HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-02-21, Page 5• • • 'the Luckiiaw Sentinel, Bruce County-, Friday, rebruai y . TUATION. 1? crit STEADY 'SUP i.QY ENT: 4N1 N''"(1/'10 ''/.0 the year rutted, to rel4abie men r1'ttruislliug satisfactory references....--- . S.A.McONEBER&CO rhos 826 Nureryinen, Rochester, N. Y. • sett our, chnfee Nursery Stuck. ' NO EX- t'ER,IENCE liEQ(?'IR.ED. Steady wi.rk (he year round. LIhtERA I, PA Y li 1 J A P... 41}'Y'L'Eh t) w!•:L+'ICI,Y: Outfits free, Write for terms and cuuunenre at unci,, f I 'Atwood &S.', Company. Nurserynaen, G13;`AVA, N. Y. ti-mons.8,30 A re.at Iaarng nasi Sal� 4 l ACTS AT TnE SAb1ii TION -T IF t ZIVJ fit, �' • THE LIVER, • THE: DOW MILS, -andthel""eU itNZ YS This ctrrnibiued action gives ih won - dale' power to ct:re oil �li:,tas�r, • Why Are Vie` `ik FOR - CASH ONLY 0 THiRTY f3 1';ecaus-t: we mellow the uea•ves to rcinnin weakened •and irritate,', and these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisogcus Runlets ars" therefore fumed into the ldood that should be e),-pcllcd naturally. ii!NE 's CELERY COMPOUND W1LL,CURE gI11OOSNF.SS, PTL . , CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY Cont PLAINTS, 'URINARY DISEA SEH. pE➢IALL EATINESS,RIIE t:iKA- •4.'iSiid, NEURALGIA, AND CALL • NERVOUS DISORDERS, �tts•etiasd�. nerves, and"causing free action of the liver, bowels, and k idneys, turd restor- ing their power to throw off disease. Wily sulfer Bullous Paine and Aches t Why tormented with Piles, Constipation, Why frightened over Disorderodlridneyal Why endure nervous or sink leadaoheal Why have sleepless nights( Use Paters s Cst.n++v COMPOUND and rejoice in bealih. It an entirely vegeta- ble remedy, harmless in alt oases. -Pleb' all p, rttggirtr. Pric. t$1A0. Six for .zoo '1VELTS.111CHARDS'UN:t CO.;Proprlitela. •o q RIC' L. P. a. v �sh He GENERAL I. I maim All kinds of goods sold cheaper than ever offered here before. The fui'lowing'_prices Will convinet the most �;l�tical Gray nanda, all wool 'wroth 10c. for 16 cents. 'Union ion erre Flanals t.il wool worth. 16c. for 11 come. WILL CURIE -01•1 RE1-IEVe BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA,. • . DROPS. Y, FLUTTEIIING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEAR'. ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF (ALT RHEUM, THE: SSTOMA% -H-E-A BUR -N, -DRYNESS-- HEADACHE, .• OF THE Skirt, �hd' every species of disease arising from disordered LIVJIR, • KIDNEY.Sr STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD. :0: • -1121-Law he Adam on begs leave ti , 1 It iS-+,a ,,,, tt AuQ cob.; r` toir'A' t'e h •milia rni ag cilia I ., him during the last se ven yea'ry, • and wishtL'� if continuance of his o.i customers and a ha,. share of the new, pal as be is in a better p ..''at,aics ttimiever to stipp!y the wants of the He aly,rays has on hand a stook of , Wagons &.°ales of all kinds,. He also will remind them of Hill far fi..ued • SCOTCH- DIAMOND HAitRO 8 'which he always has on band and are made 'the veru b:it.a•n.teiia;l. Parties wanting in thing in tLis link wind() well to give Lien at's& Factory 1:'1ati1s all wool worth 36o, for 22 cents. 'Union Factory rlanels all wool worth 250 -for 18 c Good and wool Canadian weds worth 65o. for 45c. Silk 15112shes it 10 shades soled all season for 50 . for 35c. Dress goods 60cd below their regal lax value.. .... , few'pentis of =nut= Bogs verb. cheat 'to clear out. 20 per cent. off sill lines. et Crompton Corsets, viz t 50c for. 4 , 75c for fie, 81 for 80c, $1.25 for $1. Tthcse •ods .are stale - cods r'nd are a b' bar ain.. • • a -ALL COLORS: I N. - Pg 'curar attention paid -to 1.4 1(11039, OF HORSE, S OEIit s e. flat feet , contractions, and interfering. ' By strrict,�s• tention to busSnesa.~:good work. manshlp sed employing nothing 1uut good' workmen, r trust to retain the F;atrousr*• kindly •extcudvd•to me. ADAM THOMPSON Campbell Street opposite the Banir • 4. The best yarn in the trade,n:regar,,prce Pty • noa woe, l4 'vide . rerutation as• a• phy sir ,and author • }fiti'Mandraika, 'Dandelion, Lisec Ore is a tritt1N ih of medical %Skill; eating -sal diseases of the,kidney and liver - . • rS MPTOAS'OF • �1D�1 ',c��`�1` 1;'i�s'treesitt� aches & paim.,� • i18 the.�ack i dull eat%orweight in the hlatd$dr base.til • abdomen = scalding nine often oltstru t'i ; • frequent desire to urinate, e,specialijf t night,. among aged persons ; .hot, dry shin, pi 'jt�tt lis plexion, red awl.wihite deposits. drop 4JiZ uesl sour •stomach, L4iutatipation. -piles, liver Aid swelling, e Cottol. plusher = for window uu4i , 'ma drapes,, etc., 50c. line for; 45c. line for.. •30c. EIGIIT -SPOOLS F 7 bars electric soap, ,tor.