HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-03-28, Page 7The Princeton Tragedy. (Woodstock Standard) WItie,fpllowipg iitae8 were .written J. memory of F. C. Benwell, murdered in the township of Blenheim on Monday, 17th 'Felons:ay,1890 : Oh. sad was the fate of a gallant youngstranger, 'Who came to tbis country from over the cea, And never a moment was thinking of danger, But in epizite light-hearted wee jovial and free. By promises fair from his home they allured And told him the land withbriohee did teem, And a fortune awaited him there they assured And those fields so far distant were alway so green. ' • How afather's and mother's•a;fiections entwined. • F�4F..•Whim. tarmw4tro 4111;{timito'1'9,"�.TAe,r,mT, i! 42,4* H Ry.-7k1Fr!�+P they Planned; With moistened eyes ho loft them behipd-him To tall by the &Bassin in a far foreign land. s dear Old England, he left it behind him, And its shores receded forever fit in view, *Twits silently pacing tbe deck that we find him, And bis thoughts were, dear mother, I am thinking of you. Then bis tear moiatened,eye s again be would dry them, And -albite baela; his feelings of anglii®h and pain, And snake a resolve that new fields he would try them Then try,if he could, to be jovial again. isuldedeelletee-ed-inesititennatie eSinteateateety `r 017 Y ri rave. " I will carve me ocean," As their gallant the wave. .,•f i' -...(i MOH FASHIONS AT SiICIL What Is ' Vera by tits ladles et 'hie Chsrna- Ing.W1ater &s ortt, Nice, at the Raceme time, is full to over- flowieg,.slid .etrabgeraleave time front all pporta, And raratnrelly come of tine bbflt dressed women, are to he seen every day on the Proenade des Anglais. One or two costumee I noticed ae being exceptionally pretty. One woa'n. by 11 fair ArePo an wail of dark olive green cloth thickly braided in the same shade ; the bodice wax open in front over a waistcoat of white sloth with rows of gold braid narrowing into the waist. Aoaftan of green cloth bordered with brown fur was set jauntily . on the pretty soft fair hair, which was worn in the most beooming fashion, namely high on ��((�1��, ,r,,:'''''''''r"-'--,-t �Q,"'^.`5�'R' . L mn, .:LCJ. .'•'ZtTi _.JY7%R+ :'T'"".ITCF"�"!!R `. j nes ,�I 1 . -� �.il �av .f'7Gn ut �cT'L H ,3 One's eye pennon -tit preeent gat aoous. tomed to the untidy and loose appearance .^,,moot d by neeton anile.. l=.Gie—4e,r,fo tu- new fashion of wearing the hair low down on the neck ; and although it may suit a few, it is probable the fashion will not be- come geeetal, as English girls in particular look as well again in the old way of dress- ing the hair, and are not, likely to forsake what "ie`-bea-Ming fie many fora tashion that is onl for a few. ,Among group of Americans I noticed one in particular wtioee dress of red cloth with bands of black velvet fitted most ex - TEA TABLE GOSSIP • Tun's UP. Good-bye,'Old Whiter -your raee flii run, Your time is up, for the apringtide run Has bowled you .out -Bore se a gun, And the blue birds soon 'raid the peachblows sweet, The tumble bugs and the grubs will greet, While the new ,born lambs in the meadows bleat ; Then the baseball crank to the game will hie While .the "kid" through e, bole in the fence will epY-- Good-bye, Old Winter-good-bye-gogd-bye. -The heaviest advertiser in the world is a London soap man. -4. street oar conductor, on $2 a day, has been keeping two wives. This speaks well for the wives. - -Speaking literally, a jag means "• a home far beyond thee, old barque mounted the crest of 1A arent's fond' hopes, they were centred around •}rim, t, ob, blighted hopes whore are they to -day ? e first news if their sou was heartrending, astounding, Was sLot by the man who allured him away. In the " Swamp of D' ath," all rigid and frozen, Oh God, is it true, can it really be so ? Amore dit mal haunt it could hardly be Chosen, And his pall, it was naught but a mantle of One pile of old brushwood was thrown when they found him, And no friend near in his last dying hours ; In afar distnt laud he died, while ar.