The Huron Expositor, 1894-02-16, Page 10- I,- . . .., ; . _ '- � I I 1� 11 I - . t - � - � � � . i F I � - h I c i . , "I i I i - z . ; Z I . I . 4 I - IV �, I - . I . : � I 11 �� .. - � � � I 1 ! I f It z t 'T ;- . � - . % , , t � t ; - I . i - f - I t . ;- - I I � -1 , . . - . 1 , ;� . �, i I I ; -1 , "I � 11 I i I � I ; ��, ; = t � ., � . I I ! - 1_� T �, � -4 . i � � � I � I, � 1. 1 " I i 3 - , E � ; . . - , � . i_� � . I �� , F I . If .1-- � i � i � I �� I I ! ;, F I I . ,� . � ��' - , Al, .. - 1 i . � � - , � I w li, 1 � " - I I 11i � � � � � I � , I i ; � - . it, : I , , � � , - � - I . r 4 '� i . I- � . � , ". � _!i I r � �� " �, - �7 i . I 9 ! I �, , I A I z '; I I � � , ,- � I . I . I I 1 � � Nt . I �k! � . - � , t I 7 , I 'i; 11 � � N � - W_ , � I , � - , - J - � Ey I I - I t � On � , I i � I L I I * . I . . I ii 4 � � . 0 � - � - I � - , I i I I �,.`.- �,' �� ; � ; ! � ; I .1 - - , � A - , __ -M 7 -PV a — � �.-q - -- — -W T .'s. ..Y, notice with., a , wure that btfr --dUT-friend' - - -- .. -%*,w I ASSUM -10% Iti"WMA ---," __7 --- . — _y1W"M_ � V6WJ%rJ--%r- I - _ . I , ___W — Z7 plv". . � a OM Y'017ou % ' - -a& .— . - - - _Tari" S 11 T r ;ial hop till a reasonable hour when all db r advertisement on page 6 of t the London, Huron and - Bruce Railiva%y' 19enA. . dw d artz is having ' o'clock p. in. ies wig 1* to ring cat- - ,this paper for particulan. � Mr. James McEwing, of the Township of th4 a new tle to the Fair may sell them rivately or by , persed, .hoping t . hat they would he able t I � t Maryboro, Welliiigton County, has been ap- was. built by its present route. He was a board ceiling pu , - sample room. —A � p � I - I � � WM. PtOKARD . uted -President of the Ontario Central MICA warm hearted Irishman, and much. of .,number from herell 1:141naded the tea meeting auction- There will be a number of horse meet and help .Mr. and Mrs. Stanbury t I )11 -s'Institute. Mr. McEwing has been fis popularity was due to these gualities. at Varna on Wedn aday- night.—If you buyers in attendance to purchase horses. - golden wedding. � � r . farmei . , ' celebrate their � . Seafo th In reli . on he was a Roman Catholic and in miss the F6rresters' 48ter supper and con- � A FAREWELL.—MrS.-McDougall and hf � — one of the leading members of the Central 91 - 0— , . � I � politics a'Coniervative. In fact he was for cert in the own lb,on Tuesday evening ' on tb � IV, , Association ever since its organization, 'and I Blake. daughter Kate, have left the TaTm 194 - itor has well earned the distinct -ion conferred years a tower of strength to the Conserva- next, on . ll� � ­ ( regret it. As was D-4.Lay Cows. --On Friday next, 23rcl. 3r, concession of Stanley, and removed t 1141trou (ftpos* 4 , tive party in this county, and as a personal stated last week 11 8 , � �5 , upoif him. The admirable manrier in which , rof sor Money'lias been inst. , Mr. John Hannah, of Tucke'6mith, Clinton, where the .youngest son has bee - - - presided over the recent meeting� at canvasser he was hard to equal. He was an engaged and the best . f our local talent will intends holding an auetion sale of dai for some time attending the Collegio,te Ix Toronto,,proves that he is the right man in intimate and trusted friend of the late leaa- also take. part. For t ose who do not care cowsi wh6n twent head of selected st,01Z stitute of thaV ace. They have long re ( I DISTRICT MATTERS. er of the Conservative party, Sir John Me- for oysters other refre hinents will be pro. � � y aided on the ol farm, Mrs. McDougall Im the right place. Mr. McEwing, is an old . I will be put on sale. This is a good chauce . Tuckersmith boy and like most of Old Donald, and many amusing anecdotes have . vided. for fa�rmers to act 90041 milch cows. The Tg among the first settlers on the concei FooTRAm.