HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-04-04, Page 8l. 1'<."... ., UMW LVOKNOW • Hoers' 8.a m. tQ 7., p. m. . Kettek Anatvire W. Gs &PS'• ° . +i• tieP. WW,44- ' 12,»Q p til';tti tiros t , 2,30 p.,oa ', 0; B. North '3..4 p: tu,. 4aoderieb • utt ruiedi>>r,te Points } .atop. tri,. & * Nyrtte., 14/430 p tut t a MItieteCLQs*! , V4F . 4.ZR. A 7Z - r - Y -r i 'sSett* mop. m. 14. it South & B. Sriuth 10:00 a. in. GA B. NoFch 3••.0 p. to T'Ii►lyt ccd • 4.30 p.m. iii,iulongh - liOnloss Daily P 6 64 euesdays rt, aya 4 i{ • C e and Vicinity Sall.. The I,_ucknow eeri„tina, Bruce County, Friday, April 4th, Rowdyism TI wiilage constable should use every Exertion to try and discover the rowdies. who smashed the windows of • the Mechanics institute and broke off the shade tree at the corner of Camp- bell and Havelock streets on Tuesiay •itiaht last. ThHand of Death The stern hand of death, on Thurs- day night last, carried awa , to that e;-'iias returned, the fourteen year old daughter 41f Mr. 11(s 1,•11(-1 :.?. .^1], ee this village, and the sympathy of the whole community is extended ti the Weaved, parents in their sad trial. • Meteorological Report Totalamountof-Gain-a•11,1.1'2-fnches rain fell, on seven. days ; amount of snow -fall; 24.90 inches ; snow- fell on 16days ; • day -of highest temperature; To Our Subscribers We have seat out bills to our de- linquent subscribers, which we trust will be given immediate atten.tiom, as we need ;the money. The :amount to each one is small, but the aggregate to as means considerable. Please `send along the amount and settle. Lucknow R9Ilerete ll and Grocery Any person wishing to patronize the a ee at • .0 T9'CW" •fl L:rcopq➢ a t9u te.nshl,o,; alurdcr Town. ---J• S. chrome is making good sets of teeth for $10. —The Wingham spring show will be held on Wethiesday. April 16th. —For' (thrice clover and timothy go to J.: Ihott's. —Highest pribe aid for vv heat and TUE TOW.3. dn• + t .mill or grocery. The Geo. Kerr. best flour at the lowest price and any "' p",t" 'Ituynig a lot ror their own use Tl: : and - have it at wholesale prices. No other shop in town sells my flour.— Geo Kerr: Broke His Arm - H. is many friends in this vicinity. will regret to learn that• Mr. Kenneth McLeod, of this village; met with a very severe and painful accident at et +ereru CL• tnl s. will be a frail service in St. Peter's chorea on Good Fricley,ev''ening I• at 7 o'clock.. —Miss 1>iI1' Johnstein of . Blyth, is the; •guest Ot Mise 'filly Huwiltoii, ` Look H. ween- . _ I.e• t Iiia ; sla-'ldir3 ae3 IetIIaeiCttlas. —Those. lace curtains Connell is rue/labs, U:t3laiaacr cs,.1►e. sellir.g for 650 a set are the che,,peet L goods on the market. I. Ivy All. Ali Q:>7➢ atcDok'tr. - T OCtirlA (IT. At the re..i.l'enc: of the bri•1H's father, 2nd aniteeasion of KI., - 1"13'' -i- un 141i2iit..h h•f the Thus.. 1?, A. Nfel.ernnau:of S,'ute Kinl,»irs, John Me• I)unuld of T.ivnt;uirle, to Miry youngest daytithter 01911E. Thos. LIockhart. DRESS coons POPULAR PRICES. Ineadtittione. kr the usual services, a sgryrice,eft•F.lerptureand song entitled qieattiiil.erning" will be rendered y . , • is th t.M'etl adist church, next Sabbath e- item/emotion ,am,/gnection with the evening service. e Bjey,,person welcome. Being, lot 29, con. 2, Kinloss, .con- *iting 100 acres. 80 acres are clear- edit with good brick house anti good ant Wat ing's,. well watered. For ree terms. and other particulars apply to • (also.. GAUNT, Whitechurch, Ont: Ifr foot B'teRegistered . I)b ire.saicl; thgt strangers' are visiting tigtedifferentetereeta acid villages getting IiiiiittflafiiPus, as to , firms which have It regs'stert d their co -partnership. esquires ll--partnersh P lzistered within six, months under till penalty of a fine,of $•14Q.. Fk 4 nave just reeeived`ir large -amount offaltaimeand timothy seed of the best gtutliity,thom a seed house in. Chien, t yr. • "1a • e at agency o • Ji r. , Wena eater ate the. mill or grocery... -h KFne Eatcknow • • be sire that means nothing more'than a off' Htilosc. Thisseed Sign nothing witlf g .. perature, 14°.0 below zero en .the 7th ; day of greatest range,' 41 °.5 on the 8th; day of .east range, 7°:0 on the 23rd. American Styles Miss Markle, • of