HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-02-28, Page 7'1
The following bills were introduced and
read 'the first time :
Mr. Broneon-Respecting St, Andrew's
Mr. Drury -To consolidate the debt of
c^n-•t^'te"--ar . lte"s ,.,..eee,._esssrNk
Mr. Whitney -To change the name of
Westminster village to that of Winoheeter-
•Also, respecting certain allowances for
roads in the townebip of Winchester.
Mr. ChiehoIm-To consolidate the debt
of the town of Brampton.
Mr. Wood (Brant) -To amend the Muni-
cipal Act.
Mr. McKay-Reepeoting by-law No. 168
of the village ref Thorold_
The eetimatee for the ensuing, year were
brought down ito the House by message
from Hie Honor -the . Lieutenant -Governor.
Mr. Meredith palled attention to the fact
that several important meseurespromised
by the Government had not yet been intro-
•dnoed, the result being that several Opposi-
tion bills referring to the same matter had
to be kept back.
Mr. Mowat Bald the Government would
bring forward its measures at the earliest
posers ,moment. -
Mr. Meredith- On Friday next -Bill
entitled an Aot to amend the Registry Act.
A number of petitions were presented.
Mr. French -An Act to arnend the
Separate School Aot and the High School
Mr. Biehop-An Act to regulate traffic
on highways and bridges.
Mr. Gibson (Hamilton)-AnAot respeot-
ia,g certain lands ot Christ Church,
Mr. Drury -An Aohto amend the Aot re-
lating to the enphression of contagions die -
.eases among animals, with special reference
to horses.
I1r. Stratton -An Act to amend the Act
respecting landlord and tenant.
Mr Creighton -An Act to amend the
Act respeo 1iE-ig lite `Department of Educa
. Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) preeentod the
annual ieportof the Agricultural and Arte
Mr. Rocs .(Hnror,) proceeded to deliver his
• Budget.epeeeh. He read the statement of
T•ziis.Ee of Wedneeday, showing a total' of
$3,538 405.08, and devoted some time to
w exhaustive analysis of it. The expendi-
ture statement was also minutely gone into
and the following statement of assets and
liabilitiee was presented : '
Direct Investment:
Dominion 6 per cent. bonds $ 200,000 00
Market vaiue over par -value.., 1u,00u Ou
Drainage 6 per cent. debentures, in$ 210,uU0 00
vested 31st December, 1889 . 187,481 14
Tile Drainage 6 per cent..deben-
tures, invested 31st December,
-Drainage-Works-Mt uicipal Asaeos-
78,456 69`
224,742 01
$ 490,67d 84
Capital held and debts due by the Domin-
ion to Ontario, bearing interest :
ti. C. Grammer School fund, (2 Vic„
cap, 1u)
II. C. bui.ding fund (18 sec., Act
Land improvement fund (sec
aWard) .....................
Onta°io's share of library (See
Common School fund (Consol.
State, cap. 26) -proceeds real-
ise r to 31st December, 1889,
$2,416 6*4 61- atter deducting
laud improve meat fund. Por-
tion belougiug to Ontario
Balance of ° unpaid subsidy and
other? credits , aid by Dominion,
according to statement of ac-
count prepared ►,y the Finance
Minister, and transmitted to
the Provincial Treasurer in
June, 1886
Other debts due to the Province:
$ 312,769 01
1,473,391 41
124,685 18
105,651 00
1,433,569 32
1,677,385 00
Mortgagee, re sale of asylum Leda,
b, wring 6 per cent. interest
Bank balances : .
Current accounts - • 105,518 90
Special d'epusits ' 411,742 77
• Total • $ 6,436,397 83
Balance due to tnuric:polities re
surplus d• etribution $ 1,291 34
Balance due to municipalities re
Land Improvement fund-- in-
tere,,t 3,256 57
Quebec's share of collections for
Con Inon'$chuol fund in 1689, made
'ap as follows :
Collections during 1889, on account
of iande sold between 14thJune,
1853, and 6th r areb,1861-...........
Less 6 per.cent., cost of manage-
ment '
ne-qnarter for Land Improve- $
ment fund
10,423 36
9,797 96
2,449 49
Collections during 1889, on sales
made niece 6th May; 1861
Less 6 per cent., 'coot of manage-
7,348 47
299 70.
