HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-04-04, Page 1• • ft, . Ul* "..MFMCM4 7A,....01.11•74•74.77. :SMIMISVOMVX VMS v2M11,VMM VOL XVII. -14 • `Ir.: - •••=•••••••7•1••••••:•• SuLscribe For The. 'SENTINEL ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. • .e.....e.dr••••efereeree, LUCKNOW Oi\iTARIO, FRIDAY, AY, THE LUCKNOTt SENTINEL THE LUCICHOIFti BANKING COMPANY, Is published every Friday at the geien Liner block; north east comer of 0 u tram Ss CamplieltSti., Luck no w. BY Village Council The regular monthly in•eeting insieicipal council waskelsison -- --- —7-')----11-=--11—"' a 'day, April Est., Ali members p MR. CEO- PIM PROPRIETOt ; Owing to illness ef 11Ve lir was moved. by comicil,lor M JAMES SrtiirAN,, laicknow...Tate.sad,11389. sse d• d 1 Ir a • 111' t" M.M$7712, ii..tIL 44, 1890 WHOLE NO. 846. 0.•44•77amalimmnio4140•441.0.6,....•••••.......•••.......4.......................arrmomayal......1401171MM4M4.,.... Stopping Frauds.Kinlougb's',Eclipse of Concerts. mess_ _ itersesiveeitersesectelys- of the ThcGood Work of the Douthaton OFAHOt 414Story-prOVES-thfit-a kfeat evei t • resent. I cyan n it lof considerable interest to•hot•se breed--' Sch. *lid the case on Th_strad &lure!, 28._,Four cases.,j ne.rly always preceel&I tlyt.ta-y erovete,:t). ardochsterwere tried Imre this aftertithin breed--j ..1ass _ • BUSHER. SUBSCRIPTION PRI‘n°$1.00 PER YEIt U[N A.DVANOK 0 0 ALL KINDS OE JOB PRINTING . 11,42.T1111) . _NEATNESS. at DESPA FEDI; mEDICAL — 7 I A. MeDONALD, M. D.-. 0. M. fj. C. P. S. 0. Office, Kintail. DR. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN, surgeon and Aeconelleur: Sur- gery opposite Cain's hotel. pflice hours from asto_Ssass„ ins -and -fees tis -5 m. P,ifeCRIMMON,,,M. D. 0 41.I •U. M. 0 P. S. 0, L. ,11. C. P. L. 'R C. S and4C. M., Edinburgh.. Cor- oner county ( of Bruce. Licentiate •11-41-ezifiwas.--Petasetl-playeician t geons. Office. one door east of barbar. shop, Luckuow. 1 'JAR. D. GEDDES, V. S. CALLS J I either .by mail or telegram prom- ptly attended to. Charges moderate. •Oilice, Corrigan's hall. Boarding house Cain's hotel, Lucknoais iii..111PM0411.4.41. LEGAL IMON COR,RIGAN, COMMIS - sinner, ins -IL -Xs -Gs ---Kinlettgls P: -0 , Ontario. • [1 ATM° W & PR,OUDFOOT, BAR-- risters Solicitors, etc., Goderich, • One. T. G. GARROW, Q. „ C. ),V3I'. PROUDrecor. • TJILLIOT TRAVER, ATTORNEY Ts4 • at law, Solicitor in Chancery', Conveyancer, •etc. . Office, next door . to the post office, Lucknow, Ont. . ' •TT MORRISON, ATTORNEY AT 11 s-.1.1a-se-Solieitersin-Gliance , " • , ituissioners Conveyancer, 'etc. Office; • over the barbar shop. • • GENERAL • 1 ' surdnce, Fire& Marine, Guelph, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, IN- . Ontario. ' ' UONEY TO•10AN. , I HAVE A _ At . few thousand dollars to invest ..fer private parties, at reasonable in- • tecests. ELLIOT TRAVERS. : . trONEY TO LOAN ! ON FIRST - ;A class mortgaees at 7 to .7-3,- per •• cent. int-. rest, payablelyearly. eh:seg- . ea !noder-i7b. Apply to Robt. Murray; Helens. .111 ON,EY TOLOAN ! AT 6. PER • iv cent. from 2 to 20 years. Lists of.farnis for sale in Ontario, as well as • Manitoba. 