HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-02-28, Page 4F1 T { TNt-- nc noW zit The Lucknow Sentinel, BraceQQu,aty, :Friday, Februaryr28th; be made at once in the iron industry of Canada and with the deepening of the Welland. Canal, Toronto, Kuril - ton and Kingston, would be su • •lied ria�iisn coa . �sar'ea9�+en fi3M r,istvnTx TO Ii7^S'" ie .qD _ Crt FREELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES Or. CONSCIENCE WE PIHEE AEO111 GALL OTUER I.IBEATIIi0. j4,csr ov rli7 `si y'' 23 . LOOP - LET THEM BE INSPECTED. 1 There are probably forty or -- thoesand people -in Ontario, says one • of our exchanges, Whose lives atmin- - .Rured in some one or other of tbpmu- tila benefit societies which carry OR a Ine •insurance, business. In thousands oli cases the policies lashed by these :associations 'constitute practi*lly the o e-pviisioa Which heads of families ,eve made: for -those dependent npoa ahem. in the event of ,the sudden . re- moval of those heads. *shield Celincil (Council met pursuant to adjourn- •ment. ' All the members were -present. Minutes of last meeting read and signed: -- - Pat-hwasters- -were appointed for the present year. "No". definite" action was taken in the matter of . pro- viding suitable accomodation for .hold, ing the sitting of the Sixth• Division Court at Dungannon. The auditors, laid ' their report before the council discounts -off for cash. board; Moved by W, .Stothers, see-` onded by H. Girvin, that the auditors' report be accepted. Accounts paid::I Auditors each $8, R Ryan 25c., Jas Murdoch $2, J. Dunn $2, T. McOar thy $2, T. Ford $T, Expense of taking' Mra. O'Neil. to London asylum $12, Dog tax was refunded to P. Sullivan,; H, McGinty, J•, J. Sullivan • M. J.1 McKay amount overpaid on roll $2.52, Mrs. -Beautiful Sealettes, Cloakings,_ Overcoats, Fur coats,. Astrachan Jackets and all other fur goods, at large McBleat clarity $5, Mrs: Lucy,: Charity ' $5.25. Next meeting of coun-t oil one March' 20th. It is, them,„etthe. utmost importance W. LANE, Clerk. that the pirotection afforded bb' these ' poli+ iesshoald be undoubted. Thouis 1 Aa Ield - ands of ',helpless women and children , 'Mae metnottl services in connection idiould net be,allowed, to build o ' :n a with the death of Edmond Andrews will be held in Zion .church next Sab- ,b$that 2:30 p. m. There are quite A number of sick people in this vicinity.- hut they are seenrity which is without sufficient foundation. To secure this object, to let these most interested ,know the extent ,Vd : value : of their security, there, -ahrecid-be-proeleio Official inapectioa,of• the books of •these titisoiiations. ' .Thertr is such :proinsion in. the' case of ' regular • fire and life' eboipanies, and elan -in that -of chart - banks. It -is es: necessary in the ease of mutual societies as that of .the regular companies. a:. �§ • 4 • ax • GREATLY 9rEBDONE. e -work . oI •govierpi 'community is .surelry overdone riihen, besides our municipal councils; forty; three men meet . ► y vession at the County seat,`•two, anal in some ,.cases three aieu from eachantin ipality and spend five days oyer.a. trifling .amount • of work;;a'eatrly tall, of:;'vhic$'ia r0�itine, -and which altogetber; in, m ny-cases, •.doee not equal, Wactuatrwork ,doeie, what has been many tunes done .at one or two meetings of a town or village councils. Yet each. ,session cost the county of Bruce over $800. in,pay to its, members anal other expenses. If the couipcil must ,be maintained why- not reduce ° its web_ fibers to one from ,each municipality ,and do away with' the December session altogether? No public business'•would suffer and .nearly .half the expenses . would be saved. There was a time when the work of this council was important but when' times i hrtnge, we, must agitate :for a change in our insiitutions, and reform them•to suit the times. CANAD& does not wish to deal mean ly with -her 'viceregal' ruler, but the time has come when there ahn .old be • a;, some check put upon the way money e is wasted upon,. Rideau Harland its• furnishing.- If the money that has been squandered upon that old bar. racks h'ad been .laid oat to good ad - t. aaut ge, the Governor General of Can- r y recta would now have a vicere gl . real - deuce that Would compare favorably '-''with any regal' residence silt the work of centuries. . Tile' Port A.rtLur Herald says there �s a coaL'deposit back of-Nipigon and it asks . • the. D, minion and Ontario ...94verniavari•ts- to give- $"1,000- apl-e - 't'o defray the e;xptpse of prospecting in the district for black diamonds. • Al- goma'is to riet with minerals, it says,, • that,the populatioe is unable to begin oto` develop half of • thr.,lri, Along the route of the line of railway, necessary to bring out this -coal, it declares are forests of pine, tatmarac, hircus, maple, ash, spruce an�d- poplar, as welt as known .deposits -of iron, marble and sandstone. With col for Iiaat fur- naces at ,$2, per 1 ton, a change should CAMERON, MURDOCH & CO There: hYs been no sleighing of any., account this ,winter and in conaequen the •mills will be minus quite a number of logs. , There will -be a literary tertain- ment in Zion school next Fr' even- ing. A good programme may