Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-04-11, Page 4.i M�.• •t,.. t:+�d1 '� 6,*,'*,a�'"',�_ �,1�„'It. • N� .iik R .a,.A'� ��-t%ry • !LE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARcit.oE x,iEtili ,, ns ibtams, The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce 0ounty, Friday, April 1 f tb. � 'pry � �r�,��•v .. .._ PARTI rLU4 VS. MAICRIED To the Editor of the Sentinel Party conventionswill he the order of the day from . now till the local elections are over, Iteforwers will be carrying u' auiu)ous resolutions of confidence and approval in the 'Bows erslL9 ,T. [ t �., , ems. , "r'iWP I ���""t�•tes tvtCfi"' CIF CONSOLENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL I equally zealono en,d gt�z.!y f*lcu,cu masa, I,IBEIlinu s. with the curse pursued by their party leader. What does' this indicate I Why, that we ha'e too much party and that both parties are equally blind to anything good iu. their .opponents, or anything wion,;, in their own. pa McDoventx, :•--'McCLvsn•-At the bride's home Lucknow, on'Wednesday, Apel 2rtd, by - Rev. A.. McKay, Mr. Alex. McDougall of Vancouver B. C. to Miss Christens McClure, of 1.ucknuw, , 141T'1Q BORA ' DAT] sox- Iu Gude.nicb, on Saturday. April oth, the wife of A. B. Davison of a sun NOTICE IS REREBY e RevisedGIVEN I;* Ontad bal,ter 110, sectiooii . 6, that a1 e-redf itors and t•thc-le ha�iu; el,iin,a t•.; ii.et the estate of Willi _nt J.,bnston, late of the '1 own- sltil �; '\%P'0 Ie uu ' the 1901 act "., of 3Iaaea ll')O- are rt•oi,i! eci sty deiivet to '�( ^• e Mr. Jahn H. 1�igtri.yr.reo, of `t;t.,. Township nship of Kinloss, in the Oouuty of Bretz , yeoman, Kinloss P. 0., one of the a :t-cet'•rs of the last will and testament of said dee(ss•:tl on or before the lith day of Iiay next, ,.ht•ir names, addresses, the full particulars of th. it claims, a statement of their accounts and tLe nature of the secure fes, rt any, lte)d by them and that afttr-the. eaid-13ttr rt- y-- May. n•,xt, the -said exentz ,, ; Will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceas,.d aim nog the par'tiesentitled thereto, regard beiti5 hail 0„1•• to the clai,as •,f which naive hes heett r.•c,.it e aas.e ' or any hart thereof ,n tl=a t ihuted-t qty persotr %those claim shall not have been received at the time u1 such ilia t: i hi ti in- RO1�E1-n'soV )e YOUNG -in Lurknow, ' n Friday. Atoll Orb, i aytr, tile, wire of Mr. Thomas R. 'Yining, of a daughter, DIED. . Haawni-In Wheatland, North Dakota, nn Wednesday, April 2nd, Robert Hadwin, aged tib -'years. Deceased was a former resident of Lucknow- ctj}r..- -� . FARM TO RENT. HE SOUTH ttALF tozolc ovr, 4p i1 11th, 1600. SHE VAS ACQUIT?ED. The alleged poisoning case, -wherein :Frs. ;Edwards. of Woodstock, was Tii•as equally .blind to any merit in the Conservative party or fault in Reform until the O'Brien bill ca the mils I --66u . OF LOT 65 AND • tt, ast a d, JJughrJ. W: hitel,;, of Clinton, �tt*'.oneluded • on. Fridayilast. The Irasa' of M. C.: Comeron, on behalf • t the prisoner, was a great forensic .•:Fort, and had a strong effect, not • aly'upon the jury-, hot`on the specta- sirs. His Lordship, Judge Street, charged strongly, iii favor of the _ _;•:igoner,_and. ooln,.the.A aund-tthat-the, Johnston, who was the •principal itli}ess ag iust her, if her starry was. t rue,,.tytis ag.accomplice, and that her ensgpported •testictony would root • t' arrant a conviction.. 