HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-02-14, Page 4• •Fa • - ••••
dale •
•VII4 laee . ' ,P•OFFICF
Tile iceman
WO °OW WACO 8 0,. Mot° 7 P• me ,
%the tii-0-'411coof aen0-ne41-Oruce
vi*itini His Brother s Card of Thanks
Lawyer Angus MeCrinarnon, of $t. • DEAR SIR,—rdesire to thank.tho
Thomas, spent sleotsple of days this kind ~friends who so proMptly ex.tin-
week with his brother Dr. D. A. Mc- guisl-sesis the lire at my residence on.
Crimseon this villages .Mr. Mc - Tuesday afternoon fer the
He 1-
11•0**4rt.,. ,
• 1" ‘` kt.-11411011gb
2 30p. ut e.
.*.4.4›roroi .,448 p.11‘
, a ; OfftleFifli 4 4
utemeillate Points f9 00p. vs.
4 itiP,41irrth - 10.30p. m7, T:eti'days
tailai4de 3.00 V; 1.:,•• irdaya
,1iii.s Cto• ss•
W, G. B. ,Seitli t
i r' a 1., lr.SaB., South i • 44
. , ‘ t 4.4 ‘ia .4 101- & B.South ,10.00a. Pl• 4 i
'14+`;`'+p+ . • ,,. ^ W , -B: ortla..4. Op.ta
. 4- lii2.04c1; .- ! "3° P411° •
: „ ‘..1.- . • KA.00011 :-.+. - . •
101.11.084 — ?AA ' ^
• ...
r\ ''.5.' • • • ''..."'""'"4''..""r•-•7•--,Tr"-."'---.7.41'.
:•••. ',,,t. Artualefttld- 4.1it tti V ::, .... ' .•
Farm For Sale oil Rent.
lop acres. - East hal
4shhelds 2Lm1Ies from Lucknow,
; giv015tli of March next
WagiMinr-k-ttOOK.-7 ".
been nonlinated by the West Eigiu
Itefoikiness 'a, • 'heir standard bearer at,
the next el 1On04.the Ontario Leg-
. •,
f oflo eon.
'A Good Time' -
Although the roads and weather
were SQ very unfavorable for the con-
cert on Tuesday evening, 4th inst ,
Sehoolhouse No, Kinloss, thera
was' a good attendance and all seemed
-,to. •enjoy theoaselVes to their hearts.
cOutent. Prot jonesstral froni
Yeineardine, were present, and those
veo ....missed the concert missed a treats
thinned antl Felt
About ivin weeks ago Mr. Thos. H.
Treleaven, slipped on a pieceof ice at
Saunby's mill, near 'Dungannon, and.
Striking the back of his head against
lank received a slight con.eus
brigade. tweed oat, showing how well
the engine ni111 hand tsa,-esp
steam in so short a time. -0. W. Cater:
...iApikty to 3,pt,ts • It0..13
'1(cp f the brain. Re is able to be
Teeswaterifr 90, .„•
,r(),!1 aaan
a • however, but he had a
j.tnfo'rgingiTh yliv A' 1 ' 4. 1 :it • I.
, +
The -Ontarici,College•-;ottharissey
will prosecute :these mey0ant . who
sell drugs and provisions filch ill'
law requires ..-,o bp sold only by regisr,
•"tered druggists.
• 'Broke Her Lek,
As Mrs. Sa.441 Johnston, of thee
,••• s - 'home from ehurebai Sunday ast, she.
:••:.?••• ' ''' ''• ' had the Misfortune to fall, breakini'
-• ,. •-
•• . - ' her leg. SheJ the synipatny O'f the'
entire ' continua
very narrow escape from a serious, if
not fatal•aecident— „
Business Opened Out ,
Mr. *017 Grundy, jr., having pur-
hed$e tock. of cutters, buggies -
and blisioess generally belonging to
hislatUri has opened out business in
stand on Stauffer street, and is
aking line- He has
f new buggies,
ate, etc , whicfr
orse shoeing a
• ;
,g• • . - pediLookt
—pesivater 4Velvs.
1. +.•
+ -?•+
i . ...,....,'x..
,, . ,
;,• ,#,;... ...;.,. .r '''''''-i frenit Londota on Monday nigh ti as
, . .
e .