•undhim Stood thickly the swamp -wood, most diemalof bowers. In the cold at ins of death at first we behold him The poor y& ung strat,ger excite,b a tear; With no fond mother's arms to enfold him, Somebody's darling is now lying here. Oh cruel was the bullet that so deadly was, speeding To crush out his life on a far foreign shore, cruel was the fate that so 'bhmdly did lead him, tune' the asratsin a thousand times more. We will weep with thy dear ones -in feelings of Borrow ; Those dear ones at home now enshrouded n gloom, .. Tlnatoolace through tears we might for them, borrow. "---WrI 11 . e "Bntiwel , now a a the tomb, . JOHN STEVEN Off With the Light Brocade. Forty days, forty days, Forty da s onward ; Storming the churches' doors, - See the Four Hundred. " Off with the light brocade ! • In sackcloth ni.w arrayed, Let u• prepare for death." Cry the Four Hundred. " Off with the light br• cade, On with tt,e tailor-made 1" Tho' every woman Knew • The world looked and wondered Theirs not to make reply, Nor give the re -.son wily, T'-helirs-leu-t,,-t-6--pr-ay-end-d4 ; So to the churches high Rush the Four Huudred. Crosses to right of them, Crosses to lett of them, ' Crosses in front of.' hem, Crosses unnum ered Summoned by solemn bell Meekly they walk, and well Sermons on death and bell • Hear the Four Hundred. No more with shoulders baro, No more with powdered hair, No more in jewel-. rare, Nor Hower -encumbered ; But with meek, reverent air, - Itending in silent pr'.yer, Far from the ball-rom's glare, Keel the Four Hund:Md. • rone-ii the7lgbt4inceade, Honor. the change;;,tbo made, Never can word he said A tgoman has blundered. To every church to -day, Wh re all may kneel and pray, Come they in plain array, Lowry Four Hundred. -Texas Sif g9., A Sigh for " Constant Reader." Business Manager -Brown writes us to stop bis snbetlripticn to the paper: Editor -Dear me ; -that's bad! Business manager -Well, what are you looking so blue about ? I suppose we can get along without Brown. a, - Editor -Oh, yes ; but I was SOPA !thinking how bard it would bo on Smith: He was absolutely dependent on that paper. the back and was short, the bodice was tight fitting with high collar and full sleeves of blank velvet, a scarlet beret cap to match was worn with this dress and looked very smart and in keeping with the -costume. One peouherity I noticed in many cos- tumes, namely, the amount of black used mixed with color, in particular with red ; either the cloak or costume was of red, trimmed with black, or of `red with either black astrakan or. some other blank fur used as a trimming, the high collar and full sleeves--in.many _. cases, beteg. made _e_t fur, and used in this way proving most be- coming to the face and figure. 'The hats worn at the battle of flowers were many and varions, ranging from the large straw fiat hat trimmed with gar- lands of natural flowers, to the light airy looking white tulle or lace hat with (limi- ters as- ters of flowers nestling among the eoft fettle, and of which the shops in the lead- ing streets have been fall for the last week. 'erfQtnly the French mediate-is---most- daring in the combination of ecolors she uses ; but with it all her good ,taste never , deems to be at fault, and however glaring a -hat may look in the window with- three or four different shades cf velvet or flowers put together as a trim- ming, yet when once it is on the head the oolors seem to blend together, end the wonder is how one could ever have. thought e oom . ina ro' n hi$eons. Large l a s we e more generally worn than email 'ones on account of the protection, offered by the former to the shower of bouquets which on more than one occasion has been most dine estrous to those wearing toques or'Belilxllr bonnets. Many provided tbemeelvee with palm heat fane as a shield, ata a blow from a well -aimed bouquet of roses or violets is 'to be avoided as mach ae possible, and in many cases where only small head' gear was worn and no fans were used, the recip- ients of the bongnete thrown came off very badly. Nice Gazette. - Not„Qiving Away News. • 'He (cantionely)-What would you say, ing, if I should ask you plumply to