HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-02-28, Page 1;r. „ .b,..9.
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VOL iI,--r.g:
MEW VaarV.998199
L-UOK 4 i
• i-_ _-- iIO, FICDgY; FEBRUARX 2;8 1894
' Sentinel" -block, nor_tJt. east corner - of
Outram & Campbell Sts., Lucknow.
—o c•
—o o.
stick to it, for there is a wonderful
element of suce+ess. in the stamina that
What.shall I do to advance myself';
is a question asked by many young
sten when first entering upon their.
business career. Too many are apt to
answer it by -supposing that some
brilliant masterstroke is this talisman
that is to open the pathway of success
before them.. Brilliant rnasterstre,kes,
however, always carry. with thein
great -ins rs, and, as a• rule, the ,ad-
varicement made by persistent effort -is
the safest, surest, and most easy. of.
attaintnent. In choosing a profession
'or a trade, it is of the utmost import-
ance t., select"one that is congenial to
the taste; and having__ eh_osen one to,
C. P. S. 0. Office,' Kintail.
�7 surgeon and '4ecoticheur. • Sur-
• gery* opposite; t Caiii's hotel. ' Oleee
hours from 9 to 12 a. m. and 'from 2
to 5„p. m.
.. M. C P. y. 0 , L.' R. 0. • P. L.
R. C. S. -and C. M., Edinburgh. Cors
otter county of Bruce. Licentiate
i 1idwifrey. Royal physician and sur -
7ees. Office one door east of barbt.ir
'shop, •'J.ucknow.
V „ -
It,.. D. GE DDES; V. S.. CALLS
•. either by mail or telegram prom-
ptly attended to 'barges - Morlr'rs te__
Office; Corr gan's hall.'Boardinghouse
° Cain's hotel, Lucknow.
�..sioner, 'in 1T. C. G.: •Kinlough
P. 0., Ontario. '=t;, '
A RIIO,t '-;•& PROUDF OOT, ] AR -
17f risters, Solicitors, etc:i.Godericir,
Ont. T. G.- GARROW, Q. C. Wet'
PiiouvPoo,T. ,
at law, Solicitor in Chancery,
Conveyancer, etc. Office, next, door
to the post office, Lucknow; Ont.
. law, Solicitor in Chancery, Com-
tuissioner, Conveyancer, etc. Office,
over the barber shop.
' •surance s'Fii e & Marine, Guelph,
• Ontario. a .
'11'jj few thousand .dollars to invest
for private parties,, at reasonable in-'
teret. ' ELLIOT '1'iin.Fns. _
.1 11 class mortgage's at 7 to LI per
-cent:•interest, payab)e'yearly, .-Charg-
es Moderate. Apply to Rat. Murray,
St. Helens.
ill cent from 2 to 20' e':us. 'Lista
of farms for sale in Ontario as w cel• as
Ianitoba: Parties desirous to sell
farms will consult their interests I;y
inspecting the advertising; facilities of
Subscriber in. Great Britain told Ire-
' hind rt,continent ()Hands for sale.
.Natfk. sl t rvAiu'r, Land Valuator, -
Lucknow, Ontario.
ticket agent. One way excursions
to the .Northwest and Pacific, Coast.
Pull information- to•intendingg travel-
„ lers to any part of the world.
enables.rnen to stick. .low many of
our Most successful men have clung to
the pathway inarked out, at times
when fainter hearts•wo.ulcl have aban-
doped the task aird"sought , refuge in.
sotue less difficult occu ation. Ie this
a goon ra e; is t ns a.good profession;
are ques ions that n►ay be at all times
answered by " Yes, for those witit the
ability necessary for their pursuit and
who possessc••s the perseverance which
success, at all times demands." - .