be expected. All are invited. • Langsiue Miss Sarah Tiffin is visiting friends at Paramount. Mr. Roderick Ross purposes leaving • for Manitoba next week. " Mr. Wm. F. McKenzie, of Leam- ington,. was - visiting his, mother and friend, here this weell. Mr. James OOesarAntends to erect frame dwelling house this spring. , the Rev: Mr. McKay, of Lucknow, held a meeting ,it the honia-of Mar- garet McKenzie on Tuesday lent. ,,The Misses. Annie and Belli, Ross, of London, are visiting friends here. Mr..John McKenzie has rented the farts of Mr. John Dawson. There was a very pleasant time spent at 'the residence of Mr. John McDonald on the evening ,O Friday last. , Miss Angalina Johnston is the guest. of Miss Fetnie McDonald. Miss Jessie Archibald, of Lucknow, is visiting- at the residence of Mr. Ewen .McPherson. A: great many young- "pe.. e are leaving for Manitoba this spring. A singular error in the -Bible has re- cently been ubearthecl,` a reference to which may interest scene of our read- ers. It occurs in II Chron., XXI'I Chap , II . -Verse. There Ahaziah is described as having at the ague offorty- two succeeded his father, who. died at the age of forty, -or in other words Ahaziah was two years older than his father. Seeing tha another and per,. fectly possible acca tit of the circum- stance is given in II •Kings, VIII Chap., XXVI Ver: et'it is surprising that such a glaring rror should ...have. escaped the eyes of the many learned divines, who .'from imet to time have revised the. Bible. According-.- to- the Walt,- of Kings Ab: ziah's age atthe time of his successiO ' was only twenty- two. --The majority o are closed down fo account of their bei —The- singing of little daughters,.Lou special feature of th evening. Also an by Mr. and Mrs. T leaven, all of Crysta encored to the echo. named persons will concert on Monday! Aihnitvr.� - the lumber camps the winter, on no Snow. tiirs' CamieherQ e and Bella was a social. on Monday ustrumantal trio eed acd `l r. Tre- 1 City, which was All of the above take part in the ;veiling. --Morden MAKR•IED GrasoN-Waseree-alt the' Rectorryy. Wing. ham. on the 9th inst. b J. H. house, C: sora, '+p. Gibson incouYer,13. (;. to Catharine ; - , ,of the town ship of -.A.414 rr • OUR PRIC4ES k LUCKNOW & DUNGANNON RE DOWNI our prices are down this week. You can _get a' 6.0 O OVERCOAT FORy W 0 $4.50 1:› "° g m 0 THAT LINE. GIVE US A QALL W2LLLA1`/1 CON'NMLia. -AND IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN IN A as FUR CAP, .MUFF OR ANYTHING IN Id 1 0 1 SAWS If IRACER° - THR LARGEST STOCK S - ---Ever shown in Luc norv, .consisting of_. SAD PHILADELPHIA LANCE' , ZNY4NCI8LEGRIIP0 A* SO SAW HANDLES, , BUCK SAWS, AXE AND AXE HANDLES and a full line of .all kinds . of hardware. „�- n e'6'3 AGS Ts WAN 'ED :-o FQNTIl11LL NIIRSEmE,$. rt • !.ANCESTIIN CANADA. ,E WANT RELIABLE, ,ENERGE1` tl IC 'Men te' well oaf ❑orrery sti. - , previous experience not nivessary.; any man lvith tact and energy can aticceed 6 terms lib- eral, either salary or commission. Outfit free, Our agents' shave many advantages, such ag, home grown, hardy Canadian "stock. Ch( ice to specialties, wh eh•are of value,,an'1l which c only be secured'' from. ns; such as a emir lei to list Of NSW RUSSIAN irPPLES, the RIT.ON P F 4DNDERS PLUM, u ojn RASPBERRY, MO RE'S RUBY and BLACK CRAIIIPION CURRANT:!, M RE'S DIAMOND GRAPE, etc., etc. We have giv n particular att.ntion to the° propagation of 1 ardy varieties suitable to the Northern sec 'one of Canada. i?or terms apply to 182 828 STONE & WELLINGTON, TOAD„ ONT, u..r° -,-.. .• yy • •• W�"�" ,wry,.... 1 Lam- ..,O w— ANTED.' 0 MEN '14'0TAKE ORDERS EOR NUR eery stock, on salary or commission. I can male a successful SALESMAN of any who will work and follow nay instructions. Will furnis1 handsome outfit free and pay yours••laryegacor wissIoneveriy-'Sett;- vVrii for terms at once,. • 13 81'9 c ' Nurseryman, l ochester N V SALESMEN •WAITED `'FOR. OUR COMPT,EP LINT: OF NUR EKY STOCK„ ALL new, choice.. .anal fast 'selling specialties. I can furnish paying. positions to workers. My large experience in the business enables me to offer special advantages to beginners., I can make .a successful salesmen or anyone who willfollow my instruction. Permanent em- ployment. Wages paid each week, Outfit free App- once and secure. choice of territory. EDWARD P. SNELL, Nurserygisda d Rochester N. Y 13.81l • MaBNtxox ruts PAM. E. 0. CRANIA , .r: 1' 1 N11.11 WTAVING DONE Cl_ CANADA FOR THE PAST 30 1'I ARS, our reputation and responsibility is welt kooa n wetly salary- and expensc*s ftoni the start iP everything is satisfactory. No previous ex- perience is required. Write us for tetins, which are very liberal,' before engaging with aiiy other firm. Iti.I1{1tb:NCES -- Bradstreet's or •Don 1� ima,r ,'t (_o's Commercial Agencies,' well kni ern to hsuborns, Ousiness men; or Stan curd Batik, • CHASE BROTHERS' CO PANY, 9mos• ntNURSh'R1`.1fEN, Cu6buOut nt s FOR SALE OR RENT. C O ACRES OF GOOD LAND, B1 fl�tC. iF) lot 80, con. 1, Kiuihss. 3 miles from Lucknow, • mostly seeded .down some fall �'• wheat in ground', Fair ,buildings _and f .rope. -P ,session given immi d1atelyr For f particulars apply to .839 ... 'tV,tli,-Iidedl.LLIBTRR: rrle$ •