be y'wife ? Darling (even.' more cautiously) -Ask me and find ont. An Untiln9e1y Ouestfon. • Spriggs -Ponsonby, do yon believe in the' damnation of infante ? ' Ponsonby Sgniggs, you ought not to have- -asked m- that gneetion juet now. A confounded little brat just bait hit mo in the ear with a snowball. Tho University of Pennsylvetnia wtil. erect a theatre which, with ' ft $25,1100 •organ, ie to cost $100,000. Something too English for Englishmen ev n is the sparrow and English farmers ee beginning to offer rewards for its motion. The property of the Young Men's Christian Association in Columbne, Ga., has been sold as emotion to satisfy its debt S... In China the man who livesnearet the scene of a mnr'der'is accused of•the' crime, and he mast prove his innocence .or dee, stand the punishment., Consequently, if he ie innocent, ho hnetlea around ' pretty, lively to discover the criminal. White Hearses. '"-dila-Wheeler-Wilcox- as writ4 n-a-poe about " The Little White Hearee." This is to suggest that she ought not to have done it. Those little white hearses belong to the liet of the intolerable appurtenances to civilization. They ought not to exist, and it is piling on the agony to write about them. All hearses are disagreeable things, but plain blank ones, with an air of austere necessity about them, are convenient, though ugly, and the feelings are not out• raged by their nee. But the white hearses have a simpering compound of paradise and sentimentality about them which is hateful. If there is a baby to be buried, and it is too little to go in a black hearse, parry it to ite_greve in your.arms or across your knees. Have as little of the machinery of burial in the ease as you can. Make sure not to have one of those detestable little, glaring death carts always crossing your mind's path as it goes back to a baby's grave. When babies die it is sad enough, without •anything that tends to aggravate woe. There is no need at all?of snoh reminders that babies .play in the shadow of death as those hateful little hearses. Paint them black, the odious things. -Union and Advertiser. ' The prayers of a wicked man amount to something when he pray6 for pardon. „Tho caned across the Isthmus of Corinth appears destined to share the fate of that of Panama. For the civil tribunal at Pattie ,has just issued es judgment ordering the 'winding up of the Corinth Canal Compan y They Acquitted Him. Gentlemen of the Jury,” said the Arizona (IJudge, " if you find frgm the testi- mony that the prisoner (who, Iunderetend, intends to set up a . free lunch at the con- clusion of this trial) really stole the•barrel of 10•yeer-old whiskey (which it appears in evidence' be , expeoted to open at his saloon this afternoon), yon will bring in a, verdict of guilty. Otherwise, gentlemen, you'll acquit him." In precisely two minutes and eleven seconds the jury were getting acquainted with the contents of that barrel. ' An Idulgent Parent. Mamma (looking up from her novel) - Jane, whet ails Freddy now ? Jane -He's crying for the moon, mamma. Mamma (absorbed in her reading) -01i,. the dear . well, lethave it. Perhaps ShemDoes. tine -Oh, Mamie ! I've a big seoret‘ for yon. Fred and I are going to elope. Mamie -Does your mother know your route ? •Ahead atf tier Years. r;. Mr. Rowne de Bont-Mies O11un talks like sixty, • Blies Vinnie Garr --That's queer. She says she ien`t forth yet. It's' wonderful, how mach women can stand until you See them doing it in a oar where all the men are seated. We would rather meet a man with a wry face than one with a rye breath. The 'preferred veil is a strip of tulle. Chicago earpentere have leaned a cironlar declaring they will de'm'and, on April 7th, TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Kincaid war yesterday indioted for the murder of ex -Congressman Taulbee. Lady Stanley will leave for England on March 26th, brit will return in timo to ro- oeive the Duke of Connaught in May. The Conservatives of Colchester have abandoned a meeting she which ... jinni Randolph' Churchill was announced to speak. e - Owing to inoeseent rains the