London who so successfully managed the ' millinery department in, Mr Wme_Conneillastor-e- last season, arrived here on Saturday, last from Detroit, where she had been attending the large wholesale millinery opening what.,city„,.,and. seleeting.th.e... latest American styles in ladies hats, bonnets ane other millinery. Bought The Stock Mr. Ed. Brasher, of Vienna,;, has purchased the stock of.. -Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, boots and shoes etc. belonging to Mr. Alex. Melntyre of Lucknow, and intends carrying on hetelauteinewasite tha Whitely House. Mr., Brasher is a,Jiive businesa.man and inends giving tiro purchasing.; public an opporturiity of kharingin,tlie profits of hia•purchase, as will be seek, by his large advertise- • ment in another column.' is very '' Drink nothing without seeinite i't. t d' i out res in t and ''t -says. Don't go to la,w unless you .Ae report iso an circulation that the lose. In any business never wade in business of the late Mc, 3red Anning where you cannot see the bottom.' of,.Kinr 'dine, is g +r + eii ttp:' This is. Put no,confidence, in the.label'on 'the net.tral r Tie future :t1 e,work will .be bag.andd'count money before you take curried on by Mr. Percy Anningand it. See the •bag open before you buy eatery care will be taken to give . satin what is in it for he who"trades in the friction to those desiring workin the `dark asks to be cheated. marble line. AnotherSwindle o . •etn•ingenicais swindle is being worked Ntot•TTrtlteare forced to and have something to Presbytery ofMaitland; At .a special meeting held in Chad- in several' empties, in which a mar's church, Kincardine township' en fountain pen with a double load plays 11; irch 25th, the Presbytery of Mait- an important part.. The pen-cairries y two kinds of iuk, one of w•ieteht will lain • indicted Rev. Geor ge;kMcKay . fade the other will net. The su er- intettrlle ptasteral charge.of t6i i"'`u itited p fluous pa congeeegations• of Chalmer'ta- church, irts.of a contract site, written giineareline township, and Knex church in . the ink which fades, and the far- i: hoose. Mr: McKay presided, Mr• mer ignature with the perisilir ant, jivinnan, addressed the minister, and atrtd a document finally figures asa Mr. Murray addressed the wnre,:a-• the nearest bank, and the farther has tion. • to pay: leknow 'Spring Show,,, The annual spring stow of the K. loss' Brench,Agrieultural Society w be held in, this village. o7i Thurscl n A regularly organized gang of juven- A Hard Gang • ile thieves. have been operating for some• time past in the village, end ek• many of the stores and shops-- have rg- been entered and money •and other es articles taken. ,The •Grand ,Trunk stietion house has also been yisited 'morethan one occasion and we 'believe. ar some $3.4 .or $35 Worth of goods have al been stolen therefrom.. The Cese is' d now in the hericheef the railway .euth- be „that the euilty parties have, acknow- ledged theire guile and ate trying to- ed settle the affair*, Lookout For Stanley of Mr. Stanley,. has advanded so far Is with, his accoent of his' aclventuees in. 7, able to announce thp title of his book. t All sensible persons will await with 1- ‘patieteee • for the publication of the 9, ca, and the Quest, Rescue. a,ndeltetreat d- of Dein, the 'Governor of Ectuatotia Do. You pesire,a Votg,? The assessors nem at wock now, and this is the time foi oeeryone wanting Oca14.te',34eang men *horn the ae- tEvery, yeepeg man ofthe full age 'of wenty., otee yeare and not otherwise his , name is •put down, Thie ,can be ",!'"),,i' He' had gone up the ladder to. relievg one of the broncbnen, but thepressure, of the water:' was sae great on the -hose. ,that he was thrown to the ground, (breaking his left arm just, below the elbow jointt __Pactmptly-Extinguished - •, - - The explosion of a coal oil lamp tea the residence of Mr. G. Northcote, early on Saturday morning last, set utile -place -on -fire-and- lace few• -minutes - the flames . were' bursting forth from the doors and 'windows. 'The alarm was sounded and the fire company were quickly at the scene with the reel and attaching. •500 feet of hose .to the hydrant opposite Cliff & Stovels' furniture factory, they soon had a splendid stream of water playing ori the— ,u=r-nr'ng vtt ldir g.