr:---. • What sweeter picture could be imagined ban that brave, strong, faithful young lover eiiting,by the bedside of hie betrothed -of .her who never could be hie -dud read- ing to the•pale, patient, beautiful girl sot. a story or " poem of her choice" while the bunch of wild flowers which he had brought lay in the slender white hand on the white counterpane? - 8o for six long, bitter-sweet years thiea - " eve was a rip •urng- Then came the awful shock, the cruabing blow ; for. the stricken life began to fade out, and, like terrible defier°, tne truth fastened' itself upon Roger Cheatnam's soul that hie beloved was patiaing away teem him ; that the frost's bitten roe was strewing Its Iasi petals over thie earth of ours grown dreary. Faith herself did not strive to coneeel trush from IiimetiShe told him one day, when the settiagridin streamed low ccroen her comb, &eked 'with the ehadowe or elm leaver', that in a le* abort weeks she felt that her sufferings would be over, and he would be freo again. Free ? Roger Cheatham , bent ()e'er the. Weary -face on tlitilow and three tante- hairs fiaoredly with his lips, while Faith Grafton's cheeks were !vet with bis teers. It was enough. Feith could die happy. • 'F,'•• Ale DOW ; for fine knew that Roger's love' Wail gives 'brie Mae ind'having. once given Dbilik can take back twain. In the eostasy alarm* moment she said, with a prophetic, lotetl. shy which thrilled the young man like a voice from heaven : " Believe me, Roger, I will not lecave you waiting all alone. In some way I. believe that I obeli be permitted to come to you, and to give yon assurance • that Cur love, broken heree is to be united again in heaven; Stimething tells me that ray soul e shall hover over yours -it may not be in any visible form, but its presence Isbell be known to you." Then she. stretched.' out her band weakly, and he took it iu bis steong grasp. And so they commueed silently for a long time after the„ sun back gone down, and the first stars were twink- ling in the eliy. After tide' the siok girl seemed to slip away out of life, as dewdrop that has been loosened slips from the 'petal of is 'flower. " It's all right, mother, ' she Enid one morning, wbile her Mother's tears dropped on tbe wasted hands. " Once thought I was leaving the sue behind, bet the.fight has moved up higher, mother. It is away over on the other bide now," When the end came it came ilk° a begin- ning. There . was no sorrow Len. puthi.ng • away of death with the •white hands A • sweet slumber like a veil fl laced over the girl's eyee, and with anent ffable cansile she put her right hand into her mother's, bends ' • and her left band iuto her lover's hande, and gave herself up to the ang4; and eo was all over. . One evening, about, a week after thd farerel,'Roger Cheethern was coming from the woods Over beyond theseinetery, with both hands full of great clusters of will • flowers. It was the sunset hour-th. one hoar when Faith had made that orange, sweet promiep which he would never let go , thought, " how. ehe will come to me ? For I know that she will eorne if the gates of heaven -are not forever closed upon the 'spirits of the dead. Just then, over Roger Cheatham!a head, came that sweet winnowing sound which ifeeme peculiar to the wings of a dove. He looked quiekly np, and there, hovering Over him as white as the edge of a sum- doCe.‘ For e moment it poised with up- ward and downward motion of its wings. Then from ite bMs something came whirl- ing and driftieg ; but ere it had touched rosy west and disappeared. R iger Cheatham stooped reverently and p eked up the e white missive which had flattered to hie feet. It wae a single sprite. of immor- Canard passenger ( elle is ora4,4ing 4110 " say, steward., weren't theme bisonita that we had this morning a lade . heavy ? Steward -I aline makes loin 'navy, sir, the first two or three days out. All the women agree that the re* Mos paraeols, which are now xhibited in thin tihope, are worth saving up money to buy. " She wore a T gown with a V-shaped neck," said Mrs Gadabout, after 00 afser-