HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-02-14, Page 24 BERM TQ, IITTER t , A,CQORDIN TQ 11,0Y 01ONSCiENCE WE P tt*, OTIIZ ai `K ARfiUE 4; CTATE8 }-4 E ALL alrox. • ttttcknovry jot iso C..OIN7`''CO,II NCJL. 'n. dry •jneetin of the Bruce ry • CPArncil this year was, iin 1. lent session incl a liar anlo'2ht•or . Jmsiness •was transacted. ~`lite' chewr- il}all-Q tlr"rs eus CfitTjl�l �iteP.3=i�iro a inaneier; !+ r t Moore, t. ItOa ' White 41'.* itiops and 1 .. ,Johusta lik;uh;lou, , Mgln`to h ;Mail 'andr.'%Varden, Dr; Soott I'rintieg :; Boman �< F alar P.r9�t,4 B,Ile•,�.'` Dr 'Sinclair off+*alk' been appointed jail sl The,: ;,County F for Hails" year c(- specto C mpt ltd .And. q0. n ig Suad . try preciative '`g rding; t . :}s 44, it U. 4 r. c 'Cotnraissiolp' that the meritud,e ol: their slaugzter is properly underatood. From, that report, it is.Jearned that out of a total 'Of 100,000 'brak.emen em • lo .ed on .the .various railways of the countr e' ' ives' o .. over .4.110). ' them were sacrificed while in the dis-- , charge of their duty during the year; • and : upwards of 20,000 of then iu- ,jured. A .laetter idea, perhaps, may be gained of the hazard of the oeeupa- tion'by the record of the Brotherhood of li+a lroad•Pra ltemen, It shows that 'One ,in 83 of •the 10;052 meinbers is killed yearly, and..one 'in 60 injured. 5 .b'ranenta�i has•only eb' nti_._ n y, i , 44 h. �.uak�ow '�en��nel, ����� �c�urr� ���a��, '��►�,��� COLDER WEATHER fexpectedeery shortly and you may possibly find it necessary to replenish yotir tied title trai' ne chance in of being allowed td- die a., }aatu.cal r, °.lority of the ac - Amen en. freight - not be a brakeman! ts• Occur. to :Who wo One tro:f-x�Q '"foot vve: or del; or. htay.,to r.. con eq en ,ri.; .eon. 3oard If •Exacnineis • nsigt of Sch.001, ` • n - arming, ' gmil gad en rab..Yule!of . Luckno.vr, t5snIli - of :1nc_ . a.> , , ofoft,Messrs,, Dr. Bradley . a neatly worded and ap resolutiQii : 4vitc`. psi3sed re-. he remoVacl oto`J . ifcKay, aC d' ' , ` : race: •rogi 4Motion ', �;�- spoke of the%abiiiity and, Intl"us- ' ry . h Iisplayed fv tir..:Me cay .tilt ` tneinber of: the. Tlcil lirtd ofi ' nni 9-,i` o cpurtesy : ds•�hia fellow meal# ers.' It also ex ,fused the lees tit ...4untry is,i about•rto : silatain, ^ r$mo7rid. r'y - ` Thai notion introduced bye; oa Literary the residents of Holy - ,and the other half had to take are of them, there was no debate last t. But we hope Alley will a ou'nd'+ nd- able to attend- the debatealext Friday night. The suf. Sec is, "Resolved that :the farmer is' nnoi'e indapeifdent • thari'professional men ortttradesmen " The sides ' are, affirmative, P,\A rnigrn, 0.• Ni.'holls, IVlelnto:h, Gr o":,Purvis, A. D. Mc - a Valens. .Ne; lve; Kay, J. Rai , J. 0.. Ke4rzi 0y. -*ars -PP7,417.. OF _ Our stock. is `still well assorted in the following lines A. UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, GLOVES. : . \R COATS, FUR V OAT IB / JACKETS, OARDI�.