' • - where' she, hal:Tone to attend the
*s.,,' '-"'• 'otal of her father, Afr. John McQue y
..... . . ,
• ." •
Lucknow, RolleAllrill and Grocery
Any person wishing tolatronize
she above mill can procure the flour
and feectat the mill or grocery. 'the
best -flour at the lowest price and any
person buying a lot for their own nse
and have it at wholesale prices. No
other elaop in townSiells
GeosaKerr. • t
The Fall Vett' esee; ,
The opeitAinter is :represented' to
have been generally unfavorable to
winter wheat ;in the Northwest, and
has. probably done it injury- in some
sections. It is a long time till harvest,
however, and a favorable Spring and
summer may more than make the in-
juries of winter. Open winters have
been known before, but the fall wheat
crop has never been a failure from that
• a.
Febr vary'
who Was, ist one time a re 'den
, ass asocial Entertainment .
•-• . Social, under the auspices of the.
-,.,,sotetv,Pmen.e+wrais+11011,==mgerzewle— XaMieldNiVia. ...Val • A-4 . •••aVattla.
new gallery for the remainder of this month. With ev,inFy
dozen of Cabinets, T will give you :t nice.Cablnet And Ramie •
-free, sample of NVItich may be seen at my studio. All work
first-ellss and done up in the.latest
Also a large stock of •
4. •
bis- e&1rD -
sizes of f;eaues =get° o:dre ckintp.
Eggs taken in exchange the. same as c.ash. -Don't for -
•.,:5 -t,
t. 46 . . • .
. get the place
Town. .
oppositebank, LUCKNOW
•,14. :Wears !Rimed or the Pushing Bor111441 Mrs. Mooney's'old st
—Fresh herring by the dozen at(
—Mr. John Gentles, of Kincardine,
will be in Lucknow shortly to purchase
liorses. •
.--Mr. Alexander McDougall, late
of Vancotiver, left this wee.k for a
r*; of Torontos.
Scotia, laas.been:
,r,ge of St., Peter's
45 this village, afid
held every Sundavy,-
I eveninW fla. m.
'file rev. gentl 'man
•d his discourses
d by the congee-
ladies of theeMethodiit church will be
• "g„1: hOld q.4 the residence of the Rev..
• • l'skOn Thursd4y evening next,
• •4"'- • *hen a good .e.Otertainment •will be
Admission 15 cents
• ..,...
1. •
u h
• °eel,. ..50Q,
(arena Concert •
• Mrs:J.17K. Arrestrong,.,40
her music plipils,•and a nufaher ofigias.
leading vocalists a thevillage inten0.,
, giving a grand'olaneart hit the -Temper.
ance Hall here, on. FfidateVening,
• 28th .insfe,..'Whieh promises IOW one
of the finesi•entertainments ever given
in the .village. .
of Chili Salt -
Th Petre-or Nitrate- of-Sod-a—wits-used-i-
Europe last arcar for -manure As yet
it is little ktown in this country. It
is adtaitted to be the Most ,powerful
of all fAlilit•ers and the cheapest and
best solute af, Nitrogen, In Ha
Rral Annual for 10D,, full
ble directions are give
farm and garden crops
greenhouse plants, roses,
be sent -FREE to any of oa
who send their names to
$-•:*!•e•-*.s JosEPn II.A.Rnis SEE
.19jeti)11. Farm, Monroe
9 rien s111 pena,
—Mr. Paul Smeltzer, of BOMA,
eeently fold •very fine heavy draught
• Mare toaMr.' Chas. Milne, of Kinloss,
'for $165.
(artier, who has had a severe
attack of La Grippe is recovering
...nicely, but is sal/ confined to the'
Council Meefing... •
The next •meting of , the village,
. • council will be held on. Tuesday even-.
' inesilith, when the by-law to regulate
thelnumber of hotel and shop licenses,
• andetliegxing of the license fee for eaoh
: wilisbeisatroduced.• The appointment
ofetOtunleipal officers will alsro take
pitike:fit-that ffieeting. • ales;
. !Curling Match
l'aVo leinVe of ,the LuckboW, Carling
' ' • °Int) went to..Winf,,rha,m on Thursday
, •
• ire . s last to.play against the Wroxetevareii
tebr the Tanljard medal. The •garae
• :
resulted in ni7dfory-for the latter by 4
. Bts
as, the core.standing, Wroieter 41;
Lucknow 'T. The Lucknow skips,
were, Messrs. i. B igunter -.and. J. G.'