—A meeting of the IWLorrth Ifuron's -8ons he has the faculty � of . been related concerning the doings of the two . - - - sale w4ill take -ace at Nicholson's hotel. sion. � In order to show the good will whic Collegiate Institute football club was held to the front. We an always PI conitog men when tha met to plan for party in- - - - A . . eased to - mck*10�- exisW towards them in the neighborhood, L , on Wednesday evening, when the followin -it t - - wrAl doin tereats. He 16 allWAys taken a prominent � . - it Friday evf#a. . � 9 I - _r"l On the . _C c h rorAf, h e _g of Thinmilg b9ve _ NEARLY AN � . . few Of thO friA-nds the #Ve ( . It 5=19 officers were elected -. Hon. President, Mr. whother at h -o . rt, UA LvA . xr, , Whits in g" owe. r s"d , An'd muny of 'a "A"'a'Pra and 100*1 ""M 'He 1'a" ing during thq el ktorm a DI Bmoefiel& their doparture, Am "it a . Passmore, B.A.; Pres ' MI thein do htr r-rWit. T6a I I I I,y 41 - - 4i gi,r, , !I I _ . - intorlmn I "t t. . Z Whilt thAnkitM our MW , rong a member A the QA I t 00 wil and _ vo , ident,Mr. Chanwi k � _ y k,IU ,r,aMIA, ,or _v ,� y * woo on his ffAy to a" h 8 biest I _ Ant s , *ftor whivit Mm- MCN14 - - .. I B.A-; Vie -e -President, S. � I)icksm - $text- of the right k' � of stuff. , ,wm to be made for a year at mom he 'wsa Wanton t)f the, r his PW . tbAr X*A*"04 V.4troift"t to*q post, Is" W-'- t" . * .1i .ket J�Dr har S, r - - 1-1 6r kinap, " L .Ww". *ft#WW" of the Min& *W *W I All wa* preomtwl with & pr*r � � I _ Ind - . . tit of Ptadh�,v eyf )V , 11f L - #Ifi�.om -- 11 - I M -"K- _ , mt; & . . 311f)ft; V_J,pw_u� J. ­S�_ — ­ L * A*unty. He AUO coute&Wl West Huron for, .1 I I; 4 I � K*tt *01h -a RomIft wemiag ~-,a - L. WY-Tremurrr. W. X . - - ­ ,4i,,k - -,Ahir � _ .. - .;�J W � I - ­ , - tho 1,-,egii4tury ill thc C'tblv-�Vl vatb. 0 int'Umuit, � I -hAr?0;LA1%t rtar,* !�,# L ­�-.-.** *P , I - - -I!' f 'e�, . t, ��:­ v##O�, 14 'A t. - rowth 4 I Wmv�# -, �* wal %, . . 14u� �;4* P&AP . 4_4�_ . �� - ;.4 _ *�:%,:I� 3, J ��Cv '111AW-tt & �Avk"- I A�, *dvq tit, f4uht-4w 31, IN ultiuvp, on the Gral el rww the botUe "A 14" k To4o u I Wi* "-#U-4 somw - Al 11 L i iti �Iw- h4h ca4imai A r4 "d W- � 11� , B.A. - *The wi4L � I butw'"notsucoed" Ri# labMukdad. 0 I � ig" we Issily *Mwm L - I a W k. vArlu . - AA"t 4VVVW , 13*I drew the olwtric Raid W4 it up"t own _" t I 110ft Uft xew"k6 It Gm 0 - Zia w "_ tboy, avi hVI& Tiny mrr - 0 INS?$", 41 no -k ia -good Psar. 110660014. of Tomato, the Web - - ' -_ "W, ivith dMW .... .. vkA wimbon of th'i, am bm are VU%# in 44 P L "r I venturew, however, ari now ended, &M lnq&s W_ hofft into t it diteh, His crift I - ­ - 1 41 - . , - Fe "r ntwk. #01hyp"PaskW41 an owbi-lofteltJowwwwoes tkwo -Swm —Mr. & X. i;W ms, many will Ion aw t tao 0-4 *xpiwt to I I "i - ji . L M A"* acherish in wMILT m0em. ; Ito", aim, I IN" W fUrAftela R&H d� ftm-A&.- --A I ..-A-- hrmmrm 161n, 1. e, & r� -1.--& fin . p wractea 0" attentifti of sou* . . - ot asualt'r. a" k "_ may I&V %* M_"r*_d to as � . - 0­�, 'Rp-- i"&*% ma A" a* fa� . -1 - . t of JFW04-w W YOUM Pe*& L' - ourr TAM" eattrpruaft .1 I -ac- 4, � L maDting_ at Just- —L.—A front r, V fft"Oe" *W","_ ----Mr. J-"4 mem . 1wr Was one of the t E . il- L UXW prollumn our put i )ohn7 is. � Inbe IA"- Of, =Molag 10 W*1 , PW UA, it. 4� #W A -A* Huma" his wouid no. Nvoond'ville Pr"hyterian nwn, afti whosw la 'ho $an uke, beftl 6dl OW obwtb .