It ' is . folly. to expect to start ,out
upon any career with the pathway cif
progress as plainly {mapped oat 'as 'if
laid down upon' a 'chart. For. all
these things regulate themselves, and
while a pursuit which proiuises 'all
things may prove entirely unsuccessful.
ei apparenil,_ cry u:tatKaitk b tr.ag� ere 1 d
friendship. Indeed, such at course
ship, because, as compared _to -getting
a good appointment, keeping.i,t is ,ten
'times ulol'e'diffiicult. ,�
The road. t}o success is not a royal
road, but it is a tolerably straight and
sure one. Anxiety and watchfulness
for success; avidity to seize every
promising •opening, readiness to•relin-
quish what is•already gained for sume-
thing apparently more inviting, is
:nior-e- often--a.11y�-way}than-a =highwa
The'energy expended in this' canner
will ,pay a man a hundredfold more
interest if directed to becoming pros,
ficient in his daily duties, in mastering;
the difficulties of his calling, in. learn-
ing the science of his occupation•; and
'studying its necessities. He should
-study—, lyeina brit out of, working
hours, when the pen, the` tool, or the
instrument is laid down, and his, daily
duties ars ended, It : is this -which
will enable future days' duties, to be
performed • more, easily 'and more
efficiently. In fact every jot of know -
ours o at y
lahor is capital that will bear ample
interest in the way of advancement,
and so sure is this that, if such studies
are diligently and intelligently pursued,
the present will be the all -absorbing
topic and the future may be left -out of
mitid' with almost perfect assurance
that it .will be well able to take care of
itself. There are .sbtnetimes circum-
stances which may interrupt a success-
ful, and worthy career; .rut in such a
case it is only necessary to begin '.•over
again, undiscouraged and c:'ith in-
creased etermination -to succeed. ,
lead to rapid' progress., All occupe-•
tions have their ;periods of activity.
and" dullness ; the brisk business of
to -day may betbe.dull one of to=tnor
row. The rapid rise of othets ill any
particular ' pursuit is no criterion,
because business is something; 'like
-poetry, it is not. so much the'subject
as the manner in.whicli • 'it is treated
that determines its quality.Be es
pecially careful not to over estitnate
your own abilities. It is very natural
to feel quito convinced of your per-
-sonal-,ability, and -to . be aggrieved that,
your efforts are not more specially.rec-
ogn•ieed by.etnployers, but rest.assured
that io the. e-rtd employers %,ill recog-
ecog--nize any capability you {nay possess at
'its -proper value, and are, at all tifnes
eager to avail themselves of any ele-
,ments you may possess that are ad-
vantageous to the pursuit of their
business. If, r.n the other liand,,ytur
hili'ty isrecognized, bear in inind
fat,' you are fairly establiahed upon.
he light path, and be careful not to
uccurnb to the inducements. offered
sewhere by a slight advance --of re--
un.eration. * This is, indeed,, the rock
port' which the' hopes of,, thousands of
oung men have foundered. In a po
tion hi;ld by. dint of appreciated•labor
ere, are a great 'many advantages
at are npt.eisible upon the surface,
d which can , scarcely exist in a new
sitioz . First of all is the consrcler•a-
)it.tI1rLt you are making progress, so,
at, be the obstacles what they may,
it, are sur o:meting them.; ,'This is-a
Nat point, because in a new position
u ; do not know and cannot foresee
at elements of opposition may exist
anise.- Neat -t, bear in mind. Chat tlla
gth of tire. you have been in • one
play is a valuable element ; .you are
coining identified with the bnsiuk'ss ;
u are getting more familiar with' it,
well as more capaU-le'of transacting_
yr...parts and above a!1 y$u are
king a reputation in it. - You are
o fortning around you a nutnhcr ,of
siness acquaintanees who are to he
ful to you for all. the rest of their
es, some of whom are in the future
become employers, others proini-
t enllrloyees, and. so on, and sill of
one will be morally sure to form a
erably accurate estirnato �of ya.ur
sility; as well as your •husinegs ca-
ity, How often do weals/ay the
'rsrk, " Oh, sn and ort rsi'S' tweet:sae
rad a,. friend who could push hits
ad." As et rule, however, the dig-
itian to advance another' d es not-
ote from friendship, but ratio from
Il confidence in his abiliih'; men.
