HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-02-14, Page 3• $. , It is our painful duty to record the tcleath of- Edttrltnd. 4ndrew, aged 24 years, after a short but painful illness. He was a favorite with- all his conl- panions and will be greatly Missed in the nei:gigborhoetd.. His funeral was s Hage .y attended. The Sabbath and day school c.hitldren marched in proeeAston ahead of the hearse to Zi1,tt. cemetery, where his Mortal remains art, interred. 'rhe Barents and friends have the syut- )'tthy of the neighbors in their sad I►ereatrent.•,it. But, what has been our, loss,liYay i t iiA'it%e- s�teriial fain. .The memorial servici,S' i i connection with ,our friends death will he held -id Zion two weeks from ,text Sunday at 2:30. ' The following is the standing of the pupils of S. S. ; o, 5, for January ;itlt class, E. Anderson. 4th class, A. Helm, R. Andress, W. J. Wettster. Junior 4..14 class, 0. Gardner, J. Reid., J. Gardner. S;itior Sed eIass.,. _W. • Ga r, R. Webster R Took. Jurrior 3rd class, B. Ritchie, 0.. Fisher, A: Gardner. Senior 2nd class, A. Tlrnwrt, J, i-[elni, L Webster. Junior lnd class, E. Gardner. Ea' nest Gard- ner, R. Gardner. Part 2nd class, E. Ztetdx Wils.s Habock, J. W-Web..J CL= ;mer., £ahtield Laub side. • Our citizens are having very serious thoughts about the scarcity of snow fir tlt9 remainder of the season. Our -sportsmen have shot quite o. mp her of rabbits and foxes. Wm. ,Tii%n has taken on shares- the hares'4e farts belonging to Mr. Thus. Ross. Alex. Ross has been danger- •o5sly ill but is much better. 1t is hoped that Yve will have organ- ized before.long The Young People's .Society'•ef Christian Endeavor. •.J)ied in Winnipeg The following letter has .been' re cpived -by Mr. John Barkley, regarding ttte death and burial 'of his trother .phn Barkley, in .Winnipeg; and <ltich .hilly explains itself :. Winnipeg, Jan, 25th, 1890. mak. 'John Barkley, Luck 10,1-ILAN Y -now etitinet Bruce Qounty, Friday, Fo rua.ryP r4th. Gnat OEioaring Cost. Sale irr • FOR • 1RTY' DAYS! Ali kinds of goocls.sold cheaper than ever, offered re before. The following prices will convince the most sceptical : Grey Flana1s, all wool wostla 20c. for 1 6 gas. U'Uio .WC'rey Fl , ols, al fool 'Worth 15o. fox 11 eats. factory 111anels all Drool worth 36c. for 22 cents. r:' . . • 'Union Factory Flanels it11 wool worth 25o. for 18ic Goad ail wool Canad ,oa TvTeeds worth 66o. for 45o. Silk Plus/.os in 10.shados sold all soaso . for 60 for 35c. gassers -66, s- 50o: = - - be ow -their e . , _ ul tr value. few- ends of =ant- lingo; vete. alleap to cieaz out. 20 per cent. off all lines of Cronipton Comets. viz t 50c . goods are •folk 40c, 75e for 60c, !$1 for 80c, $1.25 for *1. These staple goods and are a big bargain. • ThoHu) Grocery! IMMENSE BARGAIN x , Having just received a targe consign went of SITUATION WITH STEADY ,Ef Pr OYb,tl good pay all the year duud, to r furnishing satisfactory reference MokreaBgii, ilt •r'.YL1`$tlC@:LH80bY.-.8i'C�'F. .S.•n r..v .r .Y_._ nls 326 ireryme r rtoc eater,' 1 . Yr 641). r000l es, Choice family flour, Cho5Ae Tobacco, .Canned kaoods>. Crockery, r_ Glarssiva n Teas, Coffees, R?ea and Sugars,': which will. be sold cheap at the _.Hui'. Grocery: Goods delivered to "r 11 'parts of the vi11v. • . trSur'll�n Ja�n i �a est. o. hitt:40,41in, .