HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1889-01-18, Page 2...... . . . . . ..... ..... as......... ...... ayourown =UR U HArMIX. 8T9Zr .0 Glv'a.� my, dear Joupy s'kios from Jobn.her, Qwrt: )JOW. iii the I X�m ells NatmahO fe", -V Otic"Po q 866044L W#!k
aww. f W ;ffolft De a Fort, Man sitbfgl lov�, 44 revOir, ray own piellogs love. 114 . . a Into tit", �A F, dinous Domellitiolm to CQMQ' T't fit laon, says An Anold an T roday
2reo I'll
The aaabs. of ank Kew\Zealana,. aleiistob. aboVe�fi ish, tie. Masontai'lasll in Pr StO et lov litters, b Mr. conserated and, klediost for -,which th BOO evpmD yo� Ware pays: 4vioe" int Saruds say that the Qermazli-man Iffackie has, A164 others. Of 41i't g last.. The new. I$d Q A TunhiidgeL Wells-,sre,aw folio a of-war,Qlga lost 20 man killed, Or. in Mr. Alotlq bAgo g ,QQM, P ferent obp y And laviy 0 husband. he tied 1011L AcrVio ilyl6th Swoikman at, thQB*1tiO,S%W �,jjd; 80 wounded, out, of a, party, of 120 inbu, T Mackie tdt�oi firstrip handsomely fil
FqR. 6b
d Millq,, Tunbridge Wells, - whose name wait ii�flo 4isiat, Tamassio % I III164he Suit againjit 0 Mr. _pi0A � him� for'Lentot Log we�k note, by 'OX-
Tiqrsd lilv4i at home with his wife and fte 0ekmabe *.a otreat oI �o,ntq. Wor d.)* whou',he� w1q, calle .out -by thilaii bbitO. !the lo.r l -p Ge a lqrge, number of' pfendanti, the a&- n _ �
two, a and., oator Alotr
to*ttla� hs,hsqi no right tq,�ozifirjuiq; 10,' I Isift r Galt,L
oommbn,dqjrqof it v , Ing brethren -being preEledt. am known tlawyers ser A 40ma, voice ujiltnio' The bEep fully Aware of *be Own to 1-q family. peri-og-Wo -raceived, an friandblilp H
Star t on, the having espai" sria� Guelph.,
if id'tinq 1.14i .. I worne.d. her Of Intbritions, b oriza. ids twority,firi 'rig game 0 I - tit intimatibnot the, lGoradan f'r Mr. eiisil between .,,Mr., Henry'! 'and h f aptiOrig to, be heard" be a P. )re;te'd. in, mat all she 0 th srThe ladiple Are 41W47a no.9g.. doubtod $be raceangor 'Will they rerljAine,., inactive. ;us Ion Mane. At q, proso4igittipgO of the self, nowto that .to extort"
.. 0 Lth L theit, L 11 11 ters aftepoxig r portinixig oIt x.cl, de., vorod, to her husbM44 i6l� ileduciEl, A Berlin, despatch says,;. Oacial, ad loss pans r9m. individual and t. sh, Civil Asdzea., Tbe paktie� to a! suit are more i At oJjL, I He a IS An, s66ounfr of how t q come.ou a after ards sent f firm` yedierdi be second lady
and William Mackie, who is, described as a winds up vO r6m A is con V's nnounce hp threat th an the London. �Free one of the children after her husband. The. merit at an, noo.unter,bet.woen Mitaelfa's Mason was msd, from
arqIiant, fan, 'Henry Abell, -the. record husband prElon 'the bualue"'to SUL issue, she Helena Countess- Hadik Uy; found the two conversing, but, unhap. followemanathe :Germans. On Dec., 18th, how him, i2pin hi . t go eclairs, The otasOn., being, an illinpament insnufAotur Will a i9y '11a --fithe says� ... I I 11 a r... .1. Barkoczy., born I 18A was the, sole r sent him back on come th G-orpja'a gunbostAdler,,Wit th Qer- aknown,in a t a, hb: b , usiziesd '' pqrtioi , IS' It - T a as. 0 'rd both,of Toronto.' The,pla,intiff, Mackie, iff 'others are merelk aemsndq! for-'rilonel 0A, Bart, Aija rsuld to, the Lh use. No More was, he ni cozy" ..a, ma4. Consul, bQr#r4,. proceeded to L44,lyy, well , t I heiress ..of Count.- Jo qt t �e be stateme �f defence is a gonere � me' permitte b I the last of er a, Of awrericiells. mysterious, meolsinger'r but kiet pobifin, city., Atonati*1110he W"Jisnagerottlib nial of the, alleptitim Lov enos, hirpself waq,* fbun4 'dying to the 'disarming of by the,Hung6rian courts. to take the Place' t%U 6f, negotii�tiihg, r ina, he jjgie�; rallied Woodbridge.branch of the wholesale liqu.9 of 4 son., 06'suoceeded her father 6n, bile. the insurgeptAl . in consequence, at the buoinesa otibe III.-otarred rtn' Of Will�raj '.THE F!Xik UR -E. to death in 1871. iq the m4tegeii 'what had happened."' 39' as re M4jOl?rat, of,- known, in . sissination, destruction of -Germ" property Land insul Ill ito German s . mil'o . to. A party a me "li�1thadlaiministbro'Do'no, cethe8o-Call6d. Bor oozy.' n 1860 hbil, ineprricil' qount- f *n w a li . r 1. .., t .... - - I - i -the t & Co.,,*, -T 6 defendant is tv tiZoill
nbridge Wells oe, pzoprie or of one at, thin largost, agrioul- -ik, aid -d 46, ;,Q e,pamp c mystery, - Two months'. afterwards.& jaa. OhrlAils.". 8c lice Bbl� Hada. P he u;jfqj;;,
landed.,Azid. ,while' on their, way, to. the tural'implem in t eitriatelL on iliaeld iver � to the - Ti -they .,were. a a 468pa says ape or M in ljon:. a I 1% Ilipy - io, dol anbriage Is , lient he rrovince * r Ale io6.* plantation uddenly A Kini2espoli 46spa Before i tunate Ep into�, -R, eitiser A letter., T a street was -her inheritince. :she . elle A . he pistle wis L rebdo;. tea gatherijig.of t ei�hol L�k "othar-trouble's ili,brioli, Are Ip ape JobL 0 aponia d,,'byL arOhe era tq�-,day With
Rev.4&i. J a � do" f .'. azi eteinsiVer..
