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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-02-21, Page 2
( ,' .D.... .: ... ..., l .. • r i ,ur ,r ',3 . -l', ,. .h P a. A.: -:Y. i r,'S+"rl-Y`y __- +w?--. ..Kinn .. -...-__....� .. w-. . �c _ ...-.k .w .._-. ,.. _wr+'..'w.-.w.m........ - I ' . - ' 4 kI. 4- . 1�" i _ - I d o ice° I I , 10h - , . A � I e r i", . • `' - M c : Wilt . . .M 8d n b4 r`�:"1 ___ .. ....... .... ..... .... _.r_ • v "1 reapi � p �a xx.�Qi.�i QRL* u^Ei'1sfi$Dc43�7i3'a: Trw PS(.fL1C C. �sli �r� fG1(DliuT1-A .x"11'. til, ., dkl��!IX OBA Nlt+'WS. EleiG4Lix3B1 7R1�NDENOI<1B� . _ lf,tt►i11 _ _I ... a Auer- ,A, Train it[tne into ap a' Monnts►iu-•T'he Riesult of th�>€n�erttlasrRtgtalutoRixe ontario The French members in the Legisla- A L�inplr�yed by the A mealeau Press sts� e x �� 01Pe,A $wltob. Sseaak ltpaibeszlenae>dt. tune met and demanded that all doouniento People. .* Bst o yolk' �s ayfD �r sgndan syn : A Connelloville, Pa., deepatob of Sunday There was a large attendance of a Bots relating to the Legislature be printed in La Presse ae�ya : "The Eu�ld- teav4y _' 11- IVilla i elan bl8 ; 1 tt in the Aber' sass : The through me�il train from Baltic• .toad at the Toronto Mice Court yesterday French• Cies in all olassee of eaciety and in avel+y t 4, .-` your 11 t Saodin pt lta more, on ° the Baltimore & Ohio Railway, forenoon when the Magistrate resumed the A4r E. C,1: Canklisr, is gazetted, aIexk of branch of 'sgoial iiia in the united' States t .. ' $ ,pin ran ilito a mountain, of snow three miles inquiry into the fear charge .,pf e#yibez?la. the i'eg}sla vs,Assembly. is frequently remarked It has been 're - 4 ;� ,u t ,.> t o explosion U : 1!(1cGaglt ' he 1�¢�, t' ?t° -, .1 "r•*t '•-e_�tlt _ tz � ^ ,�T-sem ";., g #.art.1D JD 'ase8'Z°,e'w:,a Ft<ida evelu- what ngainstl't}_1. Godwin and embezzle mat b er_ior t 'b.. Hat esti. a lig iPff+,1es0..gi-gs,a- eek y }- u - <�� via - - _ the onl one oat A ih vc'�ta�tr.=rra� iiiii JRZI � , -t hi d " "itu sic that h ted 1. ,, ,. : , was tilefdd Ed enc oxaed late►.the its. ^ '!a.. x ?o tv--'.'�� , - �� -- �. e rr lz t ' tt iia n e flap deniea,tl#e riimot of there bein a corner in >7 exhibited' English re- n ;; ,x 4 x.;:.- - M, ,:: kn" Ya"I N& 1e iso t"► n'�1'baggags eat went aver the bank fact. , There appeared for the pxoedoation g Hin 'Cora which exhi p' sr.r. Manitoba wheat. dti z �a ?r� xlr cur i,rrtFv�exr z"1rt sr. P ped ,clad exploded. Therd musti> a into ihrivEn locker making o h followed owed Pitts- MUk helsolic tar for he liaMnk,n and T_he Speech tromthe�."6ronewas acloPlQd Britain and Portugal. This partiality14, rt'r treat quantity tri gas, as the eaplo- balf way. g e_ _.�__y Everhment the Legislature this afternoon by �5 to reproduced op every occasion that ,Eng- ;;? tt pu had tremendqus ftiroe. It was heard- burg, was. badly wed, but not fatally Crown Attorney Bndgerow, �x.v N. G. bn# n �,�, , �„ votes. Messrs. Campbell And Fisher, fish interests are at stake in an inter - t 'd #tae o s Ii '1q, Ate t?*g trQs iuu - t' ?�Y� F'*� =� N His �.:. e+.a� stfsGatnea ' i3igesaw represented Godwin, and « 1, euppartara, esplaine that uatibnal difficulty. It is explainable by the ` • �d ahiaxt" ivas thrown intotheair as if from a terrible scalp wound,,.bet *pill recover. Mc,ffatt was defended by Mr. William La1d- i �" % patfiot +ia 4oicano,andsimultaneously Baggagemsetex -wasp Inglta, of Pittabr rg, y w p -' Ehep o4«ea as a matter of form, and did- common race, cowmen language, a certain law, Li:C. A.ld. Eludes ea caeca: in kna ,.., ._ 14:'?f4lw bright voltage of arms shot upward, was earned by the Cat stove: Tile only interest of Harry Brawn:w The bank not ze$ard tl;eir vale as committing them situilarity of morals, and a striking oon- p to the pulley of the .6rovernment an any form' of sentiment. in philoaophio _and -. ' ;to�lotv�l by,. dopes, heavy column of passenger refaced woo„ e#ghnincfsay, of aledgers and journals- ponderous tomes ...