1,750 ''?3
Quebec's proportion according to" $
','population of 1881
Surplus of assets' after deducting
liabilities presently pay,tble 86
11,103 7
4,597 51
$ 9,143 42
427,252' 41
Subsidy $ 1,196,879 80
I ti•,reet on capital held and debts
1 uo by the Domini in to On rio 2$6,500 00
at ou investments ,...c 6.1,090 10
Cr ,Lands Dol artment t �... 1,100,000,00
P 1 cnati miens 131,350 00
Edueation Department , 35,000 00
Ca •uat revenuer:..,.;.., '6 45, 01 60
LiceLawnsesstam s 385,000 00
Algoma 'taxes ... 85,000 0 0000
From insurance companies re fire
at London Asylum 17,000 00
Drat, age .•assessment 17,000 10
Toront., keylum lands 83,000 00
Insurance companies' assessments ' 3,000 00
Assessment of counties re rerhoval
of lunatics 6,000 00
Total $ 3,337212 80
' 1 r. Rosa explained the financial gnes-
tions in dispute between the Provincial and
Dominion Governments, and suggested
that, other propositions failing, the Do-
minion and Province should appoint 'an
arbitrator each, and ,ehonld these faille
agree a third' should be appointed by these
too to adjust the matters finally.
Mr. H. E. Clarke was greeted with Oppo-
sition' oheers tie said that for a Dumber
of years past there had been a deficit. Any
perpon could natiefy themeeleee gboilt this
• 1;
by oonsulting the public aocounte, or . the
hon. gentleman's own authorized speech.
(Laughter.) The hon- gentleman never
dteelte on the deficits, but soars over they
depths of the surplus. The increase in
population, the development of the. Pro.
viuoe called for inoreaeed expenditure, but
there was no inorease in the population or
development of the Provincte to correspond
were the increased reoeipte ? It. man no
advautage to hide the true state of affairs
from the public by cooked statements.
could be shown from the hon. gentlemen's
own statements that the expenses had in-
creased $1,800,000. But no one- could
gather from the statement just furnished
to the House anything about the deficits
without great trouble. He attaoked the
-item-ot-annuities,- and claimed --that the
pre, deoeiueor Q1 the -lion.. S.CL Wood lefta
earplug in the treasury of $4,825,526 in
hard cash. Deducting the Dominion Gov-
ernment eubsidy, capitalized by the hon.
gentleman from the surplus of 1888, would
leave only'03,886,360, or 0939,000.1es° than
when the Conservatives vacated - the
Treasury benches. The vaunted surplus_
was only a wooden dummy. The hon.
gentlemen bad referred to the trust funds
tell by the Dominion Government. Theo
funds did not belong to the Province, but
to the municipalities. They were not
Mr. -Hardy-It is a mistake. ' We do own
them and they aro an asset.
. Mr. Creighton ohellenged the statement
of the Treasurer, and spoke for some time.
Mr. J.' Watere defended the amounts
paid by , the Government' to asylums and
public institutions.. He said that the
"principle item in the expenditure was the
increase in the mainteniinoeof the Central
Prison owing to the new regulations- Since
1873 a great many asylums had been added
to the Government list. The total receipts
eince 1871 were $86,663,902 ; the total ex-
penditure $85,726,325, leaving a balance by
this showing of $938,577. ' Add to this the.
capital account of drainage and other de-
bentures, which would give the surplus.
-Mr.-Clancy-moved • the--' ad j onrnment-of-
the debate. •
Mr. Stratton -Froin• the corporation of
the county of Peterboro' and other corpora-
tions, praeing,for an amendment to the
Assessment Aot-
Mr. Guthrie -Petitions from the hinnioi-
pahty of the county of Wellington, praying
for an act,to amend the Assessment Act ;
from Knihts of Labor Assembly, 2,980,
praying for an Act to constitute Boards of
Arbitration ; from the Municipal Council
of the county of Wellington, with^referenoe
to County Boards.
Mr. Freemen -From the town of Lis=
towel, with respect to the consolidation of
the town debt.
Mr. Hese-From the township of Wal-
lace, respecting the consolidation of the
township dept. •
.,Mr. Lyon -From the village of Gore,
praying for incorporation.
