HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-02-28, Page 5st ( • The. Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, February 2801 A • M ril 'To sell our choice Nursery Stock. the year round. LIBERAL I'AY .UJAR• • .LN1'EED WEEKLY. Outfits free. Write far term@ andcomrnez ce at once. Atweed w� blur,, -loll aaay. Nurserymen, GENEVA, N. Y. 830 -41anons.6 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 6 __._ ..._ BEING LOT 18CON.' Ta, WEST WAW- :iienalh . the property of the date Wm. Orr.. The farm contains 200•acres, WO is cleared. %h. remainder timbered with hardwood. About 7 acres in tall wheat, and the remain - :tier is ready for spring. crop. The place is well watered, good orstbar& house; and outer outbuildings. Any pere •n wishing to pm - ,chase' the farm can'.btive `their owns tel4na on rpucxi security? as a very small partial' off the •moony is req cared down. The place is urtin, garr,'abere,d. For further particulars appiyZto MRS. ORR, St. Helens. Ig-iirs 841 IN TILE MATTER OF HUGH MACALLUM. • 'Pntsuant to the order of the iudge of the -County Court, of the Ctiuntyof Bruce. Tenders will be received by the undersigned tip till 2 p. m;,• on SATUR,D.Y, MARCH '8th.. for the purchase of the stock belonging to the estate of Pugh McCallum, of Luckuow, consisting of Boots and Shoes to the value of 4160. Stock and inventory may be seen on .application to H. Morrison, trustee. Stock @saw, staple goods. Terms strictly cash. H. MORRISON, Trustee. Zucknow, Feb. 28th,1890. AUCTION ---MART O O lir: JOHN- PURVIS. ASCTI NEER €ll attend th-c-ftillWifik sales on the undermentioned dates : At lot .6, con, 9, Kinloss, on Mon- -4lay, March 3rd, a quantity of farm •rtatock and implements, the property of D. Robertson. On the boundary line, half a mile west of rfucknow, on Saturday, March 8th; a quantity of farts;' stock, .ituple ' wents, etc., the property of John 11 ill. All orders left -at Alex. Ross's bar- 'miss ar-•cess shop• 'ilI be promptly attended toe Th�Hvh Grocery! -•-•-•--"X o X IMMENSE BARGAINS. 'Raving just received a large consign ment of Fresh Groceries, Choice failoub; ,Choiceu Tobacco, Canned. Goods. CrOokery, Glassware Teas, Coffees, and Sugars, which will be sold, -cheap at the Hub Grocery. GoAis delivered to all parts Of the village, JOHN !ELLIOTT , r *-SACON ° MAKING HORSE SHOEING. fit, r, E• p� eernl�--,�+e�I� •� �f RAL' CLACKSAU i i�ONW :0: , Ar am Thompson begs leave to tha" inhn 'tants' of Lnckunw and .1hgroitndid cou.r ,. or the liberal patronage' belttowed o - him d g the .last seven 'years, h. td wishes -% ennui nonce of hie ..Id cwmtomers and a to 1, share of the new, its tie is in a 1 -atter position than ever to supply the wants of the pnbl Ile. always -has on band aatot,k'of- .- Wagons 9u cies of all kinds, He also will remind them of Ms far famed SCOT* • lA ti0 CARR° S which hr. always has ors,ha.nd and are made the very hast material, PArtieswantii g ion thing in this line will do well t,, rive hint acal and 'see prices before, purdhiteing elsewhere Particular attention paid to ALL KHOO Of NORSE 3HOEINQ,' flat feet, enntractirine, and interfering. By Strict attention to business, gond wort •, tranship and ' employing . nothing. but gotta workmith, f trust to rgtalti the patronago kl c]1y (hided to the. ADAM' 11" NOM P80i9 ' : 1!n )hr Street eppoalte brim 1g5'lc a • FOR CASH ONLY FOR RTYDA.y Al! kinds of goods sold cheaper thaneveroffered here before. The following prices wihl-eoavince the most sceptical : Grey Mazda, all wool worth 0o. for le oats. Union Grey Mande, ill wool worth 160. for 11.oe onto. - notary Flans(@ all wool worth'86o. for;22 cents. Union Faoto27 I'laaele all'wool worth no. for laic Good cal wool Canadian Tweeds worth66o. for "'46o, ` Silk Pluahes in 10 shades sold all oeaeonfor,6O for MSc. e Dress goods 50c. below their regal a alar vale. .