- "* 166 e. 4lenwuod, master aarpenjex of t'be road, they were and not very light 'reading- gQestion$ ,•outlined in the speech. Mx. religious inattG-ra. I;nt it ie not only iii the . #iKst •party''riP sassaaexs organized He feu heavily over +he �eatS;^injuring were scattered shoat the Court House. A Prendergast moved in amendment to the the press and society that English scall- eag4red to aixdtxate the pit through himiseli internally: IC%+ will probably not whale waggah load of thein bad been speech that the abolition of Separate meat ld made felt: A n e'iamiaaticn of p p g . brought there before proceedings began Schools was an iafrin t-ot the con, the composition of the Congress .at Wash- •• t ld wrAriL tigB. •Thep Sts ar enough to be r�povetl p g g talion and a gross in' aticetothe iparity, ington shows the l;ngliah elemoet in e tilbl ul-see gx-.yrtps of the dead, but`tfiey A mal{iii o e deepatoh Saye . An' aaoidasit Bully looked peonliar -not quite ..sc and than the cat liahment of urel ' �pogl} 'i pt; i acth diem rtaud were nom elled #' reported a' the Chte$ ake & Ottio Rail•• debommir a9 of .yore -with swollen cheek P large paapar�i�o , is England in the twp-ip seoClar school syat in woes aanttsr to the two mzmbere born in England and two ill twll�p:t fiyilsd _ ��qa# 'poitiwmee of road at the Big PEn tunzteli, between Hin , and ulcerated, jaw. Sometimes sitting, 'spirit and oonvi tion _ - - - - - t �w�.«..X. ' =--- = -1. Saotoh, five were born In l ,�, a , i six di'reb n: U n ton and ]Lowell, W. Va B.' freight train= ornetimea standing, he watched the case e alRo�3' of tt ei`i n of whiff sysa app€ec.chib9 •a: Signal etalion -closely, now cOnsullia ve' Siiic4`!► ,-'remier Greenway said the end,nients `C Canada, ane iS froth the Iola of Man. N,;. ;r� went ltin ran +iriio a switch wino n 'S; w ora a xeoog- a Government ptended to There are nineteen members of Congross, �.Y • BSam�ed that the :s ratt;anci:lleWh a acerio, o! 0•,.otita'a• aYt3 a engineer oauld reverse razed among the Spectators. . , establish a purely seonlareohaola system, fifteen Representatives ,* P Y Y four Se Stora end • #xo he.' TIO, as�ed a' large tmlaoi>bre a englx►e it had Crashed into the signal The first "oharge against D�affatt was p' alt . t , that aesnmptdon was wrong, as the Govern. born in the British - Einpice, and the hou B and naked it into the riper, anal felly reported in last evening's Truffle• It ., tniner8 yetifflve��idr>ali�'bi►dly bittlred, , - p nient intended to provide certain religions greater part went to the Statue sufficiepntly l O . and t'h'ey brought ant sixty dead '�oia(ise, filen plunged in after it. The- tender fol• was that he "had altered an entry in the exero. for use in schools. advanced in years to keep their native T,r nearlywdlfo,�.tti}sty that the reodgia�ou lowed the engine. In the station was a ledges of the bank from $7,505.4Y to $7,- The amendments Sure lost on the same ideas and sy mfathies. It is undoubted .'of theiatic}er4tlt ia• impossible. The latest telegraph operator. He,. tbo engineer and ?55.41 with intent to defraud. The Magic division as given above, " "as were t loo the same thing In the greater part of the ' r. ' ,Miriimate oi,the dead is 150. he fireman were carried into the river rind trate considered' a•primafacie case had been ' �w -A latex despatch-9tMes that �1,JO Wies drowned. The fieigh$ care were- piled, up wade out and oommited hon for trial. amendments regretting that the proposed, sten population. axe Zed in is a latent force con- social changes wars not more felly outlined in the etantl exercised in public lifo and in social � ]We +seen reoavereew4f V. • ' ` ' all cyclic the track. The neat, oharge taken no against s eeoh, and that no reference was made habits P R r�8.30 p,m.-One Sllptldred '11.' fifty=flue _ - .____. Moffatt was that of having on the 10th relative to'a readjustment of: tabs feud titles .