Lucknow Sentinel, 1889-01-18, Page 3• • .. • • •••••,- - THE .1,„ix Latest Fnithion. gossip.. • A gown wpm by Mrs. Cleveland in her ." Cabinet call" the other•day was of stone - blue Henriette Oath, with tricaming,s pf this same ohee•e in otriped more. A short ..imPorted jeeket of Sawa eelor was betded in olesters with: ehort amber Pendants. The hat waa a oat foiyh.color Gains- • ;• borough, triremed with a large bow of • ribbon and shaded ostrich tips. • Per a iveola.ehain pendant ,nothing is • newer than, a drii$11. gold. riding.whip, the lashof whipla id drawn inte a, ottryed shape, • 'forming a glove -buttoner. .„ .„ Dime. Itecander end her 'friends used to •. ;damp their robes thatthey,inight foU more °basely to their shapes; but perhaps then. • nietisni was not then, as noWithe feshiona- ;• ble corn Plat*. of the day, and thd• atmos- • phere of Parie.Wee possibly drier than that •of lionclen. Direotoire coats, giving as they do s9 • /210.0h 600p0 totheimagination'and afford,- , • ziag BO BOO GO OppOnEllity Of displaying rare stuffe to the best advantage, Will, be more Worn than ever; but women, who are. wise Will keep the long, gold -braided .waist. • Coat as light es poseible, and the coat itself • as dark as may be. . The clooe.fitting .jackets, the fronts fur-, • lined and turned batik with a rolled collar ,• over whiteweisteeets stiff with gold or silver embroidery,- are ,quite the smartest: • things of, the season ; but already they are • ; tenoning vulgarized, and Only extreme (matinees of fur and Material' will make t them acceptable to the few. " Ingenioue ladies . are . usingsuixtmer • jackets of light cloth for faceted wear. These • Jaokets.are without linin and are excep- clonally' • .pretty,. 'useful and becoming. • Drapect.:vests of (Irene de chine er inn h May • be added, and also fancy revers and acad., , according CO taste. A ,very wide; strong belt should be set intide 'of the jacket and to arranged as to fit the figure:quite eloeely;• • otiferwise their .iseteninge might shOW on ; the ehtside Of the garment: , • A few yohng.Wee4ert fasteti their• feather/ • hoes to wide hats, that in their, turn are - held iri place by the full lees voll. Still, it, , is a question jag how the hat is kept from• . following this ba down the 'be?* of -the •' • • With Mel:0044r' " New MO' for Cooking Mush. -A corres- • pondent eericlethe following improved plait' ifor CoOking•niiish, On Which he' thinkshe • ehould:he paid 'a . royalty • See that the • fire is Well made ; then take •tt. one -gallon ' iron pet, fill it half full of water; with one tableepboefel of salt ;:.let the water come to a sharp boil ,•• then stir in tWornOunds of • 'sifted meal; and as short as it thickens put • on the.lid and pat the Pet in the oven and • hake for thirty .reieutes ;..takdout.the Pot • every ten minutes and star.. 'up ;the mush. , This plan cooks' the 'ranking- out of the A 'Rich Baked Apple Pudding. -Stew . some apples with 'sugar totaste,a few rants, some chopped-npalmonds, °. a 'little .mited peel cut fine, and a pinch •of •ground . cinnamon.. Make a crust as for an ordinary pudding, 'grease the pudding basin, and sprinkle it with brciwn, sugar .and cinna- mon; 'line it with some of the paste, pat some of the truft at the bottom,, then a •• layer of paste, another of fruit; and, 'so on till the basin is full, finishing off with the paste; sprinkle the .top with sugar and cinnamon and bake it. It will .turn out of 'the basin when baked. A simpler Method is to peel and cut the apples in email nieces, • and lay theta on.„thepage with, the other Ingredient(' and. the addition • of a little A Dutch Apple ' Pio.