HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-03-07, Page 3'Many of the young tnen in this
chat/ are leaving for Mauitoba vi
Mr. W. McDotagh
eitirtiiiftes n um la a
few days ago.
The Literary Society had a splendid
Meeting last Friday evening. The
prograiume was excellesist. A. good
programme will be given ',text Friday
pveniiig. All are invitee!.
The -Messrs. H-u,n have rented
Mr. W. T. Gardner's farm on the 12th
concession for this year.
• Zion church was filled to overflowing
'4,4y an attentive and appreciative con-
gregation last Sabbath to listen to the
• ituentorial services of the late Edmund
.Andlow. The pastor gave a splendid
ddress to young men.
The following is the standing of the
pupils of school No, 5 for the mouth
nflebnuary : 5th .elass, E. A uderson.
SeiWor kb, D. Anderson, A. Helm,
W.. J. Webster. Ju tt ior. 4 th, G. Gard.
trier, S. Reid, J. Gardner. Senior 3rd,,,
W.. Gardner, R.. Webster, M. Ander-
- aon.- Junior 3rd; -B. Ritchie;A: Gird: -
tier, J. Reid, Senior 2nd, L. Web.
liter,: A. Brown, H. Anderson. Junior
nd, L. Hunter, M. Webster, R,
'Gardner, E. Gastlarer. Senior part 2nd,
E. Reid, M. Gclardner, R. Wilson.
junior part ..rnsd, M. Brown', R. Hun-
ter, 0. Took. Senior part 1st, L.
part ht., H. Reid, F. .A.nderson, J.
1-tunter. '
Kinloss Council
bonncil met on Feb. 27th. Mem..
racl and approved and the following
business was tranaacted. Accounts
:were paid as follows: Hart & Co., for
-stationety and forms 119.; Thomas
Lawrence, box for assessor $1.50 ;
John Purvis, collector far township
.rates tinder by-law 34 $5.75, by-law 39
$2.50, by-law 51 110.80.; General
Hospital, Toronto, for keep of John
Armitage $48.7' d H
5 • Davienderson,
ke'ep of Malcolm McGregor $8, coffin
;for saine $8; John Purvis, salary as
oollector $80 • Robert Guest, repairing
ofixpenses of Mrs. Nicholson $10 ; Mrs.
iKingarf, relief $6. The account of
H.. P. O'Connor amounting to 4.71,
for services in appeal case was laid
over for further cousideiation. On a
claim of David Cruthers for $2 for',
:statute labor, councillor McKinnon
' was instructed to make enquiry of the
ipathirtasters and report at next meet-
. . tag. On a claim being made by Wm.
• Thotn for compensation for a part of
lot 26, eon. 4, West Wawanosh, the
reeve was instructed to view the said
• road in conjunction with the debuty
reeve of West-Wawanosh and report
.to 'this eouneil. A petition was re-
• oeived signed by John W. Black and
others, praying for compensation to
"• John Basso, on account of his house
having been placarded during the
'prevalence of diptheria therein, by the
Medical Health Officer.. Moved by Men's ;12 bars Laun
The LIstoknow Sentirier-; Bruce County, Friday, March 7th.
alearza Cost Sale
SAit2f Tatt.D62Iffildiffidln$1=41C=3.01= Pfl=airtfraktaff, ' "
All kinds of goods sold cheaper than ever offered here before.
The following prices will convince the most sceptical :
Gm Mauls, all wool worth 20o. for 28 aorta.
ttnion Gray 131/anolas al wool wart 15o. for 11 onto.
rotary Irlads all wool worth, 86a. for 00 otnrts.
'Union raotozy Flanolo wool''worth 280. far' la'ic
Gond 04 wool Canadian Twoods.wortli d80. for 15o.
i'lishoo in it0;shados cold all scent for 80 for 380.
• Dress goods 50o. belay their reggi
'ular value. ;66. few ends of manta
20 per cent. off air lines of Crompton Corsets, vig t .50e
for 40c, 75c for €0e, for 80e, $1-;24; for 84' These
goods are staple goods and are a big bargaint
The best yarn in the trade, regular price
Cotton plushes for window
curtains, lamberquins, mantle
drapes, etc., 50c. line for ,p5c.,:r:
•45c. line for 80c, bfg vialu
7 bars electric soap for
guaranteed equal to
McIntosh, seconded by McKinnon,
- that this council cannot entertain the
prayers of said petition. The auditors
presented their report and the same
having been examined and' adopted,
• the auditors were payed $10 each for
their services as such auditora. t A
by-law No. — was pasEed limiting the
number of tavern liceiiies to be .issued
in- the township Of 'Kinloss- to the
num-b • of 4 and the amount to be
• paid •r.
feach license to be the sum of
• $90, hich sum inbludes the provincial
• - license. 'The pouncil adjourned to
'meet--ugain on the 10th day of Apra
next. —PETER I4in, Clerk'.
will*tend- the following sales on the
•'undermentioned dates :
. On the boundary . line, halt a mile
west eli,ocknow, on Satu'rd#, March
Fth, a quantity of farm stook, fipple-.
merits, etc., the property of John
At lot 11,,,con 7, Huron, on Wed-,
,inesday, March 19th, a quantity of
farm stock and imp,lenients, the prop:,
erty 'of Wm. Milne.
- Near Erkdale, on Tuesday, Match
18th,, a quantity of farm tock And fm,
gement-a; the pry of Mes. Erb.'