► - +iieii have been taken from=e, t a Medical aha Dramatic Notes. 3u}y f�loniouely entered in the bank ledger,.. l _ . ' r .. t �+:; the suii of• $'14;352.64;`ftf"Eda `of_^tile teff© m districts wliicsh were unsatisfactory to Who Can hest be.spared ?' 4C.,&ravychaia. r heridart ami Flynn; "t>zeLL"t4�itiipre"of .the. eo le._ Mr: Roblin abstained :from 1-__'�-"`X:: "" "=T � �� '� ` *to.q�lzn°�Went McGinty." 6a a joined Ts^fit amonnt, $14,602-64, with intent3o defra ' �,otin p Young men, this is the first question >era3t growers and Da ti Mr. Branshaw,. a, clerk in the Montreal g• � our -. m la era a -k themselves when basi- B`r�e'italoz'etCampany. , ,A' Bank, Stated %bat, when he was actin as The wafe of Superintendent NibloCk, of Y P Y `' The Dominion Convention°Af'ritdtGxoWf ." g nese becomes Black, and when it is thought F t ii"ie '�PanvO,nt hoe a. new p,ay far y p g the C.P.R., died suddenly at Medicine Hat necearar to eoouomize in the matter of , " ere will be field in the, City Hall,•.Qttdw,i, ,,, teller on the 10th Jul hs made n a en- heat=eeepetra ,', .;.iramatization .of one of this morning of heart disease. Y E`r+' ' an Wednesday, Thursda and Finds , 191h, oral statement of a parcel oointaininb $14,- , salaries. " Who can best be eared ?" y Y y George 13Yiat• i.vale. 602.64, payable on the Ontario Bank. ,This two prisoners escaped from Stoney ,, • - 20th end 21st February, 1890. Papers,wilt P Y the barnacles, the shirks, the ma eahiftS, Floreacb :. JOtin'a` Sala la said to ba amount oonaiated artil of each and artl Mountain Penitentiary this morning. T r;, � ire Contributed by delegates and others r, P Y P Y ,aathohties refuse to give names. � somebudy'e protegee, eomebudy'S nephews, X ,. ;from' infario, Quebec„ lgova Scotia, New 94 o a; Lonnen e, $250; and of #t�oteS. He produced the entry of this in In the Legislature this afternoon Thomas- and especial y eomtbudy a goad•for- . s t,.., :$ittnsvaiok, Prince Edivjtltd Island, British ,a4, 4 .. oke teller's balance bcok. He claimed to nothing. Young men, lease remember ' kxi4ty nothing farther in oonneotion with Norgnay, the newly elected member for g g P __ -• Clolumbia, Manitoba,,aud.*K.►rthwes Ter. �' �/ h - e Lomposed a new'Song, . Kildonan, took his seat. _ _that thgae are-aat�haanas-who-are--c&lldd----, 14 r #itory. Among the Suble�o`� to die nsaed erititl. y Bat a Cbsnce and thst,tranSao6ian that day. fur when responsible positions are to be ' - 3"fx: COY-sxarnine wi re ar to this 1 e anito a Legislature yesterday, P P vill be transpQr�icn.i_oL4_rwta• ichin - ell-�uhow '�M ©f:'- g filled- Would you like to au clue >? postponed consideration of, the bill regard- g y 3, j oharge, said that on the 10th of July de• own future for osition of Prominence ? ;. "tltkAetEa e p eeS fruit end - ail%v4 ne afarnfre�Lete e'in�' 23o j ha' `spa en he Qoeit slip produced from the: Bank of 111ont- ing the abolition of the ofliasal ase of the Woal ou tike to know rho obabiliti _ �' ;', .. Y . gWr., - dI ; real passed through hiebande. The entr Fregah language at the request of the o Y P ttinguS disease and Blight a sm411 #tune An cora in N ' k ui i##g. hav- p g Y' 1± re%ch members. The bill will be taken Your gsttiug . bank a position ? Ingap e , . 1 their comzneroial varlue • the. cora of _ 96250, in red ink, was in hie figures. That within S What are you doing to make xl. • n M1 - -been'* signified that something was taken off that ug-ftret thing on Monday. n an now ' . ' apple 1weliards of �"Unti�trid, neb.p ands a mit ' -bebn re- was not aorraat. n�* *� •tom *t,ia siedm41 Y Nova Scotia; relatlop. of inseo#s too ire �- 3c Wouldn't Look Nice, occupy ? If you are doing with your might .11 are•.,©--pxofitn, on, a,passed it •through to the bank ' eulliire- e��r�rt._ai-enter' n i� " f the " deb" Vance was holding forth in one what your hands find to do, the chances :fait' o ledger -keeper, who on that ,day was Mr. are leu to one that on soon become so r& bank uti; Wlag. surplus fruit 3tro• .Tt tra9L b of -the cloak, -rooms of the Senate the other �+_ Frenol}` Y Moffatt Moff%tt entered it in the bank valuable in that position that you cannot 1. 