-Stew live or six appleswithone- half potindof ougar,a few our- - rants And raisins, a Ogle milted peefeirt up; • a few chopped up almonds, and a pinch of • powdered "--,- cinnamon. • :Make iltune.,, Puff. •, paste, line a pie=dish. with :tome of:IS:pet, " thutteWeci tqfpletr (*hen mid), • covet •C.with the paste, and bake in a very brbik oven: • , -.0Pen Apple Tart. -Stew some apples t111 • qiilte bolt"; take out any hard pieces, beat, them to a palp,. and to one-half pihnid Of 'piilp, allow six ounces of ginger; liVi3 eggs' ...nnd the grated rind of a lemon,. Beet all • these Well together, then add gradually five •;ounces of Welted butter. Line a dish with puff paste, ponr in the mixture' and bake it • onee. . • , • Apple Cream. -Peel and core aix,large • apples, boil them in a little water, with . two amides' pfratisina and the grated rind Of a lemon, till quite soft; when cold add 'a .glass of sherry. ;,Lay the' mixture in a pie , dieh,:heat tip the Whiten ef. three'eggs with . sugar tostiff froth, ,eppetolit over the apples and bako. in a slow even. ' • Oysters Broiled with Pork.'-lienble a Piece of wird into the shape of a hairpin': string it with, filet; in oyster and then e slice, of pork,' :and so on, till, it is tilled; 'eaten 'the ends to a wooden handle and • keit before the fire. •Seatichi, highly with ' pepper and detie the pork with the 'oysters liked. •; , Aspic jelly may be ade of the &meg of the turkey'and 'ohickeit ,u1sed in • boned ttirkey by covering then with water • and boiling them slowly till the liquor is reduced 10 a gelatine autos. This_Vill reqiitre some •time, and the jellythuot bo. covered with caramel to give .the beautiful amber.colored\adpic used by French °poke. , It is easier to Make a 'jelly'veith,bratin-beef stock and gelatine. ' • , •• . Potato Gems. -4-A.' good we', to make • patatcriems is to 'Work one cop of ,otild inesbed.potato smooth into oneoupftiliof evitet. milk. Stir' in one "Mipitil of corn- . meal; or enough to Make a batter 'which Will drop elteilv from a spoonimith a pirteh . of deli, and add ono well -beaten egg.. 'Beet briskly,threetopfnur Minutes) then put'into Well-htittered-geMpans and bake twenty` "' Minutes to hell an hour with a steady but not top hot •fire • • • • , • Washington Omelet. -Ono inip' milk,: six' eggs, tablespoonful butter, salt .and pepper; otte teacupful broad crumb& tet the inilk ; &Me tan boil, pour; it over the °throbs, and let it stand it few Minuted. t Break open the egg and stir all well mixed; Add the bread and milk and season'. Melt the «butter on a hot ?skillet, pour on the Omelet' and let it cook eloitly chi in eqiutres, thrn, fry . a delicate brown and ?lotto itii. mediatel • ug le' ttitia 314 140Wattinti stir well together. Xialte one and a half home ; serve :with or without Sauce. Malt a Pound of raising may be wined i desired. - onEstarrtoE ftet An Enuottsat Seevicete :the..inelneratten or , . ,IPM111fiC,4170441110.• Remains. Abeehtithl service took place at•thelocal orentatotigna on Wednesday host, Miss Genevieve Goddard, :the' °naming and acconiplished daughter of P. 0, Goddard,: of New York, died ft.1.0w days'age_, •aftet a lingering and painful Almost and her body' was brought to Buffalo on NeW,Year'e Day. No undertaker or clergyman WBG-pPOkell GII4, aside from the .gray, -haired father and his elder eon,. only two or three friends from this Pity were present. Atneng theta was Got...4...AocliWood. The yeurtger Son .h4a,i4ep. threate40 fever, and waduhabld tube at the, gavel.: The tether said yeateiday that he had employed' ne urt. dertalter, begat -lee he oetild not beer to have. any hanf:10, but his touch ,the virgin play: He read a Chapter from the Bible, oi.uau a prayer .and 'followpd it with the Episcopal perYioefdr the dead. Afterthis they covered their, lovecl one with flowers, and • the, et.