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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-03-21, Page 8
m:> ,!y •. wl R 1 .014410* P.QST*OEFI:.C. ,- . 460-rs $a.,: im, tct 7 P. m. Nauss uaarvt . p= B.,Soutf • 6.13a." w• Daily R ds Bi Nort , 12.30p. m • e` idough; 230p.m 4 'WOO , 414-G.e B. North 3.38 p. m, " 4a"ra dreloh 5 4tarmi diate•$oints J.9.00 p. m. IL At ]3• Nord; 10.30p m•' R6 V g am. VV.m .: `41.1141d eisese.4de 3.00u. tog°.. • Md16d CLVAs,- lir, Q. krt. ..South I9.30 p. rn. ): H. ft B., South 14. H. & B. South 10.00 a. m. w; W G.& B. North 3,10p. to r.,.olyrood) , . 4.30p.m. '11Ciaoughj} V1 #48 ...xi grad Fridays 6 '4 111 A U. and Virinitg aii.For Sale • • A first-class organ for sale cheap. d finers leaving town.,Apply at this "sla . arm to Rent Being, lot 29,. con. 2, Kinloss, 'con- a,jning 100 acres. 80 acres are clear- ed, thgood brick house and good iuikldings,'- well watered. For -terms! ,and; other. particulars.,..apply tcl_ Whitechurch, Ont. • ; . }lorse•sold '• •, Mr.' P. H: McKenzie has this week •`sold his' fine young stallion, "Bruce Chief," bred from Old What�Care to Mr) Bunnell, of Fort Wayne,` ,Indi- ana, r,for a. good pfice This young te-- of, excellent., quality, in fact I6,o, ° a . one o ,the best ever sent from this part. • 1, %. 'eine S-eecX : I. have dust. received a large amount of clovean4 timothy seed of the :best - ----spialit'y from a seed house in Chicago, through the' agency of Mr. P. torri- a gen, of Kinloss. This. seed ; is fery fi ti GE.o. KERReLucknow. Dominion Business. Directory. • Mr. W. J. Henry, representing the „r directory '.publishing firm o R. L. Polk & Co., . of Toronto, will be in Lucknow in a few days_ to secure! the necessary in'f brmation for a •'Dominion JIllusiness• Directory thatthey will issue uring the coming summer. Lucknow Roller Mill and Grocery Any person wishing to patronize 'she above mill' can procure the flour eo est flour &trtre lowest and s'4s•`"person buying a lot for their own use and have it at wholesale prices.. Ne other 'hop in town sells my flour.— Geo. Kerr.,: • • • An Educator. A school teacher says that. pupils who have access to newspapers. at honaei when compared to those who have not; ' are better readers, better spellers, bet- • ter grammarians. better in; pronounci- ,.l tion and read more understandingly, •• ancI obtain a' partial knowledge • of geography iii -almost half the titne that it- requires others. The eewspaper is decidedly an important factor in mod- - ern life. • That Railvyay. The fc111owing are the names of gentlemen all ,of -Owen Sound, who are, •seeking incorporation to construct a railway. running 'from Owen Sound to Taira and Paisley, in Bruce County, thence to bake Hui•on at two points, C-oderich and Iiincardiee i -.-S. 5. Par- ker, John Wright, James McLaughlin, J. R.. Brown, W. A. McLean, John I�ilboairat, John .Armiti•ong, '.1.as. E. Miller, 1i;. J. Doyle, J. tib'. Redfern; . —Paisley Ala ocit; e. Send tl,e News - There,is no occasion for any items e• of interest which occur in any of the, surrounding townships to go by • with- out. mention in the SENTINEL. We 'want -to catch every item that is go- , iog, and in every locality there .must be one person who will 'keep•us posted ciri , the events of the ncighbeirhood. - ieertd in the items, and we will print thein• We.will supply all regular cur - respondents with paper and' We *mit all the -local news. Dominion Census The, first step in the Preparation for the forthcoming cense:$ is about to -he taken by the 1>epn'rtmcnt of "Agricul- ture, whil.•h will shortly distribute to all the medical men in the Dominion specially prepared books with the 're- quest that they shall co-opt•''•ate with -the census branch for the pin•Pose of securing as accurate aa. statement as possible of all, the deaths during the census year,• which begins on Ayril 6th West. The doctor will be asked to re- cord each death and its cause. The department thus hopes td secure a *torte accurate classification of mortal- -ityt statistics, thane has: heretof.ire beenrsst ible, r The Lucknow sentinel, Bruce County, Friday;. March 21st. W C T U At Home • The. W, C. T. IL hold an tt At 1-lolue"-in the town hall this (Thurs- day) evening .Reception from. half past seven., A good programme has- been prepared and a pleasant time is expected. Refreshftients served dur- ing the evening. Admission 10 cents Poultry tiournal. r,iT f h o IWO+ q6 �-.. monthly publication entitled The Farm Poultry, " a practical farm suburban pou,:try raising guile. ,It is publisb- eckitt Boston esMass., at 50e. per' an- num,- and should be in the hands of all who•ivish to raise and improve the steel:: of poultry. Who Is He ? Mr. W. Campbell, "postmaster at Godericji, received the following tele- grams dated i!i arch,12t1 ', : from. Hay- killed' her to day. Has he any rela- tives there? Answer immediately." If any bf our readers, knoniv 'of a young mein of thwr.t Jeanie in the West they will please communicate with Mr. Campbell at Goderich,. Not,A Candiday. • • Mr.' kk,,J..'ain disclaims all..con- nection ivitfi tide:. rumor' that'he was like y to, beseei independent ..candidate to contest Centre Bruce. Mr. Bain de ares that he has no such intention as his time he considers is now too much taken up with public matters to the detriment of his own business, and he has no desire. to ,load himself with any more public burdens.