botful representation Abat,the -writer The Olga, Adler car re &a at an'" Chi Stian 'murderer . Tb I a,. mail*, American named..Xleln, ',Year reod� a P library.� She was a highly-' educated lady was taw.tencelp dragged - beforethe cogrtsi,ttero. IS Women Scion lie Aeolare tly against' the
&a 4ber Inji4eld 3#ore mobli Who, succeeded. striking pagan was; Ilia following'. in this base.; n this 6ase I t., no S el 8 62 a a' 4 suare, And so a t Is,, Renrietis a ae, nei ristian"'nor" I oci. earrjeet ott!'y ar', re wasvervii dhiving. mieterea th -rapellin destroying 14, . &tho natives 4bd Hay, Elizitictli., Mackie Itid, some to! enoe," -and that in the persons ity 6 men wer'q killed, an Liente.. f3pangle I itat6inents: dncOnAlig' ovary degree in, Df dbois.,little thinking of the death be had so the'quit is rought' Against Mr. Abell, it Was
Law lilkative .,�vbou fie was out if t air villages. .- Lieut. Sleger,and a 'd
A6itlygotto'di Tbelait*Ordligop a r re ove'r� $10 for Alleged! alieniation 're
640 when the I&wful,O to a of sin it'�.beoame of,% on 'ardent Admiratkou for iny, company was, whewho,caujoit,siglit.of pirchord and.36L men, ware,*ounded. of God and the a Pinaeonry,' . L L' QffeQtiooEk from bject he, arouied. in ljir� otickinig out of- my pocket. o said, Witili. Maolde. Being analog to andranoi6q. 190 did 'not Zen� thei'Masonic"IdeeiL"We. L the pistol. ho latter are doing well. 106her siocounts, Infidel, in.kto t4g, ilpL j3q4n over t d mlfitter,.,but -Shewai wellsoquainted Wt. What dp'jou curk them sort Og th & about, state 'that -the, Germax a retired t0i Taiielill th 'is. probable tbe influence -was, vith you (or?", My answer L , NT: shoot ttlo'greitElof odda L until .. e bead of the list: ii ioUIedL do 4ovii, 06g6 aid curs like' you. .#I What,"'hald and hold it against, rid the plisces where, by'the psy�ent masons, through whom she on avored'to- Oboe, Wilf COMO OuL to -morrow or. a fj&fle to 40, AA would yolR shoot a Bang I &rid reinfoicied. Matsafs'61 loss was 10 kilted of ill of any, pr'ti m!ty become, dge'd gainadmittanoein' theorhift. Rof d4ire�' eL secrets a evidence look'for Elp oy kn Idge Wells was A! an ad. The Germans bombarded bySIOI%:4 OW. WAo, granted, an 1875, dilly' th 4o , .. ilicl Withbrif. L d. she wSa, it; nce more, TunbX �aftled by anoilitr mystery, *Rich is never likely to be developments. Vailelle, Letogs,. Lazily,, Matanfags' and ledge. 6Jt1-,aatojny or materis medics. He' initiated, in - the - L6dgd ! 1064blbBee, - iii. 1bund, but. hold 'I MHAT. THE STATEMBIq or, PAYS qy bases where one. peop Natafts. Mairisfa. naiii 'h pl�,'havi�'Uiigiifar.�h6ldin�-a constitution 1rom th6 Tha]iei�aliilno feature in 'this. letter th6f 9. a, stron cited e4triBnoligil oqqitionear Api The Wo I,! :enco under Chriatisfi science, Grana-.0flin.t.of Hqngsry� On learning a, whip & ran , rN yesterday read:,over the state. died fr a-neglig celpt - one -sentence Merit of 61�16; flied by ilia: plairitiff.-' It is tresif,,.��nt,"and,,qqoted betriyed. right foolin Excitement OiivalloA 'The ape,, O�, on-e'6f the likayers,of of the:60atutei"Whioh, men, a4d children' have -Intothe ldesigned'lo -exonerate,,& map, on who' I a on divided. i6 About 50, pakaggipfis,ona coo� sibs bealer that was ,enough only