- tendent pushed her inahimatd form into the fiery retort; where' in an • hour it watt converted to *hes. by . the gamed The fathee yesterday exprdesed himself:Re .per - featly eatisfiedwith this .'weY.pf dieposhag of the clead,:and. said that hehad much tether give tho. bodies of his ,loved ones to the clowlethan to the worme ; that the fire was mutat. More poetical to hirnintn the festering grave, for he liquid, pees his daugh- ter's . face, inevery sunset: • He thought promotion' the, Owning inocle'of disposing of the deed', and, said that all thetwati heeded to bring it into general nee, was to eurrpund it with•the prayers and tears and flowing 'the& have always eurroundedInternienf.-. Courier. • . ' A 'Woman •Eirebng In Armee Dress. For several Weeka•Past leMber yards . in Cleveland haye'stiffered from inbendiariga: . Woods, Janke: 4, Co.,' one •-of the.. largest dealere, in the oitY,,hirio beenpartiOnlarly unfortunate, their yardsbeen set on Are several tirnos. The, Oat Ate entailed a lose of .$3,000, the_aedond. oyer.$1#0,000l and there bevel** one or two leso..serious conflagrations einne • there. New Year's' night; while:twO of the 'We:tauten • were making the „routine .of the yards,: they' dis nevered a fire' ernoilidering'near one of the lumber piles; It Wan eaoijylextingtished. A *birch was Instituted; and, in a pilecif grew near achand, they .4etind what ap.:. peered to be a little old man. The eteanger was jerked • out of his hiding place, when the watchmen were astounded talearnthat they had caught a woman. "' gha was &easedin ban's clothing with n -fur :SP on her head.. the poUce station she •gitYetheWente of Mrs. Mary Benteiber age as .49 years, and dealated ,. that • she"was . in the yard for the pnrioEeof leaking after a little .garden patch .she had on the edge of the4.eitl. ...She wore Men'ti clothing to pro. net, AO from insult. : She. was held and arriigned, in police court to answer to .the charge of *eon. It gems that some time ago' the 'firtri7 of Woods,' &mks d Co.. en- larged ite•yard-and.toOk up land on which this •Weenen had 'planted:.imme vegetables They promised to pay: her, hut.. did .not,,so she says she was tired, Of asking them. .In revenge for this,suptitutry eviction she has destroyed property *shied* nearly $300,- 000. ShOpresented'a• itinarkable. appear- • ance in nogg, in her rough than'e Suit and heitYYfurcap anmet"..enyettiping.e dry and weezentialice. •• ' • • 'The Shortest Way. • TelacherfOw; is Pompeii pronounced? . First Roy-L:PoMpeY 1.. 'Teacher -Next 1 ' f3econd Boy-Pompeytii-tti. Tescher-Next • Third Boy-_,Poinpee. Teacher -Next I • , . •'Fourth. Boy- (with ineffable 'scorn) --1, don't tronounce it.' I judi say Ilerctilia.' Transportation Easy.' . Theatrical hotel ' proprietor (fuming)- " Well, tit, didyou seize tbe wardrobe of the Fairy Queen Burlesque; its I directed?" Constable" Yesi;•'sir..Got it all ! " a -Where is it ?" • . • "In My pocket." • A Fainillar Man. • • ", Familiar Fellow (tapping v a dignified old gentleman on the shoulder)e-Ain't my face familiar to yon? •• • ' , OM Gentleman (brushing hint off) --It's not alone your face that's . You are altogether the 'Most familiar min I avg.'s:tie • • • . I • A Deplorable 11.1stake. Nothing is more thoroughly 'mistaken than the idea that a,, woman' fulfils her duty by :doh* an &menet of work that is far beyond her strength. She not only does not fulfil her duty but she most singularly fails in it; And the !allure- is truly dopier. able. ' , _ christrnadc,igaire, • Jinks-" Whew ! What vile