—Advbrate. A Large Decrease. According to the report of the Ont- ario - Oommissiouer--for immigration there . has been in' the past year, as compared with 1888, a decrease of 5,- 145 in the number of immigrants who remained in the province and the de- crease. in the,number of immigrants carried b the three leading' steam s 'ip Ines to ana t ran ports was still more marked. The total number set- tled in the province was 15,377 and 51,758 passed through. Early Closing. • I. We. the, 'undersigped merchants; of the village of Lucknow, hereby agree to close our respective places "of bus- iness at 7 o'clock sharp, on and after the first of April, 1890, Until the lst of November, Saturday nights except- ed ; D. R. McIntosh, Berry & Little, Ben. McLure, W. Connell, F. Grundy, J• Elliott,' GS Kerr, J. Grenache, J. Murchison, J. Peart, A. Ross, Robt. Proctor, W, H. Snsith, W. J. Little, M. Corrigan, W. J. Brampton, Geo. Doherty. Handsome Pony • Mrs. R. Proctor last week received from Kincardine one. of the handsom- est driving ponies . that has ever been brought to the village. Itis a perfect model, 'of.a rich, golden chestnut with silver ]vane and tail, 'a good driver easel a 4 its .perfections, however., it will take it some time to get, as far into the graces of the ladies. of the village as Little Grey Dolly," which has' so often carried Mrs. Proctor to victory in the different lady riding and driv- ing contest for the past three or four' years, as, weal as being a general fav orite with all who hare driven her. 'Insurance Company , _ The London Mutual Fire Insurance Company' of Canada .is --the -successful pioneer of cheap farm and private resi- dence insurance : final statement, 31st ]1ec , 1889,, shows assets $378,427.2..8. 43,137. policies -now in force. The 'only tire mutual licensed by the Dom- inion Government take risks on farm' property and en private dwellings in city,. town or villiag,-, on more favor- able terms than ,any other Company. The London Miltuaai does a larger bus- iness in the insurance of farm property anti private residence than any other Company in the ' Dominion and has done the same for over thirty years. Parties intending to insure should give the old London tompaany the prefer- ence, fair. until it was established the Stock (,ouapeuies having all t)ieir, own ways; charged the owners of 'farm pro- perty and l.)rivete „residence high rates to tuaako up for their losses on more dangerous 'classes' of property." This is changed now thr<i:ugh the efforts` and cv )rkings. of the successful London .Mutual. For reports or insurance 'ap- plya to any of the agents or address the head e,.tlit'e,•iticl)nond St:, London. A. C. Mclosesee, Manager. —We clip the following from the Exeter Advocate : Bob I3urclette was a philosnpher, a Christian and a friend of the down trodden wheu he said :— "God wasted thud when he .made a man so mean as to tell the post rnaeter to return his paper marked "refused" when he owes toxo, or three years; sub- sryription." • NEWS OF TUE T4!W& A Week's tteeord or the Purhlni Seeder UMW. —Mills McMillan is visiting Mrs. (1 T. Burgess. -,For choice clover and timothy go to J. Elliott. —Hamburg embroidery in white and colors cheap at Mrs. Smith's. e smM ent with inflamatory rheumatism. No. 1 ringharu roller hour "ac J. Elliott's. —Hem stitched embroidered skirt ings just received; at Mrs. Smith's. —Mr. L. Lawrence and R. Munroe, of London, spent Sunday in the village. —Miss B:rockenshire, of W:ngllam, is the guest sof the. V! isses Burgess, - -For jellies and jam§ and all kinds --Call ,and examine' Mrs. Smith's cashmeres in fawn, myrtle and brown. —Mrs. D. M,,Kenzie, of London, is. visiting her mother, Mrs. A. McIntyre. --Good rnornin , ! Do you drink W. J. Brun peon's..tea 1 It is the best. —.Miss Evart; of Stratford, is the guest of 1VIrs. J. Grenache. —10 yards all wool dress goods for $1 at W. J. Brurinpton's. —Henriettas in rose, stone, beige, electric, blue and sapphore colers at Mrs. Smith's. • — In the general run of -things, peo- ple who wear W. J. Brumpton's cloth- ing get there. —Highest price paid for wheat and oats at the Lucknow roller mills.