HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-03-07, Page 11 , .x • ,r oNesiseawesosFseeeeonsegissiessasasgsa • Subscribe For The SENTINEL -+►--uNr,v-*�-- ON.E DOLLAR PER YEAR Al ADVANCE. x.. VOL XVII.----io Is published • every Friday At the "`,Sentinel" block, north east cornet- of Oiitlarn ,i - - -_ Guardian ) LUOKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY,• MARCH, 7 zsoo `_ OLE No. 642 T T HE LaCICKAN 1E3A if►Ine. COM' ANY !Or .fames anti ithe Preacher ti iltrNot Incorporated.)� 1d1fI8f'.'Q>ISICII'S -•- WELL ,L3, "O-- -o— -- {(Fromrn(From the Christian G A black eye can be successfully ton- • 'ENDED , .i Caiinphell Sts. Lucknow. 73y JAMES GRVAN, EDITOR & PUBLISHER. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $1.00PER YEAR IN, ADVANCE. _ v:us•-'ole 7Q8 .• PRINTING 3CEttJTED turn NEATNESS at DESd'ATtf. MEDICAL A. McDONAI,D,, M. D. C. M. Offir,e�-- • DI R. ' TNNANT, PHYSICIAN, surgeon. and 4.ccoiicheur. Sur- ne 'y • opposite Cain's hotel. O14ce it Ctrs from. 9 to 12 a. ii. and from 2 t0 5 p. m. j�. A. McCRIMMON, M. D. C. M,, �/. M. C. P. S. 0., L. R. C. 'P, L, • R C. S. and C. M., Edinburgh. Cor - airier county .of • Bruce. Licentiate Midwifrey. Royal, physician and sur - „eons. Office one door east of barber • shop,. Lucknow. i` '(A R. D. GE1 DESS V, S. CALLS if either by mail or telegram prom- ptly attended to. Charges: moderate. Office, Corrigan's hall. Boarding house.. Cain'shotel, Lucknow. LEGAL aIMON CORRIGAN,•• COMMIS- sioner, in H. C., G. Kinlough P. 0., Ontario. setARROW & PROUDFUOT, BAR- 1I risters Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. T. G. Cn,Raow,'• Q; •c. Wet PROUI?FOOT. L1LLIOT TRAVER, ATTORNEY 11.4 at law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc.. Office, ne door - to the post office, Lucknow; j] MORRISON, ATTO ":i'EY• AT law, Solicitor in Chancery, Com- missioner, Cofiveyancer, etc. Office, over the harbar shop. GENERAL, 1111) OBERT CUNNINGHAM, IN- . sureness Fire & .Marine, Guelph, Ontario. • IS ONEY TO LOAN.. I HAVE A ,,s • few thousand dollars tib invest for private parties, at reasonable in- terests. ELLIOT TRAVERS. iiINEY TO LOAN ! ON FIRST- class mortgages at 7 . to 17:� per ed interest, payable yearly. Charg- es moderate: Apply' to Robt, Murray, St. Helens. UONEY TO LOAN ! AT 6 PER III cent. from 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for stile in Ontario as weal as -1tla-nitobatr Parties----d'esirouss-to--sell- farms will consult their interests by inspeeting the advertising facilities of Subscriber in Great :Britain• and Ire- land and . continent of lands .for sale. Alia US STEwART, Land Valuator, Lucknow, Ontario. --art•---- 191107 M'URCHISON, ` j. P. R. ticket agent. One way exeu.rsions i•o the North-west. and Pacific Coast. Full information to intending, travel- lers to any part of the world;. WEST WAWANOSH, MUTUAL 1' Fire Insurance Company, board of directors meets for the transaction' elf business on the first Mutiny each month. Parties wishing to have their property insured in this int r•eaasingly popular Company,• will by siring not- ion be called upon by an agent or by t ne of the Directors: Bnsi nets cel lls ' promptly attended to. Office, Dun- gannon. ,J..•M. ROBERTS, Secretary, ' ,r►I, loose, NIC, Treasurer, R-.— G.V' RI PROPRIETOR. Let.know, Jan. 2nd, 1889. MON Ey TO LOAN- - DRAFTS -ISSUED ON ALL IM - portant points, cheques, dra'ts and mortgages cashed. , Notes dis- counted Ameiic.an currency & Am- erican drafts bUught and sold. Interest allowed on Savings Bank deposits according to agreement, col- leet#cur`s:=' Nintes 'oi• z ccoiifrtst-will-. re-' ee:ive prompt attention. Fire or life .insurance effected in stock •or Mutual Companies. We represent several first-class Lean' Companies and can effect mortgage loans to suit borrowers on best terms on either village or farm property. Office ]lours, 10 a. m. to 4 ,. r, G., A. SIDDALL• Manager. SOCIETJES UCKN•UW 112 meets? very Friday evening at eight o'clock rt.' their hall, Campbell street. AllA retherii o •rdi. Ily invit• d ° u•ratna. JOIIN ELLIOT, Recorder. der oble el O.F. COURT V. Sherwood, .No. 50, Lucknow; Meets every first and third Mon- days in every month, in the Odd-. fellows tall, yes_ icing brethern are cordially invited. T. 