At iiitewart's planiog mill, Camp-
bell street, Locknow, on Saturday3.
March 11,th, & quantity of farm stook,
the property of Walter ,i§tewart.
. ,
Ad orders, Iert at Alett'floss's
ewe chop will be promptly aitended to.
4. •
rn Ximoto, au Feb. Nth,, taw
ster McIntosh,Ofik dhollialter0
-4, —Off
Tournelzip of IXrast Virivranosb,
"AM "44,1flamilailla 'ZIMIlliftg22211$7:152.aum.t.
. •
Jan. 1—To cash in treasurer's hands
• 21-- from.collector, 1888 rates
25,- on late treasurer's band • 4 4 • • • •
26-..-• county boundary line approp. 1888.. ..
• .
ar 5— support of late Mrs. Welsh (3 cheques)....
•iefund from Ashfield
• from Co. treasurer work done•on county bridge.
license fund
county boundary line appropriation 1889 • ...
1'. Glenn, inspeetor's fees on gravel job W. B.
2 years Colborne townshie drain assesst
from collector.on accountiqf 1889 taxes.. ..... .
Dec. 31. --By cash for phblie works
°minty' ratei foy 1$88....
0 .... a
charity ...-.1.• .,-....,, . . 't :
p,ostage, printing and.stationary
faniber • .
s:ittisverieslia.n.e.n,.14...:.!.*.:*: • '''• • •
Young's drain..., . .. - . ..... •• • ....... • ...... •
4 • • • 1;
riersons ram
balance in. treasurer'e lianas .... ............
IStie Assets
Dec. 31—To' cash in treasurer's hands
. - •
• •balance on ex -treasurer's hond
balance against township, .. . ........ • 145 36
.3 . ...
II' • • ,1 •
•93 Ar
588 00
137 76'
• 193 51
65 46
137 76
2 00 .
1702-00 •
2608 03
178 69,
87 94
131 3.
3492 81
666 00
217 55
412 08 .
$ 1048T 4
• 1024 47
• 354 10
18894. Liabilities
Dee., :214-Iti county rate fen. 1889
• •- drain debenture
collector's salary
outstanding orders.. ..... .. .....
Young's drain (to credit of). • •
Grierson's drain (to credit of) —
ilElloima •
... .
•$ 3770 8(1.
2512 9•
394 91
• 117 59
•.... '189 03
. •
• ,
- • •4",„..
.6011:14 VYANTED !, ,
To sell our choice Wiirsery Stok. NO EX.'
the year round. LIBERAL PAY GAR,.
•ANTEED WEEI4LY. Outfits•free. Write
&Artemis and commence at ecl.
Atwood &.CMPallIV
APurstiryonent GNEVA N. 7.
—GleiItge • Dowers and. tVslein.•
Greet, two young lade, rixdked
personal effects ' and left' ,fOr
unknown on :Tuesday mcoiijt, th#
comforts of . good houtes ing
tastatiteful to 'their fas pa11et,11.
51b. "Jubilee" oartftfor 20c.
No. 1 Valemia °raisins, datest,';
or figs, 3 pout ds for 25 cell ts
5lbs. 'starch 25 cent ; -corn.
starch, 4 pkts. for 25c; 3:1b
soda for 10 cents; godcr se4
44 PIECES FOR 82,00. -
•• 3' •
60c. f6a, black or gpAeic
3- • 460. ; 50 lot 40b;1 4 , fcr
. . .
25 ,,tor 20c:,; 8 pounds oft() a
• bisdilits for 22 cents.
' .
The above pricds are cas
o fi
virth,rn lif EMPLOYAND
good PaY all the year roma& to rebel& *UM -
furnishing satisfactory referenees,
8. A. iSitiOlVIQEtt Ss CQ.
ni,4%iii iliir ae paves, Rochetitiss, IC la
• ' , "
.44kg,, 141
# • „a.0
Has a world' wide reputation as a
and author Ilia Mandrake Deadn()
Cure is a triuniph •of medical ski%
diseases of the-kidey ',aid fiver. ....._,...401.,ws
ttifihiPT0148 P
. 1. • v i s i resale*
lin the bac IP Ae
thin pitiii ov Weight'in the bladder and ha -A*
abdomen . stidding urine ofte.q obstructed i . i.
frequent &sire to urinate, especially at night,
among aged persons hot, dry ski, pale COM-
pleg,i0t), red and whi Ge dposis, drop dizzinam
suur stomach, constipation, •PICS, liver E404
swelling, etc •
dlc, Sallow .eoa;*
plexion, a weary, tired feeiin.v , flo lifC
.pinnples, etc.
ennrgy, headche, dypepsi, iLdigesttion spots,
Mandrake arki'• bandelion are nature's Liras
cures and when collibined with Kidney reni-
cheer nein Dr. Chas% Liver Cure will snort
Positively cure all Kidnap..A..10ertrouble °*;f4J 3 '
ACtci like a chs
ting the whole b
with receipt loo
mone. •
KEDNE 18s„?trsrrilliilit,:(t!t;
Meng the slogged
a, and invigora-
* all dealers at. St
eh alone is vet.rth th •
LIVER, act g e Atit efrectftlly. Iles%
PILLsbe taken dull"; em_p!oy.
„ trent. They en Kidney Liver
troubles, headaehe,bilionsheoriiedativenesa,ete.
One pill a dose. Sold by all dealers. Prise WM,
T- DO,
Aot,sh? %DTA& istlehl104. •
.fri: •