Mr. Rose (Huron) - From the Huron &
Ontario Railway, praying for an Aot of
lncorporation to construct a raile•uylrotn
Goderich to Hamilton.
Mr. O'Connor presented the report of the
Committee on Standing Orders.
• Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) presented the
report of the inepeotore of factories.
Mr.. Guthrie -To amend the Mani pal
Mr. Lyon -To incorporate the town of
Little Current. •
Mr. Awrey-Respecting the Hamilton
Street Railway Company.
Mr. Meacham -1 o amend the Act to
authorize the appointment of Fire Goard-
Mr. Ingram -.-To enable the corporation
of the pity of St. Thomas to issue water-
works debentures.
Mr : Ferguson -To amend the Municipal
Mr. IL E. Clarke -To enable Charles
Northcote to settle certain lands.
Mr. Davie -To amend an Act incorpor-
ating the Toronto Dairy Co.
o- Mr J. Leye-Ali Act to amend•. the Act
incorporating the Canada Landed Credit
Mr. Clancy wanted to know what were
the gross amounts paid into the license
fund for the year's 1888 and 1889 respeo-
tively. How much of the fund the munioi-
palitiee imposed by bylaw over and above
the statutory duties in each of each years,
and what were the groes eiibounte paid to.
the munioipalitiee and theProvinoe respec-
tively for the same years.
Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) replied that the
groes amount ptid into the license fund in
1887 88 was $332,675 17. The gross Amount
paid in for 1888.89 Was $470,855.50. she
amounts imposed by municipalities by by-
law's in excess ot the etantory duties for
liquor licenses for 1887-88 was $69,546, in
1888 89,it was $87,407. The gross amount
paid to`municipelities on account of liquor
license feee for 1887 88 was $157,979.89, tet.
1888.89, $190,297 79. The gross amounts'
pend to the•Piovince,for liquor licenses in
1887.88 ores 0201,542.45, in 188889, 0232,
511:55. ' •
Mr. Preston moved for an order of the
House for a return showing the number of
school's aided by grants from the poor
school fund for 1888 and 1889. He 'thought
there ehonld he a bests on which the' in-
formetion could be snpplied, and of which
none at preeent existed to hie knowledge.
Mr. Ross '(1kliddleeex) replied that the
desired information could be found in the
Plblic School accounts. He was not aware
that any changes..hed been made in the
regnlations,but if there had been -they were
slight. The department had .been guided in
their grants by the condition of the dis-
tricts to be aided.
Mr. Preston cited an instance in whish
he considered the' ainonnts bed not been
fairly divided, and urged a more equitable
dietrlbutiott of the grants.
The matter was allowed to stand.
• Mr. Clanoy moved that the, debate .be
adjourned till Tneedaq next. Carried.
The House reoeived a message from' His
Honor the Lient•Governor, Meriting them
for the Addreee. 1
Mr. Creighton complained that the print-
ing of Bills had been dehtyed. A number
of Bills bad been presented; and as they.
had not been printed much delay in the
business of the•Bouse was the ooneeqnenoe,
Mr. Mowat explained thi.t the matter
would be attenrted to.
Mr. Clancy asked if the report of the
Agricuttnregl College and Experimental
Farm would be forthcoming at an early
date- t / w
Mr. Drury gad that the reannsoript was i in
in the printer's hands, and would be pre -1"
rented to the Honee In a few day* , Of
erta• vie
Mr. Waters -Bill to amend the Manioi:
pal Aot. -
Mr. Guthrie -Bill to amend the County
Courts Act.
Mr. Stratton -Bill to amend the hiunici.
palmar Mr. Ostrom -Bill to amend the Munici-
pal Aot.
epee tin g the driving of eaw-loge and
other timber in lakes, rivers, creeks and
Marriage {!uppers and Public Dinners.
