HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-02-21, Page 8,t. Hours S a, m. to Maus Asad► • n The i ,u± ko .n w bent .net,. Bruce County, Friday),Fe•bruai 21 -stet 14119Themselves A deputy sh' h '-LamgtQn coenjty states that were it not for the fact t e at farmers are overloading them- . m... ;fir, �, .a.. ..,.va nuc � , .�,.�,•, -rA Pelves wlat ac itin"ery nit rl'h plem for which they are unable to pay, the present business of the sheriff's office would be reduced at least fifty per cent. , There is food for reflection in this opinion not on] for the farmers of Lampton county bi t...for those of very other part of, Ontario. „+i~.,B., Wort 12.30 V..431 • 01,X904}:: . , 3i i i0-h23Qp:1111 1E►'.iuluss W. G. 13. North 3.18p.m. G-uderigh . *ntw,meci'1ate Foiuts i 9 00 p. m. & .0- North 10.30 p, m. •, it •.M.AIt.a CLOSE• & 1 . ,Sorith t 9,10p. tai. I. H. & B., South $• "..?"I. It. &.1; South 10.00 a. in. .•, 1, .84 1..North.,,Orr•, m• - 1poug idose Tuesdays, and -Fridays • os " oc • • Vitt 11gt ani Vittntti Anniversary • . The Baptist Congregation of Luck - now, purpose holding their first anni- versary services. and.. tea -meeting, -on the -.sec Txn March. Partin . Ways. given; next week. . Farm For Sale or Rent. ]!00` aores, ' East.half of lot 5, eon. I4;=Ashfield, 24 miles from Lucknow. $ issessiore-given 15th• of ' arth next. Apply. to JAMES ROBERTSON, Mille Teeswater, Ont. • 'anks Friends" . For :a year and a half the Rev.., J. O. McKinnon, of Lucknow, has preach- end iri the neighborhood of • Langs.Aj., " . ito; ai.' kind and, appreciative people, ' Its ahoWn by their niany,acts'of'kindness esr�': 'lit ndsoiueeancl liberal sums of ' money. '1`fie Proust. North ti , Lltolenoie. had a visit last week frnfli the ' town of, Leamington'to ex- .'nmin.e '.their waterworks, and they ` event away pleased an i.surprised at 4''the excellence of the system. • It takes Owns and. villages up in frozen "Bryce show, ,thegp southeners what ` gress •>neank.--_Paisley A(bwcate. Lucknow Roller Mill add Grocery 'Any person`wishna to=parr° e: GL't8 above mill' can procure the flour • and feed at the u i.li or grocery. The. best flour at the lowest price , and any' ., uerson buying a lot for their own use • . eend have it at' wholesale pr"ices: No other shop in,toevii sislls. my.fibuneee (deo Derr. >.;i• .....• . • Bsiness Opelled uGut_ . •Ai f.:.. We the undersigned wardens of St. Peter's church, beg to tender our most sincere thanks to our late organist, ..,�R.,..,.-..e kindly filled the position with' great pror.ci>;ney 'for the past' nuiriber of years, it is with trconsiderable regret 'we have, to part with her, but her in- creased engagements with her pupils compells her resigning. F.. GRUNDY, C. A. SHEPARD Must Be Registered , • It• is well to remember the, Act re- quiring..:rthe_... g stration of births, inarriages and deaths, with the clerk of the municipality. A .birth trust be registered within 30 days by the par- ents of the child ; a marriage within - 90 days by the. clergyman who per- forms the 'ceremony ; a death by the occupier,of the house in which it takes place, and, before the -interment of the• - body. ” T y Laid To` Rest ° There passed. quietly'away en Fri- tday morning last, at his residence, 'St. Helene," Mr. Wm. Orr,: :ene.of the old- est, .and most esteemed: ,settlers in , Nt'WS OW THE TOWN. Week's Beeort•d of the 'rushing Town. 'regiriterrirrbrt 2- • '' Kerr's grocery.% 4 a —Mr. R. Paxton, of Otterville, i visiting friends in town, Border A B!G —Robins have already appeared in Huron county. —Service will be held at Christ's :• church,»St, Helens, at 3 p. w., ou Sun- • Mr. Win: (ir•rundy, .j r., ., having pier - chased the'• stock" of cutters; buggies and business •generally belongingg'tCa kis father; has opened out_ business ;rna, Erie old stand on Stauffer street, and is row prepared. to do all kinds of work in the carriage making line. He has hand • a number • of new • buggies, c}itter e sleighs, democrats, etc , which Pewill' sdl. 9beap. Horse shoeing a specialty:.. ; ;Y . Another Failure•• - •Aiiother illustration. of the' futility c.f securing and bostering up menu- veturing concerns by bonusesas•shown ha the following .from the Hanover' Poet r. Some tithe ago the people of Southampton voted •upon and carried'; • it by-law granting $4,50() to a company fir the , purpose of erecting and 'rlun- ning a furniture factory in that •town. The firm was composed of Messrs. Tanstone Bros., of Brussels, and A. Moran,,of Arkweilt;ht.' The matter bas.been'i.n a jumbled up condition all • •au miner• and hes finally collapsed. The. people -are out of their money sand also • minus their ne w industry:. Peculiar E,pisode . A rather peculiar episodle• occured on Monday morning's • eepress train, says, the; .. Paia;ley .. _ Adravc Otte. . As the •tra:ea.. rea bed,„1, anover e a, young man and took passags there and, `tile wo7nn's Peculiar notions' aroused the /attention: of all oe- the. train by her- pri.tting herr aries ar•oued "the young . man's,• neck and kissing hire: .11e encircled her with his arms and 0 te+llied to her in endearing and aooth- ing terms.. Son of the passenger's t'.ought they were a newly married couple, and made them the butt for a great de i,l of 'ridicule that fresh people ore so fond cif using on. such,oecesii)ne, The conductor was Mr. " l3uff" drtlsrtin, one of the im,st. popular and. Sind hiearted'. inert on the road, of, <vl5 rfr, .