#1Vba#L4% &*At Be thomuth . - ;i�i t.6-1 -1 - - I - I I - V ___ 10— d's bow huVly over-shaflowea by his makv good his woumn weref oavedl for, and altor the This fift calf is from t ~__ t* 4.0 00"A tut )w win b"m" 116 MON � it 4W Is, ults 'and f"09" 'e"' brought Min to a ndghborihg house, whem - I - __ _,""m - P* L, I T 01*11146 L t*"k . - _� "o -I i0w, of tb* fW . 114 P"6014010, h Imm". qualities of head and heart. storm subsided fwrniBh,6d him with another known importad bull. Mr. 410 . A4. *h# *"M Wil Uri* an *of!&, babs"Gleft will be 1041"04 d ow"We. � �__#_ . . � of the beiat bards in the cow I - J, ":1'J&011&L val "�SWU And "w tho SOPWAU 04061 Pows "we NA T. Admisdon—Ma Md vAidle and sent him ou his way rejolemc. tft � C ,Z4 l#<q41ftfWeblbdM. L DwsrAsm� om- Loom, Bi&rr.Fs,,­The License Commission- consciousness. He said he belonged to&a. from his stock is & valuable , bmilef, - - - -. . Oft Ow tti!1016_4 Mau& �- vdtwc . hard. ­ -M for South Huron held their first meeting forth, P 1;:�&.Wlh'_01::� f"L No "14 Mr, 10- - ]WOURN To LIM.--Good brick r"idence in for this year at Kippen, on Friday last, and ­ BiLlivrrm.—Miss Jennie I - Soia*tklag 'Uter" 1 ) V. D.'Wil#0016 ltuffsy, U661;, M 0 R k2pied by Mr. i orgamted by re-appomiti M , John Weir, the former part of last week - Sense ing r. D&Ah od. toill tht P"Ple at these n�vwting% and 0 % .� Jwkwn. Apply to 0. W. Aver or W. IL GRAY. Mary Gibson, who has been � I _. should tit lirgely attended. I . � 13W2 1 ofSenforth, Chairman.—IN. B. Gunn inte-nds - PASSEDAWAY.—It ur painful duty to don and vicinity, returna . erecting a new brick residence next summer record the death ofTiozie',L . the &do ted 7 1 0 He appeared to have complete control of on a lot -near the residence'of Mr. A D. daughter of Air. and .. . Henry 01 er. of lamtweek.—Mrs. (Rev.) M(;KtLwp BRANS.—The Stratford Beac, -a all Ave "am of efth of his efich,t subjects. old acquaintances -in thij of last. Saturday has the following: actions were'nmwt laughabic—Toronto zmpire,Thelr Wilson.—Mr. Archibald Scott is aim laying The deceased was a, rer from spinal . "A larg a lawl down the idaterial for the erection of a new iurtha Meyers, of Boston, crowd was collected in -front of McPherspn ' � disease for about 'three months, to -which of Kintore, are the guests & McWhinney"s fur store to.fUy, drawn Ca ALL Acbouffw due us must be settled by house on the site of his present residence.—, she succumbed on Frid� y even . 9th i1st- Gibson.—Mr. and Mrs. 0 � In '�v Y sh or Noto before March let or will be placed in Rev. A. Drumm, of Avonton, near Strat. Miss Voelker was a moi t exern oung there by, the sight of two black bears 4 which - other hands t6r oollact. nPla Mr. James Wiley, of Turn � I .on. Jackson & Greig have ford, conducted the communion services in lad ind bore her 8uffie inr . th 40hristian ingiu Stanley._Miss Grac the Presbyterian church , last �� e wi ' were confined in a sort df rude pen. The power to receive moulas and give receipts. AcKwN I Sabbath,'and I ran er ex. 19 e" bears were captured when cubs by Mr. Wm. i"m - 1 IW6--2 reached the than enlu a ce, and h r e will long bid Varna � is the guest. of M McKay, of the 10th concession of McKillop. PARTM going to the kmiving seri#on on Mon- regretted by her frien6 and acquaintances.' Ella Ross. , Northwest will cofi- Say. Mr.'Drumm is an earneg(, thoughtful She was a member of tl I ie Young People'i ASADDEAT,u.