cigara. these are How ,did you'cinne to buy them ? " • Winko,".Didh't buy 'em-Chrifitinar present.', — • Rtitinitilona • .you----; ..Dick1.16 Oen% Tom; ded:bioke myselfi • • , A doughnut reed . a by Josiah Tillotson, of. Vermont, in hi Christmas stocking sixty-five yeate ag , id- new .on exhibition in a town in that Stet . Josiah has reached a 'ripe old Age, and *tributes his longevity to the fact that he didn't 'eat the clonghnut he fdtihd in: hid Stocking.. . • Sam Ione; says that the reason ho dope I not settle down telacengregation Of 2,0000r 1 mord, end a salary Of 0,000, is that he can travel and preach to hundredsof thothiancld and earn $25,000 a year. • • 7 Lott night Armstrong McCormack Was I JO:nicked down by highwaymen, on Union.' street; Itiegston,and his clothes ritled.. Two Men stole upon hint irethe dark and . Raked Inane Puddirig.•70ndquatt sweet. , *In 'a ttng shot. rendering 1 „ The Other String tol he How. ' Mee. Smallsalary-I &mit, see: how we are going to keep the children warm thilt ' winter, Alfred? .: - • Mr. Smallsalary-Well; I suppcise we can afford a find part of the time; and part of the time We can, taki•terne in ?spanking. then:LT.-Burlington Free,":Prees. • _ ,. , • ..--„,„_-... . The fag that the iedekine in Dakota are trying to sell the blankets given them 'hY theoGoyernmenlie construed te mean that ' Brand .as havin had Who Leeende Saturday 7 .0 eil:M11411.. '"11.QPIOS, r*Onge.geatee wit PeTe that the pros- pects. appear to be that protectionistswill noti •ninch longerallow the tide: to pomp, :in unless a tariff can be ccilleoted off it. • . IT dees, net pay to:borrow oney in order to pirchat.o.,nore• land: It is an olcr truth that "an acre Of land: has no litnit to its productive -.opacity." The true, farmer prefers a wheal, farm : well tilled'. The' ,inanare• that is spread On two aerell will give better reel:110s ir applied to one giere, while thecost, of tillage will be less. No farmer can affprd. to ,buy more land until he has brought up that • already in higipos- sepaiohie the highest degree of fertility, Tha: &go 'worn at Windsor by the Ern-, rose Frederick, which is the 'dreds of a German widow, its very picturesque, though simple and severe. The gown, which.ib a long, plain ono, ,Atie • covered ,entirelYby crape, is only telieved, by two long bands of white lawn, which gp• do mu •froai. the neck' of the gown' in fret* to the .feet. The widow' rs gap is 'black, and worn . in •tt .stiff Point; Which comes. down low On the fore- head, and to which its fastened a.iong black veil, felling almost to the feet behind. The. three: Prinoesfzeo wear the oaten deep veil and 'cep, without the ' white boucle; 'which are the distinctive widows dress, '$destr: experiments , with the new 'ex, plosive proceed .oneceogully in :England:: 'ilitierts ere. emit/need .that the exploeive can destroy forts •like the, . French filets IYArret on ,thefrontier Within a few hours.' Thepower of the explosive will tevoltt... tionize the Whole fortreos: system, • making. useless great closed fertworks and necessi.' tating Moveable: defensive works enelpsed in ironeladbnlwarke lipoeht fort work changes in Prance and litisiga indicate that both ,those nations have PlitainedknoWledge of•theexplosiYe. • WereaWdespatalles state that the system of GeneralToledfler will be coinpletelY abandoned and that orders. have already beeh issued to stop the wOrks at Xciwal and to .fdreatnstead a triangular system, including Rotted, ,Liteeeki .