'He also,pointed out the vital discrepancies in the story told by the girl Johnston. The jury t -cheat -ant raga.-netlist a -6v i0 a�,d s1s Inns returns C in; t e division on that bill, I com- pared the d'oin'gs of both parties since • the'. Riei rebeliiou and- I now honestly come to the conclusion that they are both alike; pandering to party for pb'-itical power. As the loyal elections conte first 1 mill. deal. priucipa'1•ly with-' the acts and doings of the Legislative Assembly. 'Sir John. is accused (de- servedlyso; I think) of,' gerytnandering On tario,.. al)d-.a.tuopg_the -most. laring_ is the County of Bruce. Ile, Sir John, divides it and gets two' Members out of three. Mowat divides it and gets two members out of three, by a division as. unique as Joe Revnold's. description of some of Sir John's,. when he said one might worship them without breaking the second cow mandment, Blame, by this cutting 5 ii , two nnserVati -e and one Reform members to the I-1+•use of. Commons and - vice versafo- the Ontario parliament. Why not leave at bonnie one member on each side from - both houses and effect a sari ;:iinutes wit>t:,a verdict-of;notAar iilty, -Whet result of the�verciict 'harm-corked acini the feelings gs of the large .audience, who completely filled.the mem. -t . TaE improvement of country •roads - is one of ttte.chief topics of discussion • several.tif,tbe northern States. An .xhaustice -.paper .was recently read .etore'.the Pennsylvania -,State 'Board f' Agricultuve, containing estimates of to cost of miens kinds of stone roads. a heasariter sahib-: `SL hetiattis %renew - t ered"th ..bat h the greater part of ti o_year the country roads are in poor. _�ndition some idea may beigained of -1e"ti.tamense loss in horse -power which they cause to the farmer. It is. plain, terefo*- , that when the roads are so :)proved that a farmer can get over t?fteen smiles of 'good road with no :uoreArouible and expenditure of horse • - ?.ower than ,is required over ten unles 'j • ••f bad road, that five miles have been added to the territory tributary' to the n nrkett and that•tlie advar age therefore, mutual between t„ion and . ountry:.. lout in the face of these facts. It seems that the snlutian of this quer-• tion trust in a great weasu,re -be s��1sed • i by long and cnnstant 'agitation and 1 :alloyed eriort to'show by inath'ematical ile.nonstratit:,n that hood roads are ani- vatltiweou-s anti_ eoonnntieeal. air-; llttd •)f ,til. al.::u, and eriucatine ,.-~)u-itlie apiui' n to suet) deeded -reform • - ee.ms ilte,,n,i sent and reprehensible. .Bet as long •as pe'°rale are so willing to . e-udurc, the :;rt :r iuconvience and loss t: 'Which they su't:i:n tom the mud.road the ,prospect toot road reform is not hii:fh•,.ai d (9.14 -'roti •ri the p'e'ple upon • ::hip suiliert,. must continue This roes i -a1,'. and ,pernicious method of ' marl making. and rt•nt'1"'ri11,r,' from, year to v„at-• a Ft bout tt }'.article of improve, :1,• tot i- i.r•vonrl oar's cotnprehensibnn or re -o;;: -L.: on. and can only be e2t.prainy:' •,t' all ul an :lle errotnt'ois, principal of • Cart! .of TIIainks ng of $2,200 at Ottawa and $1,200 at Tor - ,onto every year. amounting no _every parliament. to $15,'$00 11 ''Divide this ainong•our agricultural societies or add to our school grant. If any public