---11 Ila es - were quickly extinguished and-, so great was the.geantity of water poured; into the burifling, the fire was not per-' Milted to reach the outside of the building. Engineer Douglas was et his post and in about five minutes ready and a full head of steam on the boiler. • • It is suggested that the follewing days be observed by hoisting the Bi itish flag on our public schopl houses:. April 5th, being the generally eccept- ed date of the discovery of America by Sebastian Cabet in 1499 ; May 21, being the date on which -the proclama- tion of Federation. was issued in 1867 /this date was sueeested in view of the faCt that Dominion Dey, July 1st comes during the holidays) ; May 24th the date of the battle of Stony Creek, 1813 ; July 1st, Dominion Day, where practicable; Augest 16th, the dete of finished cabinets and a ftaine, only the capture of Detroit, 1812,. occurrs during the holidays, • and therefore • Patterson,. who is erecting the Presbyterian' church here, expects to cominence the • ereetion of the new town hall in Wingham in. a week or tw". 'rids of groceries of the best qualities kept at tne new grocery very eheape as .we sell for easheand produce enly.., Goods delivered to any .patt of the tewn.—Geo. Kerr.. completed hie time irk the SENTINEL,' OCI furniture, etc., at' the auo•iou wart on this Saturday doe noon. —The Huron £ovvnship spring t•h )w will he held in Ripley on Wednesday, Akpril 16th, the same date as Wei;;hau . —Miss .Alice McMath has openrd -ol t eteshopeip D•ut) ;atmon for the doing over of straw ,work in ladies hats, bon- net.;, etc., • —Next Sunday •evening the Rev. • 11[r-i luidhcrg wi I.. -preac ineSteePterers church on ” Modern facts or truths taught in the Scriptures." =-Miss Whitely and Mrs. Sheriff,, of Lucknow, spent 'some days in town this week, -the guests- of the. Misses Flood.— II':iegham 1 inee —AU straw work left at M s, Smith's or Mr. W Connell's s ore _ iH sent to Tisa VIcMath's in. Dungan- non, evil! receive prompt attention. e -The Centro Bruce R .forth Cnn- vf,ntion will be., held at.Glan;,ntie .on Wedtiesday, April 9th. •Mr. W. T, R. Pre. w. will I,e in attendance. ,.tei-oo ;-dentiet.; v Lucknow on the second aid fourth Friday and Settird,ry of each month Good -sets of teeth for $10. Meeting of the directors of the Mechanics' Institute 'to -night. All are requested to , ke present.-eD,. D. Yuit;, Pres,. . —Ladiesl get your old straw hats *and leminets.put into the latest designs • by sending theku to Miss McMath • —Ready made suite for boys, bh yonr boys if ypu want to get 'them clothed. —Hurrah for Te. L., Treleaven's gallery and get aedozen of those finely could n•ot be conveniently celebrated; SePtember 17th, being. the date on. which the first Upper Canada Parlia- ment was formed, 1792 ; October 1.3th being the date of the,Battle of Queens - ton Heights, '1812; October 25th, being the date of the 'Battle of Chat- eauguay, 1813 ; November llth, being the date of the Battle of Chrysler's One of the most unicilie.and .beroiC left on Tueeday ior Winnipeg, Ma characters the world has.erver proauced Witte where- he has 'secure -el a go was Gen. "Chinese" Gordon„ as he was situation in one of the offitkes there. popufarly called, from she fame he won ' —Vee keep the tailors toiling m in,Cliica in supn eseing the great Taip- ing suits to order out'of those worste ing • rebellion. The story of his life and Scotch. tweeds we imported t and death 'reads more' 'like romance spring Which proyea that Connell's the place. to buy. career ia given .. in full in this geeat —T.. 1.1'releaten has again added wo.k; ..beeanse it would be idcomplete to his well assorted stook •of . back wthoue.it. He succeeded Sir. Samuel grounds, two mere beautiful scenes, Bake'r in command of the • Egyptian which shows good taste On 1%. L. T's. force in -Soudan, and his capture end part tar nice scenery. werr the initial steps •that led to Sten_ on ..Saturilay of this week, Havipg ley:s spleedid•expeditiont for the reiief. purehased part of 'our stock in Detroit, Of Einin Pasha. 'In other words, the. the holies will tied with us the latest life and .death Of Gordon are one of American styles.