• and: pialyslock, 'connected. by strategic railways. . . • , „ ' AttE**. StiErliPiNV,41012 pEOVIdEB, an ebsa- ititd guarantee •against being dragged, has rneentlY: beep`Petented by P. G. illiadbolti.: There is. nothing peculiar itithe appearance of these slims at fitet .sight, • , but . closer 'observation shows that the strap ring is fitted into a SpringrOlip, which :Opens .only laterally, and acnissequently 18 kept securely cloged'salling as the"stierup,is perpendion. lee. But in the event of the' • rider being throw, the itrain.'on the stirrup, should, the rider's faot reman in At, would at:erice release it from theetitiP; and so lessen the danger!;, This simple •appliance • seenie to offee,a readyMearieof safeguard in riding horse that ie at all likely to throw One. TItE.observations • made M. New York 'seem, to leavene.doubtthat tlaa hustle had , . indeed coate to stay. Mr,t Cloveland's op. peeition• Wilt be fruitless, as *ellad that of . , Ifreiliaiigtry; Miss Mary Anderson,: Mies .Ada Rehan; Mies Fanny' Davenport,, Mrs Jame Brown :Patter andother theatrical stars, the outlines of whose figures oan noW•be•Eleen., in 'all iheir beau*. . A good deal seems to depend ori:•figures 'ahd, on age in thiematter. • Carefplobservation has shown that the young girl weirs' the biggest bustle, and, .that as age grows the 'sized' the bustle; tourrittre,dreedimproVer. ;or Whatever the: thing_huty be called, de- creasoa. Full -figured Womeirof imiddlciage are those who can most suOceiisfully appear rinhel,,,bastlelette,. the natitial functse of their • fornid making any • swat' 'artificial prothberitnee .unnecessary. • Aihin women without a '..bnstio becOmes'.unploasantly eonspiations, and for. this • reason it 18 be- lieved that,thr isleitcleir_and-dhe4toky,rall flhTior mi. -v. -fashion bog iafter. others May be 'ready to give it hp.. 7 &let at present,. however, there seems to be no danger of .that. , , 'Too Partienlar: "1 Went in 40 bathe;'.saidn Yankee "but before ,/ was long in the Water I'saw 'a huge double -jawed sheiltaneking rapidly towards me. *What was tabs done? When he was Within it paid of Mel faced round, dived wider iliethark; and, -taking a knife from my packet, ripped the,mentiter ."But did you bathe with yout clothes on? asked in astonished. listener, " Well;" answered the StOrOeller reproachfully; do thihkyottintidn t ,be so. Very partieuter.". • • ' • • . • . • "Ont of tlie Prying Pat," ' • , Melbahd (With' a ..sigh of relief) -Now "1--eitee At last 1 Thank Heaven I No More .presenta to buy, no more bills tt pay. • No more "father,buy' me this," or '4father, buy me that;" no more "John, dear, can you 'let • me have some Money, there's lots to bny?" It is over. A few, more days. and I ,should hare been bankrupt., but the crisis his 'passed; the night" has gone, the morn is breaking, ' ' • • • Wife • (entering the roohi)-John; dear, the coal bin is emPtY. . • . „ _ . •••• ' • Repiody tor,rs'eonicuis. Dr. Joseph Eichberg,• Of Cincinnati com Weide:ties tethe Arediecd,Ilecoril details of restaikabie recovery which he witneged in e London Hospital,,in a deeperate • eette of phdumonia, under 'the :extraordinary practice of opening the, windows by the•bed for fivp minutes every hoar -in Januar- and sponging", the . China; rirrnd and face every hour; tegetherAith free etimnlatien, etott'gince that diperience had trio tile same plan in desperate cased ,with entire success. • , trdlk, One (inns() ,blitter, four well -beaten hint ancohliciorld. He recovered consoleuel : eggs, One teacupful corn meal, tleettek of a fi need while tlae men had hi down and e POuncl t") BUgar, half 'a cup of irfolaSees. : Wrestled with theta. They'edosped arrest Scald the mils and stir in 'meal While boil. and. get nothing. • . • .. \.,.. ,/.. . . , A WOMAN'S It vE Y Row a Montreal Servant GirlSoinkatted Tiro Sneak Thieves -Her Great Presence ' of