river has overflowed and inundated the town of Brie - bane, Australia. The damage is estimated at £300,000. Twenty thoneand engineers in the north- eastern part of England have gone on tr-4t! alas -res. _� 1 . R 4'rr honre of labor. It is now considered probable that the Manitoba Looal Legielature will not press the bill for the abolition of church tax exemptions this session. M. , J. Yonle, pommercial traveller, :whine • y ing beyond Eganville, was chased adk'of half-etarved wolverines. Hie ree'Saved him from injury. The French gunboat Emerende hes bom- barded Abomey-Kel*ny, a village of ,ahomey, near the ooeast. The Dehomians `era panic-stricken by the attack. mean a very large one. -All advertisers want to be at the head oi: see column, but the drum -major is the chap who generally gets there. The world is coming to an end. , On this you safely may depend ; • Slur M. P's. all, with right good will, CriedAut, A -dam Brown's Pigeon Bill. -Q philosephereeays marriageca•.1ike town besieged. Those who are outside wish to get in, and those who are within desire to get out. -When a New York sparrow goes off to Q_Qnulbtry nil Qct toot thw eill`_os r i t s announce • e arrive o " the first sprriig yobin." -Englieh,av"•iseotionists age ilpiir- eated in an ad- meat of " live 41sle, dressed ream% ljor king," that his watt - peered in t religious weeklies. --Lovbr onnt withhold, -.0tir consent on account of my income; ails ; I can sup- port your daughter on $25 a .week. Pater -Then you are a jim dandy. I never could. • -Barnstormer-Did yon see me last night ? My impersonation • ofd>Hanaiet completely carried -the andienoe'Iltvay zn the fifth act. Victim -Yes.. r noticed most of the people left at that jinn. -A man at Wimborne, -"England, 66 years old, ma ` iiia 25 -year'• old servant a .week after Mitt .ret wife died, and on their way tram the register's office the couple were pelted with rice, flour and peas by a mob. - " Excuse me, sir, but haven't we met ofore4---Year ince-is-strsYgely-faihiliar-." " Yee, madam ; our boat introduced ne to each other juet „before dinner." " Ah ! I was positive load seen you somewhere. I never foil a face." -A banquet was recently tendered Mr. T. J. Stewart, of Kinloss, on the occasion of his removal to Hamilton. About sixty of )ria neighbors• and friends presented him with an address and valuable gold watch and chain -London Free Press. - Miss Timidite (who has been invited .to the piano) -Really, I think you "will have to excuse me. I rarely play in pnblio. Hostess (encouragingly) -Don't be afraid of ns, my dear. Neither my husband nor myself has any ear whatever for music. -Mies Minnie Leaoh married Lubg Poy, a." washerman," in Boston,day before yes- terday. The minister said his venal fee was $5. " Twoee dolia all givee," said the Chinaman. Tlie clergyman did not fanny this out in rates, but he took' it: all the samee. -Warden Keating, of Ltedlow street jail, New York, has stepped down and out. The ew - t era dngbt him in a • bribery trap and he resigned ander charges Wedoeeasy. Dennie F. Cray was appointed in hip,plaoe yesterday. Cray litre been a keeper: ,ie the jail under Sheriff Flack. Be is a Tammany man. - Here oomesanother story of two promin- ent and wealthy -. but honest Illinois physio e -failing heir to a fortune of 351,- 000,000 left • them by an old baron in Germany. ' -Those $51,000,000 windfall storieil' are a trifle fishy, although this lstee* tale bas the .semblance of trutb about Ito in that the correspondent did not say that the lucky men were work- goisin-5 tjtion-ioaz;ds fur 27-uer.trerdayi- Chicago Nws. • YA A9, WHAT's USE? What'tlie use in worrying, Of hurrying scurrying; .-, Everybody flurrying - And breaking up their rest? When every one is teaching us, Preaching and beseeobing us , �To settle Qwn and end the fuss ; - FotTldiet ways are best. • Never Cross to Kia Wife. In en Omaha oharoh recently, Som Jones iihout'bd : Ie there a man present who never epoke a oroes wordto his .wife ? " The silence was becoming. oppressive People looked here and there. 'Every hus4 shoed -wanted to get up but, did not dare to. 