some suspicigniL ha. wirongi iny taiiejji� as. soi, illow, the stimissiob of In ' an 81 the h -of-wr.� B a sea is at a %ra a d f I ffom to to b the, whole idea into' 'xid a. .-He Ordeir,. the. Grind Okent,.Of IJg%:ry in- bear,. aii � . 1. IOU1 a ill* White. gn%a oer. looting furtheir Ggrinaft. action - Al �Iaune 00,16pliftis of improper Ave a - history of thb- craze from its otituted.proceeding's igainilt,:411w giiilty otandati ex 1888, 1 4 a OPen:tO any nL,*AJk.: ..d -ind h Deputy,Xistc ut to so obtained supply a . ardii jident i1JJ , Idoceary,
chapel. Murderer," an it wa 6 prodigious' brethroxf, ii- e., r
f iuni; conduct op.the part -of date against t a one to.conoldde that the document *Ss' VI ,kI lh on eff colon, declare tie ethimself'ready-16appeni Ing with..Mks. I so e..Iq. a village of 1. ; Other. injuie are present tookt, .5 61"the toago;, Brai 'Giis Wi0f it a - silly t; to the "hilibeilih t, I .. . L bicach of the - bat t co 'MandisroL of the f3riti'sh Bud Woodbridgelin the Absonce.of her. hupbadd; �1,lj .,sr vie conducted the initiation,16ir llts in the' east excitement caused ovs 'fr lily Ili AII6 ksgo . nic4-0ow, unjq9tiflealy conferring can, cn-6flwar hisibHence recurring. , equen.. and'of Lon J$ lonly attained J%0 not s` re. Clauee,2 contains Masonic dairsee, doing. iliatAich degrades leance by the act "jolts le a 0 ix, or 6evep Y646 9. allegation, th . I L. A 9 I I . �1 .. . .1 . . Ove I ' - , ... :b- (Ionfessi I on ' "3m- V at 'the' defenili4t dr ' I' i6ii and Friiemasonry 'and, tot'. ond Unad 00 BAN R-QZNZBAL19 Freon;liA
otna ak9ta. IthoUt 'Clothes and knowingly violating, tesiatutesi , an der med. with Mrs.. Mackie during the. same period, d age, d ' IS friend, Blairdgit to the Daughter of f UKe or .., . . 1, I. g . . . ". 't M Bra. Junior-,,, we.4a 'AP anct Ili th4. game vvithout the ;rine the-, B 'Oiatdr, the' bar kjoWledge, Or_ consent of 1pl&i,' ff. , Th ard n Charles. ',Dab h of' lorl MiAtelid6d. Si io meetings, -imp . or there is imiropei coijiduct; al ni. an p6pll the, Sear6tary of tho,L64ge, Lonaiin cable sshe mobt legedAci heivo. A Fatgoi DAL, despatch says - A - lettet ' ' ' ' ' I
for.: the Sam() offeacm ��ith,tbe 6xcepGn .0 cel the: -,T Illt - � an- Again 'Jaria, from Rev.' C. V. Riches, 'Fa�k :1�fvbr;. are: _ffip
sp 0 I_ no, moved by tant:,joalsl evelat- ot, iig Season wag the taken- place.' art- the- ocoa-si f %, rtal (I of' Wri at the-' other., eye. first. out ntic ins h Dakota, � 6bnv' the 1�1111 Lodge of the T led', a*h# they h era. , Th lay of: the Uon.- E, dw4rd hoIiday.jjIp.,tq.M4ak k 'a a brethren of. tM.' b Be on
a, inarkage Siturc 0 A n ekadtli 1j at a lug G�ogp.Villierg Stanley,. of' the, Grenadier ISO , as.- forma%ion of the Eixtroviii far this 'Ai6n: that he a ig frien who wig'. Goisraq, son of tho."dovernair-Goneral. of Prominent ambrig ft,boal. 0.1at"Whi y a pritatib orwegian settleks'An ooliell 9. I aand. L 171raf -de rre�o last-nanied-. d.4 true as I oteel,91,wer a the offence. The judgment of the Council But are Of lotintyi. Men with 'the re.