sessing, the elements which raise
n in business • are- u-su-a-lly;tee just,'
keen -sighted, and too careful of
.r own reputations to risk. the same
recommending others out .of pure
.t h
tt(11 stat
Fire Insurance Company, board ren
cif directors meets' for the tt,atisa -teion he)
of business on the first Tuesday each aliry
month. Parties wishing to havb their pos
property insured ,in this' increasingly aria
popular Company, will by giving not- a fu
ice be called upon by an agent or by pos
one orf the 'Directors. Musiness calls the{
pron1ptlx attended to. Office, Duntoo
Bannon. J. M. Rui3ERTs, • Secretary. fleet
*toe, I, 4STIO Treastirefa by
One of the greatest causes of. failure
to- progress in business is a dislike to
strenuous ,exertion, especially .when
manual labor is entaileel: Too_)nl spy
young men get the idea that l'eoause
they are smart they ought to be:a,hle
to live by their wits,' and they sliift
about from pillar ted post in, any occu-
pation. that does• not, iinpose what is
commonly termed ,manual lahgr. This
i.ideed is •a sad mistake, desultory or
itinerant occupations are laborious ,to
the.:bod-r--a-nd---from theirs vicissitudes
and uncertainty very exhausaing to
the'tniml. All men cannot, in the
very nature. of things, learn of foll000-
trade,.but those who are adze. e • to
do so will find the pursuit less o.nerqus
and • tore remunerative than 'that of
entering some, other pursuit because of
a dislike to tnanual labor. If an op-
erative' becomes a skilful workman, he
is u success even though he does not
attain riches, and 'if she permits; this
latter fact to make 'hinr. discontented,
it isnot an evidence that his career
has not been a success, but rather that
he permits a morbid feeling on• that
point to overshadow his success as a
Workman. ' It, seems to be a human
proclivity to wish that one's occupation
had been something else, almost any=
thing indeed but that whish it actually -
is, 'and 'we often hear it said : " If t
had tny.life,to pass overagaiu I would
be a so and so."
• We heard it remarked a. few days
ago : "If my father had educated me
until I was 18 I 'should have not re-
quired to toil at the bene3h." The
reply to this who so •well chosen .that.
wee g eeit in full as follows : " That is.
a Mistaken idea. When a yopng gran,
.of 18 or 20 years old and with a ' good
education, stets out to earn his own
living he is -to.be._pitiedti. -What is he
fit for? He knows nothing of any
man's business,"•he has no, experience
of either business or the world, he can
perform clerical work, but so can the
office boy who went into the office 'at
14 years qld and had a year at the
night schools' Ile can probably do.
the same work as the boy., but .he can-
not work for the buy's pay, he cannot
afford to start' at the beginning, but
tries to juLnp into a middle position
which he is not capable- of holdings
The boy is his superior, inasmuch as
he has learned sotiiething of the routine'
end of the particular requirements of
that ptrtictilsr business: He is also
,growiirg up with the firm, and will in
time' understand the duties required in
every \enrployeae's station, froth' the
office boy up.to whatever position' be
may himself occupy. A good contrilon
school education, with the assistance
of a night siehttol, will fit a hay for Ansa.
ordinary. occupation:'.'
et4• y.
S..ci4 ..._ w
L k merle
e, ureal toate t}iat Mr,
-David Stewart is on the mend. He
•hail a very severe attack of sickness.