1 . , eluate; rorunning, evaporating; injnriaus in- the rim ' k� hem• In fed er 14 352 64, taYtd in the bank see- day on the evirs of intempErance, writes a y. . soots i ftictmii g'fruits; remedies to prevent * g $ p e e area from i6 ; and then singular to F� lratiages ; ptcfitable forest plantirpg ;oda nhppex r„ oript accom- boo 514,602.64 NWfuess had entered in yVaebington correspondent of the Naw P g. P `.- " York Tribune. Ido not know whether he relate, will be the very time when you will cation of Rtiseian• fruits to Caned' ggnie�" o hie.oasbi:boak $14,35:64. With reierenoe be sought out for remotion fora batter r"'. ' English stage to the $250, he Could iiot say whet became intended to "point a mora} and adorn a K P regairementa, et0., oto. tale, or whether be expected that the seed, place. The &i!edical Record. The Conventiofi` of the Dominion Dai < e part in panto- `of it., Something that was h*iaded re. P .. - �' » • . in the cora an in which he was in, ahonld -' ' c . 03 A,seaai - 13ii: will be :held at Ottsw mime. in t e-ct1 careers. Irving, presented the $250, but he could not state P y up and about with a Broken Neeic. ' . t ": a dalf Kevin been what it was. In carnia aver rhe three . fall on. fruitful ground. Whatever his . sat+l8tlxtcnd•191h 1�`ebrnary. A faint moot- 'Miss Ter, e , 1 the stars of clips relating to this transaotioi"i, be Saw motive in telling the following, little Story, The physicians of the Pennsylvania Has- g seen «• t,. I emit, for CbvionS reasons of delicacy, all pilaf are interested in what they consider ' iitt� will' 'held an the eveliin of, Wednea- 1 , ,. • day,'t>1e 39th; for the discussion of subjeets EnIisli coraco oplaaque 4have that they�,wexe not ticked off. mention of names. Said the calci Sena- the most remarkable case, in loan arci- devoted their talon ' By fdr. -Laidlaw-The Ontario Bank on g y. P • id interest to both.' ' • for from North . Carolina t' There oulare, that has ever come under their con- I 3 a St. Louis the 31ei; of December 1e Or with $500. 4^ coach lir ��tee�oxe. reports eIIconcernri>S`gF Nat'ian of, p in addition to ,t`he amoani brought• over was a camp meetint; held- last year in the sideration. In Aagnst last Mrs. Marg ' ' �•''4 from H tt oL. Molatreal. immediate neighborhood-. of my home in Donahue fell from a tre�at4 list. re.sidence-- --- , , The Canadian'Cosdh Hprser, met ballet : "B lookia �+�n'a he►r!d"1 g- ,hc,--�na ootal�e iu �► din ton. She was nota areatl s#Londort Wednesda .eit�lei~eiioi ca�ed 'oa at once t6lietber `the is a .fit au_ • agisirat -When ,V_ov_credit-"th CharlOUe.---�anen ny - g PP y " '' y v „ l cake 0, does the move appear 'People prgsent was ' Aunt Nina,' who was injured by the shock, and when she, - ,, ; tilt► callowiiag affioe��-t9s;tT.F. ��1- ecr`f� O�asiness �Pe have .had w .+�� + y �p noted for the length and breadth a! her recovered 'consciousness went about her r- -,.Mon, Poria; Viae•PKesident, Joha&iQilibS. n en ea science In t�iie matter allover _LWY qq P prayers, in which, she never failed to make work. Oaaasionehlly her head would drop I,oridon Tl'easnrer, D. Fiflli{tr,�s derlbh; 11ti[t Cotiintt ,and haus found that a hand iR ' ; 'Witnee sa,! i! there has oaeh come . , Y mention of her old master, who was much forward,' and soon ebe suffered intense s from , t ' 'If there were cash it iven to drink: On this artionlar cess- in. After sic weeks she was removed to $gtprttary, :Tames Mitoheil, �}odekloh (re--indfaative of the contour of a girl would o the hands of one of the g, p elucted . - Directors- George Charlton,' p�tj�gne. It ,her fingers ire. long Add g -,� Sion, after having disposed of all the rest of the hospital, ;where it was , found that her Dancrieff;. J. C. Smith, Now -Hamburg; toposing "her limbs are correa ondin telle>ia ..,, , g P P P t lo, ad' ohs a of the cash creation, she'became more than usually `neck :peas broken. The spinal column had <" John Aikenhead, Goderich ; - J. WI Robina= weAfwmed.: Should, bei hand be Short' fervent in her cal in' his behalf, re escaped injury, physicians son, 6t. Mary's; ` Andrew A. Young. ��I .11 y apt'. 