- �y HOE P'RICES RIC IlT rNS, /CAMERON, ,MURDOOH &. CO, 'I, ', LUCKNOW & LOLfAT..sH OU whi • Ourprices are down thisA week. You can get a ante J. Iy Lucknow, tfix 1l ur,�n would give t"like :amount, -ways ,:;,rejep`ed by the otaratnitteei • Messrs. R. Thothpson and Geo Mc Intosly were giv-en instruct ioii'it •to ex amine the bridge on the boundary,line rn ; "•of 13urou sad K.iuloss; .at'lot t,•con. 9; and repair .or ° rebuilds as 'they thin: .necessary. , - cele T asking that $100 bOtin(1ry west of he-. County of tta; a ban arra old, w . fo , Yark 3fe- 4rda,.y o` obit .b ,.,� s C alible?,` to aor'iatf, VERCOA rn .A good deal has -been, said about ;`,curtailing the expenses of • the eounc, • and pecial gomrnittee, consisting of ,a °. Moore; J. S. McDonald, John' endeison Wf`S. 4ohnston.and James ' 'he' Mechanic ing Itooin is wel. supplying a •o• feel :1VIr Thos. Todd •t *ge new -barn 'fifty head of stee r ming riday 'erg} Hang Irum � �A1iC ho gnr.'1r great Coo,. +� t, •', J ztV opi O c:lob using li(U rf.soars 4,44i g or '' 1' Irma ciao_ e on• e tree a very 1tivs- Hough four,. a n. at a..�----AND IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN IN A UR OAP, MUFF OR ANYTHING IN ' _ a ,tu THAT LIN, GIVE US A 'CALL, 7 II 1Vr :..3 3ryan, :were,npootiited to 'consider the s. ,udvisahility of dispensing With the t i brought in ''he committee beg; have, as far as present session, d the question of one of the session -''oL4 all tho .inuta- befo . $ we 'Ate cell Ate -can be s ..meow- • bi sicwss appy'$ to following repcWt : Y to . report, that t '4possible 1Iuri .nar�e'fully .ton ,dispensing -meas council, and f 1io'ia. and • k»owled� of tile" op' ,..fi t $ : : ioit. - o r '+J c� `l + FMit IeItCe.or • "hf Athe cout rhiL t be the case, yotir co} in`istee al1icr"-ree-• iogoise the fade that 14,connectiop with •su?h acti+'n,on thdpart of the council, saving of several hundred, dollars Qin tlic'geneial funds of the county' • world Jae effected. •In connection"with usi- nevs, arising -a+fter the ' June session, ma$ efs of importance neap occur w ••:n.� "require consideration ieii aish , .Wood bee ere* -11 'the rage aroun here at present,''.; ,Going by e luorniiig rtiay he,seen boys with and saws on :their shoulders in• regu .:" Dan 1V1cGitrnes" style. People s to be getting, izery charitable. That not:f .}oug`La, Grippe is abort" leaving this•';cotnrnnnity for a new, field of labur; .It ende¢nole seriou r4han expected,'being _l y hard on 01 people. Tho singing'trliool :ander time mas • ership of Ale Mh:�i.uley, is making rapid `.progress. -lost of the - members .will" likely come. out regular 4ubilee siiiigers et the end of the. term. v s, ,� ••' ;-i' reference ' to u • h the • . •W'Ci en might find it exp r girl tQ` <:. .constat with 'the..couno ''olt 'A t or- �' .+ ;uj lacy piatters s'an, .1 be vA cormted efiieiently y and thn various nienibers.unfier' m44160144; i e orliiordered by t cil is, a I �pi't :may t tccount �• conaeation therlikVit 4emtttnic • peat ;the; e` en' tiie year cat :Wa :did with.rl, ,'I ve,,fullouingselasinti in. .mina- ur ..v ' u'r' i ananittbd volljd therefore rf•, s , th r,f.cr this ye rs the t te. ssion Of this council be • 1is Vv {th, • and that :to assist' the .Ien�in ealinq witivatly important in •era tlr n:iy possibly "chine :tip gii +t1te: essioits', that e, committee • ' two to act with the Warden as an $A v i'sory board- he appointed by the' - •::.'tr ''' council. The matter iv; ;r ,laid over till thy Jane session• y' 'i Ma ' Jur sPss n o lie Eaaix .t�;6 ,)cit . tiIl jell in the town aF l�i,n.