HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1889-02-01, Page 4•
FE13. '1
Lnolmow, robru ry 14* :x;0139 '
After electing the Warden and lip-
- pointing the, ..committees, -'the counciI
settled':down to work. There was not"'
a great deal';, to do until the committees'
• reported; but,s.ontett of them 'adopted'
.P ►p,
the • plan of 'reporting from time to
•time ;instead of presenting the... whole:
•'report at • the end. . This gave* more
;•sisortunity for discussion;;. and proved
(mite' an improvement,. especially ''in'
, dealinst with the finance.repdrt., ' •
The,priris;ingg'conmittee restored. the
.county^ pruiting to the'Bruco Printers'
Association;, it having been found' that
-the plan :ad.,pted. hist year of getting'
it done outside. the county did riot
work satisf.ctorily.. •.
..Che school committers, repo ted
' riessrs. J'olin' Lee,.'Joseph Vanston
and D'uncan: Lavrock, as High Scheio
trustees respectively, ' . for. . the. High
Schools at Walkerton, Rincardines:'and
• Port. Elgin: , Mr. :Powell :and 'Mr.
;•Telford• were re -appointed. county •ex:
• :afruers for :1880.: • •
'Ile salaries com:inittee recommended
the folh;,wing Salaries ' treasurer,
t$1•,500, clerk, $700, gaoler., $700; turn-
l:'f'y, °8375, matron, $250, Caretaker,
sutgeou; 8100,. chief constable,
$1,0O, warden $1'40, 'school -inspectors,,
'•$1300 ,each, .'to cover, .travelling
penes,, postage, stationery, ,etc. • The
township of Greenock was transferred
• from East BruceWest Bruce..
For. .time entrance 'examinations,a:fee
-of one:: fiohar is to be charged. each
.pupil;.and'Out Of _this, the•inspectors
e,re to pay;aU expeinses, The secretary
of the connty hoard is to get .83g;
•county'auditors:'860 each,, and '-,the'
'board..Of criminal audit $4 each 'per
day ] Iessr C. V:. Stoffel and Geo.
M 4 . tOMVIVSEITtitii
McNeill, Esc&
ed ashiogs the
eminent to make ft coin-
ory on, all Justices of the peace
hereafter appointed,' to pass an exaiilin,t
atioii'before, the county judge.
• The finance committee recommended'
that: $$15,000 be transferred from the
Sauk. of :Cthawerceand placed on
special deposit in, the Merchant's• Bank;
Mr: Nathaniel E. Low, , P. L. S., will'
be paid1130.75'lnfull fur his account
re survey of Rankin' Lake. S. W.
Vogan, supplies, $2.20,' paid : town-`
ship of Saugeen, for making approach
to bridge opposite Jot. 49,• in con 1,
Saugeen, '$17.47, paid ;• motion of
Messrs.''Bradley and MaeIntvre, (Kin-...
'cardini.e); • asking that grant of $50 to •
John Neal,, an indigent,, be paid' cear,-
tet ly to Mrs. Catharine Neal ;: prayer
of iuottou,.granted '
�S,tatensent vf,,receipta and expendi.
tures "cif Kincardine.. and. Walkerton
High School entranceexaminations,
for 1888, satisfactory, • andin accord-''
age . w ich the. report of salariescom-
mittee of, January,.1,888:
Account . of W S Clendenning for
postage; stationery .acid. printing en-
tsanoe ••eitaumination•for 1858, $24.07,'
cannot recommend; as the 'c�rnniittte
think these accounts are coverdby
the, fees'chargel for examinations;.,
e Fourteen motions asking • for grants$'
1 to a;,,ricultui al societies were laid over
'� until the,, I un; Session,, • •
Stateinent ,of .Irapector Campbell
and: 'account ,for printing, stationery
•unh'postage; in connection with
cardine'High School: entrance examiu.
atrons, f•n 1888, $.25.49, cannot recoil)
mend"• .
Accounts : of Munrocr d McKenzie,
printing for uniformn promotion exam
mations for 1888, $28,50 ;Inspector
Campbell, postage'for'the same; $1;85,
` A grant of'$50 per anhym was'.made'
to Theaphilns New.nian for ,the keep of
Emina.•Ne;wman,: an insane; indigent,:
the ; money. to, be 'paid quarterly, .on.
the certificate. of: the 'reeve of Bruce' '
A special grant of:. $40' was made,to`.