•flee -r - saicl� ttlm.t he strrppell .his tr:.Liri ten . iiow two parting female friends to iodul>ge, i-nanoverlooked uscu- , l;ition. Ho was' awareeof_ the facts of the rase, Mid when he put the fresh pass- (nigers in posSeSSion of thein they were ,the meenest looking lot of people ever aseen ilea railroad car. 'ilio girl had been driven crazy -by, trouble. „ The .,gentlhman was her brother,, aind w es 4 kifg her to the asylum at London, vetAipti.explaiped till= • to that section about forty. years ago, in.lthe days of the early settlers and' was°'widely known For ;his • hospitality and,- chatitab1'eness. He found much lileasure °'in doing good for hit fellow Mere He bore hislong:IIIfesspatient-, ly and as the end drew near rested his faith in Jesus. He leaves a wife and two,daughters to mourn his Runaway Accident We are pleased'to be able to state that r Mr. .Richard Treleaven, sr., of ungan. on, wlio on 1Vltri ' > , inst., met .with.. a serious accident near his own residence,.is ,recovering rapid- ly. Whilst adjusting some plert of. the wagon box, the horses being attached • to the' wagon • took fright and ran away, 'dragging ..the old . gentlemen along the road a considerable distance. He sustained severe injury, so much that w those. who then 'sa.him pre; sumed he was killed, but through kind Providence his injuries •are •not so, serious as was expected.-Com •A Difficulty Removed Complaints have been general to the Ontario License Department that there was some confusion caused by the various forms of . notices given by the proper authorities to tavernkeepers not to supply intoxicating ligw*s to ;persons accused of drinking to excess. It' was. found that. convictions secured ,against delinque,ntsteve ;e often, queshect ,by the Superior cgurts.on, the gnaunds that the notice waw. inauticient. .,The License' Depajtmeiit has ,prepared a' 'form of notice, which has been sent to all the' License Inspectors of the Prov- ince. It is believed that in this way the. difficulty of. .convictions being quashed on a. legal technicality will be avoided. A.Big. Loss r The, calamity that overtrick Toronto University on Friday. night last will. be deplored throughout the length and breadth Of the Dominion. The Wild- ing was imposing 'in appearance and en ornament to the city, and although not hoary with age or surrounded by the -historical associations of centuries, 'it *AS the centre' of, education i►i Oan- a(la,, and. hundreds of Canadians 'who venerates] the University as their ,tlru,ic meter will deeply regret•to learn efvits destruction by' tire. ".Time and moiiey will replace or repair the building, but it will not be so easy to • replace the library and museum which were consumed.. Tlie work of 'recon- structi4 g the"buileling will be immed- iately commenced and arranrernents made for. the carrying on of the. work o'f. the 0,611-ege as soon as possible. tf. 0 day next. 1GIr. and Mrs. Wm. Bougdi Of the Lake Range, Kincardine, paid a short m T. Las� new gallery for the remainder of this mtInth.. With every dozen of Cabinets, I will give you a nice Cgbiiret and Frame free, a -sample of whish marbe seen at my studio. hili wit rk first-cl:a,ss and done up in the latest style of•arst. Also a large stock of T day. Whey:etre enjoying'a few clays at; present near Manchester. „ ', ' —At a meeting of the official board of the Methodist church last week, a OTg. _L-�- -JD 01--- _-1" unauinious.invitation was extended to ,_ . _ r' the Rev., Mr. Collin; to continue his. '�"-"—:o: pastorate of the church fur' another ,All sizes of frames ode to order •ehea.. . AT1''• -- year. —Look Here! All persons indebt- ed to A. S. Campbell, merchant tailor, are requested to call . and s-ettle the same before the first of March. - After that date all accounts not settled, will be pl,eced in other hands for collection.. —A. S. CAMPBELL. —All kinds of groceries of the best qualities_kept_at. the new grocery very • enemy as we sell' for cash and produce only. Gonda delivered to any part of the town.GEo. KERR.. --Ii, 1V.tcCharlcrs, ,auettiioneeie will sell by public auction at the east half of lot 11, con. 14, W. D.;, Ashfield, on Tuesday, 'Feb. • 25th, a .quantity. of :o: Eggs taken, in exchange the sante as cash. Don't for- get the place T, L. TRELEAVEisi, Mrs. Mooney's old stand, opposite bank, LUCKNOW. .