1`- e. p A. Montreal on the, lUth a Sting as a app but the h Siaians have . ♦r 'and ahnbb the limbs will be a t m be toe low; John Cnzen Exeter; S. W. Te�1b etr.►nt.. r �. • �,. �,i} �iaat there was an entry in q 4 pecirol favor ,that he be been unable to reset the broken bones and ' ' "� ,: o ', fin froln the, pass book. in Saved from a drunkard's - grave, at least,' the woman .will be obliged to,wear 'an iron Kingsmill; W. C.' "Blown,, Meadowvaie'•' ; � �,, 7, and accompanied the re nest with this frame e, - 1}lC..IF« ffisxah, Richmond l3iil.eoative= WLai fell► tlToaei Wife Y ...'o� iib$ er writing, and the iwa did'not P q 11 her life o hold her in an : ° `" . `l pew .Moffatt and was well- .irresistible appeal : ' Oh Lord, hope would upright, position. , Ckitaimittee---Messrs. Fisher, Essery And- &. .his handwriting, alas Wali , „ . 1l;itkenhead. `I ba foilowiiag stariaard of A mode! wile is the wom6n in wiom t . • it look ! him in hell, with ills bald head, . 11the libelrt of .flee husband doth . aately L.d never seen him write: and drunk at that i ( unfortunate Mirtake. .registration waa'adoPtett: ' rtrust. , . ' .. e. cted teat on -this day -be r " I wish to say to the congregation," said Every nnimiii offei'�t for ieQistrat.oir eliail She is the woman Wh0`" looks niter his A'ltlecgease in the English Army, o leave at least one crony of eitbeir imported'Eng- Iii es ,s to the credits to be the-miniater, " that the pulpit is not ro. • �l. flail coach or ileus and bay. and one o! .tlior- household, ,and makes iher hospitality 'a h9r. , England ., probably is the only great l r g. .. _ sponsible for the erior of the printer on the ongLbred bio, d, or two crosses o.;, 11, English coach delight to him; and null *:;burden. tt .de _osed .that on the Power which .can paint. to a decrease in the - }-.¢ P tickets for the concert in the Sunday or Cleveisnd bay,ar one cross each of English who has leMtrne)d.ihat i!a Soft answer Wily - ad three slips s from Ban total strength of its military establishment eoachand.Qlaval"dlasy 'turn awe wrath. ; " - ,�J... P k during the past twelve months. , The schoolroom. The concoct iS for the benefi# > y of kion reg packs es containing cash g p of the arch fund, not the arch fiend. We I 1.By re,la}ntion it was decided to hold the Whq?fee s lrtiixilweetest smiles and mos g Britiah-. rm is less numerous •b about 1. P aha ohegase,�;, checked off the amounts. 3' y will now •sing hymn 6, ' To err is human, ✓ ` ret mee6ici -Cueing thaweekof theWestern loving words for liar husband. . i6 d amount that he received he did not a thousa d men than it was a year ago. ti' lsirinLonrsnatidihelndiiatrialinToronto a ta,:forgivedivine. .New fork Sun. Who is Iiia confidant in sorrow or In fop, think fiapresented chs X250: •There were The •strength of the infantry has. de- 0 _ �. ..-r . - _�-_ � ;and' fiho does not•feel the necessity of ex- entries ton the bank's ledger Ked ttie'bank'0 or seed by half as much again, but, there ou .clic Lesert Aar, ' A ,baler's Avirldl Deed. ,plainfug her private affairs to the neighbor• ass books in Moffeat's haodwriting •relat• has been'a slight. increase in the artillery, ,, t: + - , ' A London. cable cf Thursday Bays : At it dt `f u �. In to the eap�t6 transaction .a'd the entries engineers and army service corps, while the Shall I play • yon this little Spanish Ing n fandango : she asked sweetly. , Exeter lost night a boy aged 13 •years wao , V ,respects the rights of husband and showed k diaoxepanop Q cavalry has remaliYed stationary, The 0 I' c be our ard6u," he said, turnip