'assist .Jos.:ph Chsnnon in. completing
his .course in the :Balierille• deaf and:
dumb institute ' . '
The council�_greed to Noll th 3 .'Rune
'meeting at :Wrarton:. °'
This closed :the buajnness of the
,gr4ot to-exteng th�,'� -'" '
of lVi.
1 .;
Aiould: were appointed t.. thi board. .
Thr trustees of the Cooper E tate'
presented their. report, ;showing total
receipts; $6';437.61,with 'dishursements;
'•$3,8§0.44t leaving a balance_of $.1,0,77.,,• 1. This does • not. 'include any pay-
*inent to Mr "Dickson, one of the' truss
tt Ps. :Mr. Talton :stated' . 'that, his
harg+a n was for a payment of 2 per.
•cent for orelinas y 'collection, and 5 pe%
,+stmt oii the collection of rents. About
this there is a dispute; Mr. Robinson,'
ohmuriiuon •of•. ; the :finance comusitteo,
• •clainiing ,tbat :this was to .be for 'boih
trustees. Tire report was . pate44ed in•
accordance with Mr. Roberisoi}'s:view
sof the case
The deputy;reeve of Sangeen and
;:tom reeve of'Port'. Elgin Were author:
. ized tt?t: expend'' 100 in' - resnovhig
obstructions to the river at Mill Creek
bridge, ` • : „.
• The:.:deputy reeve of Elderslie is to,
dive the, bolts: tightened' on the town
line bridge between :Bradt and. Elder-:
$250: was Krantedl to improve roads
in'. tire, township of Eaatnor. `Alter
niarle`Lindsay and St. Edmunds gots
similar grant . Alnabel gets $200.
The bridge ` between Elderslie. and
Sangeen'.north of ?tacky.; is to be re-!
faired. •
The,petitionn' and bylaw •;cp mmittee:
irecosnuiended•, that' the ,,Ontario Legis
nature' be^°pet�itioned to give ' County
(Councils the power of appointing public
•ofilcials' who . are paid: chiefly out of
county funds; - j
'Aacowmnuuiention. front the he county"
clerki'of Oxford, sugg.sting a petition
Miss •goveruntent praying: for legislation
t•1 prolii{set the importation and tranu-.
• :,facture ; of ,ititokicating `liquors; the
' committee, wrhilst` agreeing Whir' the
'principles of the petition; did.,'not •
k'elieve that''such 'an act' cot><ld be
;denforced '•w,ith •,advantage .to' the
,country, and 4,4 `therefore , recoln-
'wpnded'•that no action be.
•• The .liy laws•of the .county 'are to be'
` revised,. enc" allly4laws now in force
will be entered in a book kept for that
`puipose. Messes. 1) Robertson •• and
1. If. Scott will attend to't, a t'evil ion.
820:nits rated. ,to' the . ia
,, 8 pr,isonera
ostociat,•rili,: and , redgi . King swill, ,
114 Septi; D. Robertson, and .the
1't Arden, were, appointed a local 'coin-
tilltttee .td deal with the• hatter.:,
A petition will be forwardeed,to the
I odiution •Go ernreuti through , A.
ff Y
1 the.*i itrsignei•for,repairs to w:ho:i1
house No. 4, township' of. Ashfield. 'Brick,:
stone., and carpenter Work necessary: Tenders:
received upto the evening of Monday,' Feb:
'4, 1889. Security for .':completion of win'
.required. The.loweet, highest, or -any. tender
not necemarilyaccepted. Specifications, may-•
be seen .at .the residence of Donald T. McKen-
zie, lot 8 cin. 14, Ashfield, or a; the Luchalah
Bost 'office. .
1) T. McKENZIE, .
DLT *CAN McRAE,5 Trustees.
L ,MeKbl\ZiE, JJ5 •
A_hfield, Jan.; 2•
1,1589:, . 2484,
The .other Grocers will thtalc a •Cyclone has struck then'..
It Tdon't spetiif, possible that W.,iood ° can giVc3. five `pounds of sugar away' with every five
pounds �. ds, .of tea he sells, Yet: he purpose;, doing it. . .
lint matters it, if 70,10000if �rou . gai�i :
, 4.