th, r�. ineetitig on 6 h" bf' Cariods;, Lord Stanley of I?reotbzi,. -afid' tbw.pair put iip-, -is lief pa by, -to h to"d .- about. given si: 'thei .,the'' � t T,artL ", 'ey, rAll the w3cusecl. were found TudbiidgeiVelfs MystaIly. ' Lawrahce,"A Lady, A16 Mand. OlivIsM6litagd, y4ungbht, th� Walkei, Uou'Be-� And Rdspint HO�Ase, bell AS a ipi ino in a on, - so a been. denounced: by Go*et , to'Dd severity. b t .1 hb,L,� daughter of. the Duke of: Mapaheatler., The Toronto:' ilwet's 'Hotel, �Roohestei;;� th "' C a J011s8tai'fill MAD who -hid 'further bodill, the otimBtances. as Win. poskille -for human be. . . ' ' I i of ilattilig III , . eputy lAseteri; th0i'losadfra I hie Masonial. a In the' Guards' All, Londori .-' oa ohremalny was, pettor�jiea� ford Bfusio 33 Inge to -be oiiii.- were found- aI=Mul m, anea bedase'lie'kepi a I the Rev. Lord amCecil, Owen rig, to, an ex Ision'froin', tfid' Order for. V� by Sound,.,, air onqin 013'. ev a 6 core to have -their a name as t 0 lists;' and*, th . e. other to. mark on h"' a!, in' Tbroiio, nkednega, shbo�,thit. of 4he 0 Milo tiliflAit:4116. SAWbA110; ind had Of �ho Marquis.pf, flsli�tiurjazjil a at er occasioni *iiii4birelyetioughalbillink to edierth'
Gowei The. frieliod',16 true steel" 0
agro aa to
0 so Gower himself, drew, lots. who shoulc 'it 6�41iebild ezjji�—The eight bridesmAi4i One of the counts ijainst, Mr. Abell.L inthe Sh�is, Vej41BtsIzJ6ohf binkii i ;i �nd eMary and '$@van'Q1n' Us sumot, 650,to.'Mrs.'Mickio' farmers,havil 1,v L I6 Bra (Of a be suoperded for'. L: AM Lawrence. lot fellon Dobell, who, g O: ad" on their III I a I a EL Zdosis Achesion,-daughters,'of the Earl a, space of t fig six and three months rd;, 'Isi - the friondL Witbout the' codec�nt�.of' Mr. Maciiiie, hd until "irid @a -stbefil 'all hive been living on is kifid.of porridge Inadp Lady Mary -Hamilton, and mian'y'dthernitiilar offences- too�,uumard, .:nothing L remainei t a ope6ti4ely. �Zut- 'Still- the. question,
to. mention mairail whether th;.duly' initiated Court' Ladies and . Mi3jr. - koiltigni d61qgh'. - lall the dcum.ent is 6 ve frozen green.. wheat and:.oate, Theb�- ico nusationi could.' ohl Hai idik � Barkobiy could Y/ a on ...... VrPOSE tars! *of Lord . Mandeville Lady Edit formidable one d1wpleno, Vt -hog.'. bily had. -teas ape H
III all, ier Iled in. Villiers, 6ndHon. Riinials -Rus Sister one to have re*ad over -in court- daght.to -be looked u' staft. noii-fit to fbed's - One. fai 069 asA, regular.Freem !tot: soon. fidzjk�:for "six '..We IThe, 9teel-iizie comrade, 6ftor a brief hesits' or& A The mason, .:free. to blaim'. all th6 ri6tp of a TALES OP OTOLEN LOVE� The people hal g :ttb each, other
a .0 n., carif (if; L mphill.. Who. -Hon, - Rtebs r oulersat was groozzlismam.- Ong the th a. a3, bla .friandoo ;,t Ami memb'r of ihii Fratei n this poT Volvo eii pjotatd& until now r t 0:90" 00' the Grana 0 of Hunggiy deaided'in r as. found." A' boy I entiffea- Prin of t. gueds eferiLdant. to Xis�
]60bell i rthe'Pri�be dition t6the allegatione two letterm tho'writer. of th I it -'alleged to ho-r6m,'the d T' LL as I or 9 -the V: a of , I .. I I . ., t Iun n Wales Prince AlWk i6tor, thb.. link 39�niis In go i).1o.Adi aTullIbridgeWella-mystiery. was iiOn the Are..quite ffihi.qi one, 1. 11 ertu ','szid'.-tba.Duke, ind.-Princes'13. a ag'followw: A. T Grand Orient-dealsie, b id V n a, Word, .0aidbkdge,. Mockile"hai :beei.,Wed is exhibito;'and.they ibir eetiii'g"of the AN I of Raroh' 1876 :cleared cli. The,�, fitai r A Washi ik; y a 9t,hat: mystery— parwrip. d f 11i tment of S, 'to the"w6r.king Of :bridlli :.&rid &Ootii left - fok'-HalWobdi the b Victoria of TecL dtarthe rope ingtdn"denpatbli says Viie..,I)e- the -admission "of '*the :.0.6untees' Hadi p * up b. th t ste, is as a Own; az, late fias been, informed by Barkodiy to be contrary. 