inxproaewent was to be projected ?whereby the Centre Riding of Brue was called On to unite and strengthen the scheme, either ' by petition or 'a bonus, what' sympathy or union„' of feeling could exist between the. people of Amberley in the south -west and those of ;Qbeslev on the north east. :it .div=ision• ,or revisionof the con- stituencies ,is to the made every decade .Y -.tat-keep--j setf-in pf.we'r d n e oil h h' indefinitely- In every county entitled to - mere than one member the election should be similar to those by which we elect our councillors. If the county is C nservative it is entitled t be represented • by a • Conservative. If . • a Reform county , by a' Re- fortn"er, This 'a is equal- rights. Creating new ridirgs and controlling the ap- p ointments ofcthe Province are'eviis' that are beginning to bear fruit.. The office of Chi e£ ' now, con mug 100 acres and principally clearest land. For particulars apply to WILLIAM • HE' DF.R; OV, Lncknow, or DAVID HE2•t DERSON, 1st concession, lot 69 and 70. 189.0.- MR NM • • THE KEY TO HEALTH. • Unlocks alithe clogged avenues of the ' Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry ingoff gradually without weakening thy system, all ' the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, - I3,eadaehes, . Dizziness, Heartburn, Coinnstipation,, Drynera of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Balt Rheum, las B -, era Debility;. all these. and maw,- other similar Complaints ;eld -to the, happy influence of BYTRDOCC BLOOD BITTERS.- otic tors for said ascent r3. W. t TY tJ1Js es, co., Proprietors. Torsil Dated at Walkerton this 6th deny of April 1�S(t. SPRING 1In Ili . . • 1890. Our stock for' the season is now about complete. piet@, >` +' nt tier presented a 'etter selected lot agoods to our -many customers. , 3 t �mers. Each department 0 -0 -1a -a - -CROCKERY Boots and. ';E#Oes is replete with re ' �' great bargains. 4” ' eader. if CAMERCN, MUF DOCH & CO. LICK\ OW & DUNG ANNON a Our milliiery department is' supplied ppIl®d . with the Superintendent i f..hiducatiiop -vas faint seized on 1 newest ;and fest and ithe amt,itnt it cost the countryin r:tcell- iul �chbal 111c; and antbot'izing new series 'miter` aurs` nthous, i's been en co io us, rind a uselesstrust? and improve m<nt Las been Made on the old national st ries. The Mowat Govern- . -Ment claims ec ,uotuy lac is tht;: Sclut•tl businessec ,l.,,:ny is a mis 'no,nen. Otte .firm l offered to publish the whole series for one t Lir-d less than the -sups ';aid the . three oat-. trut',ors w•hn• t. g t the c„n:,-let, but the lii•,i-ter .'f Fdu.atii,n was in a tight 'race on ' acc-.•.,.lit of r: former arra gn•m-'nt, and su't f "tam to the atm -Atilt •.,f �.;i'OO) beiu ; threat- - r:;rti• lot• t,'ay.-th' '-'n:ract ata pt -i r t )• recoup the pal.lisher- •three times over, and thus t- tl'rd the hnmi;i:ttion•„f being' the eanst' t f laving the Pr,v:ince nli::ete,l ih �.ilt',O(.ltl, Tb i„, urriogeeiuen,t allowed the to to take thri't• tii,cs this an* nu,t fr,•in'tthe par. nts i f tilt. 'ci u'tli:ai.•it. :\..W h,'• tr�tall`5 V, -ill oi,scrt e that ihi5 try uul i'ti_ -? -ii-& 55 tains ort of th,nl l,ru,cil:lir, a,l,ar,ite s.•hr..I.s 1'. •t e nti,..11etl too n•s.- the are ';:; :: u•t;.a e•or'r-r result .,.f the \lil is'tr ..f holdi:::; t, sera i ;the t�nhinrt t- tl:e +u'r and it ti,:rt ee l,n,u ;,t t•, bear .4 'the e t':,bll,ct 2' the st•p,l-' :r sch.ii) \t,-..