'lint the . sadness het had possession: of Joeaea' .taodi'aniehed a moment later when a round-faced, good-natured man rose in hie seat. "Thank God !," exclaimed Sam, " there ie' one man who never spoke a oroee 'word to his wife' " The good-natured man sinned blandly and said : "No, sir, I never did. I'm* bachelor." , 0 hen he put on hie hat and calmly walked elft the door. A Bien is now before the New York State Legislature to compel the employ- ment of women physicians in the State hospitale for the insane, where . women are confined. The idea is a good one. But -in Canada there would scarcely be enough ;of lady doctors to supply the demand, were such a law in force here. ' Tbe new French Cabinet will probably be : President of the Council and Minister of WAr, M. de _Freycinet; Minister of Foreign Fffairs, M. Constans ; Interior, M. Bourgeois ; Finance, M. Bouvier ; J uetice, M. Brisson ; Commerce, M. Roches Public Instruction, M'. Fallieree; Agriculture, 11?. Develle ; Pnb]ieWorks, M. Guyot;Marine, M. Barbey. Tbe young Dna d'Orleane has forbidden the circulation of a petition for hie release, saying that a prison on French coif is pre- ferable to freedom in a foreign land. Judge Andrew J. Davie, probably the richest man in Montana, died at Butte, Wednesday night, aged 71,1eavieg an estate of upwards of $1.0,000,000. At Batesville, Ark., the White River rose 33 feet in 24 hours, and all the lower part 'of the town is flooded. The output of wheat on the' Portage 40 cents cin hour piped eight boars a day's Plaine, Manitoba, tbie year is estimated at work. They 'ex dote have to etriko.j' 1,291,000 buehele: • by Klnpaid. • Kiaoaid was ocmmitteyd for the grand jury. A•triie bill for murder has been found at the. Winnipeg A leizes.aaainstt. Morton,, the Miami mnrdeser. Mr. David Porter, of A.mabel, was chosen by the Liberally of North Bruce to contest the riding at the Provincial elect tions. A1; a meeting in Montreal yesterday the Grey Cotton Association decided to; ad- vanoe prices in certain light weight samples ' of goods. It is now known 88 persona loat their . lives by the explosion in the Moises colliery. An unlocked lamp beside the corpse of , workman explains the explosion. Tbe plane for the proposed bridge ovet e� w reEt exits rai like 1 hattjust c om feted' osier the F h offalt: r''4 .L' orIh. The young man James McIntosh, r ported in telegraphic despatches as be drowned at Spirit Lake, Iowa, in l upp to be the son of Mr. David McIntosh cattlwelle known c e dr v o er of Bt. Thomas. A . waterspout at -Ulan, 111„ idbmer the tracks of the Illinois Central Rai to a depth of five feet. No trains- h come in on that road since yesterday afte noon. The Ohio river continues to rise The, body of Rowland Leaoh, a New, York drummer who has been mysteriously '!. missing for several days, vas fished out s' of the river near Market -street, Chicago, yesterday afternoon. He was no doubts murdered. Last Sunday,. the two year-old child of '• John Blunt, a farmer near Stockton, gas-, found- a bottle of laudanum and drdnkaorne of it. The child died The next dip Mrs.. - Blunt, crazed by the death, of het child,,: drank the rent of the poison. She cermet• recover., Mr. Blunt ie prostrated` apd',bis -friends- fear -he too may commit satcide. } There is now ,a strong probability the$' the divorce snit of Captain O'Shea agairiet his wife and Mr..' Parnell will not reaok trial before the fall. Mr. Parnell hes asked ' and obtained further and faller 'details of the times and pieties of the alleged adultery. He is entitled to three weeks in which to fyle an answer, and will="probably ask for an extension of time. A fat&Lannident_oncnrre'd this afternoon at Keldon, a point nine miles from Shel. borne. Mr. Thos. Appleyard, who ownsa saw mill there, was removing a Blab from a log while the mill was running. By some means the . slab touched tbe saw, and .the old gentleman was so thrown against the saw that both lege were out off in the upper , third of the thigh. He survived his injuries &couple of hours. Mills,Arley, Wis„ was declared