,What we -purpose doing is to_give-every purchaser. of five 'pounds, of tea, five, poun 's•` of the
• finest sugar away with it.
• ,•e
nonembernext Saturday and
five, pounds f"tea at W. ood's
you P s Q �Y1.. Y , .,you •will4{;et five. pounds� 'of • slnar. given •
you Tea from 15 ceuts , up'to , 55 tents. Just, sluch i .�'
� bargains in all.other hues..
"Always look. for-' Moody's: Advertisement
Cc nneil's old stand; -Lucknow>,
ave removed our'stock fr : t a
Qm he old stand, to
:fid will o tin u.e•our
omen, ex
' FOR ' ••
argains arid
ou will get, them.
• The V eitern plaimns; .mill in the 'hila a of,
Luckoow. County of Brnee, • Will• be Sold' by
public aectinn •- e19 the 6th •day of February;
1889. The mill contains 'all necessary ma-
chinery for, iioing a hret•clats business., Fur
particislare apply to
JOHN MILLER` 1 Eaecuton. '.
TERM 8 --Ten per cent,: of purchase :money
in cash. balance in 15 days. when deed Will be
3 -ins 784:.
yi I 7'HUAT1ER • nF GUARDIAN: S111P.4 theanfant children of Rachel.;
Beaton, late *f• the township of Ruron, iu the
county of1 ruce, •deceased.
Applicatuin will be made to the':Surrngate
Court of the:count ref 13ruc'e after ex{,gra''
tiiib -qf twenty days from 'the'firet publication 1
hereof, to • hare Alexander Beaton,' . f the' •
.sing . township of Huron,. •lreonian,: 'the •
lawful : father Of .Raid infants$ appointed
etardian of •• Kenneth• John ,Beaton, Alva'
'disnn Beaton and •Wesley G••ant Beaton an .
f ►i.t children -of the `said Rachel Beaton ;'dr -
•])ted. this 2.5th,da nf:Tananry 1880
�1LE?t I3EA'1ON •
3-784 by If. DD'iorrison,'hr.+ solicitor •
--��► in Manitoba, suitable for mixed farming'
-and close to. railway'station;-pont office, school
and Market, fur sale cheap, or would •exchange'
for gond town property, ur emall,farw here..
Appy to ,
•`11011Ns 1'0TCHnR,'
6'782. _ . • ' • Luc1 ow.
every -
axes: an
ie rovid...,: themselves p e • . wit
and be comfortable during the cola months:
c: •
ale handles way p down, . J�ow Is the tl
me tobuy,;•`v1111e ..your chance is good,•.:
WANTFT).; Permanent,positions
E.igranted with SALARY AND EX=
PENSEE 1'AIt') Any determined,
Man can succeeded with us.. Peculiaif' •
advantagesto beginners: Stock .complete, in,
cludini many faetiselling speeialims. •, Outfit
!ri leepleas ,ni Ittg' .made ", free. Address at once ; ' ' '(Name this Poiret:
fl nserable• . , •
by that 'terrible ibugb;`. Shiloh's• Cure+ BROW tilt a ' •
ie the ��remesdy #tYr .you.: Fnr ealo ; .by '• ` . ,
ai I�1. L'os rail. .l s1 ilaeY,al;7fE.1r , " :. , ,
g r Rocli�rlrsea.'N Y'
IL alwaysori. band.,
'' •.AOR TiI s
D L •
New Eriglnnd' Nurfi erIes.
Eiatablish.d over '36 years Thiol reliable
nursery. Men with push , energy; tgcl habits,
and clan character are what we want'. Every
chance for success.. %Ve can nive••yri,u good pay,
and ateadji work. Write for terms to
1!rwnerymesi,.Culborae Qat,
• C't
agents forcinr•goods. Liberal commissions,. or
salary and expenses, tocompetent,rndrelirbh' •
men. For terms and hill patients.*•
F. .LxCI1ARE, Nurseryman,'
Menthe) this taper l3rlghtopi, Y.
3;7'70 •
'I hive's. few thousand dollars to invent 'fo
private emtie% at reasonable Interests.. • '
• • ELiIOT TRA;ItI;)Xi1.