16, and, r the bunion. rafn&I- ATVZPA�.NId11T. 8,p. W. �tbej Ind, vid,'foibid - fiei - -S'dmit. eii ofthe Earl. 61 :Derby, ;;hero Miuistei'of th6TitIted Siited tPokin aKMtil3b a inThe edge: of juiisaiati6zi, undo they,' will: pasi this' li :MY- OWN Fmcioxie'Ldvo,-I y6fiwith d -of ho fOIJov�inJ-adiO%l,6 Dow,.- clAelymoon, �i 4 - . . I � to, B43 r -,c6u"' DONEGALL NVACTIONS. heavy, heart on , Friday night.. Could not Ma.k ageri.. 'publishad � ft � the . Fekiiii ':Oiiiitie Of As'-tiumbared Over ZOO, 4nduffing in a 'Charlie has taken such Q a Sit: 'a .,erasi6ii of � thilt' Indian the -so. 'h- 1868: 11 0Azi4 Lddkeq to' do preseii up my min �.Vhy
Friday, No*.:91; Shawl from- �ueen, . a gold fancy to want to be with: v_o�, eo much. aud.." r llo,, an. r quest a AU6�111;0 r r Retween: Tensin is sin& hort,tltne-� 940 he b b a . 0. 2. -The Countes L bracelet'..., fiom�`Emprens- ' Frederick, , 6 often nowwhen:only a 1; is The Emperor , aving ro.vbi6niy, one... a is rbiltic.46d t .Aft r II4 no'tlesire, to ;oome and see YOU a all.Land- 0 call ceed-ed, �j his ekalted, inheritarick. and A Du lid, cxbls,��saysii- e. eviaipli,of -a rio'ce a It**' Xeturn thi -im dismOiA 1toobli fropli All So ]4te, ind When he ought to. be at biweliawifi L ivalid oeitifibate4. which lalie ihi incresq. By in maturil yi -I is, vilthi .'in d4uli;'6i which toliants on Falcar;, 'L th Princets of Wnlei,� and' a'after ip frl6m. These and many, other thl.ughts passed tbroug holds' h tent dilkys, ye Mberi, Victorlmd ' Oe6rg6 Of iby ib�ind is.1 went hoinewith a rro'f, I ear becomint AD he should' -select s virtuous was, douldn mospures wlll,iie,� takento immediately. Coll 'd ';t sinv of th6 Coubty Daneosl,', tieA a PtinGes d ry afterwair Z --the - administration -of
bri egroom. will* np�, only Boosts whenever produce A
that pight, I,was s6i soon as Ili .06ns6rt' a assist in
4ekday The eiidsorsmonti to the house.of WAIN Order him botee As' soon as e or- .'Dan . riam thei affaira of the. to, cobti6l. th6f to t. ad. Doogan, 'bit' found- tbo� succeeil'tollisfatherli ''barony but to! tb6 taily sboUld have done. so if M .,no 00h The , proceeding of. th. iw after. a 'Lodge. in initisiting a 4onian was, univerio a i6ld an' to endourz, Derby; to which. his. father is there. atiel'then, thi idef4 of his remai Emperok?s.offici I h4ri F a place defended by a score f miaxii ormicd,4 in Of -who ho we er. to -da, your age the Emperor hitnolplt in upright 60A�. �eallj. con b- Afton,' d entrenched thbinnielveg e1r..presumptive. inises of devotion. to, cheer Me...Up..;L I 'Wag dembed,,Nit �h# 4uestion: what or left.', I received your dear le#
;Ath h pro, 'behind the loopholl,ea ffle. Thi priest k H I was ottIng tired 'I Aiition broo'effect6d. could be Oct, tot, therefore, .' ;Y 'General becsine S: anhe i f peginning,tothin NYJU tD r I IV Y Deputy Uedtezja�nt- 6 In n AD A of me but did to� to MeZo. OU a tb DZ LVE; P to 11 tit Ji sitightet' of d' sevidiorgentpeited,the '. ' h 0. - Q . .00 Elroy it' :THR not A know I love"you itilt 616 bqari;,�Owaya nei* �Heiang, whom ve have selectoid1br leave - the housO, but, the men IIs 3kie. Rir."ngt6n -Dead or Nerel In a b4i�o loved you'i 1, al ewill oveyou, and or.dignifitid. &,�aortuoualchsra, tei;le6ma *efusica.to pay any attention to the=, . good. .. I I The. Ong as,. on' are true sid. �q- . 1. .. ; Se'. C
voii ajohe,., So I - Ic feeling to, fiaVe any : . :4�.Brav� a- ' L, �:, . � 'f: " ' . ' .
Yes, a terrible - inisers helmpetbr, a congori. als;Tliuldity. Riot Act was: then' iresd�'snd 1 the ioldiiis, I .. . . hein1he A V 0 which I niust coi3fees.I hafe 'A fui 'idi of t);te. same-aste r 'hort ti lleveland (O.). despatch, ays: re. doubt about R, rsbdr were aboutto, Are on the hon4o:.'w 'A A me ago a young '-Pittaburger- t t stop rring a of a viisleel��,ciipia -bad lately and L �buld 46t quiet iny mind. 'My I7et Tits.la, age 15 - yosrol, �ai aagghtei k Mary Hs tozj,.v�d. them; and, ndtifi4 the : peplain spb'dking� but wh to be-inNew I or encoun. w6a.. taken'to St. Alexis laospital list *ask dpirling, you Will I; formerly a vin f y, -for you thatcompil I i 'of a 0 ..parl; im the house',thatb'e Would 6o,them. my love' Is qf Chang "Hai 'died, br di least wig � pronounced �L 462 -I.think of- You, t ' .:first ewh and' -let Ti'tsil age 13, on-hatirin boardi,becortic