'Parties desirous to • sell isms will consult their intere.std by. inspecting the advertising facilities of. Subscriber in Great Britain and Ire , lancland continent of lands 6.or sale. Unsure your fsrm property, private ANGLJS.STEIVARTi Land -Valuator, dwelling, in. the old reliable, .the Lucknow, 'Ontario. lIrAFTS- I:-S•SUED ON 'ALL IM - portant points, cheques, drafts ands enoetgages cashed. Notes die. counted Ame,ican currency & Am- erican drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Savings Bank deposits according to agreement, col- lections. Notes or accounts will re- eeive prompt attention. Fire or. life Insurance,„ effected -in stick or Mutual. Companies. - • We represent several first-class Loan Companies and can effect mortgage loans to suit borrowers on best terms. on eithet• village or farm property. Office ihours, 10 a m to 4 p. m. G. A. SIDQALL. Manager. SOCIETIES_ TUCK W I I Lodge, No. 11 2 'meets • every Friday evening eigh'. o'crock it their hall, Campbell street. All brethren • • d. L)r-P Grand. JOHN ELLIOT, . Recorder. fl 0. F. COURT 8he r w o (1, No. Lucknow. Meets every first and third • Mon- days in every Sles, month,in the Otl- Ei.t. it fellows hall. Vis- iting brethern are cordially invited T. M sren is, Chief Ranger. D. D. Yuees,aec_retary.- A Of .1.t. W. LUOirNO`Y LODGE • A. • of the ..Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the,, Ocidfellows hall, on the last and second Monday ,evenings of each month at eight o'clock Visiting brethern cordially.invited, • JOHN'PEAR'S .11faster Workinen. A. MCINTYRE, koCOrder. Luopro w MECHANICS' INSTI- - tate Reading room open every evening fsoin 6 to 10 p: m. e -Saturdays, when the hours will 1e from 2 to 6 p. m. The libraria•ndivill • be in attendance during these ?ours. D. D. ruLE, President. • JAS: :;OMER- vILLE? Secretary. -- - DENTAL. coil oys eounciil nips ai act as chairman. Carried. The minutes of previous ineetin were read anditm motion cohtirmed. The fogovVing„ accounts were passed and urditislod to be paithon 'notion of oouneallortLyons, seconded by couri• cillor MeQuaigs: Thomas Lawrenee, miscellaneous account • 852S84 ; Win. Coasted, miscellaneous account 50c.; Jas. B. Hunters werksessesiginathouse, ete.•$16.92 ; -John Lazenby, 3 -Cords of wood at;,','•;1,..50,84,50; _Robb. Treleaven, wood $8.25; Dau. Alton; 141, cords of wield $2.25,$32.06; A. L. McKay.$8. • Collector Smith reported that towiis- men Martin and Lawrence refused, to pay water rate tan. Messrs. Lawrence and Martin waited upon the council and stated that the reason they iefustal was betause Ross street, wee not Russ street cot. having been watered as agreed during 1889, it was moved by councillor Murdoch, secotalett'by councillor McQueig that the. amouilts levied on property; .o.n.Restetreets fur Street • aterill refutideel.-Carried. • Moved. by councillor ..Mardocli, ended by eouncillor Lyous that Gutta, Yercha Rubber, .Co's. Ace amounting to $3e 1 he passed and the elerk be instructed to write flier sclraw.for full amount less 5- per cen Carried. MOves.1by councillor Murdoch, (pitied hy councillor McQuaig that taxes , be refunded as charitzy, ta oilownis partie:s; AgteIiiit . ,se . Isetican McArthur $4.7 1-c.aorral-d-tasTOT Cli 'este .1cDouald $2o$4;'Emma • Brenn 3.80; Mrs. Robertson $1.90; lto ides, 86.16. -Carried. Collector W. 11. Smith reportedt ellowing 'errors in roll ; W..0. T ave, duplicate entry $7.60 ; A. iot, duplicate entry $3.80 ; Atte , duplicate entry 81 90 S, kenite net, error 45. e. ; Mitchell Bros xes refunded, ou tte,:outit of 6 33 41; Geo. Iferr, rebate of $1,0 property $,:19. ___SMostessishsts-,843strreilltes-McQterig-,-s- ded by councillor Lvous that ecu lors Thompson and,Murdoch. be uanittee to purchase a 'pump. f waterworks boiler and also t ocure cylinder oil .for engine.Carrie Moved by coveillor Lyons, seconde .Councillor Murdoch that, the 'der vertiee-for tenders for supplying th lage with .hersHock, pine and cede SeC- the ouut ,hat, u to t. -- sec - the. the 4; aii bt. be re - G. us re' 00. 