'MATTI/TV, Chief Ranger. D. D. YULE, Secretary. AU. `V. LUCft.NOW LODGE . • of the Ancient Order United Workhien, . meet in the Oddfellowvs hall,. on•the last.and second Monday evenings of each onth•at eight o'clock. Visiting brethern cordially invited. JOHN PEART,' Master Workmen.' . A. MCINTYRE, Recorder. LO NOW MECHANICS'INSTI- Utute. Reading room open every evening from 6 to 10 p. m., excepting Saturdays, . when the hours will be from 2 to 6' p: m. The librarian will be in attendance during these hours. L• D.`YULE, President. JAS, SOhI.ER- VILL.F., Secretary. - DE fMTAL 4 JS. JEROME, L. D. . S. 'To my old friends in Lucknow and surrounding country. You have known rine long enough to know that my work is not Cheap John ,work. .Now •I i making; -a.Celluloid plates -and Vulcanite sets, and Will sup- ply 'my, customers with any•' kind of Metalic plates they ,wish, for Gold Sil- ver, or,any other. Charges as low as. they den be made for. I will be- in Lucknow on the 'second Friday and =Saturday andlfourth Friday and Sat- urday of each month.. Vegetable Vap- or given for the painless extraction of eetltr--0f6ee, -netts-Gainisshotel:-- 0 FIRE! FIRE! Insure your , farm property, private dwelling, in the old reliable, the -LONDON '. 'MUTUAL ►-I AM ALSO AGENT. FOR-- ' CITY MUTUAL AND CITIZENS, 0 Office, A. ROSS'S harness shop, tuck - now. Will be in the office every Sat- urday afternoon. . ` '1=iee. .:attr iigeut,t Lucke sow So you have quarreled with your Poacher, • J.enre 1've Leveed them say, glad you haye done your level best to, have him sent away. Now, you know -I've alw:,ys been your friend .and maybe.it's not true, But it's• said you always quarrel With the preachers sent to yuu. Well. you may not care to bear ft, but 1 ho141 it just the sain.a That the . who saint., quarrel most are not thedo- selves most free tram Meme•, And I've Scripture fur it, top, from Rim who once said, ''Why behold the mote is others with a beam in your own rye ?" Yon rluri'ti laud est the•fietiiii Oh,• 1Nro abut others see it there, • And it mars poor Christian character a of'powe-r your prayer; " What is it?" Nay, what are they, for there may be •Isere than one And I'll show you,' now I've started,, before rriy• task is duce. First, you've a vengeful spirit^•-" I'l him when he strikes me."- 1 stiff tip t -the -•M ,seer give-i-n-t}tieh- 'a case to thee, Then your spirite's unforgiving anal tremble when, you pray, Lest„ as gun do unto others, ,Clod will.do you. some day. ed down to a perfectly natural tint by r --of the expo • -- •• - where withal can a votary of Baechus have his breath disguised to the pro- per degree of-, fragrance t It doesn't pay nowadays tot be a walking adver- tisement for the distiller or brewer, so invention has, been 'taxed to its utmost limit to produce anagent that will et fcctuatly obliterate the alcoholic aroma. The young man whp seeks to hood- av-ink `his employer.. Or: _ best. --girl .into_ . the belief that he is "strictly. temper -- ad 'fobs'''. ance'r has generally some favorite slieoil:c. If he follow the silent advice of leis gin -dispenser and"teddy-mixer he will cleave to coffee -beans, ut'loves, oin- nam.on, ,'pepper -corns and lemon peel. .If more esthetic: and .very deeply in • ve e w•[! - '-et h . a - end cache os of the apothecary ; if ver- sed in chemical lore he may have learn- ed that orrisroot is.a wonderful absor Tient of other odors. Limburger cheere. and onions are a trifle Coo strong ler the young reran of fsislrion, though their destructive force where -,laced in com- petition with the aroma of the spirit of corn or wiire is.' 'audisptited, For I cannot t rink a Christian' can- be such GY end bear a udge ainst a brnthe' ''• a, neif,'hbor' of whomi!xod 38 8 sr n �.., ird, you weigh in a false •balarmei, Now let nue be understood," Its character you tvei,+,rh; not groceries or food. A hundred good points in a man, who is both tried and tri You'll weigh thiwn with- one little fault or possibly with two But if there were ten, or twenty aril greater number even, You could hardly connt es •many as the • "seventy times seven." '1. What is this but disobedienee to the plainly written word, Yet you still rank Its a pillarlin the temple of the. Lord, But I see the hightened tiller rising in your hands^* --Tei s-tn - g. an In r anger o swr down from grace.. •f A.A.