O'l '1144dij -itte, f,tis the depth, of % unarder4ith Who In, ropsy .1 ..you. � NeveV a I iAliei�necond*i�j conoorb 6f: The,
A.f, li�: day', of 'fijY L life. pasies but. t% a hey' would.putsue. ter iapoting for in'' are my copst 1b companion in myr -mind. a so. iSughtei of Chang rl I. a fame,� and'& braver or, tfie.attending physicians. -Ali undertaker; n914. formerly bet or He kotir the defenders. announced that Ithq ;, t6i YOU will doubtless' know by:Ltbd,,Ln9vlFqpApers . 8 net- breathe bod,"
-,sged 4nd preparid: the -remains C . .1 . ce.'president, 4'ji board, becorrie imp.dri : -.1 I - -
as(. we U the. way up. I o. viiii IIIial cit� before— .4ouldiicifusciiheitriflosi. Th6bailifte.and- &I- been often in that -bAA a snow blockade o bjtris�L. bn'New :Year Day,heibiarned only reakhod. here. ori'Thursday noon. , Had no 'a nolubifie' o- gecork Respect, f the'4' d iablk. pal It sttsoW hc1 --housei sna ift for he has'not I friends of-iravel. but at, a$6 t) - w1w t a is ll(�e't an or a It hearse. , and Waii libotit to place Mr. S. d fenow,passetiger this trip,t butw. d. '.Finally the� body, the- coffin'., when he wsiii� t 14 --h Emperor boa 'rei -.Aeapdrate struggle"wore repulse Mr. a6d Kra. Allen,'Yanhaes,&Ing o an ran sivoilia solloobmate here�and tbe,youag,L :ilia �rieits p6i:iivaded the j3don to eurrofid&4 cIsQO. She was,rathercomical. There Werpl,oul 0 gnih.g about acedrapan* him, observe evideiijees df life f �i6eri *cars' a d IS ye t stoundbld, to by. f
five Of Usin. the'cars,%, Had a very nidill 6 Mrs 0 AgP4 orihis r6turn bome. But thd al&hba dog. oriw�sbsdlj,viounded... A The TI W A. -police inope9t dholks no'in 'the, supposed�cqrpoe... were K,,,NVIll wrIte,M. with pattictilars. - You are.. 'soft sip Y P. the mo "ey is a worry and Atroqble� aSd6ttifth , Note94 �hanksd ad g doze ' b-bisiliffs, ind polic'emen were Injured" flusbacil, the ''bands hAA biciime 'a ri 14 hiiiikindly,'but acid: "gottiti .1 L . . . a rnind.,, If you canarratige, .16r.'M. to pay -induce me tditrust,myseli i ii -00� of -the detbridirs find hisjAw-fractuted, to.tb muld 0 a ra p'lin'boarill,whatappe4ied to beipai6pira- the interest inO -you p v yours on the ilorineipal, (FhEl'� ansibdiers Of Nati6nial Monu n over the Ailgbenev Way tj t f tlibllk;boverid' the, Wow, One of the staff I thinn. this will be mu2h better � as you *W. be 3tirling have &I and another was buried baT1 .byoibiAbgL c't,M6,aU4L )pointed ruji.: 110 ox r r 1, ' ik , a ' too m Qun 861128. ondoo whicili Was b6hiii down by the eviao- li then Ill b, Inlint. at Inch "of , .8 rjok for rbe to
ms&& 6sty"exam4nation and � - . 11 - Nwi 6.a nice a OOM *60, an ec -formy ilrerTheart goes out U6 to oppoile Any attempt, by 'Dumbarton trust my boned h, - a - rney.ill, *' A a' arists'iti I severe injuries, th 9 to have, it paid, t if on One r ]on n, concluded thit% to yod. - While I ani WrIdLig this at clot thiq,pq6r- t sioni of. the,Wsllace,swot4. ye you'ShOula-chadde t6.ctoso thel AtIan- ilia' -body iisi 4ifelessi O�regsirt pongee although he. could not-s&ount for � -iii can-- ticularrtime, I.aML USUAlIlly with my dv.iD basking Poo# §(k. John 'Wilson, of Hillhd&A' a, well., tie in,thwtbldr C&ptain'S Ship in''tha wildcat: iiion.- The'body: was' removed to Capt� "in the suriabine Of hpjrdeaiprAs4bnci. feelcotn� 9 1qaw. York co6aspoladebt writiq:'MO86 Hiirizigt6ri'mi house , Bud �fn Oetoky lost Wltbout'.y6u, but when, hoper'comes '"own Glaego tU6El::.n1`%XiU1MctUker, is, wentbei- ,61! -- ilia ,-year� when thei. Windff tests were the tilde wh6h., I dille vidnibora -of the collapsed 04mlibijini ingidettiday,'but'Withozit avail, alth6ti' Intrary� rther iii and-dds Vie look f6r*iid to Glidgt , thi waves mouhtain higho ajjk�' van+ C .04 11118,101 decompositionr leave hero, fic*t SaititO14,nigbt. In, that' Caile I sit, in s',doz6jjl-. o'noer omplany,have. got back to NeVr there are, via ye gh sbill gee yown . ." th 'Cleath of . gain. shall -make a big' offoft.6) oniin canaiditte fOr the' 66 0013