SIR, -I had hoped that a more eloquent
pen•than mine would champion the aboli-
tion of the wine cup from public or private
feasts, and have waited long l&forerefer.
ring -to the matter:- Since no one has
taken • it up - publicly I venture a
remonstrance. Many indignant persons
have tallied vigoronely in private, especially
mothers who have tried bard to shield their
boys from temptation and have seen them
grow. to respectable manhood without
acquiring an appetite kr intoxicants, and
then just at ,the places, leaet..expeoted-at
`publto---dinners - given by repreeentative
men, such aa our Board of Education,
ex,111ayor,- medical men, and last,
but not least, private, individuals
in celebrating marriages, reunions and
social reoepticns, to which young men are
invited -never vicious young men, if it be
known that they are such -but the very
boys so carefully trained by devoted
parents. Jost here they'zneet-the•tempter
in the mosteu.btle guise, where •-friendship
proffers the cop and it seems a dieooartesy
not to partake. ' Is it any wonder that
our young men, and young women, to
fall viotime to soceal custom, when ladies
prepare as part of the ..elegant menu wine
jelly trifle, which means no trifle in brandy,
and the wine oup proffered by a white,
jewelled and perchance beloved hand ?
Under 'inch temptation young men have
to be stronger than human nature' makes
them if they do not fall. And yet Christian
men and women sit at Liook_on without -
a word of protest. Some•whose own eons
have tilled dishonored -graves through this
oastone have not a word to say for the
rescue of other's in like temptation.
Guests are, no doabt,, in an awkward posi-
tion, as they would Belot not quite polite
to dictate to their . hoot 'and hoboes as to
theft,--bill--�-of- -are."- T1w- - t hpore'1. t i y
seems to me to rest largely neon those who
entertain. I understand that at the last
Masonic slipper no wine (die) -graced the
table. If any guest must have it, it could
be procured ; not many would lite to ask
for it, I fenoy • This is certainly better,
but it , would be still better if all
entertainers, either public •or pri-
vate, would abolish the wine " oup
and other kindred things front all their
hospitalities, lest they make weak
brother to fall. A bright, clever man who
lives in our city became a drunkard. Hie
father filled '' drunkard's grave and he
added to an inherited taste an. acquired
appetite. He loved the smell of liquor
-even "frown-a-dptmk red's -breath and for
years was a complete wreck, all efforts at
reform were useless. People said to him :
" A man ought to have will power enough
to stop drinking when he knows it hurts
him." He said : They forget that my
will power was gone." Kind friends
gathered ar and him and he, yielding to
intir entreaties, shut himself up in his own
bieone for a month, not ventatiag otic of the
Whets les be 'should fall ; hen *iib &
pray el' - for'lelp at every Step he took
or nine month. One day after doing a
fine piece of w eupoesefully with others,
his 'employer Ordered a treat for them to
hovtt bis appreciation of their serviced.
He, poor fellow, trembled from head to
cot, longed, yearned for a ghats, but reso-
utely said no 1 and passed on unharmed
or that time ; but other temptations came
nd he fell ; but thank God 1 he stands
gain. Tell me ye generous banqueters, if
our brother had made such a hereto
ffort to break away from the drunkard's
ife and death, and some supposed friend
ad placed the wine cup' inhie hand,.and
midst laughter and fun had induced him
o fall, perhaps forever, what would yon
hink ot euoh friendship ?' .and yet some
nch poor straggling soul . may have
at at the banquet provided id
onor of the Minister of. Educe-
ion, recently + given by oar Board
f Education of 'this city, Cart,yon ima-
ine a• less courteous action than to order
ine for a banquet given to a man who has
een, and is still, a etaatxoh temperance.
dvooate, , and one whet ices been instru-
ental, more than tinyr ne glee, in getting
he Ontario Governmeu to authorize tem-
erence text' books in our schools ? and
ext beoke have been • endoreed by on
card and planed in our schools. ' The
teethed a well -merited rebuke when th
on. Mr. Rose end other gentlemen wool
of tench a drop of their wine. No wonde
hat a noble, Christian,.mother, after Bead
ng that two oases of wine had been opened
n celebrating the marriage of the daughter
f a certain representative gentleman of
his city, said that. she felt like using very
trong words:. She has sone'. of her own
horn she has carefully trained to, abstain
rom this and all kindred evils; b'nt at
uoh a place how bard it is for young or
1d to say no ! -
,Oh, kind'ladies 1 you whose sympathies
re so easily aroused by the reheareal of a
ale of wee ; gentlemen, eo generous end
hivalrous,'take a look into the drunkard's
ome.- Look.at hie shrunken fimbe and
eepairing eyee ; see hie shivering, Hart -
rotten wife;. and hungry, ragged and tin -
mined children, and read in them the
oom of thousandsebrought to jast each
retohednese by .the wine cup yon prof -
red, meaning no harm -but harm name
nd let us all resolve that we at least wil,A
e guiltless of bringing others te* like fate.
you will visit Otte home of the ;victims .01
e wine 'cap ,attd the for yotiireelf the
retohediiy� s shat haunts its every inmate,
stead of itfti the merry wedding bells
s tbntifr`}ltoaleii arou'nd,'you'will hear the
se etthe sionista Instead of the happy
ugh aztct dints of the glasses at your ban -
net, you will bo appalled by the muffled
um, and the dead' march of despair.