— Geo. Kerr. —Mrs. Smith has lovely summer silks in card'in'al, grey; blue and brown cheap. . . —There is no , temptation to steal - clothing when W. J. Brunopton sells. tweeds so cliea.° —New ribbons and passementeric trimmings to match the dress goods at Mrs.Smith's. - —A hog weighing 620 pounda was brought to Mr. 1Vhyte's packing house in Stratford the other day. —The' farmers made excellent use of the few days sleighing with which we were favored during the pasi week, •—Mrs. Smith has a fine assortment of black dress good in crape cloth, - serves, cashmeres, Henriettas and nuns veiling, se- • • • Brumpton has come to tbe.. conclusion that Lucknow is the place for business yet and we are glad to hear that he has. come to stay. , Mrs. Smith ht.s just opened' a lot of lovely embroidered sateen 'costumes in all the leading shades. -The Rev.' M. M. Goldberg .will preach next Sunday . evening in St. Peter's church on,a` The Signs of the Times."' Ail are cordially invited. —Mr Edward Cann, son-in-law of 1' r. un er, an lis arun y roni in-' nipeg, are visiting friends in the village and neighborhood. — 7n Monday next the Rev. M. 11I: Goldberg' will deliver his lecture on the. Jaws' in •the Town Hall. E. Traver,. Ree, will occupy the chair. Door's open at 7:30, • Admission 1.5e. — All kinds of groceries of the best qualities keptat the new grocery. very cheap, as we, sell for cash and • produce only: "Goods delivered ttf `any part of the tower.—'Geo. Kerr. • —Having just visited the merket,' We are in receipt of the latest design: in dress goods arcs. trimmings..'Ad- vice is cheap, the only ,thing cheaper ,is _\/V •1. i3rumptou's goods. Come and see our stock which must be reduced. Think of it-, 26 yarth good ginghatns for $1 and 7 pounds •choice Japan tea fur $1.60. , suppose it is• perfectly useless to.keep •cn criticising ethe girls and young women who persist in' chewing gum when they are walking through the streets," said a gentleman to a re- porter, as they met yesterday after- ncron. „"The newspapers have ridiculed this practice unmercifully, but the army of female gum -chewers has not decreased. It hi not a pleasing sight to•see a bright Canadian girl exercis- ing her jaws upon a wad of'gem as she walks along the street." —A subscriber to- the London Ad." vertiser who lives in Dayton, Columhii , Cbunty, Washington,. has discovered an original way of sending his subscrip- tion. The money' was inclosed . be- tween two circuker pieces of wood each about half an inch thick, apparently cut with a meat axe, securely fastened together by) fifteen tacks. '.Phis pack- age caught the attention of the custom 'officers at i`Vindsor, who opened the' 'parcel. They took the nails out one by oat!, and there lay the dollar, . smil iug peacefully. Regretfully they closekl up the package, and the unique, eateloge reached London, safely,, 6 AT r. • -T. :. TRELEAVEN'S _ _ r_ r. . 1 • . dozen of Cabinets, I will hive you a nice (;=xbillet aiui ,Frame free, a sample of which may be seen at my studio: All work first-cl•a,ss and done up in the latest style of art. Also a large stock of FRA: l?ESALBU 8, .._....__._. _ __ s-..___.�-_..�..a-- —� ____.____. _�_...__•_. .___ _ .. _ ._.. __ b. .. _ ....___ _. -_. �.._.._._ _ _.ate. _... .. ... :o: All sizes of tomes mule ta o or cheap. Eggs taken in exchange the same as cash. Don't for= ;et the place T.L. T ELFAVEN,. ,.. Mrs. Mooney's old stand, opposite bank, LUCKNOW.: 1: DON'T WANT TdIG E,1RTH WA T A announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country, that any ".0107 OE PE corrin; to me having their teeth out, that I will'put in two seas of teeth, TEETH TEETH. TEMP RARY AND PER ;ANENT for the prise of bne set, $15, made of the very best material in the world. I use no' rubber but C. ASH & SONS, London, England. The teeth will be - C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded by all who are in- the, • business •.to be s italed 1.z1 o W7rJ Those firms have their names on theirgoods, and the ,people"can see what they are etting, and as I. use nothing but the. best Material, I will guarantee Jet- t:,isfactiort to all 'reasonable 'people, the unreasonable and there are a few such in the world, will please bear in mind that I don't want their tide. lean always be found at Dr, McCrimmon's office, Lucknow. D." P•ATTER$©N, Lackntivr. w16 aoknow's Patgraphr .� . J. STRINGER.iulit Is as usual ahead in the finest stylus and pow-I./wits pnabcis. CABINET PH TS, mest retouc}xed and. buanisYod, $1.5p to $3 per doz. Cards St'to $2 per+ AMBRQTYPES\MADE TO PERFECTION ...j He also keeps a large stock stock of. spectacles, .itsp ertt Iv the Well-known. ' and also deals in Bee Keepers supplies, . books, stationery, albums, „frames and fancy goods..,. Romember the studio, E. L, Johnston's coat Altand. t ddor to 1i,eid's t,2akery, • , , • 4146 111 11