— . -But isn't it •the case that most .of these sp3aiecs are lust ars "dead give- away",lte the odor of, she liquor itself 7 The •ar'a of freshly -roasted. coffee- ,bean•rlt arvelously penetrating and peri�acl' r�}-' it how it does conjure. up suggettiieiie of • the .gin -mill ! Cloves arid, cinnamon have a charming frag- rance, but they, combine. with it a treacherous habit of telling tales of the bar-r.,om, 6 r while pepper-cs and ern- e mg ' sera;-•rmt a s 8 a or e grocery and the, fruit store. Your girl isn't by a long way f 'oled int belief that you have ate innocentweak- ness - for candy and confections when she sniff's the , 9rowatiie fragrance of your breath ret' clew ' quarters. She has heard of Ofxreath-painters" ere now, 'acid .you May look Mi -'for getting the. "cold -shake," items don't "swear MU When an aareieot' Roman kissed his wife after a prolonged abee'noe, the act of osculation. meant more than more affections - -The, wife' of Oresur was sup- posed ,tp be above suspicion, and. to keep her so self respecting Roinans were in the habit of taking a sniff of their Wife's breath mall convenient occasions And this suggests another ancient practice that might possibly prove very. useful to modern conviva! ists. Classical.. writers tell us. th.tt parsley . was- held in high repute as a powerful absorbrnit., of the objeiction-, able' odor of other herbs. Will some Phil-eithrepist please give us a ti nal and tet poor 'bibulous' hurusnity know . if the specific' is reliable. - You will leave the•CLwcb, it;may be, Well, curve now, don't be rash Though don't imagine if you d,,, the Church will go tO smash; If you've only gone to worship then, see, there's .a !letter road, Begun afresh, go there heaceforth only to worship .,,od. And men inky go with faults enough, and other like them come, But when you ve arty fault to find do this, begia•at•hc me, Ten the man who is .most faulty, if you ,for him frequent pray,.• Your own soul will be watered and his faults. allmelt away. . ` Pat's Answer • Trip an:Irishnian, and he will fall on his feet ; corner *ileo, and he will jump over your head ;• question him upon a subject of ,which' he is ignorant, and his answer, thouth it is not a re- ply!; will enable hint to retreat with his gag flying. An Fristenaan„ . who wished for a position as letter -carrier. in one of our large eities, went before the Civil Service Board for examin- ation.. .He appeared, wearing a care lessair, as one about, to go through a mere formality." - • "What is the distance, Mr. Mahoney, Between Toronto and Constaninopie 7" asked the chairman. "Wat's the distance between Toronto and that haithen city V' said Pat, "Weill sort, is that's to be"niy route,. I withdraw vary application." One d Pat's countrymen, having served in the Halifax navy -yard in a subordinate position, asked to, be pro - meted, hintinh that he would not ob- sjeet to g_oig., to yea,. ifshe sea Id ...be assured of a good btirah on a man -of - 'war. He, too, was invited to appear before the; Examining Board. "'Mr. 11Miilhone," asked the chairman, "if you were ,in the Chime Sea, and the ship under full sail was going ten knots an. hour, and a Mars. should Mall over- board, what would yen dor Promptly cants the answer, without the 'shadow of perplexity appearing on, Mulhone'b face. !'1f I wits in the China Seas, under the circumstances ye name; and a man should fall over- board I think- l'd write to his frieinds. that, he: was drowned." ' iLangside Miss. A. Johnston has returned home, 'Wood bees dire a pest and dances. are about hs great a •.humbug as tine McGinty nuisance, . While interviewing a weather prop- het the other day, he had, among many - 'of his predictions, predicted Weighing tots three woekt. Mrs. Arnstroiag Greeted With A Crowaed a mL•n,�e.d - u F[n aracla[ $ ccess. • On Friday night last a good Audi- ence assembled in the Temperance Hall " it terng'•the occasion of Mrs. Arm- strongs's sixth annual benefit-, The entertainment consisted• of vocal and - iris'beuriieu+•,aJ music, recitations, calls-• thenics by a class of little girls' all ,�•,. dressed yin w a,_.cantatta. entitled.. the "Gipsey" and the whole concluding with the farce "lin oK," in which. - RobertcNabb, Geo. Murray, Atnb Grundy, Maggie Burgess Y o , l�a,�,�ie Cdrli- • � p'bell and. Kate Muidoch took part, •• while all•perfornaed well,''speeial men- tion 'must be,i lade of George - Murray- , .