•fir p. . in Re.' g! `debtb tset••;Avillquip's t�►s ofaF. Fran B `' dthe ' l�r��n MEN z ANTED I. , To sell our choice Nursery Stock. NO X. EBIEI\CE REQUIRED. Ste work " the year round. USER AL PA ATZ- ANTEEL WEEKLY. Outfits frea.:"Write. for terms and commence at once. Atwood & Company. Nurserymen, GEri EY4,N. Y: 5 -mons. - c,, 830 WAGON,. MAKINC.... HORS .`•-SHOEING •C EN ERAL BLACKSMI,TAINCII - Adam 4l%ont'pson 115s'+rave td• 0 inhabitants of•- Luck now and snrroundia .couatry for the 1 eradtroil{age bestowed or, during the 1 vem,yeare,, and wishes gcontiivancerctf; hi u rs and a tar. share of ,the alit • • a atter positioir thatl_ alwaya e. a the,.-"ap,e,Q tlia-publ-,:.._ alwa has on i and a stock q �P'agions ' 8� Buggies of all kinds, 11 a also will remind them of lin far famed - SCaTCH QlAMOND` �Ro ick he alwaars has dti lila'' and arei,niad st-asra<teria,;tie i-wa-ntfu e.='4 in this line will do well to gilt* himraeerfj see prices • before purchasing-thiewhe vt icular atte on.paid to • • '••; L HIIEtIS :'HORSE SHOEING; ", rblli ,op_ • w • �1. feet oontractiii�is and'interfering y strigt attentio to business, good *ork•• yiront-gam en, 1 frust to retain, ti he patronow:. extruded to mel.. a . ADAM'=: THOM PEON .. ?bell' Street opposite the2�ia�k : 19 + t. best yarn in the trade, 'regular price. 25.0. FO 7te120 a Conon . " plushes DEAR Six, -Your telegram of the 22nd duly reached me, and I at once mule arran;etnents to carry out your •instructions. Your brother was buried, in the Presbyterian cemetery in Kel- •rioriati on Thursday afternoon. He was buried from . the college. The -Rev. Principal King, and the. Rev. 'Principal ' Sparling, and myself took part in the funeral services. The students and professors of both Mani= tuba and Wesley .Colleges attended the funeral. There were two beautiful #'torsi wreaths;. one from. the students of each college. I saw. your brother' •'both art his boarding l'ou'se, and at. the hospital.. Principal King, also saw hien several times during his illness: The Principal and I saw hitu late oe Friday alight, and laud sortie conversation with hjtn, and prayed with hint. We were gad to get front him a clear statement of his faith in, the Lord Jesus- Christ. .11e was then very ill, but we .had no idea that his end was so near. Your brother was.a very worthy young than, and was Petting on very well indeed, id his studies. 'At the Christina's 'ex- aininations he came out the first of his year. He w:as' raking tui honor course in -classics, 'and was looking forward 'earth ential'.y to receiving the degree Of A. next June. I don't yet know .any ing about'his effects, but I will , send you a statement of . •the, funeral expenses • whets• it is 'sant to me.. -I have four letters that have cl•tie to his address sine his death. Will you kindly tell ire what I ant to do with trier i Mr. R. P:it'te•l-son is the name of the fellow student with which your .brother was .,rnast.-.i11timat,c' Ile: Was very atten,tibe to him. fey appeared to be much attached 't eacli„9.t1�er. 'We all sympathize win yon very deeply in this severe 4.rial. It must be as comfort to you to I•:now that your l•ro ee Sived the. life of :'t christiap and diene.. christian'i 'death. I will be very glad to answer any questions about him,' in my "power to answer. Illy address. is, Rev. Professor Hari, ��'inn peg, ... i+Iii+of�rr. T . ^atmilt;' hist Dear fir, Yours lit leer es 'e yen atIty,; l'}I' 1i 1S FtAttlf.