HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-03-28, Page 53
'Oak lbsfiritcak# Rt fm•rt lelk;4100' 1111.
• ' ratfin• 11/ Ii y meatiest. •
-174 the,Falitoi of the Sentinel
• The aubjecc of teinpetence i rid
:he hackneyed, but the sin and mint
resultitig front iotemperadee are e%
upon 9.,trylvrecept. epeza 'fprcacp
Al christiouss how can we sit idle at
'et, not only creating wa
and woe, but sWallow op that which
not bread, enough money tet send o
The ktilaknow Soniimi, Bruce Ooiinty, Friday , Marth 286.
scribes and prigetar in ou:r Lord's day,
for, With all their greed of gold they
W -0311.d not teach sTudaej bleed inQnffly1.
but for years in this county all the re-
sponsibility for blighted manhood and
wretched womaultood, for homes de-
void of love and hope, for lives -cut
to short on earth,,end for souls lost to, all
ry eternity, could justly be laid at the
ver door of the li• II,
.5410.1i' '74k . • DirrrIVi� or a miserable
t.„. money ceneisteratiet raar.twat ti.st
I share. Those who voted again -at li-
id cense are not partakers of other ruen's
On Monday evening last the Rev.
M. M. Goldberg delivered an able
lecture, in Lucknew town hall' on
"The Rejection of Christ by the Jews".
There was * large apprecinpion and an
attentive audience.' There was me
lack of intereat, the spvaltek at once
enlisted the sympath •_Of AJ et:
' a
.4 BRUCE. AR applicants in this die-
trict for tavern and shop licenses ter taxeseffect
on the 1st day ol May next, are required to
send their applicationa to the nniaereigned on.
or before the Ist day of April, 1890. By order
2-843 Lionent Inspector. L :)
uckno* k. 0.
• T'
er was "Why the Jews reeleelteeel
y e ee ur-
c -
when. he cattle ? Why they aid not
embrace clanietianity during 'the middle
ages? And finally, why they do not
nt sins nor reepeesible for the return of
see their way clear to embrace christ-
is the.open bar. "Back of the bar" is
. .
u tlenity in the Present ?" Nese Twee
an official dooefient duly signed and ._tims..3moractalii„,enterectio4oils• eesisee_
epetielior,- that ellieenses- Marto -dein ry
your son and your huibancl and your
honte. He has a right under the pro-
teotion of the 4overnment, to 1 teak
t wen ty-two thousand in issionariee front
'Carla& alone_ During the agitation
that e • ram frot /
01 - 4 1. ' .""1" ' 1911SHIl ( 0 ate; or t te
-Jesuits,. Uturadittes front whore the
Atlantic washes our easteeil -shores,. to
'the Pacific on oar farther west, were
not slow to express thet opinion, but
tit lebed, to think how little heed was
:giveL to the waste and ravages of the
qiquo- traffic. for they took no note of
the fact that Obey paid alone' upon
urink four -Intedred thousand dollars
auto the reverree ederriree that. .sh.or
moat. of February', and the Hon. M
Poster estimates the people of Caned
:spend for alcoholic beverages each yea
:a sum not less than forty millions o
dollars for the- gratification of a debas-
Ing .appetite, and four 'humetred thous -
dollars, (again tire Jesuit bill
nineunt,) was given for cheistian • mis-
sions. • Not onty does the drink tell&
__hamper the e.hurch, in her endeavor to
:obey her marching orders, " Go ye
into. rII the world and preach the goe
pet a every creature," but the same
(merely met the missionary in heathee
lends. We read of ten pillion gallons
of strong drink sent. into the dark con-
tinent of Africa by the christieee
r ,
ertateny, • retaln fwd
:United States. In this evil work we
:rejoice to find our own etnpire fat be-
hind •the others. One result of this
traffic . was to corrupt the. king of
Ugunda, and that drunken, monarch
m artyred Biship Hurningtort, put many
native christians to death and drove,
out European missionaries. Thus the
church is hampered at • home and
abroad by .the wasteful and debasing
effects of the liquor traffic. We also
n c nrunercial Interests greatly in-
*ur cLeeeleeebradasubt eheeeeltief--caufte-of-
the hard tittles,' of "which we heatso
.44aatao44. Oleo licellPe. aPin..,11,eane. la -We
bet Nes than two hundred thousand
elollars has been paid over the bars of
this ',county. This money is nee,
wanted to .1"! yearly but it .has
ketaste to the brewers and distillers
Instead. •Merchants went ,and 'Voted
that •the.tavern keepers should have,.
thecern and theniselves the busks arid
they are getting what'they voted for;
It is a singular feature about the liquor
business . that It isealwayseeask_antie
. that the man who cannot pay cash for
necesseriee can always make the most.
free with his money for.liver, conse-
quently the traffic has a most demeral-
• tzing . effect upon trade, especially
•itipen those who sell for credit. The,
• repeal of the Scott Act was a terrible
sitistake ou the part of our. people, and
caused many a heart to shrink with
elistnay evert where the act weep:ca.
ed it wasnot openly and freely' sold,
hence • there •-was less danger to the
• manly and generous who would not.
