HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-02-21, Page 4• ; tr Th 'LucknoW Sentirte4 BrucetOototty, Friday, Febriotry 2Ist, --- The iceman' • • eily,NapT fry, - He tii 8Xpentilture. The- inmates of tve large asylums for %he insane, of the deaf and dumb institutes and various similar institutions. had their wants supplied out of this fund, which rovided as well for the oost Of' Main- taining the en more beneficial and satisfactory re- sults are shown for the half -million dollars spent in assisting the cause of public education. The money appro- priated by the Government for this purpose forms the nucleus of a fund which 'is used in placing within the reach of every child in the Province the means of maturing an education .such es will fit it for the -ordinary bars- - 4••e. _Tut kr the ME LIBERTY TOJITTER POLO TO A.ItG1411 ' FREELY ACCORDING TO THE, 'DICTA.Tt5 OF CONSCIENCE WE •PRIZE AllOVIC ALL • OTHEWLIBERTIES. • ' tucktoior Wobruary 23..st /890 THE BARLEY CROP. rff. Barley gram that yields well, d as a corse rie;C'e would be much 111,41.444,14,1, • ,....more -genera ,y *town • tainafor it were %ore rentmeriatiye._ • this •count T it has not •tlivast eeiAd' ati'd;uCh attstitio4.4ss 'Other • , . ; •,- grains, but in other Outs of the Prov - ice ' it is sowi:Lquito lilo1'k6.: , We • . . •rrantice trim a government report just ' -• '' %. published, that in the year 1888 'the •-•?•barley crop for the.:wilole Province is -- — •; --- tat twenty.theipnilliang gf._ . shela, , - - •-• -*' ;rip average increasdaover the f seeding, of three millioti: br 41e . oa,lity of Canadian barley ,beinig• gcn- . erally good, it , as heretofere forind lik's: .r.ead'y sal n the markets of `the Un- ' 4,t,44•SO :tes, the revenae, to the faiVers country for' the last eliven • ,,***Rf 2 ft, .• comfort. of the ,unfortunates, and in .: • 'assisting in the wokof prep.;ring our boys and 'girls, for the duties which will devolve4on them, the Govern - 1330f efiChis Province displays a wise Is epected very shortly. and you lnay possibly find it necessary to replenish your Our stock is still well assorted ijithe following lines : UND., itetiOTELING, HOSIERY, GILOVES OVER COATS, FUR COATS & JACKETS, ageruent." coupled with careful man- ,. • • a • eats averaging annually aver six mil- _ • _ 1101i1, dollars. • The barley'lhus eiport 7 •• raaas einployed in the ' manufacture of her, but as other ingredients • 44),' 4f' „.• ; .,:iice an g aces° a. . ` ••`••'''''''' the production, •ethis beveritge Ilja. ODUsilemptim of %IOU* .4:7,nliu-ialli ' 11 YY -1"61.1-. li ed ••ainti ‘11‘e marliiii ',alo-r the (.... , esS Et e , ,..4, • ,., „1. Canadian article.' practically closed. . •,-.,• :, - If theh,qie.,,priCe ef barley is to be ,:. '''• ,,, maintained it -wiilibe •abablutely uecei-, :will a •:. A SURE-Gil/01E •row gas. CONSTIPATION, 10716DIEZINESS. SICK owe wfrotl: 4tai ow A N. A • to- woman 'tiltaitisemy AND C ANN- OINT1T4ATE 41,01DISCASCS. or 'flit LR *110 BOWELS. ,413Mosoyesi AND PROMPT FORM A vALuAnkc AID 001:*'•r I1TER sil TN! e C 14RONIC S. • • '• •Nka. • ,eatary to fihd otbpr outlets for our •Sura- '•p1us crop, -and the only other article ao• *hick -requires more ' barley than it produces is (3yAbat Britain. The aver- tiimportaieaa—,,1---birley into the •,•?;•-• •4”‘ United Kirip,docn,for .thia 1,et- ten or • • 28th, a 'quantity •of arm stock and:in]- eleven arears,-Yb -thre"''' . tom. cote p s, the of T. J Etter -art. .. . t ' '/. •"' • **, ' * a '1,- tillion busheand y '''' . it i.. il4t.lot 6, con;,9, Kinloss,acin Yon- - • , ' ''''' reached as kilar• ear' : 4.4.••(:' high as fourttalino million driirVitarch 3rd, a quantity of:farm ......