off yester- day. T 3000 strikers- returned to Work exoept. the leaders, who were dieoharged. The five young men who burglarized the residence of the Bishop of Ontario at Kingston have been committed for trial. Other burglaries will also be charged against them. Ilii stated that Prince Bismarck lias asked Dr. Windthoret to giye his support to startling financial and military proposals, which the Government will soon, lay before the Reichstag. • . - Lord Salisbury, in the House of Lords yesterday, gave notice of a motion approv- ing of the Parnell Commission's report and thanking the .judges for their just and im• palatial conduct. ` B, boy name Holmes, employed .in a paper -mill at Heywood, England was drawn between the press and rollefd until hie body reseed through an opening tneas- uring four inches. It is proposed that the French-Canadzioi in Kingston meet and adopt a congratula. tory resolntionto Premier Mercier, of Que- bec, for hie proposed generous grant of $10,000 to Toronto University. Mr.. Tupper, Minister of Marine ar}d Fisheries, returns to Ottawa to -day from Waehingten. It is understood ,that his in- formation touching the Behring Sea ar- -getnentit-lie-notee ties t"orY• eIn consequence of the masters avoiding a direct reply to the demands made upon them- for An advance in miners' wages, the miners' federation has resolved to imme- diately inengurate'`aStrike throughout the.l United States. ' Mr. tae. y. Loyst, of Hay Bay, adopted a yon le frgm a city oharity, and the first thin ,he did..xvas to fire tke straw stack. Hard Work was required to save the build- ings. Then the youth fled and hail not. since en seen. - Secretary Windom yesterday executed a lease with the North American Commercial. Company, of New York and San Fran- -msec; far the-taling-of-faireesle-oa-isla de - of St. Paul and St. George, Alaska; for 20. yeepq from May nexte: • A number of unionists, armed with be - 14%4 pine, made tai' savage attack yester- day•uron the non -unionist employees on the British steamer Bostonian, at London. The police quelled the distnrbanoe and made a number of arrests. James R. Pole, who resides on Clarence street, London, had one of hie arms fright- fully cruehtld while coupling care in the Grand Trunk yard about 3 o'clock yester- day afternoon. He was taken to D. Moore's office, and it is quite probable hie arm will have tobe amputated -just above. _. 'Tho remains of Alex. Brodie, jun., son of Alex. Brodie, of Kintyre, were found after 9 o'clock Tuesday night oil the Michigan Central Railway track one mile .mast of Rodney, horribly mangled: On the person of the deceased were found two whiskey bottles, which no doubt accounted for the manner in which- he met euoh a horrible death. Hie father is a well-to-do farmer. Itis officially senonnced that the King of - Dahomey, accompanied by bis female war- riore, has retired to Lama atter remaining at Godcmey four days and not daring to attaok the French poste. The rest of his . ' army remains at Godomey, where it is' • erecting fortifications. During the campaign anthaneand D'3r ahomane,-inolnding a-fentale — general, wore killed: It is stated. the French oeptives taken by the Dahomane are safe at.. ''x ' William Arnett, Belleville, • was corn - Milted for,trial yesterday by Magistrate Flint for the murder of Hannah `Dole on February 18th last. He took the decision iof the Cyurt with indifference and, seeing an fold 'acquaintance in the crowd .outside the rail, extended his hand -for a friendly slake* ' He was,immediately conveyed to the' county jail, where he will awe it hie trial at the Spring Assizes before Judge ' Armetrr. What ie known as the Ellie,jewel robbery case wine concluded in Montreal yesterday. Phillipe and Maloney, of Montreal, were 'accused of having won in a game of poker 314,000 worth of jewellery from Von Reinoltz, traveller from the Toronto firm of P. W. Ellis & Co., not J. E. Ellis •& Co., ,knowing that it• did not belong to him. This vital point was not established ' by the Crown, and the two prisoners were acquitted. " A mysterious epidemic' has appeared at