Nova Scotia Legislature meets on next
Mousse Key has been imprisoned in his
own palace.
The 'Sultan of Zanzibar is dead. He is
ed4R .hMwr aE;•wa ];
... �-ha�i��.. , n ,
The Makinew Straits are blookeded
with ice, practically the first tine this
There have been terrible volcanic• erup-
tions in Japan, and the lose to property
amounted to $3 500,000.
A locomotive boiler exploded yesterday
8n -the Pittsburg, McKeesport & Youghio-
he ny .pilway, and k111Qdfivo-men.
A. Dominion Bankers' Association has
been organized by the banking magnatee
who assembled this week at Ottawa.
Many frauds and irregularities have been
discovered in the jury pay lists of Ltnooln
county by a committee of investigation.
The difficulty between the Montreal
master plasterers and their workmen con-
tinues and the men are etill out on strike.
The Qaebeo Government has been peti-
tioned to prevent another reoprrenee of the
mobbing. of Mies Wright and her compan-
ions in Hull.
A sub -committee of 'Congress has been
appointed to have charge of all questions
bearing upon reciprocity between the
United States and Canada.
The brick and atone heildirpge,. ,corner,
Aden -idea -led Market etreets, Chicago, were
gutted yesterday. loose 91475,000 ; insured.
Several fireman were injured.
Troops of King Menelek of Abyssinia
have had a severe battle with the force of
Gen. Rae Aloe's. Ras Motile was denger-
ouel wounded and hie army defeated.
- T)e evangelistic meetings are to be
continued at Hull, but at the solioitation-
of fride Miss Wright 'and her lady
workers will not be present at the neat
In the House of Lo.rds yesterday the
newly•oreated Duke of Fite, accompanied;
by the Prince. of Wales and the Dukes of
Norfolk and Westininster, took the oath on
his elevation.•
The House Committee on Territories of
: . . ,'• r
The "t'ooeanwave" is the name of a new
form of popnlandivereion in London which
combines in a way the motigna,of those
popular contrivances, the awituhback' rail.
ay and the merry-go.round, and ie
d'et� to remelt -tee the more agreeable
ntib la experienced in the rise -and fall
imalLbgpt on, tbo sea.
r r.
4/i, • 'iIfd
decided to report favorably Delegate
Corey's )3 ill for the admission of the Ter.
ritory of Wyoming as a State. _ •
The United States Senate has elimin-
eted the clause in • the Raseian Extradition
Treaty'Aehioh specifically exempted from,
the lie political primes attempts upon
the It lie Czar or any member of his
family. '
A couple ot,C. P. R. trains ran' , into each
other near North Bay on Wedneeday.. The
accident was the result ot a `misunder-
standing of signals, James Thompson, of
Kingetpn, was killed and several persons
were injuried.
In the British Extradition Treaty_
objection is being made in the United
States Senate to the clauses providing
extradition for•perrons charged, with man-
slaughter and obtaining money under
flee pretences.
It is said that Andrew Carnegie having
secured absolute. control of the Pittsburg &
Western Railway,, bas turned it over to the.
Baltimore & Ohio Company, which will
give the letter aompenh a shorter route, to
Cleveland. and'"Chicago. / • . -
In the Imperial House pf Commons yes=
terday Bic James Fergusson, Under-Seore-
tary, for Foreign Allaire, said the negotia-
tions between England France were tend-
ing to a settlement of the Newfoundland
fisheries diepute.