=•;174,; '• '‘•• bushels. Most of this vIras six ro'$ed stookautl'implements, the property ,of , . ,stoCkiita lrnple das W. Brown: 414 ART IONIER Iwo Pr' • • ! ekiwing sales' on the d'a (14 dates : •inloss, on Tues- ualitity of farm the property of Inc • • .4.141,..14-ATITrgrarrauarm.41144.114....1.1.11 CARDIGANS, GAM OVERSH CAMERON, -MURDOCH. & 000 LUCKNOW & LOCTIALISII fileasoulkommormailorkomminormimpeseleNS * and as Six rowed .4:04tifour:. ,,*ooini.sorti... • r • batley • Swett barley is •, looked riPoitfir‘ *64 t edit .12; Cultriss, on iec1 , -elnd as loeing..ofinfclior•cLursii%.tre arch 4c , a quantity of farm '4 Agit; ... '; . •.!for. distilling and grinding purposes. - tlotyalI.Oon:,•1 Kinloss, on Wed- . , • it• was used ortmalfiag, bfirt 0111y alemen!'s4 tt.h° Profj'TtY 41,„ a ' d• ay, eb. 26th, 'farm ' - Tao rowed bailey thr'e . • vorite '1 fraa k and implements, the property ,of • • • • 'England and .recent,-.1xperiments in • •es Wood. Canada•have. establiOd 'th fact that orderi left at Alx. Ross's bar" ., '' 'this -tWvo .rowed EngliSh farrier will •"loss shop Will be prOM.ptly attended to. ipFe -per„acre than either the • lour ro • 1,1". _ )/t41 .1.41rip,W riatrouReit% • tri); vied v ti into Cianadt,..": or six rowed: • A.' •• • . ln Donoirrien „ eminent have placem , • Ostatit ithte -item of 8-4i045,1. .41 1r hiOtii to be ,e1(peniled in tlia:,pitr- .ehase of Enalish barley: This seed is, • ,• ea' • not tobe given a*ay, but will be ftirri-:7 • •- '"' • ished to farmersat the bare Cost of o• • ..'production. Seeing that the United : •''•oStati's market is practically closed to •us, and :that in Great Britain there is • ., a good and increasing demand for- the , •' two rowed variety, Canadian Lamers •,• , .. e • Weaild. do Weil ,toprovitte''theniselirei; A ' .. .. . , with a Small quantity of the seed • : • 41/4. • . which the governmeot proposes to ;.• ".1./. • *•-•Adotroduce.• The experiment,' if. it.• .J.0* he w termed, could hardly have 1.4 ' :other thirn the'ruost happy results. • , . / e , . ,. , 1.,i,13 • ** , ,.., (14SLATURE. J , • ' i ''' •;•-,-',.4., . 4:: • 1. :1, 1. • •t it, ; " gilftWi • • •1.". ;IP 4 ' open: 1.`'.1 4 4 ' dentlenseec ,., Ak. .' v.. _N .:. t .. 110itir erring t;r:'.0,a.,. • ,' , to the kinta.fig, overa I i t t r k has this .,••40••••'•i- . • , ,•yr, ,,,• , , ...r...;0,•,, ... 0 y •,, its ,sehool system ond the, of . . • .• ' '''• ii ''''.•‘:, ',-- ,'. rigiiriii,aite.4"its public itiatitations 1 • %V ::, A • ' IowatiVand hilli .4011eafzileE 'can . 4 t • ; - ''', Ifniigriule,te tlieiffielies on ,tlie retneh• . % ..a,„ . .•.: 0 which they have -to show for the two -• •: a ,: 2,11,;••.•.,::•• ,, la t,4• . r • rineipat Items illy their last, yerv's ..... y...•'.,,,, - ,....., ntliture education and -the main- % . 1 • •-', • , 0 ' ' ?* ' 4 , . • -14 , •. • E..KEY19"tlEALTH,' A -• • p !,; ICES . • . Our prices are down this weett, You can get a OVE 00 1$4.50 T. ir'14 ' 4;. 0'6:*". ' ''' ;1:- ' • AND IF "g"011 WANT A BARGATINT IN A-,.----- M. „St : , • ,...,. . -4.- •••• • MI CL FUR CP, MUFF OR ANYTHING IN " ° ., (1) - .-- , - ,, ' 0 THAT LINE, GIVE US A CALL ...1 . , • wimp' AfatE 0 0 1•T _L\T DD. VP) ,••••1 1"4 0'14: .4V.ti , '111Owe1s, Kidneys- 'ilverMier:oartof eye_ !althea c . ingeff,gradually itI oaening the system, an -the Et and. foul •• humorsof the sooretionS; at thp tatinO time COrrecting Acidity of the Stomach,,; miring Jliliouriness, Dys.1 pepsin,• lieadriehes, Dizziness, • isseirtbturn, Conat1DatiOi, Dryness of M6'131614 Dropsy', Dimness. of 4auni;lice, Sat OheuEn, •• the Heart, Nervbusnese, and Oen!. • 'eral Debility; all these aid,. man* other. 