rfbg *raipWg thwgreat Stoa jrOrk'fiOiO2 the We6t, hnd'Very� glad hey as Q t6t&I.�,dzjopczjgiOji� of obghttb Arco.', eiitr� daligeri, 111 wager you'd find .'him. at br-*bven d th ifyoni arylyojilt (Toronto on VubsdiL�, but it Is lism.,PbL' the%,airaillatory .iihnd ..'respiratory gang. 'tiorna6titt6-ntkht,,b'utcbuclod�dthiLiI t the mqlnents 'a peril, to 'get, bioior even. Wit L little, UnCOrtalln at present.: beid two ii2vItA- arohn s. X6,inday f " greatest
t w6nidsta tit xw*'York, b,ff shnacoureigeoun... -When i a comEany a n- ran ., s big' at My hb,tel and write t;D my own darling love I ra ad A� I othe j6% .'he we nil Ili :te d Capt..4farAigton lielievea-tb4t; in alpinii 81k He cares not for di
tric , yon go JJOW'YOU w the Sold., of� germ 'thd but Judith ago, tba, Absco, that has conlig was k ill be expoolfig &-letter 4�sqnd'�.pu to 8mpEl kno still alivej. And States tt'hat so to Imp ement van- . IL Pape tnarli6d by this Uiail.' $ow,.rhy-darling, Uttilly, 'asta a" Ili 'Pefthhh'i tj she lay ri tyriner," 6urAl* -with I e...or pq tm.*oe )ljat , Coinlibbini's name would b .g. not Of . Ana 1#e& cledt'. , Tbe, idea undailying the hw� for eigh h �je'darigera of the, landr he W.Ot
L%.uny.; - : 11. L they, are, torrible,to him-74�-Pft1sb#iq&e ]%rid iffis theri-the to be dead'. I uny. 00 dajzjageo� I I � . . . , r . 4&ny thal, dOJzjpSny..szjy.whore� But itr has patO:4. - .. ., . , ., , - hei bronze meaal,tif the Royal mane -boen* hArrie to J.,r "Ifthe forlEgbing Is Spa �fi' not ookilare with, for a long AGND4011". ny, at con be. lety was on Decoill bar bih &W rded. to i4ever Tried , One. C :16imile, U164tits �Vower wheii. anip%nini .006 Paid of letter, -follow th aIt o'gallant ' Wife_ No. �j which a arquis of Breidalbane I nbig voi66. -Possibly thin f6litire, in Wiliat back are yotut' dear
Little OUNew York' b w - eading, . . , ". . .
view I a ls Of 'Dnckh' McteaX6 Odcl fOr"teii You sedmi�ieail� �abselrb;d lai it, V 'I -make a, Man feel r of the* many.- 0 - Wil 0 g: IS calculatecl:16 re, any' avownizig Ili the by, cheap Win an expositiob dhifimooriyagpoony f, bave - stijia�,- efisof in '6#6ningthe eyes of 'A I ritt6n - uring is 4 wrtobartidnj of Stbuebav�n, in El
purvoyc '"clAssidiP' musio oi "in. III 3-durting days. . emereoll -and it i4 opitminly tbe .,most 14. iis� of,. New York cii �stoh says: I a . V. 0h oberb Inapt ful, ellisel at death.. 64im'' about. letters,*fItten 0-ahottiAr III to enti oftacetaspe Inugio" feat hat -the, Ift konth -yd-, E f6i, I L " - - I 6- - L" 4teat'
V joili 91 r car a was raper a r inericah,people don't bare for that kind of 0 aription; gee written b 'imatobe as
Support it., Th r th carob . a . r10 oftied 'in 146,;V -York 'to,ds�. WA TJNDA,�i Uarehiltil. 1888. W Byrup"abil *6o be the pulpit that Well, loi,e And',lbar n6ge; but whii T musli And won't E; nG6d la not, -like beat is �tho gli It *asAfist Of. 44year-dId Nowe Re�nolds. . '19 ti��V;-A6sefit body, 0.wk Pjihcx6i mpsaa it gives of' a new"' majority of them'doft'i regard it is music l,lse in the making np.'r I .. me,6� on' inVefjtQatiOj.' *r pirit I have b6cii all dby. I t, -inti.4 cab� The coroner �vill itt all. hey� would, ith6r,..besr. a good, a ienig 13. �Ana: but %ItlxL You:ln A popular india�4ub er,affair.' religion. That!s wfiatthe world wants, A'.