Solavonish Eezek and Freyberg; near Dresden„ Three -deaths have takenplace in two days at Eezek and two at Freyberg. Those who have been' attacked rettred to bed in good spirits, and slept in some oases 20 to 48 hours. All efforts to awaken the patients were unavailing and their bodies appeared to have decomposed daring sleep. Great fears are entertainedthat the malady ious.' ,., • A litticontage follow named, David Alexander' Rolland,. living oe Anderson street; Mon -r, treat, was paseing a butolier's stall ink that neighborhood yesterday afternoo$tt when one of the men who was chopliing some meat missed his mark,,,t►nd _th4- glanced off the block .and hit the severe blow' between the eyes.' • ' profusely, and on the ambtelanoo %r he was removed to the Genertatl`,llosp where the wound was dressed. ee. John Lee,. a Toronto man 'approaching middle ago, tired of a world that had dealt with hien so unkindly as to deny him evert the shelter of home, took a dbeeof ieech+,,- num on Wilton venae ; on Saturday even - ii to end hid tr ethics. Somebody saw him • swallow the' drug, and told Obnd%bble reatherstone. The constable led him off to - the police station, where Dr. Burne admin istel'ed an emetic, and caved his life.• Lee is nowtetained to answer a charge of attempt- ing to commit naiozde". Rioherd Wiokett; eon of John Wickett; Orwell, aged 17, arrested some days ago ons severe- charges of obtaining goods from merchants by falee representation, yeeter- - day at Stt- Thomas pleaded guilty to three' indictments and was remanded for a week foeseatence. On March 4th, he obteint'd two lettere addressed 10 Joseph Marlatt Abd one letter-'addreased to Alex. Douglass • frotn the Yarmon •', to i'ost•oflioe. The lettere were t_ " .o by the lad ost.theartiee they Thursday night a fire boke- out in a building at bridge No. 6 on the .Pennsyl- vania Railway, six miles east of Johnstown, Pa. ' Tho building was 000tipiectias a sleep ing apartment by the laborers ngaged in rebuilding the viadnot dedlf"oyed by ,the flood. Two men were limned to death and several were injured. - At a meeting held at Norwich yesterday of the County Board , of Direotore of the South Riding of Oxford Agricultural Society, ilrlr. Gordon H. Cook, the Presi- dent, in the chair, it was decided to hold the fair permanently at Norwich. Hereto- fore it hes been held in rotation at Tileonbnrg,.Ingersoll, Otterville and Nor- wich. The sessions of ,the International Labor Conference will be held in the, large hall of. Prince Bismarck's palace, where the con- gress of 1878 wee held. Baron Von Ber- epsch, Prnesian Minister of Commerce, will open the proceedings. He will welcome the delegates irk the name of the emperor, and will explain the objects of the con- ference. „ A Portage la Prairie despatch says The man held'"on suspicion of being mur- derer MacDuff, wanted in Tilbury, Kent county, Ont., was remanded, until Monday, 17th, E. Ferris swore he knew MeoDnffw for five Sews, had been with him for hours at a stretch before the mnrder, and that this man held is MacDuff with- out a doubt. There was a great sensation in court. ' Mr. G. A. Mountain, chief engineer of the Ottawa & Parry Sound Railway Com- pany, assisted by Mr. J. A. Simpeon and Mr, A. H. N. Bruoe, oivil engineers, with a nn tber of portagenrs and guides, have Muted from E anvilke, and will work their way through to Parry Sound. It is the intention of the railway company to com- mence 'conntraotion as soon as possible after the tinrveyors complete -their work: The line will be eonatruoted from Renfrew to Eganville first. The Manitoba Legielature sat from Tnee- day everting to yesterday • morning, the subject under disonesion being the School Bill. The long sittin, . was. caused by the effort of a Freilob, member to force an adjbarnmWash- Wigton,' An inquest was held yesterday, at Wash - Wigton, over the remains of ex -Congress- man' Taulbee • The jury found Taulbee's OA -el was due to a wound infiioted and read and bot 1 • pm�q�+ inspector Barker has beef�,notified, •,an:fir lad will likely, be prosecuted on thiil.charge. .a • 4_