On Wednesday night, .as James Hogan
of lnverav, was coming,. up the shaft in
Foxton'fsa mine, near Sydenham, he
weakened and fell a distance of 90 feet,
enetaining a fracture of the• skull, ;from
which death resulted almost instantane-
The Provincial Board of Health, having
aecertain€d.the existence of two oases of
glanders in Quebec End. in Lorette, has
called the attention of the Minister of Agri.
culture at Ottawa to the fact, asking him
tie immediately enforce the law respecting
contagious " 'diseases • affecting animals
enacted by the Federal Government ins'
1886. •
The U. 8. ,Senate yesterday passed the
following resolution : " That the United
States of America congratulate the people
of Brazil on their jest and peaceful assump-
tion of the powers, duties and reeponsi-
bilitiee of self-government, based on the free
consent of the governed and on their
reoent adoption of a Republican form of,
Two women who forsook charming homes,
one in Deseronto, the, other near Belleville,
for the o ,mpany of libertines, eqt�re now re-
penting amid desolation in Rdcheeter, N.Y.
One has been deserted by her lord and has
to earn her daily bread, while the other
pair still live together but have to work in
factories for their- maintenance. The ,de-
serted husbands have left • the women 16
their fate, denying them the right to see
their own offspring.
On the evening of the 9th inst.' a farmer
of Saint Thomae, County 0f.Joliette,nanied
Joseph Belbumenr, was going home when
he was attacked by an unknown individual,
who fired two revolver shots in hie face and
afterwarde brutally beat .him when be
bad fallen down.: The victim dragged
himself , for some " distanoee and I bis
cries ' brought help. from 8 neighboring
house. He is now n a very critical obn
dition and the local authorities are search.
ing after the flen
Charles Walt a well-known young
man of Toron attempted to commit
auto ide by taking a dome of dilute hydro.
oyanio acid. The attempt was made in
Dafferin Chambers, on Church street,
shortly, before midnight. Walters hart had
some trouble lately, which has been weigh;
ing heavily en his mind, and this ip thougut
to be the cense of his attempt to take his
lite. Dr. Oathbertson was rainmoned as
soon ae it was known that Walters had
taken poison, and a suoceeefal effort was
.made to revive him.
• A shooting affrayis reported f,rom Joli-
ette, Quebec, with 'probably fatal, results.
Two brothers quarrelled Sunday 'evening,
and, after s'heated dfeeneeion, one shot the
other with a revolver, firing three shote at
him, and in the struggle which 'ensued two I dint
a)nere evere fired, pne ofk which narrowly the'
missed the father of, the two young mon, mat
wh4 came deem 'hairs to his younger eoa'94
assistance. The wounded man is reported'
dying, and has received the last rites of the
Charoh. Both are members of a rural bat-
talion of militia, the man who did .the
Shooting bfing .11 - Sergeant- Major. He is
under arrest. -
In the Imperial House of Commons
ee?s`fi,•,. 's.. ,. .. ., . ,.r.=ntheesettezi7hw.-...•�erroen.,e,.Ms
Secretary for the Foreign Office, etated
that the • papers concerning the Angio.
Portuguese dispute, relative to territory in
Sou'tht'aet Africa, would euun be preserved,
to•Parliament. They would serve tolarg. ly
dispel the ntieapprebeneion which le cane.
ing the boat e feeling now being rnai.i-
fested againe the English by the Ports.
geese. The relations between the Britisht
end- Portuguese Governments,`he yard, aro
friendly. Portugal heel suggested arb,tra,.
tion of the questions in dispute, but Ent.
land was of opinion that the subject waif
not one for arbitration.
Mrs. Vincent, at Nioolet, Que., hanged.. •
herself while mentally deranged.µ + ..
Mr. Darnell will introduce a Motion • next -
Monday demanding the repeal of the goer.
ion Act.
Senator Abbot, who is far from recovered
rom his recent illness, left Montreal for
Florida last evening.
''' Ontario Electoral 'District Agrionitur d
Societies will ask for a Government grant
of $20,000 for county showe.
Three actions have been entered against
the Deseronto Navigation Company for •
injeri~s. suetained by, viotime ..of -.-the- -ill..
ated Qainte. .•
The Ontario Government is to be asked
to take steps to extend the operations cf the
Torrent' system of land 'transfer to. the
*hole Province.
The McLeod Gazette etrongly urges upon ,•
the Dcuninion Government to rescue the
ittle girl held by the Indians, no •matter
what the-ooneegnencee.