Mr. John Dixon, of Lanes, hat
moved to his farm, known as the John
Brown farm. Mr. Wm. Wiley had it
.rented for the last, few years and has
removed to the Beaty farm near this
One day last week a mare helonging
aro-Mr: • Peter Shield; was 'drowned in
the lake. • When they took the 'har-
ness off; she ran down to the lake,
where she had been watered all sum-
mer, went on the ice and sank..through
into deep water. It is, quite a loss to
Mr Shield, as she'was Sold and was to
be delivered on the lst of'111arch to a he expects to secrir
than -in Lucknow tos o ' anitoba,
WHOLE ko. 841,
A. wee*'. Record or the tpnshing Harder
Town. •
—Fresh herringby the dozen at;
Kerr's grocery!
—A large quantity of wood has
arrived in town during• the past few
--Don't miss the bargains in over -
coats Connell is'otfering. .
es If-yow want our " advertisement
to pay its way, change it as often as
the printer will allow you ,to.
—For youths suits go to Connell.
He bas something cheap and good.
—Mr. E, Bower left here last week
•for Walker -virile near Windsor, where
The Rev. :Mr. Potter, pastor of the
lurch u.rch in this place has
commenced a series''of"revival services.
e meetings• elan a week ,ago by the
Rev. Mi;,.:Irvine; ,f ' t Nile, who.
preached a very appro riate sermon
for the occasion.
•The lone ,liu•
,looked for boom our
village lax* commend g. T'he•pros-
pects of the railway co ping here are
increasing. ,The syndicate coin posed
of Messrs. Berry, Crawford and Proud -
foot is endeavoring, to push the sale of
village .lots which they !had surveyed
some time ago. Mr. ' Mallough has
also drawn ►ten a n f
nlnoe_ i1J.age lots=
for sale and is endeavoring. to•beotu
our village. Messrs. 'Cameron, 1Vlur-
doeh & Co., of Lucknow, have opened
up a branch store in Glendenning's old
stand in charge of Mr. Robert Mur
docli, which fact shows these gentlemen
believe that.our village is bound to go
ahead. They have put in a good stock
of goods and no doubt .will soon• get a
f ,it share of the patronage of this
'locality. Our grist grills are doing a
Targe 'Business this winter • .Partners
are corning "luta; distances, scone passing.
,the -mills-in their own•vicinity to gee
their wheat ground by the old process.
Hemlock City
Mrs. Re'v. K. Mc Donal( is at pre,'
ent•"visiting friends in Toronto...
Mr. Vin. Mount, of -Culross, spent
a few, days in the city last week: sa,
• Messrs. Jas. L. :Grant said J.tMcIn-
tyre attended a meeting in Pine River
on Saturday, where the people are
contemplating the erection of a- flour
Holl. a
Word ' has been received -that we t
James '_ll cCgll, who :formerly • lived -a _
few miles west of here, died; rodently, .e
in the Guelph hospital, where he' went, •a
for treatment of a very painful disease. s
One 'by one the early pioneers of t
• .Ashfield etre •being called. away to
travel the long, lout;, journey. About i
four weeks ago Mr. Daniel Rose, of t
this place was taken ill With inflama-, t
tion of the lungs. • Medical aid was at
once procured and for';some time he'
regained his strength, 'but on she night
—Just received Slot of table linens,
the ,best value ever offered. Call. at
—Mi s Madden, 'wlio has been .visit-
ing friends here for some left for time
Chatham on Saturday -morning. '
— quan 1 y - o c oice stover and
timothy seed just arrive4, which will.
be sold et bottom prices.—J. Elliott.
—Brant township council is' goings' • ,.
to repeal the wire fence by-la.w• in;.
force in that municipality.
—Use the • Wingjtam roller flour:
It gives satisfactionevery time. Try at,''�
Sold by J:Elliott. -
-Miss Sira'Burgess has been con-
fined to the. house for `the past' week
with a relapse, of La Grippe.
-A large number from thin v sristit_y,.;
we understand,• intend starting for
Manitoba and the. North West early
in" -March. ,
—Mr: Peter McLaren, the urillionare
ytimberrnan, of- P•ertli, has been ap.
pointed •t,e the Senate in place of tile'
late Senatar:Turner. .