8- a or d. d1 f f le ta on on .cil co re pr by ad S. JEROM L lin, vil J, S.; Whig a ill be, co till so, J. Y.. The complaints were ag44iiist‘ the parties for making false entries fse regiitration of stock in the DoininiOn Draught Horse Breeders' Soeiety, The entries were. made wish/ the 'secretary of the soeiety here; Mr. Jas. Mitchell. Two of the compfaiiits were laid against Paul Reid, of Belfast,. and J. W. Ceolt, V. S., of Dungannon, ter the registry.of a stallipu named Gulden Sire as -being-'ssred-sby-OliVer -1•1 when as alsct he wassired-by a stall- itni named Uncle John. The defence was that the false ;pedigree was given by iniitake. .After. considerable eq.. deride hods been taken the cases, wells adjourned. for two weeks sons to 1,vt the evidence- of the purchaserP tiTe horse so registerede Mr. 1tichardson, cr Quebec. •.' Another couiplaint w . ITenry-.Gsslasslari-sof---Anbu- , feethe registration of a mare as be sired by iiiiperted• Conqueror, whi +ADA not the fact. 'The oclier`ccase, w ,against Patrick Farr, Of Gotlerich, f attenipting to -regis er mere,' the .d 'of which was said to havt three tam., was toConeto pass. Notwitli- sstanding the 'heavy fe,11 of rain alict snow theafterposniva large crowd ta,sseeaWett in • the sehool4iouse to witness Ong` of- the 'most successfal • concerts ever givewiti •We'sti'Bruce • 1 Thos. Webster, presideit. of the; Literary Society, occupied? the. chair endiclid•his part well. • • Thes merit*. selase_elenn,ed, oyiessetefess- • 60T, - itritrunsental Wisic by sk - the "Alabama Al Met rel.'s' of Kineass dine, which herd the audience in coat., pleW suspense to" he theen again •`'• appear on the stage. Then carne the local part assisted tir Nes:. and Miss, Halclenby, Miss McPherson, and Fred Heldenby, of Westford and steriop- . titian views. bys-M.r. Jones. Recites, tions vverergiverr by W. Hotleki_s --A. Frelsburn, cCaies jamea ng 1-1odgkinsenArlitititge,bMiss $.,. cis ,IVIcCitig,• and Miss .M.sPherot•'•/ as are worthy of praise .fro thestolent • - or shown;.in that . Ilistrutnental • , .•• am inufeie was flirnished,'W Mr. and Miss re- Pere 'Am the v•o • 7 ne 95 r- ee e ry d. e s two letter cas the ohjecsion was taken thit the into mad ais ;were out Iajd wiithin ter months from the commissitin of th .offence, as `provided by the Summa Con victi'on4 _AA, which objection a a held good mid the prosecution faile The seciety has now Obtained a his standing, and it iS•the inteutiOn of th directors to prosecute -all cases o fraudulent, or false -entries beside rauseeding.,the. certificates if issued.. in Lucknow on the second and fourth Friday and Saturday of each month. Having purchased -a large amounteof stock 'at reduced rates, I am prepared to make good sets of teeth for $10 and the best that are made for 812. Filling and extracting a specialty. J. S. eT,EROME. LOOI TEMIZM — ----0 FIRE,! FIRE! TOHN URCHISON, • C. P.• R. e). tick , ligent.. One way excursions to the •North-west and Pacific Coast. Full intoemation tointending travel- lers to any part oi the world. •••••••••••=mterlilla•mml•Inalt WAWANO.SH, MUTUAL 11 • Eire Insurance- Company, board ref directers meets for the traneaction of business on the first Tuesday• each month., Parties wishing to have their property insured in this increasingly- • . popular Company, will by giving not- ice be called upon by an agent or by one of the Directors Busineks calls promptly '- attended to. Office, Duts gennon. J. M. ROBERTS, Seoretarae Was. 1 &14in Treasurer. • LONDON • • MUTUAL, • -I AN ALSO AGENT eon CITY 1YITITTIAL'. AND CITIZENS; Office; A. ROSS'S harnesS ahop, Luck • now. „Will be in the °files, every Sat- urday'afternoon., Grant, Agent; Eitclinn,„w earearbamelmeemtatfivw+00.111•11011amIVIONMOOMA3 --Mr. Mair, of the Lucknoye Bank- ing Company, formerly niainager f the Federal Bank here, ., was t city. on Monthly on atusiness.