. The Congressional Howie. Committee=
Territories . yesterday decided to _repute_
avorab1y'Delegate Carey a Sill ' for the
adtnission of the Territory of Wyoming an
a Mate.
The Canadian Pacific people areabout to
Wild seventeen new mogul locomotives for
he Rooky Mountain section at their shops
n Montreal. The,increase in traffic ie sail
tc enerr-a hie. t-�,
Mr. Mercier, although relieved of the
ongestion of the Ings from which he has
een suffering lately, has not yet made hili
ppearanoe at the House, his physician ad,. .
ising him to keep to his room.
In the House of Commons yesterday Mr.'
ledetone congratulated the Government
pon the prompt ,action they had, taken he
he. Portuguese dispute and their sucoess icre '
egotiatiog the Samoan treaty.- Hehoped
bat theLooal Government BW • • would bo
onceived''in a Metal spirit. a
Geo. Deacon; aged 15, fell . down. a'hoisit
t Toronto yesterday end was severely in. -
red. •
The 'fret-Ia anal -Ban -a,t- Saier�, .,
said.tohave�en robbed of $40,000 yes=
rday 'morning.
Prinoe Alexander of Battenberg hoe been
pppinted commandant of an Austrian
ragoon regiment.
Laval Univereitaqriane are quite diegueted .
ith ;the passing ofthe B.A. Bill, and talk
an indignatio meeting.
Mr. E. Mt ,`..Newbfitrgh,' ie men-
oned -aa the Liberal candidate for Adding.
on for the Local Legislature. -
An attempt was Made Thursday everting
barn down} ...large e un000apied building.
n Colborne street, Brantford.
There is a railway project to run a li>yp
om Lake of• Bays wt 'Baysville to the
rand Trunk Railway at Braoebridge.
One of the biggest landslides ever
own on the Pacific coast occurred 'fifty
ales from Weaverville, Cal., a few days
A Melbourne, Austriliia, despatch • aa -55 •
0 Colonial Conference has unanimously
opted a motion in favor of Colonial Fed-
ation. '
The Irish Presbyterian -Church ham
ned a manifesto denouncing Mr. Bali
r'e recent speech in favor of Cathoho en-
wment.- •
All the Radical party in the House of
mmons favors the dissolution ot Psrlia-
ent, and will omelet' any project looking tia
at end.
Assistant Superihtendient Lamour, of
e G.T.R.. St. Thomas, is slowly'-reeover-
g and is able t+o;sit up for a few minutes
eh day now. , ' - ..,-.
The U., S-ae Special Committee on
e World's Fe haves, reported that it be
id in 1892.' • he's Wotton of a city will
left ,t�' the House,'
An rndian named David Rose,, while'
ooting at Moose in fat. Peter's, Manitp
ursday had hie left hand blown o
e bursting of his gun. ,
Daniel Fetterley, at Braoebridge, yester.
y, was'gent to the penitentiary for seve,
ars fpr a criminal assault on Mre. Georgi, .
iere, of Chaffy township.
Two M. C. R. freight train's collided be. -
en Dufferin and Cayuga stations' airy
ursday night through the error of ,an
orator. No lives were lost.
The proposed railway conference of the
thorized delegates of municipalities front
hitby , east on the line ,of the Grand
unk.is called for Monday next at Bo -
Delos Hinckley,' travelling from South..
Kansas in a oanva8-covered waggon,
wn by mules, reached Kingston, Out
terday after. almost three months of
yelling. 1
n the Manitoba Legislature yesterday
. Gillies, Minnedosa, gave notice of mo -
n that Mr. Jones' (North Winniieg)
1 be declared vacant on the ground of
wornan named House, who deserted
husband at Comber, Eesex, in Angus*
t, has been .discovered in Belleviile4
ng with a man named Allen, alias Hoes
1. She has 'promised to return to her
he prosecutor hoe tleeided that in the
trial of Moues% �ey, he will not pro-
d against him on the principal oonnte of
indiotmenta;and will cancel the charges
rape and pill ige, proseonting him only
tho minor c t+nceo alleged in the in -
ment. The rmbniann ere incensed at
pnseive Attitude of the Patriarch in the
ter, and demand that he resign.
• ,.y, , t.