• stoop to hidden' bars or underground
dens to drink. What were the rocks
• 'o•I whjek , the act. was drIven.?
t. -r impatierica Slew wanted:
Ae .act like a tortgiciares-wande
i r; ha .ing patience tO wait •ientil the
• yeeple grew to it. Another was the
ornendments that were. required to
eliforcethe Act cOuld,not be got from
Govtloment. So'gvery tittle it was
, many declared the law de-
s•e,• hence constant denunciations
• were heard against it. Did " Herritied
.:Guelp117.a few months ago ..denounce
the law against murder because it had
keen violated No; every eye and
heart_were turned to the.,law breaker
:and his victims and the community
have been doubly horrified had thee
been Itiforts put forth by the parties
w hose u ty it was to bring the offender
, to justice.. Therefere theawant of--
- • patience and thoughtful consideration
we must attribute its defeat, by which.,
many have Made themselves 1:trtrtakertt.
•ttf ether men's.‘eins. Those who took,'
. advantage of this legal right are Stifit
:as responsible as, but no more so than
ese who. (rave them the right, efoi'
they eltereef the spoils: The knoney
paid for dris peiVilege went
'ant. the general treasury and taught
owl!" children and, gravelled ottr streets.
Ilor IT the results of this traffic every
glean guilty of Sharing thew profit -and
not protecting its teeponsible. The
public conscience n. tkis county has be -
co ine.in ore hardened thaei even that of the
sorrew, and make paupers •. „lour
children. . The whole lieenie systetu
giving permission and protectiou of
law to crime for money, is a 'base pere
version of law, and he is "licensed to
sell over the bar" turd what a bar, how.
well it is named. It is a bar,- a most
'effectual bar te happioess, a bar to
prosperity, to purity, and iiii.41137 a bar
to heaven itself. In truth, through
and explainedto the satisfaction of
of the audience. This was eviiient
from the applause which greed Mee
. • •
after speaking for an hour and twenty
minutes. Mr i .I-Telmet presided.
After a vote of alranks, proposed by
Mr. McDosaald eeconded by Mr. Berry,
tho doxology wee sung, the teenedic-,
tion pronounced, and the fleeting
-Graham, the champion stutter of
Western Ontario,, heat Andesven, of
the torrguOt-Chiligii - has described Winghttm, one
the depths of horror to which this .111,P'•Considering that Graham has the
advantage of a professional training,
and Anderson none whatever, Ave
think • he may be congratulated on
dotrig so well as he did. Graham's
time for the five miles was nineteen
traffic leads men, there is ever a dearer
depth revealed to. the all pettetraaing.,
eye of God. e
of the Luckeetw W.11 T. U.
Noo Leezie, mv de:40e, just let tue sit near ye
And gie-irreaviinualo'yeur nonuie white paw;
Tko' minty be bear us, there's na out need
Richt hetreein the turner together, us twa.
Ye heerd Valens on last Friday even
Sing, hoo bonnie twenty wedded three score
and twa.
And 1 tae hau ai1Jr the' •rny head's white 's a
miller. •
Sae lets hitch our traces thegether us twa.,
-Grze wa wi' youtailler
lee bung was quite fame tau' he did
fu' brew, • •.
Thu' he Wild 1.1eiitory just here richt afore ye,
'there's na bonnie laeseie weds three wore
and twa.
• 0 Leezie, my deante, 0 winna ye hear me, , '
And marry rue two when -there's a We ,bit
o' snow.
gie a yer heart wishes for some sweet
little kisese,
And keep hetes ior me,at the bachelors ha'
0 no I wotet da it, or forever I'lI rue it.
• I love a Young laddie o' tweuty arid twa.
He's blithe au he 's bonnie, my darling young
'And! love him waist dearly for ranee and
for a'.
_Y-eLif_true_loare_beageoty-rth y •
and composed of lots 27 and 28, in t
2ud ncession of the Township of Kinloss,
the County of Bruce, (Shaw farms.)
