HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-04-04, Page 5A • 3 • The Lucknow Senifinel, Bruce Co:uhlyi Friday, Apr* 11 NE V 41, .14 ' 2,44crOvocrco.x..6••=4 ,_777777.3copoot _ . 4"-Mailat0.65 \ P.FAVe.F, ' asaannacoe UMW, 116.1n1/01,11.5,0." " ..Y.1.131.W.066=7 \ EtilaaaVe.,.a...1.",M6512:11MIS EW FIRM 1 .0; • 4. 114 — EW ...; p-gopLE. OF LUCKNOW AN SURROUNDTNG COUNTRY.. Raving purchased the Mantyre stock at a low rate on the clollar,, aro prepared tO sell °goods at.prices that will merit a share o• f your patronwe age, and must clear the stock out at once to 'hake room for large purchases of new spring goods now on the way. 0 • 0. ate „A. row ur 48 lhs. Of nicell3right auger for '13 ibs. of tgrankilated sui2tIts for A good. 20e. tea 15c. per lb., or'l A better 25c. tea 20c. per lb., or 6 Abest50c„tea 40c. perlb..,..or_3_ II\T" G-IRJOGRIZI8.7 $1 00AM wood 25c. ick tea 20c. per lb , 6 lbs. for 1 00 j 1 00 13 bars of Acme Laund-ry soap for 20 lbs. for 1 00 7 bars of Eleettic (London) soap for lbs. for 1 OQ 5 one Ib. bars of 'Favorite soap for 25 Ibis—for-L-1 -1-earir-of eal-rzon -fur IN 3 cans of Ali) for 3 cans of tomatoes for 3 cans of plums for , L3 cans nfpurtipkin for I 4 lbs. of Valencia raisins for RY GO line.Of corsets to clear at 10 cents A splendid line of all wool Nuns veilings in all vtiood waghable prints at 5, a, 7, 8, 9, 10c worth - shades at 15c. ' 8, SO, 12, 15 arid 16 cents A fine line of ail wool tedrge, in all shades, at A nice line of check dress goods at 5 cents 20 and 25o 25 4 rim ot 'currants for 25o. or 20 lbs. fo; t): 64 • Other groceriea itiCritotitottidil. , . , 25 3 lbs. Soda biscuit 'for 1 - , ' 25 22;65 I, The same in blacks from 35c upwards. Ask to see our all wool Tweed at 25 obi& Shirting (cotton) at 5, 8, 10, 12 cents. ' . " — 84 . • 4* .-! le i - " 35 '11 " (union) at 8, 10, 12, 16, 18 cents. . " " • '" s, « " 45 . Feather Ticking at 10, 12, 15, 18, 20 cents. 46 66 • 64 46 46 50 '" I 'A good line of stuff' dress pods at 8 " A 6ne line of double width all wool Henriettae I Gray Cottons and Cottonades to 'hand in a few VAalr to 66 our Shirting, Pantings,..%th4 iit A good *ire of dress goods at 10 " lia all shades at 45c. - days at -equally low prices. - ' - • -prics imay betow thelowest: IN READY MADE CLOTHING.' Ask to see our boys suits at $3 85 up,wards 1 A few- dozen (job) .felt hats, stiff and ft 11 41 " youths 44 5 to clear, at 10c. mens " 5 " .1 lig pants 1 " And other lines equally low. I1f '0 IR, 111,-S We show a nice range in HEMP, UNION, WOOL, 'IAPESTRIP and BRUSSELS, at prices very close : Ask to see them In Boots and Shoos. A -good of oil leather Misses!shoes to clear, a,t 50 cents: tt Vic t$•.01 $e cc of* beys shoes a 85c. Worth 75 " ladies a $1 a • 4 " $1.00 A large assortment in all lines at lowest prink .4.4 46 44 6 -13ig• didv- :in. --13oys,, youths, ,and*nt 'Long Boo • Now remember we are. clearing out our Crockery and Glassware. X. BARG 11SI LINES 1.23 1.50 ra oinki 4.. In'cOneltition, again. solic4ing a share' of your patronage wes' can assure you. of courteous. honorable treatment and best of attention. DO NOT FORGET' THE PLACE TE112Z4TRICTLY CASE. 11,ticknow, Api�il nd,i896. MoINTYRE'S OLD STAND. 4 • 66 r A4. •0 .4.1, • • ; • Arlt.`,... • 4