- • Merclech. _ ' ' • • -
Tile At Home • ' ,....:
. . 'The entertainment given." by %lila
Young Peoples'. Assoeiation•', 3� j1
town hall on Thursday evening' last
1 •
AlarsopfFire "
,Aritinlainn of fire was given.....
s.14 lasteea blaze hn,ving been.• dis'oese.
the 'tipper room if the frame
;-1Nlessrs. Geerge McDonald and
sileattie Webster left on Tuesday thorn-
Ng,Iast. for a .proepecting trip to
• .
Angus McKenzie, of Kinloss, •
• last week disposed. of his. heavy
draai stallion `.10-riaveshire Oak" to
• Rose Anderson, of- Dungannon.. •
--We had a pleasari. t,' call on Tues-
ln,y from Mr. Thos. Faitbairn, of Buf-
isl. Y., and formerly. of.' ,the:Tees-
e _News.
ll kinds of groceries of the best'
es kept at the new grocery'very
s we sell for- cash and produce
oods delivered •to,any part of
KERR. ' • • •
McQharles, r. auctioneer,. -will.
e public auction at the -eat half
of let -11, con. 14, .W. on.
Tuesday,' Feb. 25th, a quantity Of
farm stock, iMplentepts, etc.,tlie prop-
erty .ef Finlay McLennan.'
-LTne. bakers of. Winglieni, wili
hereafter have • to be pretty correct, in
4*eig)iitig their. bread,,as the, council
has authorized the chief to inspect'the
.weight thereof'once a anonth, and if
any is found under the standard, to
building: on. the north e of Camp -
street opposite "W.' ‘11. Smith's
book etore, and occupied. by Mr. 0. \V.
• C5,er. A few pails 'of water. Were
•applied.and the fire :was extinguiehed
-before miacli damage was done. I...;tk•
smear DotkgfitiP, Tthe waterworkti.
• t
pinittlitly,l'answered the
*,alarnt, and in, leTitlahata five minntes:
f rpm the, iirst sti.ole,•:•Of the bell, fia,d.
steam, up and .everything, in readiness,
•,and• ese are only sorry ftremenvere,
skrdered back to the •fire* 4;6,11'
with th6 hose Ihel'ore giving them an
opportunity. (fti &hewing jI1SIr how
quickly_ they could „hak.ie gpt a. efrealn
2)1 water filay'ing On.' the building.#:• As
it was they avere'quicklY on.• tlio seet,e,
0."ncl hld their servicei been required,
th,tlyet*, nokdoubt but, they wmild have,
distiluarkished• themse',ves. Ti)( ,licae.„
waalliterwards attached t,o tho'-'hy-
drant near the town hall and a good
_stres..tn.wae thrown. •
• s.sse..„,...
passed off very. pleaSalltly: 0.1113.was v
kr ,
f04-•;'" . . - • traci
inaal saceess.. The programMe
• 1"1"1"•
consisted vocal and instrinnenital
ef Music aft.er which a- liberal supplt
announce to the people of Lucknow and- surrounding country, that arty • •
CI' 0
v. V
, .
..t/ ffi
geed things were produced.
• 41,044en4 band Were,aleo present and
. • ss Sserleondered several wery 4ine selectione.
• •4="1 "•:0° -The hall wita tastefully dcoratecl.
-41' .:*3.1.' r • ik• 1go:m•
• .4V4bA51ind
1, •
• , nloes, 'was ffitsiTies1 'on
• ISS 'Margaret, Vrg.illop,
r of M.+. Veil McKilleti•
'llarec BM{ • • • • • • .