�atr'd{n0. e� II,a`'r lyrak omen carry their limes lei • i lit• hands.,ts decnonstratyd every de but tit is only on ,beading the aunus1 report of the Intor•State Colnmeroo t'yr "The climate . of this country is sub- ject to .very —sudden changes.... , Every twenty four hours brings on' a'diflerent atmosphere.. ` •, ... Mr. John ft, .MeDonal,, „ : ,home again after ra sojjouru of;a' year in the Wesetern ' States. .• He ' reports the crops of Da' t.a to, be a total failure. The saerament'of the Lord's supper was: heia•iii the Presbyterian church hereon Suciday. fast. We aresorry to relate the death of Mrar Donald , R. McKenzie, an old and Hauch respected ' citizen of this plan who died at her home on Tues- ++day,*Feb, 41b. The remains were in- iterred, in .Lochalsh cemetery. • a DIED. , rintow-"In Ashfi©ld township, on Sunday p'"' aniuihTY :Feb th,. Edmund Andrew. be- loved d,n of .11r. h;dnun`dgdrew, aged- 24,yArs. ' BoWY*tn—In West Wawan,sh, n Thursday,' Feb. 6+;b, Jane, Bowers, heli ved wife of. Mr. Robert Bgwers, aged 78 3 ears Mlttuu—In Anna, on„ uturday, Feb. 1st, M James i11w► ed, yea9, , A 44 • • WILL 13F, HELD IN, -for the Rale of i_iforsor, Cattle, Op., on tg0i alai' , and a° " 9's heare>> :S"'dod,2e the t•!13behind ao 11001` • ' - .. ' ++u t;tkp, *RACER P PHILADELPHIA VINCIBLE , —Ever shown in Lucknow, consisting of— LEADEAP AND __REZA,. A.T_SO &LW, IIANDIAS, IsITC1( SAWS, AXE 4Nli AXE HANDLES and a full line of all kinds of hardware. 1' Auction sales conducted free of charge on the above date. .3 -hat 839 AUCTION kill' JOHN PURVIS. AUCTIONEER !ill attend the follow ing.'salea on the day, Pei): 21st, 9, large quantify' Of farm stock, itnialcOriet.ts, etc., the properdy of. Andrew McNtannus. At lot 15, con. 12,.Kinloss, on Toes- ,ctly, Feb. 18th, a quantity of farm stock, implements, etc,, the property day, itlFeb. 25th, a. large quantity of farm sthck, implements, etc,k the SEED GRAIN.. • saki. 'Illidui oats, have made a record (4 from ' fifty th ninety bushels per acic last year. See Stock Journal for January. 1,Ve have also a ia,rge`ctiantityof,Mummy Peas for sale after • a thorough trial of thesagraldR, we can ectn• AI :Tix.-1' Kt.,' •,,,,;:;:p7,-zvnier't\Eit-: vo: tir, ,, ' -I can kialle a' successf n1 2.ALESMAN of any . who will Work and follow my instructions. Will. furrrish.b..th<lsonio -outfit free and'payl ?your salary ereenimiisionevilry week. Wilt. for term ai•wice. All orders- left at Alex Ress'it hat. • n cc 404 our reputation and y well km, We pay salary and expenses f roll) 1.4e . start if !iyerience, isrrequirtal.— -11.R-- for terms, whiell are, :11 liberal, la:fore engaging with . known to business mem • or Standard 'Baffle FORSALE-OR RENT. l'A *), con. 1, Kim. ,ss. miles finon Luckuow, mostly seeded down, ,sonie wheat in ground, Fair building• and fences. Possession given immediatoy. For. further •