etw�nctd by a quarrel between his father s; and return has,due regard Haid The risonafr-Ness pow , i''ted for trial on total d'imination, however, is not Serious, # „ g y p g P 5" bat the foot is I don't understand sancld>lpther, ceased by jealot<slq. The man #o , _._ ;., >Chie charge; sn also anta'c urge of having and ilia something to know that'the Brit anio-h." ' finally his wife out of doora,knookod 1>g1i 'knbwe.that the strongest ai4gfaent on the3let:Jttly feloniotisly'entered }n the- iah army is stronger, than it was font' years . P pr .. hex down and then stabbed her to death is helttlat &anlinebs and atY"she cultivates it. bank. ;ledger tq, the credit of the bank the ago by 10,000 men. The number of troops _.,_Speaking of ,Scotaiiinen, Max O'Rell ` with a pocket knife. The boy,'.who who had, What ie.eympatbetic'm joy, •or' to grief, sulb $, h intent to deftaad. quartered in the British isles 'show an in- sit o Saud M&cdonalt# kon, surf ,per. �J ;4 oVB. Y y Y, .p ' followed his parent' ' t doors, ' Stood �tir ivho.fibds work for her band'® to coo. , crease of 4,000 over the strength recorded eaverin ehiveringin'biia night a9vvn >Yieesttwhils,alad i! attt�x'.this morning 'says : After in December, 1888 the xitish grin iii g,•hacd warkiiig and humorous. He Wi40 1} sfriendS and k cell. ' ' q . „ ,imploring iiia father tae are hiA mother's ` ' ` Mggi+i to benison had disposed : of .the y is as strong as granite, with a head *ell set p Wh6 19'not made bitter by utals,'bixt India 11aS been-redn'ced b UO iven owin on broad . fife., The father and, son returned to the who btreji tens and sweetens under it., r, ,irninor asses lin the Police Court yesterday to the cessation of hoattliliee in'Bnrmahg fh ,feet shoulders, iron muscles, and largo 'House, leaving the•bady of the deed woman Wha fries to conceal tine iatittn of'h,w 'he commenced • another.. case against , t}�t feet that move .caa> iun:ly; srrOog, • n►jFiolly"Moffatt. Itwae for forginga cable• there aide still abom 28,UQO men in Ireland frugal,.induatrious and io'be depeudeci ,on. in the road: Ths murderer thefn gave his husband rattler titan blazon.them torch to and the strength of the Egyptian garrison No man is so Sure of son same money lifter which he ant hie an uninterested public B� is -cypher, the meaning of which was : going to Yuxad:se and i• remains steady at about 4„ 900, including no man ra lees ea ' throat before the boy's eyes. 46 The Atlianoe Bank, Ld., London, deposit ger to set oat. He id the1. Y Y woman wltoae iiia -book, has love the force at Saakim. These fi�ares do not most raotieal oY men a man of actidn and' a - to credit Edward Gegg,' in City Bank, £82 P v/ritten tan every page. Ontario Banki� , i inolade the Indian armies or the colonial few words, who never lost his head even in r r A Patai mine Lrxplasion. . ,t s.• Who jnai;ea a }lor`,ae for amen -a home quilitia and if the were inohided t e A W}}kesbarre despatch 'o! Saturday... pix. Hogarth, of the G. N. W Telegraph' Y h love, and ho was the eiyew of the Brite h, p in•'a hoose rand in a heart. ,A hatch that ha ' British army on • paper would nr*-1b* m ire. w `aaropany, was the first witness .called: lis P " stays i, A.'u explosion of gas occurred. in the is a,ure of, a home that is fall at` lova lira -r quite So i significant. t a � I I .. ) , ll,I ,pridaced,tbe messy;go referred to, -and also p Tn1•; 6Tnk.'QGEir'5 tOCUMN. , East Boston mine near Luzerneborough on sided over by one whose prico..,io above • a oalale received from London; on. Aueuet, whenever rm roc ,ing chs papers i sec ,' . Friday night. John Me$eohnie, assistant .rubies. ' - 29th adllressed to, the Ontario Bau a ,,elle Politician., 1 ' Nearly alwai a mme name that a familiar to me, 11 ' ;bol► ,and hi6 bratllisr Qhi►rl `were badly- pile she odel..wife.--L,uiie+' .