-1)0N7-WANT-TxErlr�rf� erty of Finlay 31cLennan.' • , —Mr, Win. Anderson, of this vil- lage, on Monday last ' received a Cari- bee head from the far north.. The Cari- bou was shot on. Black Bay, north shore of LakeSuperior by Alex. And-, erson, St.• Helens, glow 'of Pine River lIol,yrood literary ht will be a source of great pleasure to many Jo learn that this popular. in :t uution-iutenc1s_giui ' a_ -grand must- :cal usi'cal and literary entertainment on the :evening of Thursday, Feb.. 27.th, For • years :past the public have been de- lighteirby the splendid entertainment' supplied weekly by the committee of • the society.. 'These entertainments, though" of .up on"the sante evening a's given,' and without any previous prep- aration, have-, been pronounoed by .competent critics equal, if notsuperidr, to any of -the common 15' and -25.. cent entertainuaents. Since 'such is the case the'publie may: have. some idea of what to -expect on Thursday next when this same talent' will come before them a• fter a long and careful preparation. The committee are also endeavoring to secure the services of Miss L. Evans, OE K..incardene.. 7G,liis young lady. is a geadirate.of the Philadelphia school of oratory and a very popular'elocutiouist • who delights her audiences where ever she appears. . These. with L.ucknow's leading talent :will furcish 'such: Anter . ta,inment as.needs no comment, £or all will see at a glance that it cannot but be first-class, and all -who arenotr there will miss, if riot the 'chance of a life - flame *, least the event of the yeah. fhe debate that was ,to` have taken place last night was postponed until. next Friday .night. The captains are -Patterson and J, Marshall; and a great big time is -expected. T AM. GOING TO ITAVE IT' IN LUCKNOW,. TOO, AND I H1RE,)Y announce to the -(people of Lucknow' and, surrounding country,, that any P • I $ (i) ,N .0 It R eg , ......) S 0 8 a coming to me having their teeth out,. that I will put in two sets of i;eetlk, , TEETH TEETH • hattUsiae ; . Wood hens Am:again in .our midst, the elleots of which aretripping the light fart tastier ' Misses ell`ti aged' Annie f,nss, oi'' in despair. Lond.nr Lave 00,11(3 to spend aWfew Politics ar week's at hoiue. Blelee has adds TEMPRARYa AND PERMANENT for the price of one set, $15, -made of the very best material in the world. X 'useg'iordhber.but C. ASH & SONS, London, England.._ The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons and S. S. White's, cotceded by all who are in the business to be ze,l+y Ualia -IT311 no ' :/article Those- firms have their names on their goods, and the people cam see what they - ' are getting, and as .I ute nothing but the best material, I will guarantee sat- isfaction 'to all reasonable people, the- unreasonable and there are afew such in the. world, will please beerin mind that I don't want their trde, I can always be found at Dr. McQrimmon's-office, 'Lucknow. a� PATTERSON', L .ckacar.' Thomas Todd,. Esq., has rented the farm of Mr. T. B. omerville,. Esq., for a terrn•of rive years. • 11•1arriage• bells have been, ringing this weft,, and. will neat. One of the •fair sex' Who was about to .visit the North West has eh'anged,. her mind and is new going South. • Jacob' will better hurry up,..or he will be Left. 14 years is Lm , enough to: hang round. -Colne to the point. • The oldest inhsbitailt and the :weather prophefs are in d ball • rix. The, beautiful still remains' on and sawtroffers and timber men are nearly lively ate the groceries. to his many laurels. s his spproval of the 11 denounces Char:I-• refits. ' Langevin ith a vengeance.. Miss Canieron, of Galt,. is calling up- on a number of her friends. - Mr. Rod, Campbell, of• Vrarquette,. Michigan, is giving us a fort-nighr visit. There Was no• serviee in the M:etho- c st church on, gundaty evening, on ac- count of the pastor being calls.Away to; preach a memorial sermon.- • Sir John, proclaih�i poricy 'of 131ake" a ton as arm Ish showed his teeth The whole- party is in a mus.. The almanac maker of the Em ire ought to visit Ottawa aud'preach a gu'spe1, of peace. 4 - . a' oknow' Photorahor .W . Jr....STRII.NGE Is as ,usual .ahead in the finest styles and.poaxtiotts tor-pn•otoS. •1 CABINET PWO"COS, Z' yes: retouched auk, buraishett, ALSO. to $3 per doz. Cards Si to $2 per dog:. AMBROTYPES MADE TQ PERFECTION, ke s a large stock stock of spectacles, espte1a ' • lite' Dell-know1Y, 11 and also deals ii Bee IC.eepers supplies, books, stationery, albums? frames and,, fancy goods. 1tennmber the, studio, E. Lo Johnston'* el & stand. ilia: • door to. Reid's,reryi;..