` r gu.a nteed'��p, t ee� men s ; 12 bars L'au:r-f,.',:; 51b. , "Jubilee„ da ?;. or 20o. ; No. 1 Vale is rai . s, do ThollaGrocory! • XOX TM *NSE BARGAINS. i0a'il just rttceived a large. consign ment of ',..� Fresh. Groceries, Choice family flour, Choice. Tobacco, • s . Canned Goods. Crockery, Glassware Teas, Coffees, and ..agars, i t3 4-2 ct Ding - or. figs, 3 pounds for .2e5 ep .. . y - , 5lbs. • ' starch .25 cents ; darn r. starch; 9 pkts , f ?rr-25c;• i 31bs.• socia., for" 10 cents' good set HEAT PATER Cfl�CKE }which will be sold. 'cheap at the Hub Grocery. •O 9 floods delivered, toOF all parts L. ' of the village, JOHN Is the oldest and 'bi st poltnl r scientific and mechanical paper pllNtal adi and htis'the largest circulntion of anypipe'r0f' 4 c'oss in the world. tinily illustrated. Bcat el s or lYood E..ng+rav- LW% Published os ekl . Send for specimen" poppe. Price $3 n yr. Four months' trial, ti.. MUNN'A CO., t'tJnt.t/r ;lata, Oil Broadway, N.V. esRCHITECT8 iL E Fra Edition of Salentine American. to. A 'treat suck+ess. Each 'saw) contains colored . lithographic plates of country and city residcn- eta or public burlditti#t+. Numerous engravings full tilans raid' xt°eciacatlona• for the use. of.. such as contemplate nilding. ''rice $2.50 a year, 24 cts..a copy. $4 ':, N kC0., Ptlnt,tsrssrtae, .y }. +' may be went: S ro - a . it t'tl by Apply - CO.. Ing to r'NN W}tO peva iNdd n ver 40 years' etperleric earl have ma a over 1(10,1100 applications for American anti For- eign patents. Send for 84ndbo0k. •Wtr4e-. ▪ pondnucestrictly con tldentin6. t, .my, r,DE •MA K �� Ap�R your ;Inuit is not regietcredlb tb0Pat . eat Omce, apply to lays% 'Eu , :r :. ' pr� immediate protection. Send for }landbook.. +.• (joritAI ZITS for licoke,• charts. maptt.4 Ito quickly procured. Address DIUNN de CO., Patent Solicltorb. 4118211nAL on'rxor 1161 Att0Abw.4T. N. 7. 44 -PIECES FOR $2,0p. •,• 3• ' .24 4. • '73e r EfiM?1A1N i TPain under shout - der blades, jaunt- .. dice, sallow con.- pjes:ion, a weary, tired' feeling, no life oS. 4y, ene,rgy,,.headache., dyspepsia; indigestion spoktr, , pimples, etc. • ' HOW CURED. • , ' Mandrake and Dandelion are natsre'eUifek. cures and when combined with Kidney rg ifs dies as int, Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will'moot ,yositivel"y-cure ail kidney -Liver trduhles.',It acts Alike °a, charm, stimulating the clogged liver, sp:enP,thening the kidneys. 'and invigora- ting the whole body. 'Sold by all dealers at el. •msbath receipt book, which alone is w..rtii i th,;. id ney. A'•IMNEYDr-:chase'.4Pills are the only, Kidney -Liver Pillsmade. Th LIVER act gently yet effectaally.,May_ �Y , be tn{ten during .any tl iloga meat. They cure Kidney layer' troubles, headache, � t►uaness, eostiverrestr,ebk. One pill," dose.. -St by all .deaiire.. Price 2`ac . .�_., T. E� eN. �1, CO .. , �DFUIib, tYNT. itir. !Profs Lcise e's - •,''rl t1 DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD In spite of adulterated imitations which miss the theory, and 'practical results of the pr.'rtnai, in spite. of the gier3sstst misrepresentations by e:=rioua would-be comin•titors, and in spite of `base ht tempts to rob" hiir of the fruit of his labors, (.ill of which d.monstratc the 6ndoubtcd superiority clod ponnlerity of his teaching) Prof. Lofsc'te sArt o. Dower k ire. tt:ng is rerognizerf today h both Aemispberes as marking an Epoch in Slemory Oulturd ills Prospectus csr, it paNt• free) gives opinions of people in all parts of the globe wi .4 have net - natty studied his System by correspondea' showing th4.t• his S' its�n is weed ararmel4Wily(' bCt 14U + 'r'lled, not a f terirhrr„•rt that any boboaranWily('i na sinal$. xeal i list. non(dj wander ren ri• red, Sc. For Prospectus, Terris and -Testimonials address *ref. A. LOisTTE, 237 Fifth Avenue, NA( -- A„ ..,4..1 ig Value_ 1n Teas 0Oc, tea," blacker ween, • for • : - •4• 5c. 25 f. ca; 3 gurids of sod*. Its for 22 1eerits. . e - avte . p 'l c',e,s are .cash only,.. ALEXI, Mo11117113 44. ••• a. Sold by $tri • DAs8;.ilttoknow. 1 r• Tho above reward 'v crupulous dealets selli'n i� 'ei i t qf 'calling them • fe Una' oaltt -in. a_ .. ,,..,, ., a .,,,,.. ,,,..,.. .„ , .,,, . ,,. inect 4y, cOdll. ro8.,, ,,,,, .! T: . ., • ,.. • .4, .1. '4.3''' etti. Iitickno* • • .44