• :lit quire ri lir %rh n they have sei r:,tr ;. l% tn-tirrl'i1'ire, tt'::; ,its ii (-true - ., n. lint this ,t::a,nt. iv, i , tiv:,i „t t!^.�,itceise'•u`t-de,'to'4.1)1,1-ate1 ;r itis t .; ,1e �lrloa,,.'i •fr••u, ,.;; . i.uta .:rt:r',i•at•s, fait-c.,nse,•arise*..iherh ,suet' t t:.' 1'n',tie x(11.".1. 1'rt tert.'tnt,s C •I,tribn:t• t_<,r ani ilh.r,i„- f• r 1'nrrt�ll ai:a•li t:t? t:ti>::•, `- t•.,*�t i rcli�l ;1� t1 t, ti,e � .l:h• n abr'v at ,;.•*i 1 re i' -h. in �t t sun e'•'e•n a't Poirt Anx Quo', tett f Cahn,• n rh c,il,ir;•t„ Int ;t'' ..°'-e to a%,,;t tl :u,.li, s 1•,�,ta.g. and y. -t stand i.?;v by at a'n, n,1 a: ,•%r the , ,lair: tr 1,1t ''t rv:i,•i us in.:tu,.-i, n to,a‘i 1`art� t" debar lion%- far «-i;i l,, t y tt , ----- ll.uren. y t titre to,.sas .Gt..i--it-P.....it wti i h•tketo.t,e asst 1i-' Le is it •, :,f r, 1 1•,ytr„; 1;A .:1 `; ""t tt `la is epar:,te`�ei •,. ;,, ai.,1 the. i;. N. A :.Ll bf iii•, •-,i at.: t,;ah It f..T ret r: •R G , r:l:, 1J •t wt':'e L i.l t1,e••1:er .ri'o't v .Ir' Ii 2' ,q,` "•e he is f',7rst+i: S •; : u . ►r:r• t.';at ;t �.d -. ai "� ells .,' 1ina.Nr 1l. D ta� :, 1s u 144.1 to uz,t tt Ari? It i I.,L•al,fik G r r. Tc; L7ce *� rterig f,..l it; laet-s of Curs: Shea•u•c44, C, f'.' It: ; • — 1t Sa:d'v a^cepa nlr most grateful thaai,as for the teepee,- . in an,e,- in w•hit:4 eayrllr'nt haus teen made of the entlou rite lit of ,.;:26'.)0 on the ;if,. of • .nein* hu-1,•t,,j Wm. 11. 11i:1, Also my b' artt.;a* t13+a.ttl:s t4 the f':l'•r snit' n;rr?,;. re of , otir court for k /Peg d tt. 2:nv- Lite Il t1 .1 efarit.g lti, ;' 1-ts: I shall al,tay. grttettit:y rF'•,t.,• ••e•r the- mune fat, r• - jl., r ]lulu t.•r.et•ne n rot 1 t bestowed ul•C'1, rte seif Wishit';,; ;�... - • order eery s'.;c ,,a. 1 remain I t; 'You -s %Pry truly, • d SCSAtr3A M-LLEP. ; .i`” Lit; nose, Marchth, 169�. t.r s % :C f %e, if c 1st. 11,1 rc s ,:,osis « �nl 1 r , .. •1 nl•,.. ir. : t, lit t: :hat goods in the ke —TLadie-- - re•. invited to call and see u� .. � o• .• trouble to shote goods.. COo• E I have on hand a full surply.of prepared paints ,all colors, I f.•' 4 •, • bastine, the'test wail, citlitln ,an shade, white -wash, ,'i� ��'hitt.'' �illteilf : and .alt t- . alllt n'ose's ail) other kinds of rtruiles, ' SAP PAILS, DAIRY PAIL ".;3 CANS 'AND .MILIeZ.' PANS -&-. 4LL KI.IZDS OP TINWARE, Gli RNS WASHING • '• ` chins,��ngei s>. (cheap) --k.' ,. t-�� and. cistern pumps.0..K, building paper, the hest ni,d 'clse3ipPst. in hc, mail -et., irdi4;tinctil, a . •alto carpet feit, jarred and brown 1e and �' ;tllliilt' prooffelt i�u:lclitl;; p:'ler, t. Barb vv ire, p cin ' t e st, oiled and • �,n I�I e1,C.sr' CI. and a -Et IT :W. I P.)- : r' - 'r It. N • 1 .::• :t s i r t t it.i build, I a,,, ret ar":-.1•4 t:u n , rv••S , «orf �e who intend to j find •t • �� •a t nt-r nt,• , w� lid lend I �, r to it 1 aC- t` t +t•':� it~ _\ , ; t-• r:l n u.eud• .7 -frontage ` r1. >. Ne '.slag 'thrl give me a call. ,d ':, m S + :I• � ,,«_. < < [lir ,::,• a.ri.t,r Rc, ti•l,%' 4�t t% t i,,• �. �. ,lit ttt;v ate 1'rt,, .,a;veti'ougLiI:'r• Z Qr t'C1�111t�'. >;:t h ie toll:a,;`• cuts• -not ti t•v t . t,f niers o g ,nt ites+Lt7ftia15e,te••,•Pt'il^i1'lilg p,'ornptly attended to, • .Jti• Cetsltsa.I.. i i�7-'�- �-r T, r�y•''�-� �•- �•+ !+•• -+f ,? .0 a 'ttr'- ..L .j O N'c W O Cashion, at r. a ,,. .,• 1