The above property is for Hate or to rent and
being well situated in the centre of a good ag-
incultirral__Beetiou. .-Couvenient-ter-onlh-P0
".office. stores, ielool and churches., with about
Th acres seeded. A never failing creek runs ,
through the premises. A good. comfortable
frame house, new and painted. Fair out-
bniklin a and an ex el
• . 1
The license commiadoners for the , Sonth
Ridieg of Bruce, will ineet at the Commercial
Hotel, Mildtaay, on 'Phuraday, the th dat
of April. at one o'clock P. in , for couktlering
applicatious for tavern and shop licenses fop
1890 and 1891.
A. STEWART; Lieenee laspectoa,
c3/434.7,/MVO/142,72t5326. • .'652 ,44A41,1014.1fti.
turchaters wanting a desirable farm could
not do better then purchase the above •farrn,
and if rotted will be given at a very moderate
I:rice pet year with the privilege of buying.
Apply to WALTER S.• LEE, Toronto,
4-843 nor ROBERT GRAHAM, Luc:know.
FOR 168P. •
m est au it
License Fund .. •
Land Improvement Fund... ...
Resident tax collectleads
•Tetat Receipts
By Roads and Bridges... ...
Salaries and COMIlliniOn8 ..
School Sections.
County Rate... ...
Printing, Postage It Stationery
Relief and taxes remitted... ...
. •
1 Expenditure.. .. 10235
Peace and Joy sit &mead us taeir mantle
le term: tiara'.
eiAtitateiggiteatnaiden wiliteerbe betrayed in " •
$1719 08
104 68
49 08
3 50
• 198 26
10160 23
122.54 83
$ 1023 59
161 30
%79• 10
. 4758 94
2872 44
69 31
166 87
504 23.
Bal. in Treasurer's liniiii 2019•
II; 12254 83
WE,' the undesiatied, her eexamined the
Treitenrer's nits of the receipts and ex-
uceditattep rrf. e Municipality of the Total-
Sh90 elf Kintess and report the eatne correct
accordngtaa tha tondo:ea cubitattted to us and
in aocordathM with the above statrillent•
' ,nt . for his money at' a
Sae awe K'Youipladiet,, 1'11 ni) sit beside ye.
Your litalidM no the rule t�cover es twar,
For marry my. Johntue, ate blithe and sae
Tak that for youianswer, an' noo ang awa,
• DOAAL1/..13AIN.
Council. illtomAs MURRAY, Auditors.
A. :remtlar •meeting of above -council wa
hell on March 20, in the pouncili,mm. Reeve
Griffia was absent. • First-Dee:ay Reeve-.
Girvin; eceudied the chair. Minutes of for-
mer meeting read and sigoed. On motion of.:
Stotheze and McKenzie, the following ac-
cauntsavere paid R. Irwin, for gravel, $6.00;
P. Mrrn, plank. $1.00 ; J. Webster, re-
pairing culvert, 81.50; Kinloss Agriculture.
Society, 0%60 ; Refund of 838.86 to S.
No. 14. •
• By-li* No. 7, was read a third time, grant-
ing tiqweit. to trusteei of S. S. NO. 17 to berrow
e fium o $600.00 in debenture, A. letter
°n'Belea, , aelKi rig to hae hie, prop.eair
takeinfirrext,S, S. No. 5, and lidded to S. S. No.
13.7,`1411trties interested to he notified by
the ermE.:.
•Pathittietars appointed for the several road
divtideati ate : R. Mallough, R. 11feWhinney,
W. hIClAatten, D. dittfin, D. Johnston; J.
J. :Willis, 3. 'Simpson, G.
turtaiw.,W. blathers, J. Bennett, J, GraY,
D. Jardine; B. Augnetine, T. 'Stewart, W.
McQuoid, T. Dougherty, .T, Stevenson,' T.
Hawkine, T. Gaeley,S. Willer, J. Currew,
W. MeGtery, J. Lane, W' Shackle:en, W.
Damian, W. Molten, J. Itilpattick, •
hall, J. Stq'thers, T. E.
W. Twatilley, T. Le;nnan, D. Quinn, W.
[fain. JI Agar, 'A...Hackett, J. Seringer,
Di Agnew. S. Revitt, J. Helen, A. "Beaton,
K,,,WIcKenzie. J. Murray, P. Deyle, I. Ensign
D. McKenzie, J. McDonald, A. McDonald
J. Martin, D Rutherford, J,
MeBurney, R. Hamilton, D. MeRea, I). Mc-
Intyre,1, dowan, K. McLean., A: McIntyre,
J. aelcNain, 'D.• :Murray, J. Campbell, 5.•
Xitir, it. Barnby, W. G. Girvio'., W. Jame
ife4,ILC. Johnston;