ThP Byening Grosheak,_Coccotheans;
tea Mastersycilson Irwin,
of • the 11 th concession Of akshtiold,
„sent on nonday hist the nbeve named
rare biter to ine for identification). It
proied to be a male in full bridal
irlsonage and is such a beautiful bird
give ...isit to the poor. . . se
The Late James Miller
It is with> feelings of si'icere . regret.
we records. the deeth of James Miller,
of Alma, Who PaSsed quietely away on
Saturday morning of last week. ' A
fatal termination of his mita was not
expected until Fric.iay, when a• consul-
tatio '14 L pilysiciAns was held. and it
'could not 'recover. Tile
.-. • • • ...m.,••1.-
cause, of 440.1,veas influenza, which.
turned- r inflon!tien of ' the Junes._
coming to me having their teethout, that I will put ha two sets of -teeth,
for the prise of one set, $15, made of the very best. material in A•ot'ld..
use no rubber but C. ASII SONS, Lon.:on, England.' The teeth will tie ,
C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. \Vitae's, • conceded ,hy all who the
.• , business to •be
• ; •C Southw114.County ot Elgin., by-,
; • a,Mrs •••of .A
pleatliiit, time was sen 'with :1;`, large
• • ‘ • • bnissnliec..of invited giiests. They, left
•• 4: • t: • so• efot • their home. in-Isteknaw, on 'Friday,
----------------- 76 'Arc'hie actect us
• - • ••• • setimman • an Katie (arca-tam as
• Big Auction. §4l�* • • . •
There will dad at the AuetiOn
Mart in this v'ill'age, Saturday,
Feb. 22,tid, ),890,* one of the largest
an a Lt stock of boai4ebtold furnitkre,
millinery, /on, vec offered in' • the
place. lite gpo *are sill test -class
• • awl worst be , •••••4 sties'
e• •
I 4
I send'you a deseriptiml cif it:
Proiht,. Winga tail and tibia?,,aek ;
tal scverts, 'golden. yellow ; tbroat
and ale6k,. dusky 4livacione ; breast,
abtiomen and back, olive; secondaries,
pure white, bill, greenish, of immense
size, being as &op as long, inch
length, 8 ttichesi• inches. The
bird. is moented and at my
Offieo. if any of your readers have met
with this rare bird, and have reason
to believe that theies -are several flotlki
wanting bargains sheuld /tot ail to in 'this neighborhood, would 5e
dttelid,,.. 'he sale also .1e con- pleased to hear front- them. The fe-
imited hi the evettiTig: ' Wait for it, male is not scegaudy in her attire, but
and. rememlaer Ithe 'date, Saturday, will be easily rcognized,eJno. S.
. ••. Tenant, M. 'D.-
la" t.'" M • •
se-111.i„Her,,ofthis village and brether
*••P) Thoal.,Will,tiae And John •Miller,• of
• • , ez)i • 24.,
;46 1-1slene, alse Ms. P. Torrance and
Jamei , of this !village.
w is 65 years Of age, end- had
been, a resident o&Alma for nearly 40
'years. 'He emigrated with his father
fromIreland when a mere by Re
nas free -hearted, open-liandednian, and
greatest_ pleeetiree.yy,
doing good to his fellow -ten and , the
community 111 Which he lived.
these and any other geed points' he
was universally; l,eoved and res0 st
and his death caused a feeling
pathv too deep for language to ex
He left his wif:and ix childr
ood circumstanees. • Ir. 'Miller 1•.*
• 4
. twig
' T
are in
. ,
hose Iirrns have their natnes o3 their gods, and the people can see whet they
are getting,' and as I use nothag but the best material, guarantee sat-
isfaction to all reasonable people,' the unreasonable apd there ars a Sew
Such in the world, will Piese bat! in mind that don't wanttheir trdo.
1 can:Always be found at., Pr. MeCrinaton's Lucknow.
to now t Lan g Photog iph
Is as usual allead-Snthefinet styles and positions ior pnotos.
ost retoichei $1.50
to $3 or 6oz, Oamis $1 to $2 isti &oz.
large stock stock ot .spectacles, espcentor
sigift well;known
buried in Elora eemetery, on Mottliqemeitea,.....
The *cortege was followed by 4 ‘4*1411.)ati$1'71' .' '• .* 1.,)'.
large number ti‘firticit and neighhore.. A.. _ . ,and. afsso • 1,l ea s in Be
He earned the Fpitiph desired by...Fin . srinhOoksi Eitati ner I'abninse
totiitnittilift tmetnorif
willeveistits- :ea
."' - en; 4Worken.11. tll o ,
with the present a ,urittot, ot Ainuci• im, that 0'44
and Peel. --,COM. •nnovationlipt
• •,**
• ••
. :•••
„ it. •
, ,
Keepers -suppliie,
rames and fancy goods.
hpston's Old stand. •Xet