-L Pre. . • . • . nber for sidewalks, etc.Tender to ntaiit quotations on al lengths of nkiiVis. Tenders to be received up the 15th inst.-Carried. C041116l. adjourned to meet in cham- on Tuesday, April 15th. ber • sus Pro man his a'pe sus to t stan One Heti editi De)i 4,ts the J and Scot, of ti chris and will conti thf on w Thus, Chris men.. cedass Dolly Luthe Clam Lightf • 11. Moneisoss Clerk. Death of a pa oininent Mau. tudents. Of the Bible have lately tsilied a great' loss in the death of fessor D'elitzsch, Leipsic, Ger- y. •Ile was ;a great teacher' and 'deeth will be fel by• th;msands as rsonal loss, -Besides the , nuttier- booke he has wiitten of ;peat value he Cristian chute'', his name will d out promilieney,' especially for thing, for his lair's, issue of 'a rem New Testament, the' hest on, of its kind so' far. Dr. tzsch's Hebrew NeVIZ. Testament been scatterecisbroadcast among eves on the continent. of Europe; found ready accept:Inee. A rich ch gentleman had printed 100,000 tem for distriblition. He was a tiap, s scholar, and a „gentleman ; though lie is dead, his • influence not. cease with his life. Is will nue in his published works, and &erect& and labors of those loin he has left a personal impress. lately within a' very short time tentlem has lost three valuable Surely one • 'might say, "the " of the church are falling. Igor, the Catholie Lightfoot of the 11 of England,,ah61 Delitzsoh, the . ran, ,are taken;- from us ; but as 5. re sot said, "the. &seek. remains," -11-ein1ock Ciix, Mks. li,;,]%leDonalcl. returned fretrea visit to Toronto.1.as.t week, " A conundrum -Why is Hugh • res urrecting his 'mutant, house. • Mr. Jas. Moffat, of Culoss, was the guest of John Mctutyre this week. s Mr. Jim. L. Itecknar, Who returned from Wales, lett for Duane. The snioke of the sugar camp is now plaiuly viible itt souse partssof. the, woods. ev. c!ii ip7a was visiting. in the vichuty of Lucian). and •.Beliimet lest week. •• • Mes • Donald McKay,who has been suffering from eoegestion of theiungs; ierapidly recovering Under, the skilful treatment of:. Dr.. 31c0rintin0iie of • Lucknow. We are sorry to hear Of.M.r.. Leod, formerly, a resident of this place, being' so badly injured lecentay. in Lucknows We hope to heat. ot . his speedy recovery. • The questien in the city is th iuiil liclIeRio prospering? At the meetingsheid in N0. 15 on Starch 201,11 it was 'found that the amouot of stock. then subscribed was about two thous,. and two 'hundred less than what was,. celled for. Canvassers were then appointed and at the meeting held on nirch 36th, it was found that the necessary amount of stock was sul - scribed. A. general and final in,!eting is soon to he nett! ,vlien a (Alai -ter will. be applied for and other business fully. takeu inhand.. • the past twelve years the peoPleof Ontario have spent $45,000,- 000 on school buildings and sites for atone. • 'The 'school inastei• and his pupil are: evidently. in tavor jit Our io, -T.ie GS T. IL.are offering reduced rates of travel for the E:ister holidays. Tickets will be: issued ou