0 evat'. pbyB'oiAfi0*, Dr -vent to 11*611 Trinity,churd�. this morning, S1 on an( na it as in the sqvereot idr a 'Of.. th Bishop preached froin tho"text, " God now religion." 7 posed. Look-st as of "Patrick, a. O'BrAnjazlig the O'drioa . Wife� ia yon Ardr try of 'li ened 4 permittirig so, th6 cow oicce* forbid, thitt I shouJd glory save In the broAb of f. William: Blick !I a
-failure 0 Christ." I wcniAo diiiiier to -day to e� Mr.,.Wat, Oilmore. and the Th is hollso'st B t n troy put6hasea old religion Whom 0 rink ao Iarge al qUAiatity of. oh,s, oni-ardat; Ail the aftornoori, I *wad think- �Avg to lie with You again 1, obild'wainviconscions. iDg 01% and, �wik' a the, sle, of! 13 r 11 nod late a 7777 e, in 1826 by* t General Camp. C. Had to go to church jklon6i T'whutod look to -'nigh ed -by a Roostr.'. T. Paid to Ili 9 O'C a rise morning until 7 'You pt06i6UA 16�0, la6w I: 1-61 oolize n ra -nrI*Jtb nm�, enyou really, lappreois c, hay.yesr-61d�diujht6r of a Ve ince -w d' gh 'died. The phybidian youl - �Vent to All,gijnts' tb-plibbilexti v Fl ra orialkit the timapt' idt Mt.. Pit 't 71' - she -said eater, a t
Eva, �ester, a 'iftufaij of the M.CAL; Who residew near wad no r OMO nfito,,16te all, YoLtb�b'lali6z, And -will'givo dby.Flora� a orahestral. inui Z Oy t Pont to trint", Sollclo& 6n We�/ ailis l' area byL the M n1v sort Of way4 ad bridge, - wag',attack6d an4 nesday evoriffig'.190v late to, cti.in, you reAUV A Vj�tky Odod sormah. Did tdy, Henri ailia ,is 50. in..A r+_ Mo-now`,6i has Abe YCAW'd tot tho.. n a, fre r t� r Yes, �h6 oQrhW of'odrvi Is'my 16ved, one i 68toring.adliso ro Baolic, naid goteburOili twice told&y? oldonn hld',eA 0 k ,severely hurt �by .6 rooster 6n, Sunday Xd,# Y.60k fd6tiVitieff thipitiog is ". . L.I.. 'r I '�. I':'- I whil - 0, you,Q W�i ibdLJrJhtt th 41 had been 9 o she been ood, all t'llo Umento Boo -Ed, ta, ebide, the ling. P14ying OiR ouse villonMr. 8&imfolrd, hai *a" wi int in ing 0earrie thoughts . iron 0. butOwben the Man lifta the ba Arid, on& At tho . r. , g'r throtl�gh� ray head. Na toriguo dan tell bow to r �bouso. * Dr- It b - general. Tl1c4o and':, Many', otflor be gill ont of tuna�'ava wandor b,litle, GnI party idnitted ha�ing Ivan I love you, you prellous pet, I a wi a, respecto hot hunban 611 Be drumsOlid bear(] screaming. -into the'yard, Abe in d6ubtfui a She is the ablia two tablespoonfuls of whiskey in 'about 16mving this woolt, but Abell Ot'ry hard for dy and willing foundifie child Iving on the g-ounii and the r adaipb her daily life - I, -4 0 )ay Yoe PeOkibgr :R Ili' Jah' She 1 oks ti savagetv it 'hot face. Mrs a tumbler. staggered olnd reded A watit to bo with you on .a. t r 8unc ording a, is w bitd ditto-havo I 6 ra "a - r " 0 00 was slxspleloug.� or several inibutev, ibel became My darling, t htd� leltigit g to be with a fin, I &nee, M. ver V-111co . teleornfbg ino back You are trulY the 't Of the' UP ways , than 'Alle wo no for advi Faitif6rd drove him took the chila.. into Found f waa pnt, to. b6d iind a, awcot kisg:frout Your IlpA &nd. bear y6ut'lovitig owing -old Mini (at ilia boad Of the stairs -a
ouso andieb$ ;161; Dr.r CorlHig. � Uwwo rineonso ered. .'Xhb par6a 0 tire ania to ll�hf 6f tivy life. think of yod Ns filytrdo in'found. that i6votal wounds had bcon-ib- Min ricov a 0 nature to revis otag n era be bird,, which -had, WhE!J1 the rLVO'roo thnn wh ,fiioto�d bythebeAkOf t 130 hard dri ends U4*ond she loves ind! submi
0 10080no his, gri kbts catto It gdeved Md to be good for it th� Wiabdg (if her huabana; 'butr Itia rhot logo apparently struck, her in My very sdu 1, J�n good daring past ten. papa.0 as be tied with, '110, Chinese fo'emeily beat. on I Iovayott truly with 'my whole * bert� and am done of% olbve in bont1#0 but.as aliec offer. Italwings, aabi6th hir eyes weie b1sickened. Old - Man"':d Donit forge to siftrilhd q't Vililn you'� I C&pnot Ing of !reek-. o r r unatelYo the sigh��waff not'1bjfirddi an a w ibib stiek-9,, (*'gr to Vo 1`�)f aqy0dY' 61160� . No, look,� g---, . h*L'ji Pat yllrelearb't of S14 w 0 ',You A apid ady4nbo ado g6od-niglito.'antl raay Oorl 'go to� bed town. $tnd�rd- in �til i,Say �Wm -prisdo t , � in that benlifite eto' he lilat few lilegi VOUL atitIr J�eejl- you; Ilteelong geM, I still A.'steamor wIth 6 train of bar�6d' PMA baq 841
ay, I-( go Will lfk I P1 Brown dq% �the pe,tient is reqiiired to beat a 1101)6'to g6t Oft 6q, Ratnrq 3terdq, 6n hot wt 400boaq a Now Yor�, .11 �00 OOOL. Via steamer Par's 01 %Vi, a�n4 digh� iiyed i aTuni. : Xitions grr,%# tvj�e as tboy coma in 1ght;t1%(,(rr4 610 U -it, jjfy�'f I ru'ft�t �0, atdeopf, t 0 n, tba Vndoot, 4n almoot nnprecod` t d f ad' tact with on fafidest a4O1 jrwv, aud qti goqd. thing 0 this $ �: , zink, by a W on inbabikantle, i lily tiold of thn'ycar.'
Am A