$orae Toronto,,,whioh iS reoei ted b W. R. Mof' I pray that in one year more I may fihd Some Old tine ucquainuttice of mine has bean .., rped, . Rudolph Reinkillg, David, Jones Journals'."I. fact and translated, mean9�'Payment to Some way, of eSoaping from. thin .dnblest Or a f iii it's namo is found i th m. Prynn wore ser}onaly injaxed by n e,,liat of rile PSnatinite ilia 'tire Capitcil. City $ank refnsedt Gegg' unknown." W. custom house, for it 1a a very grievous dead ; e Q ssign. It is thought the injuries thraldom• Ida detest ell offices -mall, at gut one tact Erocauliar I don't undoretand V � 1• gg H Smith, Manager of the Toronto Branch of tlie�teebnie brothers will prove fatal. A last night's Washington despatch •to least, that are half on a political tenure I've pioticed in ail of the papers I've. scanned, ,,• " .r ai ''the Onta[l0 Bilk, teatifledthat the P - + 1 look- ihrbngh tho "Wirths" wish a hope that's„ ` • a „the New York Bveninq Sara Sass a Start- telegram prodrzbedths handwriting of, aria )t want nothing to da with politiaianS forlorn, , •1131 EP& at, bs on' Roft ld a don -in- lung discovery was ,made tet 2.30 this niter; Then hearts with Awa add die ,Out . of . ,For no one but strangers a s Moffatt, and pradit w 'srdviap boon con- , y: n 3ilieax to "bo 'barn. , law, bas ' tipail $�Q,OUo lid; 'e Panama -moan in,the irotunda of the Cspitbl. Con- , their dice. Their aonsclences are titrned .-Ghicasro Rerata. . , iaiaing a memoran ioJ&%A.#ia'bandwlrit ng � - • •mdrriitag„ot k, - oe'alea in oxie' of the spittooi,s WAS iaoild a of Mcff est to Corral[ clerk retieatIn to ludic iNtbber, or to Some eubatanae as -All the,Presbyte;ian liberals w pt -i a. #____.. - lettexy. Qu fjie: an M. E ,bl4rew' hba li l++ts g _ k..,_., g i hb +� i small boa, about the circumference oP a black AS that and _which. wail. ate tch- Sts- -fair r' dectiqui','" -- wvWioD the eubstanoe of the ,lisbirtyXn.. Witness ...._ . ' ri600lYy .oboagh,,. � -der, ^sitver...do'1lsr, and._.an- .inch. think,.- .It weig; - • , - - ._ mncla. Oce thin if no more I have iiiied. , _ „I ---. F ;iohkew• 1o4pirRi plci5eri filled with a dull•looking, aanYpd'and, with pt`odaeed a Iet€er•boolt tiliowing a Cnpy of, h• m. custom houaa e7t science -to ktrosva -Count 'ihomab 0. Edison s chief. > +. the letter to the Ailianoe BanlC confirming 9 Y P assiStaut, 1rlri 1Jlennedp, is a Seotcbman. ;s _ JRW421a•bia&Wn, t�e'lare gloss wih0 acke a cap attached and sbmeibing that woe . the., cablegram whiah is in the handwrit- politician. It is a knowledge wbich- •no i „ lamp cauvo I�ip-explosim in the 1., tb • •apparently, designed far % fus*a. The box •in of Moffatt. previons thought or power of sympatby - Motoxneer is the name that the gg' eleatriaiatis favor foe` the m»n4who is driv ' ham s kr,•lj�et %tdrde Imil who w ' waa taken oharge of by the Capital police, S .r, Laidlaw objected sotod to the lett x could have taught sine, because the air mal, •� 1 g s or engineer of the electric cam. +' >lerione}arned _at rho mime, died this and the captain of the watch experimented put }n as evidence. or the machine, lratlier, its hat in natnre.- savenin�ir ;Vii ttiketitieight vibtime.'Dung. with &minute quantity of the contents .� 1D?Ia, Smith rodnced the o} bet code, in HawthoY-ne4 ,k ••, Tani brakemen carry chi it lives in #j tO>r W TA red brothers, ell of wiianl The results show, d that they consisted of hge between the Ontario and A !lance Banka, �,"? -� •r hands is demousirdted every .day, butA met t>wtv.doatho in a similar manner. esplasitesof a hirh-,,power. The design of and said the only .,persons aathocized to.use With,fall cti-em thedtinbl'SibtaaAtc�d whits only Ob TeAdih,„ the annual report of tbb• t -* depositing ilia box, bi, the rotunda is- yet a. the cads were 11fl.JTati and thf vaitnae It vest is in• gretut odemand'. The Meter}at buter•atate Commerce Coinmission..theit-. , ,- ..... •„• • :. •-•.-..-. • . ;, f3iy, ,pig>• were bn', the oat, find • ' the dfif& wstkted' t'o iit” ` for s Weeitre lnyatel+y' .