Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-12-28, Page 4•e:
�$R` KAT tAgED1$de110i Tian: DICTATES'
Iblr! `•CQN8OIENO* WS ERI2>i A80Va ALL
T' its stated that there s po .appeal'
frbm,' that, 'decision, rendered -bp ,:the
Supremos Oourt e�n:l�atuic ay lsat with;
regarcy to the -right of a'iraihiay con
structod under a P rovinoinl
ss' n railii* oonstPucted -under a l
, ' ` nurnon ahaiter:.` Top.'; Manitobans:',
x » 4 g0ron with, the Portage extelrrnon}',
; Sof .. t e Red River. 'elle, . Rallw
then Aerm>ittinag" soon :,:,aa the
Mt �
ravy6 Caunctl{ exjre:ses allpre val',lof`
the p iipo' ed ,•mode and plttfe:,of Groes. ,.
,, „'That ,cganmittee played into the.
• bart4of Etre canaddan• Pacific to.deprive.
'the Manito'banaa;of rah wry' competition
thi$' gear, ; (lap. any excuse be . found.
for further delay "
Mn ow'at is le power; in hie'
was.S pretty keen., politician' :in hie
youth, sees tho'Toronto tl etca,. but
legalactin-ion send szrund; udgemciit nom,
h i1. sof prise. to everyone. In . almost•
every case Iu 'vvhirh. Provinoial:`proced-
aire•b i ae cc ashed- wit the Federal au-
thority with resultant b g d proceedings
Ids law has ,. been .'upheld, and he has•
come off with flying colors. There can..
t'e no doubt of Mr. *woes cleverness
as a . jurist; and there: can le no dis-
guising of th,9 fast that • he has; invert.
ably outpointed his opponents in every.
argum<nt . they' have entered . against
Ides in.•the higher courts where the..
pprovince-is concerned . However -the
' decision of°the•Supremo' ("curt in -the
matter of the Red River railway isnot
asrpitising; It' was feteseen that the
•courtcould not take any other.. course"
than that; which it has Too- many.
aimiliar.cases have ,been disposed of'in
_ to-. ive any'ho of
s c=
the setme wAy, . g>t, , pe ... u..
eessfully. impeding., a project such as"the
.Red River-Vulley. Railway by obstruct:
Stothe#a ;that the by 1s w' 14 parsed
app ai R Deputy Returning officer;
for 1484 and poliing°booth.. Decided
tfiae • the Clerk write' for information
respecting the passing of by-law to es-
tabbl new ech`ool
A,coounta. passed'' . Hendorson,,
for:gravel, $3,60; J Murdoch, gravel,
15.12:; J. l[ackett, repairing con. 10,
'42.50 ; W. Crosby, repairing scraper,
50o, and spike, 30c; J. Wilson, lumber
60o ; 'D.. Little, planking culvert, $4.50;
J. Reid, stoning con. 6, $2 ; J. Quaid,
planking culvert at Port Albert, $1;30
J Bowers,arbitrating in . Mallough's
fonce in '1885; $4; Dr. McKay, :mak-
ing out medical report, $3; C Stewart,
right of way on S. R, 12 and 13 $2
K. 'Mc Iver, repairing culvert, 42. R.
McColl, breakwater, $23.75 ; W, 'Mc•
Whinpey, gravel, $12;60 ; D., McWhiii
;7ney, gravel, $5;4, McWhinney, gravel,.
$8.88 ; w, Rolland, repairing culvert,
$1; W. E 1patrick drains nd culverts,
$'f 64`; S ,Pentlan4, pro Pion fence,
$20,00;,,D, .McNay, rep r<ni bridge,
ip5; ••John Murchison, taches refunded,
$1.64 ; Mrs. Lucy, charity, $81;`' Pars.•
Martin, Mrs McRea,',M rs. McInnes,
Mrs. Dounaghy, charity .each $5 ; J.
Elliott,. ditch, $1; D, Campbell, 'work.
on hill, eighteen mile river, $15 I.
Colbert, ditches,'t ; . R,, Jewell, ditch,
$4, •:rent of council 'room . $30; 4.
Warren, surveying, $18 ; John,Kilpat
•rick, :$38; part pay for +ork on Rich•
ardson'y hill... }
Connell willmeet again December
31st. , •
ilos[or.Fsr HB yM.
There is great confusion in` boys'.
• sit) ens of honor.. Yo shnuld-not g
to ;your teacher• With isles of• your•.'
schoolmates' doings,but when quea=
tioned by; those in authority over you,
;our parents, guardiansteachers it
is your duty to; tell who did the'
nincliief or .broke a rule no =matter
•what the result may be to yourself or
•.how., unpopular; you May become.
Bile. have a false honor, who hide
mean :and :skulking actions in each
• other, that ought, to be ridiculed out
of thenit. The , tnost cowardly injuries'
'and injustice•arnorag boys go unchecked.
and. the weaker' are abused and bullied'
.in a way •. every decent boy should.
meat, because this false notion , of.
eorurbdeship lends them to lie,; ;pievari-
cote of keep silence to screen the
guilty, and very often bring :punish..
meat on the innocent. Teachers and
parents ought to put • ••down this
ignorant, petty ''' sense of honor,"•.' for.,
something mere inteliigentandupright
A%hen you know a wrong and keep
.silent about it when asked, you become
' uartc►er its the wrong'and reaponsiiale
fur'; thetoriginal meanness. It is a pity
,\ .thatboys and'grown top people do,ngt
• terry the,same strictness of principle,
111iy show in scieening bullies and'
.f somas into their •defence ,of' genuine
iunorand courage. '_NV IDK AWAKE.
Ablifiek Couucll
Dec 15th'
,..J1 the members present, minutes of
i cutis ''meeting read: • and : signed.•
Awnt of 1)r...11. .f. .Whitely for
r rc'ronal attendance . 'on Jeremiah
4re,..115, not acknowledged:•
7fi1i,, lhackleton was •, paid . $10,
fur. •oviding • for , ,Mrs. Philips,
i]a.;iclr;. that • whereais: M. Shackleton
bee refle.d aid from relative$ Mrs.
X'Iwilrpv,no further grant will be ivade
tilut•1,uricil to. Mr.'Shackleton for
their suppitt.
'Moved \y 1CI gri:au seeondj cl by
SA No `3r° 1 Li*loss
Report of, the standing of pupils in
the above school. Pupils are arraigned
in order of. merit for the last tree
Fifthclass W. eurite, L. Donovan.
Fourt•class.—B.: Coit T. Donovan,.
A. Statters.
Senior 3rd. class.—�°J. Purvis, and G,
Scott, Tena; Scott, MDonov an.:
Junior ;.3rd class W Cox, E:
Second class.—y5. Brown, E. •B.rown,
L. Pennell.'
Pherson, M. Bow man :
Junior part secend W.' Falconer;
F Brown, Ada Coz, • •
Senior part :first.—R-•Bownian;`
'Junior part .first. E
Bowman, G.; Brown.:
Gitani t:z On. the 18th ,net,-' wife
J H Gardner, of a van
Senior part second.—S.. Scilly, W. Mc-
Doaritx= Caui'BEL1L--At;the. re,d lence of• the ;l
bride's p,►rents, _ Lanes; by the ':Rev Dr.
Strongaian, on Dec.. 18th, Mr.G.• ; W.
Dorian, of Wawaposh:, to ,Miss Emma..
Campbell; of Ashfield •
RAncitrva—Wnlr At the 'residence of th.
bride's ;
.parents,.West Wawm,nosh,-•on..