- A t . for win.do� 'aarla",+3 i; ted, 1Hows b t'"•y+ Up `ohs sur,, •, �[;M1;r U1nti'�< fila i�►ult s. studitis•t -• 'r hei'f.mtr•qK ing Rf th,.ri:c on .of ai `^,` 'curtains, lamberquins, manti vb 5Oc. linin for . 35c drapes, etc., « ?d �,• l,ddra k�9 ld 45c. line for - O -c. biamttbap, -r 48 2 0 . Cr e Was she..n anti�sle. 1d' make EIGHT SPQQL0tAFab able "hi., •+` and 1711'"7 bars electric soap , for 25c.l guaranteed equal to Ding - men's • 12 barsars Liaundr.yy_. "Jubilee" �0c.•� � .._ 51b. Jubileere. soap- .for 20c. ; •tNy� e.9 No..1" Valemia raisins, dates, - or flgs, 3 pounds for 25 cents; 51bs. starch 25 cents corp.. starch, 4 plus. for 25c ; 3 soda for 10.i cents .sAL'N -w ANTrim. ei)11 (frit (i tpr,r';TTJ -LINE: OF Nt liU(:1{Yq;,s'yn.K. e�'.1, .4f ,JW, t1hiicif want g"- Frrreia1t'CC'. 1'880 furnish paying; ij>Ieitions to w, lkers. iffy targe experience in thin bnstness enal,Ies me to offer- sire''cial rorivantauea to beginlias. I Can make 'a sueeessful salesmen or ancone who vri3lfeTheiar coy •P• 'begun t.i<aeri;eanent ein- plcyment. Wages paid ouca,h week. Outfit free App once and secure choice . of territory. EDWARD P.:St4ELL, Nnl!>tid>rj ta>ti �• ROChCSttr N'. Y 0 13424 M2itxtou iter- ,. & r • good set WHEAT PATTER* CncPCtKEnY, 44 PIECES FOR $2. EXTRA ig Value in '� A o. ted, itAp,clt greon, fe ,••• . 4 beaySO. or 40c. ; 40• for 80c.; be arrested all • DR. CHASE. • l As 'a world, wide reputation tis a physlens. ' and•autlior kris Mandrake Dandelion Lustig Cure is a. triumph of medical skill, curing, diseases of the kidney andAyer r SYMPTOMS OF KIDNEY kI"NT,utlieb dc�ilill pain orweight in the c. cider and base. of atadomen • scalding urine ! n obsttrucijed frequent desire to urinate, es 5 - ; fly et night., among aged p'ersbns , hot, dr t' 1, pale eom. p14$oa, . redp$ fd whim dersits, . p dizzineltt,• sane atoi cb, 'ctinatipat' '' piles,d , liver acid swelliirg, lite 234 LIVER C pietdoo,, '.a�its life obi energyhe�tdacha , 1 psi mdrgee`tilon spots, pimple$, te. HOW %MED, Mandrake and Dandelion are nrrA�t�ire sLi`v'et, cures and when combine with Kdney r'ehiy- dies as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cu,ke" :t:111xnott poiftiveir cure til kidney -Liver troubles, It' ads lige A charm, "stimulating the clogged liver, stfiettgthei iag the kidneys, and invigora- ting the. Whole body. bold by all dealersat $1;. with recriip4 book, which alone is wa,rtii4la •... Oils EF Pain r shout `-'er b `• ruu•'n� tyles': a tlw ctbYily D� Pr. Chasesyil ', Kidney -Liver Pillgniade+:th_1 gently yet affectually.. Mar taken Charing any erns), They cure Kidney' Jiver- • Bache: irtsness; costiveriess,eto- Sold: by7 all dealers, Priiielpe ®MANSO ' ezCt L. ti. V.4 �i� �A��� jo: • I3ICARY , h Tn�..(JrjCKmLiP. 5 for Smbe><„•'; 3,pounds of sod dt iI) r l' DIECtl.i .o, for 22 cent • .t The a lovewf . prices are cash i e.1 r�. J - Ohl e.'.0 a VOny ' Wetr,.0 e• 4* .4 , r.. '. .. m•-•- • • The above re\vnzrt'!` will be palet far thet.coilvictitj l rift Gl•upulous•tihalers scf iii. i fe'rior mils andc.t1ii.la .th rn.-144, �,' •.. L 1 ...L'�1'.. ti . To protect the Consumer, this celebrated' gilds' only sold by. • Co:,Signed. ll. Th'os byMcCa.;••& , .Tub.. onto,. Ont. Bold only in Luck,*. • - TAYLOR & POW », 4, r 7