__ wiia 111r,ffattlo psrtionlar duty to attppil to may be., 1."u., or;,, ratersd••oilk ar wixite 'themaRn'itndeof tltair Elaokhter is properly '" p��, y t , tinderatood. From tact re ort it to ltturdod ' •+' pafty. �r Oh, ,go ten," g wled a Ridge t*u ,Dutriov; � hitni" is ilia regia• Pique: x .e. p �k ire iL , 33ebiglone.3teedi .. the cable mesSa ser.' '" I' that cut Of ` a .testa► of 100,000 brakemen t ai+ebna., ridea•,...1r..yott've: of"' iw tlorunl terFB addreSd. Alzteticait e , ,141 +s...,:.,:_- 11 . ' Sbe--There io, a good deal of church � `tb be 1planteti •till,. em lb ed on chef garioas railways, of t11e i iocbw! ,» 6' , q matter in the paper to•dray, myl,dear. The epidenodTT'tbe Bank Manager teas variou 4ioinir p h ��aglt'8b ocaet, in tho p y; 4 'i'ho Eipf flail }angnage ,has bebn oho en H -o - 'es, there is a report' of Rector principlalip resptiatigg 'the btiaitiesa n'f life hop6A4ata*Ay'tflay be propagated fotr the Country the 1iv�es of ovox 2,000 ,of 811enn ;,, I ,,,, were eaaiideed chile its th" disobax of 1 X .•. 1oit use in rho reoordin of i►li orbt bank. The praseontion endeavored too 1°. KP 6 p .Adams Sermon, an account of thebreak.up show R t the X922 i'►ad ticst ben acaan, r - a their datj during the year, and ,pelf rd0 q treaty engagements between Itun>ua and of the Rev. Mr,• Ernest s festival and a long for. ; sea ts1S ut;u..iI ,�« .4. >i!A,`�ng b iy'i'inoesa-Sophie of Gre ee is of 20,000 of thaw injured. 4 batt � s �: • .. China. , z4 soconnt of the,. row at St, Adelbert's a Wilo 'prtchy too deep for langna e to ei( �e ldurg�,rian cymkttil�'. an paxhapo, mal be' gaii.ed of, tho �a� r no '- L Atter the railroad accit y. . �iisbancl Ctltirah4-w uQulo xprear�,k a rise' ll; 'left Kia wife find sig childr s,., `'h s mag that is a iso• tlt(3 rseellpation fry . t)io leebr off'"%i _ '' a elttrioal.ii;"1,iineeit l�dm tho wreak)=- — ►�- l? st it1.y ,p,:sas �; �'cnawn ta'th "iib: lirotlidrhuad of I;aiiroad B o3cj` s .1mily, ibnr k God, ori arasi�4cS Haavi nS S h w.ligcr-.EriipxEse a ' if scants Cr.r'va met gond circurnstiiiii;es. I�il . i�Itller x nttn Band. .. ,f x , ,m 4 rel 'r..l? silo. s that one In b3 of ilio IU,Ub� era 3: � •:.ii x'e Haile rawrf•ul ? ife� Dreadful 1 Hear 0 :'It, he�ihotographS a� a}1 the digitin- P p' xeasoxi huri�d iii Eben:, cer�le#RT.y,- on ,110 y �.: yawn xtte �?,. ? the poo* eo le roan ! Dears 2 Elan• Suis lishiYien�.• li+n...l�s cam r?d dor ,, f• 8 . Peo n ; e!e ifi killed yearly, and Dau in G0 itijtlrvIt A...: , I` hmn� -�s pi8 it, v f Ohiiia andhe Chinese Government has al doffs he cortei;o wtts followed. by tt y r#�+ dill at brig, e riiwri.ha� otiiy ono olpetu6oa in 47 of 1 i : , io ei Wit, 9E y hat . , j o lie slei he ori straight? ji et procured tbrou h London photograph- 'bold lye ]urge number o rteflr s iiiul neio4ll?ors. g g be d being allowed to die a natural death. The ;,, * First bh1let girl --Well, ;C think I ant ere iCx bar iwo gortraite of "Chinese" 1 yreetf; M •4ohedagaiuett rei emen diff freight twine. AM ii The fe- fie earned the 1Dst 1 desired b alI n bl,,otrid light ` e gra t majoAty of th'e accidents occur to �iI Gordan, each Sue fent high' , b i heady now, Second ditto- W, hIM you've attire, but men anil Itis meinor, will ever he 9 • 'r ir�, �,� aAWQ qi ri a 'sib i�k01=4 ! Who cvaald' > >totgotten to put on your areas. First . Tete ere hou+ 200 women atudyi with they recent KoCr=stick of �k1ma ` »1e a tht►t +; ;r `r j P i t , iN act xefnead $1 OO ;f i 19,6t girl -Deft rqe, ao I have • how medicine in ibe variana univereitieS r, ux a �s+,.•,e Inti edo p U to giya� __, ed o+ � n- $icaigb theatre last Sun- ._.�4 1 , i abouril medical collegoA of India. _ _.._ _ . - . , " t 11 r, a;;A" -- __ r - . _ it o.�a,-awwr,-5*F� alai,.• ,�.....�,-,L�;,i�.f-E. z4 �'.r.-.a . , ..�^....m - ...... --,...,..rte �:. ",a �' , .__ .. .__.-•-,ter-: -.,.,_ w r �� y , �. '•,', �y, + 'IrP M., ; '• '714 .')n w: + I o,,�. , M '-.:; 1. M .. '. � T•PaF-%.. � » `tl•�•' �J-h, �.:h.1. {'i; !!vi,. ,yp+ ,w , , r,