Blind. A Montreal telegram Bays: The real- aenge.Of C. C. Snowden, •at,190, Manse street, was the (mope, thie morning of a remarkable exhibttion. Of feminine bravery and the diecontfiture of two. burly ?sneak thieVes itt the hatole of tot old woman scarcely able to waik., A servant attaphed to Mr. Snowden's household, at 11 o'clock this morntng noticed two Men walking about the rear yard and acting in a very fsuppicious manner. She started into the kitcheh to ask them *hat they wanted, but they had got there before , her ahd, going on hit° the dining -room, were busily engaged, packing. up the silverware and other valuables Within their reach ' when theseryant screamed, locked the, kitchen door, putting the key into her pooket; and • ran stairs to arousethe housekeeper, who is it woman within the „shady side of 50. One of the thieve:it'. sought a hiding piece in .th`e, Servint's • hea; whore . he hid under . the quilts,. The other mainly atteinptea. to break open the deer. The old hohse- keeper, aroused by the servant's screams, twined herself with a eix-chambered revolver and sallied toward the noise. She first,roused the Man under the quilts, who, in answer to her question tie to. what he was doingthere• bit her 'All in the face With eshovel. Nearly dazed by the blew she levelled her revolver and fired; .the,ball striking the thief in one of the hips: , He fell and elle turned, her attention to the thief in the kitchen.. The Min she had shot got there as goon as she did; and the combined efierte of the men.burat the doer.. They rushed into the yard, but ricit before the housekeeper had fired again, this time striking the men in tbe rump . and extraot, ing front hint a yell which so startled the aged markswoman that she dropped the pistol; saying: Oh! heavens, I have killed him." But she ' hadn't; for ,beford she could regain...her 'Clamp:mire and .fireageih the. man Who hadn't, been hit assisted the man who had. been hit over,the fence and • follotved hiM. Of oottrectithe• witman'couldn't elimb a tenet', but She kept blazing away et the, beards until her, amMitnithan was gone andthen ohe fainted. Neighbors, who. had been aroused' by the noise of the shots; then went the assist- ance of the brave,housekeepffAnd the ser, vent, who can to.night command twice the wages they have hereto:dor° been getting. The thieves, wholook nothing • with, them but the two bonen,' eseepiscl Capture; but the polionhavea pod descriptio n' of them and expeot to dapthretheinbefore morning. • , • • , oyaltles anclfRules. As A steady tonic tor. the atnity•between Germany and Italy, Reiser Within:2 has •orderecr each , regimental band to play .at least once a week the march Of Abellersag- lierl and the Italian infantry twitch. 1: . The PrincesS Of Vales preserves er goo • looke in a Most astonishing wity;• consider. ing her age. ; She Will be 44 ,years old on the .1st of next December, but in the Blinded 'light of an Opera box; or when arrayed 50 hall court digs .(a toilet which she wears with infinite grace) she dodo not log* a day, over 30: . General Bohlanger'e one idol in life. is. said to bailie mother. She was with him in,1859.during the fen Months in which he: was in. danger .frOnt'a wound received s,t Solferino,' and which has net* entirely healed. He opehde every Sunday afternoon and evening with her, and it away always sonde her a telegram. Like sunshine in a Shady place," , The poet balled a woman's face • That gladdened all who saw its beauty.. , A face, no doubt, that beamed with health, That blessing which is 'more than iyealt13,/ .And lightens every dauv,guty.----4/..