& few ends oZ 'mtant- itto very cheapIto ear out. 20 per cent. of all JIues of Crompton Corsets. AOC for 40e, 75e for OO goods are staple =goods and are i big bargain. • -ALL' COLORS IN -- HL /±1\ ND YARNSo The best ya n'in'the'trade, regular price' 25-0. C. Cotton plushes for window curtains, lamber u,ins nt � � f ie drapes, etc., 50c• lin'gfor; 36c, 45c. line -for. 30c; big value. EIGHT SPOOLS FOR, 25 CTS. '? barselectric soap for 25c., guaranteed equal to Ding - men's ; 12 bars Laundry, 20a; • 51b. "Jubilee soap for 20c. No. 1 Valeria raisins, dates, or figs, 3 pouLds for 25 cents; 51bs. starch » 25 cont•' ; corn. starch, 4 pkts, for 25c ; 3 lbs• soda for 10 cents good set OF WHEAT P TTERN.CROCKERY, 44 PIEC SIFOR $`2•0'0. EXTRA, ig ^�''s. an Teas.b 60c. tea, black or 1..reen:<<#f �' tl S for 45c. ; 50 for 40c. ; 40 for 30c., 25 for 20c,. ; 3 pounds of soda biscuits for 22 cents. e above pries are c' sh only. . At', . e • • ' R ECE PT •el ND E P IV"D'1 TUR , ASSIEVS AND IalABIL1'TIES, --OF THE--- . Towrzsbilid West Wattradosh, FOR TRE YEAR ENDING 31ST DEC,1889. {• 1889. •Jan. • 1 -To cash in treasurer's hands . 1$9Z 7 8 '1 from collector 1888 rates '698 57 . .. . • •'I 6.-- on late treasurer's bond Kb88 00 26:-- county boundary line approp. 1888....... ...... •137 76 Mar ' 6-•• • for support of late Mrs. Welsh (3 Cheques) '193 51 refund from Ashfield .. 6 13 from"•Co. treasurer work done on county bridge.. , •26 75 license fund . '65 46r county boundary line appropriation 1889........ '137 76 F. Glenn, 1 inspeetor's fees on gravel job W. B , , 2 OQ • 2 years' Colborne township drain assesst69 9$ from collector on account of 1889. taxes, ......•, Deo. 31 ---By cash foo pttblie 'works county 'rates fdr charity .. • 'E 10487 48 • '1702 6b :2608 03 , ,..• • • .. 178- 60 postage, printirts and stationary' .. • . • • '37 94 jutzbetrf , • , ' 131 s3 Whites.. �.t�►...a�. ' 3492 8)e • ce ane'nus Youngs drain Grierson'' drain ...•••• 217 55 412. 08 balance in treasure'r's hands.... , . . . . , • • „ , , 102416 40; • I889Assets 10487 4.8• Dec. • 31 --To cash in treasurer's hands' ~1 .1144 47 balance on 'collector's toll balance on'ex-treasurer's bond.. , ,• •~..' ' ' 2246 •-10 balance.agafnat township • • .•: 36 354 '36 . ...... .•• 145 .16 1869a.Liabilities $ 3770 84 Dec. 21 -By county rato for 1889 79 drain debenture. , y • �`�' collector's salary ... ' • 394 91 outstanding orders /1q7 59 Young's drain (to credit of).... Grzerson's drain (to credit of) • 4 14/ tii$9 03 e 3770,81. E 71-1. ,. fair BF.-gELD IN- 111- For N--. T� For the sale of Horses; Cattle, etc., on TUESDAY; ;A ,GR .4TH,',,, Auction sales eotia rd• free of'bhatrge •on the above date. >, ELDER, Sec -T: , p; HAM.I'LTbN, :i -ins 835f. ��''yy/� ��`t1�``mo�i ��cc z a <.1HALi.�J,L r Has a world wide 'reputation es a pI,ypic1o4 �,,� and iabthor Ills Mandrake Dandelion Lirrr ' Cure is a triumph of'medtcal skill, curing ad , �.'. u diseases of the,,kidney en (li • er ' t ., . DR. S .F ItllffY' I (LAIN , aches &pare,. >"'1 the back , a Q dull pain or we -ht in the bladder and 15aee of nbdonien 'caldron urine often obstrncte.i ; f ' frequent dewire to urinate,. especially at night. atn•1ng aged ilersons , hot, dry skin, pale wont • ple:rion, red and white deposits, di op dizziness, wnnr stomach, eonstil5ation, piles, liver soi!!t swr'lling, etc SYS"rTOMS 4'r 1-1 R.--Cifi!IAF' Pain under Shoin. '�' • 1 )leaiun, a weary,. 1 tired i'eelintr, no life rn' erred±v, headache, dyspepsia., it;difres`tion s'aiti pimples, etc. L X1,0 Oe'R • Mandrake a.nd•IJandelion are iatiire'sI.ivrv' cures aryl when co shined it liidney renin - rhes as in 1)r. C'hase's liver Cure, will tr,dva prwilively cure all Kidney -Liver trot hie,@, Hoe. acts like a rhbrrn stimn}1 > G.inos return to bar liver, sti•ettatheninq the Id, ..e.$. tins, the whole body. F; 11F. h with receipt book; which .aided that in the moues. .ey, he will not pro. 11 E Ili. Ch, l e principal counts or L^�-�r�-,` liiduey• will cancel the oherges 1 V F� n3t.gent, prosecuting hien only I.T( i!.n7TTC_.,�t1 oee alleged in t1}ein- S T UAL ' R .,.P kited two t nrota.:;,.t. ire Ata is stem i�a'agttraerl eiC wren 5T•l,,A-,:,el, one of which )narrowly 1 the pensive @tonsils of the Patriarch in the . goolxpay elle father, of the ttlwo young men, matter, and demand that ho resign. form 1thig rsr ' taoe.l&kb • '4... i .... , •6 •T IA. :N