—W. Connell, ' the connecting links ie the krand story • •--T. L. Treleaven, the photographer of Stanley's' Wonderfa aeliieveinents is has.the grip for taking photos and' will the Dark Contineet. It not only ene. have until the last Of this • month: though there wil't be an abundance braces some 4.4 the west thrilling Have you seen the very low rates on Stanley literature tunepd put frone the of rchepters in the entire beok, lett it gives which he is making„wOrk for the tee printing preases• durinfeathe next few it et cornpleiee„es and finish that' it . Hi Fi '11:clett, ,of thisemouthe Cards &orb - 'months. Probably the smooth-tortgued book aeent evill 'be ehle to convince b has been nverlo..ked in making this the from $1.25 per dozen ; all other siees . some guilelesT1' peisons that he is re- great standard wprk of African history accordingly. All Work guarariteed' to tailing .Stapley's Own' long before. the exploration, and a.I ventures, so as. to give satisfactiop. Remember this enly• genuine narrative of the.. great give it a pernatieeit value as a boek, of olTn‘r is good • „only. fief .. tlais. ' month: reference as well as one of most ei-it- 'Remember the stand , oppesite the, tering is given to thet wilerld. Woulo- bell, Agent. —Tleepeopla of the -United States direct from springs in the Brovince.of antrielly• Spend. the following surns in Quebec, , For all internal dieorders, to --e• ' ---e- - ----- ----- • -- -- 4-- the menner described : For missiens, restore and promote health,' streng'th -No. 1 Wttighatn, roller* Ion -teat ltiott'ii.: $5,0 )0,000 ; public ' felucation, $85e- and joy, life long. Even physicians 000,000 ; sugar and arkolesses, $150,- declare it„:" impossible to over rate lei We extend ,ft dordi0J it vii;:ti4r; to 00000 ; hoots, atid shoes, $ t 96 000 - value." Send in 'your oidets and, eet 'Idles. tn c(4/1ffi "d 4" "P disI44Y 000 e cotton goo Is, $210,000,000 ; coon ars of ouredo -liow to use, ,wliet llinery on •Saturday (Jf this week, ltlatbere $2,33,(,00,000 ; whollen• geo;ls, professors and dectora say, etc. , Pur- th. Don't disappent us as ,we' $237,000;000 ; iron end steel, $299,- chase' natuke's life giving water .and xpectingyou.—V.V.„Connell.p, ' • 000,600; meat, it:300,000,000e tobaceo, giVe it a thorough trial will cooled° For' jt;llies anti jams rind ail kinds $350 000 000 ; bre 1, .: , „too ; ell. Remember the spot, A. B. COnt of. cunned goods go to J; Elliott's. ' ' ' ' liquors, $900„0.60„000..• . ; gram'e, the leading drug store. ds his is .LACES. BRAIDS, "P:i4SA'.VI•ENTERIIn:S, AN b RIBBONS, - Spring ,& Summer ]ilirery FEATHERS, ' -FLOWERS, LACES, _RIBBONS.. —AT— IS EP ABSTRACT OF 4UD11TOR ' REPORT OF THE MCNIC/PALITY OF Si ]±'=E , •FOR, 188.94 Receipts To Balance on band.at last audit•... $ 598 '21y ltd–fretta.4 :,'lrv9rn_.. " 8Ja) ,g loand Improvement (Ind ... 193 30 ' Boundary Line Apportionment... 167 isi Bilis Receivable... 400 0;; 1Epeadit fares R4)ads and Bridges. . 2549 82 ' Printing. Poseage &• Stationery... 92 82 Agricultnral Societies... . BO 00 Balance in Treasury 31st lets/1'899 146 68E. Assets ,eafth balance in Treasury 146 est Due from „Collector 4610 90 4757 584 . Liabilities 3579.53- Total Assets 1178 WE, the undersigned, hereby certify dint Cie above is a correct alietract of the Township accounts, and also a correct statement of apsets and liabilities from last audit t.) 31st ROBERT A. CARRICK1 • :0: OF INTEREST TO THE LADIES. Mr. J; Murchison,. Lucknow, has 'opened a new millinery store an the stand lately occu- pied ny Mrs. Findlater. The business is strict- ly millinery. THE GOODS ARF411H.L.REW.i.• THE PRICES THE LOWEST,' Mre; Murchison will be pleased • to haye you', call and inspeccti the steck before purnbuing. 4 846 MRS., C. MALLER, Lucknow. Alen to .take....orders for Nursery Stock, on , Salary or Commission- can makeu success- ful salesuian of any who will work or follow lit free, and pay your salary or co'inenission_ •--everrtveek. Write -for ternts' at 0.. GRAHAM, Nurseryman', FARM TO Rla."NT. • A SPLENDID FARM -IN TUE TOWN ;SHIP (4 Kinloes, Conoty of grille. Possession given immediately. A plAy to 3444 Barrister, Teamster. March latle.1890. •