Thursday, Friday al,t Saturday, April 3rd, 4th and oth, itt tugle tair and a third, good to return till Tuesday, April 8th. -e-One of the mettils•rs of the Local Legistaturces teeently name LIR insesti seatioti iuto the occupations ot the -Legislature and reports that "farmers head the list, their number Stehle 30, just one -thud cf the whole. l'Iten there are, 12 merchants, 14 lawyers, $ e °steams on violin • harmonica combined and also Miss Young on the •.' organ. The loud encores after each piece .sho wed the•high appreciatien ef`4 their splendid efforts, to- entertain. Several pi'ebes of vocal 'thiesie -weft, gi yen by J. V. Corriean, Wesley Young and. Miases Editri Ryan.? and Tilly, Hodgkinson with good effecle The sterioptiean views enliveneels everything, beingseenlical,,, impressive • and grand.- • Wissee, tftifie,'aiieavi:Ye•• g". TA:1' 4 igprfirinlitnr Wab 'ended, .there beinp. nearly. , • deese eplendieS:pieces no called, for ,s waive of tin,e the chktirthan intto- dueed the .AlitharressMins.rels, • dress, and., houghetheete of • their prie- Opal participants. • were unable to itc-'1, • onipati,v the treep; they g:a,ve, some iiistromental tousle, singular penfbi ni, one -es:- aunt cliiereitietr. cetniCalitits which. will he 1 JI10,- steps...Inhered • be thoSsi. What.h4atrd4tbeni,;.. are sure of, a• packed house. slibuld hey. agiskne. epee/ate in. this locality. - -lheysareerrlisthestalit en the irete sitriound- 1,- / villaees and conentiniticis and Many are the ressetets, expressed on account et. tion-atteixiance: We ex • - pec,t to see *3 th3ni11hoijng villages 7 : repreeenteti whets: thSeMinstrels visit ,ue agaio. . When the- entertainment was cm:eluded, .neseateituous • repest. ' was isrt. ishedVan- Inisiatrels nt • the Commercial hOtsel, afters vt hich they • took ,their deparitire, arprimently well ' satistied•svith the evening?Sestiting.. • Scraps among the eutifence:-Will • Percy .enjoyed birnself to --his. heart's:, co n tens -Thos.'. Webster, :sere sooner vacated hfch,tjr to-triakei' way for the Minstrels than'lie rolled t thi•floor zJt convulsive fitsof laughter,. occas- s:ionedliy.the cornicalities.of !he troop. -johns Young laughed tillhis, sides. we,.e.sore.-Wes. Bovle•fealed.a storm • aid disapppared.1)ei4e.0vening,--Geo., Purvis 400ked. Malcoltu•s usually sedate.- count.eilanee was ' w..eathed 1 n the. most happy sni-i les. Harry. Dreany. a.4' J.i ru. 110dg k inion njoyed thenisolvess'aseugh api./0 I ring • • . us by his absence.'-c,Ittlio(Igins was •ery pi:tyfu I not wi tiih4irding. the houMhts of r, long Arnold s sure the .Minstrels are fresh from he .'Oki Jitn Perey-trieti o taliet in both sides of the • stage' at nPe.-Ed. Pasetimre was • the.right tan to attend•thre-Ilitngirig!lelanps,, but ugh id toosiStilelf.-V. 011ost enj,)yed all in Ailorit Grumett AS 41111110MR:10d oh n Su the, -land's eartylatigh 13asso ept obis ppet well.-Rody Artnitave Id- Alex. .I-Nwitt, of Black Porse, ere. ett2h•iother's own.best company. -A physician sounds ti warnirg ailist the practice of chewing tooth, „ chs. Ile says the hatit is sespi,nsiblo r,..inach sickness. Small particles of e wood Me swallowed, mid lodSirig$ the walls of the stomach • induce -trite disturbsnces. lie. knows • of e u 0 t t 0 11 la it k ag pi to yenning, 6 editors, 6 lumbermen, th uteeturers, 3inillers, 2 bankers, in . see ra -Coats,,. Agent 1 iivetty employee and 1 general gee wall cases e hich have i ved latal 1. • •-• • : a. 444 "Itte, /0% •:::•kfrA".41°M%Il#7." 1 A • .,J*0„401,?0" 8 , seiifiS-A•