•, , 't ot` tie ,as tt young man and Rob. McNabb as , th4 young old rnarl. Mrs. Arstrorig, An- ' nie Mullin and Amby Grundy Mahe three nations, English, Scotch and Ir- ish, were good. Little Lottie strong in "I'm :so shy"n aria "I'm the anmusing as well as• well done. George Armstrong in "keep to de road" in ne- gro character was 'excellent. For a little one's concert it was up to if not, better than • any heretofore givee. the temperance hall. Of course some .a people who expect' to get the whole . universe for .fifteen cents, will expect froin little boys and girls as mulch,' tal- ent as our best ia'watetyrs,'in faet a Christine Nillow or at 'Jennyy Lind would not satisfy,somg people, but that - is no aeasoq wh ening uian add' oang woman a ouj create as much disorder - o test as was done on this:'oceasion. Other ie people went there, to see and hear, not to be annoyed' by a let,. of hoodlums. Mrs. Armstrong purposes giving an entertainment in Uungeuntiri • shortly_ Paramount 'Mr. ro'hn Taylor; of. gait; is at Fres:- mit visiting at the old homestead_ -Miss' Mary Merdoch, Afton Lodge, is visitilig- her friends here this week: 'Mr.and Mr's. t EWA. Mtir'doch, of. 'Dungannon, psid us a. flying' visit this week. . •Mr. and Mrs._ D. Murchison are re- covering irovi a. eaves. attack Of the grippe- Miss rippe ilioiyrood Concert . On Thursday evening of last week a grand consort; under the auspices of the Holyr-ood . Mechanics' . Institute, was . -held in the township, hall here,•' which, was a financial' success. The bodge was crowded to the doors and a large number were standing. The pro- gramme consisted of vocal and i'nstrum- ental music, recitations, duetts, solos, etc.; lir which•-Luckno ls--leading talent- took part, 'E. Harnly, W. H; Smith; C. Lindsay, A- Davison,. 4.a Murdoch '.and Misses E. Smith, E. Peart, C. 3err; and E. Whitely, who performed their part well and are` a edit to that place. The next On the. programme which •must have special, mention is the able recitation "The hush:,nd Inventor," by Miss L. Evans, of Kincardine,. which was exeeoclingly good and received ti hearty encore. Slee also gave a number of other select- ions wliich were loudly ' applauded-, Thin Piercy family were in attondaneo and.p1 eyed several pieces on their dif- ferent instruments which brought forth loud applause. Mr, Peter tharignraitt his usual good style occupied the chair. At the close of thh concert Mr. Corri- gan gave all that "took pant in the con cert a gravid supper which had been. provided for mi. that particular enoas- ion. The managing ooanoittee are deserving of praise, for the way 'they succeeded in giAtitas up. thtair" Etat conte cert. Miss Maggie Murray, who has been ss. seriously ill is, weare ;lad to report :rt:' out of danger and. improving , '' Miss. Mary Davis arrived hone frorlj4 Detroit on Thursday after spending,' three yearn lin that -city..' She is in good health'. and speaks well of the place. The debtite on t.he2lst inst., i?etween Paramount and 'St. Helens„ resulted an.-easy..victory for thes fernier.. Our orators expect ,S;ti$e]ens to retie* the attack ie the neer futare, when' ' we hope Paramount will be -abie to .re- peat the dose. . • - y:6?n Thaursday, the'1.$th inst., at the • residence of she bride's father, Mr„ Alex. Murdoch, a number gathered toE witness'the warriege of their sl.oighter Marian, who was united iii holy bends. .to Michael _Robinson► ,,f Win ;hues; icy the Rev. Mr. McKay, of Lucl,tty after which the happy couple 1'eft for their home' in Win„ haul. W`A.' wish ". them eva'ry happiness, "'• On Sunday, March 1.tel, Mr. Thos. Davis, an old and-nw,oh_respected citi- zen, of this pJabe„ died at his hone in Paramount. Mout five weeks ago he had an attack of - the- prevalent 1•pi.- deivie, from, which he reocivered, so as to be conned out of danger,, being 'a rnari quer eighty years nnet of age,, and hawing, been troubled for a' nude- ber$ears .with, asthma and a• weak" ness of. t1w heart, a. second ntta;'k proved. fatal. Deceased was n ,. 16%70 of Carlow Ciurrty, 1ref.a"rid. He emi- grated to York state in the early part of his life`an•l novedA from that state here 33 years ago. Ile leave's n wife a .son and two daughters who, deep's, mourn their loss. His remains. were . interred in the- R. cemetery, Kiii ;s- bridge tin ,Wednesday The fa'ni'y • have our aympatliy, in tluir beiteaveid (Mt - r 4 14