-" .1,Aliew..co,n-womarrrwhbirellard life • With Many a Wearing pain is rife, Escape thetrasp of such afilictien,. : kndhe a power to bless arid cheer? , •The answer conies both swift and clear- , 'Take Pierces Favorite Prescription. • Dr. Thane's Favorite Prescription is the only medicine for :women's' peculier.week- nestte and ailments; fielcl.by dreggiste, under et positive guarantee,. frem the mehttfac- turere, ofeatiefaction -being given in every Cage, or :•inoney rafended.. See patentee printed on bottle -Wrapper. • ' • Genlue, but ne piPerienee: "Americans have a genius .for such things" (reporting biPfights), ." Wit they lack experience," sake, the Dallas News, and then continues "It whs a Yank Who said' The btill reared like thunder, I 'ran like lightning and Split my, trousers as if the heavens and earth had come 'together as I junaped the fence.'" '• ' • An •Eaguith Authority • affirms tbat the best regimen forPreserv- ihg health may he gummed up in the maxim, "keep thellead cool; the feet warm and the bowels active." ' There is ,a World ,of Wisdom in the Olidervation. Obstinate conetipatipti, or dostiveneed; is an exciting caVse, of other diseases; and, with many persons of sedentary habits or ecoupatione, this inaction of the bowels 'lea sort of flow oiant-annoy;a2Mo, producing ; piles,prolapseof the rectum, fistula and various •clyepeptic eye:toter:2e All these are Warded off, and health ist„matntained, by the nee of Dr. Pieree's Pleasant Purgative Pellets.' Jt Nero" Pianist• .' • The lateet prodigy at tpe piano, says the London Cour; Jourpal, is reported to be geadrumenono-tritr4Monkey to Wit) that exeeptee =remits brilliantly with all four hands at once, While he.gractifully turne. over the leaves of the music with the tip of his prehensile tail.' It is not stated Whether or net the music! has beeh especially writteh for hint, kialre Mains • perhaps Itti simply duplicate s What had 'been written for • ordinary two-handed , perform/3re of the Itubenetein order. The achievements of this wonderft21 ape surely make a new -end most important °pooh- in the arrangement of orchestras. • • . Patti•Nieolini says learning Romeo and Juliet" in French, after being accpstomed to it in Italian; was harder than learning two entirely now parts. . 4,otipiTtiyheOdni ha ee,rewweliltkhnirodinhathvi do' keditay: is now aging Terry's 101 Sweet r," going to be inartied next to Midis Levisen the handee iff is tbThe an open winter.' , '.• Herr NeWak i thit flame of an operatics 00tidtiotor., W,c won Or what he would a if ho were stranded and had to get to the next town. ' • betrese o 1 it rich clianapna merchant. ••• , The She, Pretty Girl -Yes, 1 14ce that yoting minister I but 1 really deihink be might. have a little.more judgment. 1 know. nu not very wicked, but he imagines I'm going straight to perdition. „ Friend -Oh, you must be mistaken. • "No, I'm not. There are lots worse sinners in the congregation than I gm, and yet no matter what wcikedness he preached against he always looks right straight at , He Was The car jolts violently, and the stoat lady, is thrown into , goaaao•o lap. Stout lady (blushing) --Excuse me, but the car- . • Mr. Fuddle (sadly) -Don t mentiohi , ma'am I Don t mention it. used te„, be- ing sat on by women. ' • DS:4'i disgust everybody by hawking, .blowing' and spitting, but use Dr.'13age's Catarrh ItenleaYand bacntred.: •• ••• Chickens 'Came Traiii.e,i0 Been. LadY of the House-,•' Who are you, sir ?" Tramp-" I'm' the dude you flirted with at the seaside in 'August." -Chicago Globe. ITCHING PILES. EirmiToaIS-Moisture; intense itching an , stinging; most at night; worse by scratch ing. If allowedto continue tumors form whioh often bleed and ulcerate, beoomin very sore. SwerNE's .OINTMENT Stops the itching and bleeding, heals, ulceration, and in many cases removes the tumors. It equally efficacious in curing all Ski Dioeases: 'DR.' SWAXNN & SON, .rni- prietors, Philadelphia. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT can be &Mined of druggists. Sent by mail . for 50 cents. . • Near the Goal.' your Sister, engag,ea yet?" Maud. -0 No; but she's got a situation as typewriter." , Interested in the Reault., "1 threw .rayself at her feet," moaned' a disconsolate. yohth. . I)id you hit them ?" inquired a cold. hearted, unsympathetic listeners •i Miss Wheelock, of Milwaukee, suppolte herself.' by teaching the /game of whist. •She has 193 pupils and expects ',soon to • . double that number by opening classes in Chicago. " • .; People will be glad to learn that M. De Lesrgaps is 4" still optimistic.'' A man hut. • to be optimistic whenhe had a houseful of babies, even if his hair be white. \ Patrick Berkey:Tao injured. in Mr. John • G. Frost's furniture factory at Belleville yesterday morning; how seriously is not yet .khown., Hae was ,engaged sawing &. board when a piece struck him' in the abdo- men. Ho was bicked hp for dead, but ' finally rallied. It is feared that he is iniared internally. • MARVELOUS • DISCOVERY;• . WhoDY unlike artificial loyetems. Cure of mind wandering. . Any kook learned in one reading. Classes of1,087e,t Baltituore,1,005 at Detre 1,500 at Philadelphia, '1,113' at Washington' 1,210 at Boston, large classes of Columbia a To students, at Yale, Wellesley, Oberlin, University ot Penn., Michigan Univereity, Chautauqua,oto. etc. Endorsed 13.y_ Riononat Picorma, the &den Vieth Hone. W. W. .11.13T011. JUDAH P. Bannatin • Judge Gmsozt Br. BROWN,,L11. Coon, Prin.N.1! ,N State orms,1 College, eto. Taught by soma pondence. • Prospectus POST_VIIEB front . • • - PROF. LOI8ETTE._657MItliAveo-Nolf. o it• 3 89 SALESIIENglFj:aciVi,TY.1:iikw13: . tan trade. Largest mann- facture's in our line. Enclose 2 -cent 'stanip. Wages $3 per ;day. Perinaneet position. No . .postals answered, Money advanced fur wage', . eclyeitising, etc. Centennial Illanufacturnag Cincinnati, •Ohlo. MERCHANTS BUTCHERStErputi . . generally We Witt It nooD,ofial in iota' laisallty to pick up. CALF' SKINS for us. Caish Eurnishe'd on satisfactory guirantg. Ad'dresii,; C. El: PAGE, Hyde Perk, ;Vermont, IL 8 The Shoe &feather lifiporter,. N. Y. _and Bheir ft Leather Review,'Chicago,_ the leacling trade paperii of the ILA in the/Ede line, have bent their representatives to investigate mr., Page's btud. nese, and after a thorough examination 'and coin, Pansiin the ReinTtergives him thia endorsement' "Wo believe that in extent of light-Weighraw • material Collected and carried, Dlr. Page hold the lead of any coMpetitor and that hip present stockis po Largest liek; by any 1*144o an this:country, • . And the'Reeihw says: • . ±, "4fter g most thorough investigation o/My • Pagesbusiness as anhpared with others in same line,. we Mee become fully satisfied: that In a to speetalt y, light -Weight stock., he is unqueetioneblii the largest dealer in this country, White in sufier • . ority of quality heis confesseay atthe head.". QuElir If Mr. Page's business ia the largest • in Its 14 le in the United States; ie. it not -the beet Peseible proof of his ability to pay highest prices ? It he did not do Sot Would be naturally get,MOre. . Ski,ite than allY of hie edmpetitors in the semolina? aliseanneameisanninaaiemsammutommmen, THE COOK'S BEST1FRIEN ,FOR . SALE, A NortItgy 12 -Horse power., Bolter/ma Killeyr Autonittik Cat- df - 15 -Horse Power Engine, WITH 13139K1311irE GLiyItztri0I, • bestuel order. of 1.! seen at TIMES PRINPING. C HAMILTON, ONTABIO. ,