—All past 'duesaccounts ,must
settled 4,11°0or cash c•efore the 115th
of March. e if not they will be placed
in•other ha6nds:--Ac. Ross.
—Our steel( 'of paatings:never was
'.better. We, have a • line we make' to
order at $4. Be sure and see. them if •:
you want to buy, -W. Connell; -
-r-Cameron, Murdoch.; S . Co.- are ,
offering' big- cash discounts. on • winter
goods. See their •advertisewen't in
,another `column. , •
—Mr. D.- W: Karn,* organ mann
•factu'rer, of `Woodstock, has presented
the B„btist church witlt'a tine new or-
gan, which will--�be 'a great help to them
in, the service, of praise.
—All kinds of groceries -of the best
qualities kept at tlteenew .grocery very
Neap as 'we sell for cash and produce
ply. Goode delivered to a,tly part of
he town.—(aEo..KERIL,
—The Paisley council have appoint -
d a ,wooxi 'inspector so that in case
ny dispute occurs between buyer and
eller the !natter iti dispute -Cart be left
o the inspector.,." Net a. had 'idaa.
.—The farmers have •got tired wait -
pg for snow to assist• thtnn ii... their
earning aiid have gone to work. With,
he waggon and a gond deal of wo'ocl is
eing brought in, in this way.
—The whole country will -re juice` to.
e:tr- flies,-declaratio•is sof.-tlle---Toronte-a-r-••-
chitect that the University .buildings
can' be restored. without detriment to•'
their formelbeauty wilielieleia.for a
generation beefs an inspiration to
all Canada.
---The Canadian Pacific Railway
will tun settlers trains'to all points in.
Manitoba, the Northwest and British `
Colut b1a, Commencing on Tuesday,
the "25th, and . continue . thefu every
Tuesday thereafter. during March and •
April. _ •
—The Ladies Ho'me Mi siotial-y So-
ciety of St, Peters church will Bold
,tlieirsoeial on Thursday, March 1�1`tl1
at 7:30 p. nt.,'at the rie,ielence of Dr.
''Pennant. Thn Rern'. +llr. and M rs.
,Newton,, -of lservie will be present.
All frieinds are• respectfully t invited.
—If you have frequent headtchcs,
dizziness and fainting spells, acc',tn-
panied' by chills, cramps, corns, bun-
ions, chilblains, epilepsy and jau,idict,
it is a sign that you 'are not well, but
are liable to die any minute. Ply
your,°subacriptiouu.a year in advance.
'and thus make youtself solid fsr•.'a
good obittnry notice.
.of._.,6}t_urda-y;--thew-1.`ith -lie- was- talrerr-
ill very suddenly and in a'few'rniuutes
breathed his last. The' ,funeral took
place to. the l4ochalsh cemetery on
Tuesday 'send was largely attended,
ame,t'g those present beieg his brother
John fro n Iliii ois"and otlierr'relatives
from the town of Fergus. Mr. 'Rose
came to Ashfield about twenty ono
years age and shine then his sterling
'cliara.•ter and undaunted 'spirit lead
won for hitn many -warm friends and
a(l,uire+ts. Mr. Rose was a than well
fit,tcd to fight the many, battles of life,.
a4 well as ready to lift the burden orf
the €hoitlders ofthe poor, a man whose.
patience, push and,energy earned for
bins a eotnfnrttad,le .Lorne and the ,
7'1,elir'at`°'iisaptret of the , yomt rutnity, and
a'li'ke :;ounce advice wcls always held
the highest estimation. No . doubt
Mr. Rose will be missr..d au ong all his,
acquaintances, oapeci.al.y by his own
fatnily, among 'peens he was a prime
Favorite. Ile was, , a comparatively
young. man, 'beim, my 51 years and
9 months. II 1�'
ea wife 'and six
children to itss Iq s. _Truly'
they have•.t a, . lupe by of the eotu-
• f
a •