'Similar Complaints yield to ths happy • inftuenee of BUTLDOCAF • .i.P.W0D-BITVEREI. • - ZaLBUEN. A co., ?roteeteiri. unlit.. AGENTS 'WANTIED FONThILL NENSENIEi. - • , LARGEST IN CAtilAik. WANT RELIABLE, ENEROET V I' men to sell our nursery _stock •previ rai. experience not necessary ; any ,vditytacisitud energy tan succeed ; terms lib. eralteither salar7. or commission._ 'Ouyititirti,:. Our 'swats '1*.J:ve sy 'ad.vaiiiages., suh home erowel,hatcls. Canadian .stock. Choice flewipecialtie, which are of villue, and whViii can ity .he..secitred froth nip, such a t con.a. plete, list of IW iturUilAS APPLES, 'the 'BITSON4: rEA14 OMB 1&L1y nt HILBOHN 12.CaBBERBY, • mooEtt's• sum' and BLACK CHAMPION CpIIANr It§i011g'gi DTASfONbetc' . etc. We have given partaittlar7atfy-,iirtiotr.to.the propagation' utilrdir NI•vletilis.."rsilit,ahie to the NoJtliern pe'atunzeof-•C auitlisf. For terms applyto _ **: • STONE JiWELLINGYON.. • • 025 .840kv, TORONTO, ONT.. , f • r4' tennee otifullie 2institutiqn. There • is no better speet money thin the !1, • • illinibfet,ed„ta andkitiaed"..ticv: • 41 • • • 41 • • *. • • ft4. i• St itutipn t Sive rttle con44 .••er.,of the , AM/ er of utiforarratea 1 WS I LABGEST STOCK OF, -",— •SS -OUT —.ver shown in Luchnow,. conatinatef ° LEADER° 11—ADELPH IA dLANOti Vi LE 0:;„ - AND 4ca' Pe ALSO SAW HANDLES, BUCK PAWS, AXE AND AE HANDLES and a ti.111.ine-of all kin d' of hardware. • s; f7.) 'V • ' 4 •• • ' • Arosa. 'cdrorb war vidad • Or ;:,./.. 4LYTH —W1Lt E1 HELD IN --- For the sale of %Tomes, Oattle, etc., on DESAY, .MAItOli., 411E, e. ,,. ,• ...' Auction sales conducted free of4harge the above date. .. • ,., ' 1 • ,, A, ET..;D•...R, Sec -T. p.trArivrettc,pr„ti.,,,, ,Ii‘iIIII . . 83%, )04 DESTROYS AND nr,„ wonms F Akt‘t. 13•S OH WAREN OR Ati).1111Vb WEETtd, SYRUP AND ANNOT*HAM, THE: MT cLueAv ttt'op n..c3 r_.-cro]KiNTow WANTED.. ' 71101-E N TO TAKE ORDERS FOR Mg- sery stock, on sal pry or commission. I can make a successful SALS1ITAN of atiy who will work and follow my instructi4o. Will furnish handsome outfit free and pay your sslary,r commission every week, Wri. • for terms at one. E. O. GIRO UX,' ...154s • '4.- .Nurfierytri,n,RocIpzeter •)( liN N 1) FOR OtTR Y,501gPLET'El S E. ," • 1010..)e ItunsEnr sroor. ALL ILL1 4^-fib,:e . AO" afirl fast selling' npeoialtiei. 11"ligtOtfitioisa paying positions to Workers. My elkpetience in the business enables rne to edial advantages to bginitets. 1 can • NIA s, successful snifkiynen ots aortic, *A? wilfoll6W my instruetion. Permanent em.. •40,151 YiNent. Wages paid each week. Obtfit free Aim once and secure choice Of territory. EDWARI.(141SELL, • Nurseryman "iv `.Roche 4 3-8111 •MENTION TIIIS ';104 "lb • 00, lemleititiletkesiONLIIMMO.64.7090 01\1132... •—,ANTNO DONE BITSINSS 1 [1)'CANA i .9 it. Tki 11 PA ST 30 114 ourOliitali4m aril responsihiliv is weli known 4 we pay salary aml axpentss irom the Start rT everYthing is satisfactory. IN; Ao tkre v WI is ex • .r perience is refitredW , ii4t. y fr • term. whick-oe verY 1aber.1,.. betur oguging_.. with any other firm, . . , 11.14ZERE'NCES — Tirarlstret's or *ttur3. • WIT,Villi . tilt • ( VS ..(.)11) triorcei.a. Aeneis!q, • •wAll•••• . - • • : • •• known' to • 'busines Men; Or .•itanilard Bank, Colborne, Ont. • •. . • CHASE 3010THER' COMPANY. I 6nos- 1V1.1.4SE.111' .g EN, Colborne, Ont .. 41 FOR SALE OWPEPIT% •11 Ok (0(v t. '410, BEZZ4G- •• ' • II)" lot SO, cot). frm1 thostlt • seedea 'tit:4 WM • .A.Mie faiL wheat in ground,. Fair ' 14A1ing,/ and.feri4es. Possoseion •given Immediately. PI Wr fisher partieuhits apply to a -an WI. ISIoALLISTE.R, Oot. e . ,• '',