—A very and brought here and sold to Mr. A. J. Me ' suit their own interest@ by eadling on C. A. Stewart, reacher, and his mrinons here e highly Association of the Eva lial churc I Pherson for the sum of $120. agent Canadian Paolflo Railway, Seaforth. Full In. P wer h hero, curred on Thursday aftern They are fine appreciated by large c t, the members attelnDfed the funeral in X near here. Mr. Samuel formation at office, directly opposite -A. cardnotg ongrega ions, an we and - large sp4cimens of the -black bear. in con- store. � - versatioA with a Beacon reporter, Mr. Me- . l8Wzl are sure that .all who heard .him will be body.' The fMune al, wh Ich - took place on day, borrowed a gun from h . leased to have the privilege of listening to Monday foren ID ra`l' w 1� Kav said that in the section whe�e he The Grand was packed to the door last 9. . � oon to th Goshen Line ceme. Mr. Alexander Ross, stat' 0 ' lives �t Jcdo C t night and standing room was at a premium when im. again.—Messrs. Scott Brothers, musical tery, was at end by 'a out shootin I a I 1�e woo,& are full of them.' " . Prof. Hodgson gave the first of his series of hypnotic instrument dealers of Seafoirth, have sold a people from the sur Uri in country. Rev - I L - - ' bach, of Ne71V n - return at night a scare p THE B,kND CONCERT. —The 33rd Battalion ginning to and of the performance. Tile audience gregation of Paisley, for use in their church, Mr.. Um Turg, conducted ized and he was found dead, *' entertainments. Pan was fast and furious from be- fine �hurch organ to the Presbyterian con I �t . . Band h&Ve � d Miss Entma Wells, the 81M 17 screAmed with laughter at the results of some the funeral services at t e house, and Rev. a tree. A squirrel that h . or t9e absurd and ludivrous delusions of his subjects. —Miss Bennoch, of Stratfoid, is talking of Mr. Braund, of Zurich, reached the funeral lying neai, and his hat was 4 PjL .. . I . L n, 4i .nPP away from the body, - Wh I . M-i�s- Jennie tRay, vocalist, bell and zylo- Nimw TAU,ORING ESTABLISHMENT. —Stark Miss Beruioch is a thorou Ill competent' preached in the English angu'age. r four voiced vocalist and amot, assisted by -Toronto Globe. - . . ISM -1 startinga Kindergarten class in this town. sermon in Germa and Rev Mr. K - Phone soloist., to give an entertainment, un- Bros. have just opened out a brand new at �ck of teacher in this line, an t y was one of accident or' der d we ave no doubt & the anspic6s of the band, in Cafdno's Canadian, English and Scotch tweeds, ,the latest that many of the laaieft of I Seaforth would known, both theories bein hall, on Thursday evening, February 22,id. patterm, and are starting a meref ant Tailoring bual* Londe0oro. I deceased was forty-four yea I its -so in the old Y M -0-A. rooms over George Uood's like theillyoungsters to receive Kindergar- LoCALITIES.—Mr: Joh4 Lawson is still on leaves a, widow .and five I Both th6se ladies have performed most 'oeery store. Mr. A. Stark. having a lot.g and suc. ten instruction. In many places there is a, the sick list.—Mr. Wilk�n was in'Hensall - BmEps.—Rev. Dr. McKa L gr , favorably- before Seaforth audiences, and oessful experience in the tailoring business, is Pre. Kindergarten branch in c . i . onnection with the last Thursday.—B. LawrMon was visiting the Apostle Paul of to -day, will, no dqubt, be greeted by a 1arge audi- pred to'g,ve perfect satisfaction in all its branches. public school, but Seaforth has not Lot this his brother in Goderich t9wnship last week. Union dhnrch on Friday, . once on this occasion. The band and the . ne work 2 specialty. A call of inspection through � L - , . 8eaforth 6rchestra will also furnish music our parlor Of tweeds is kindly solicited, 13662 far yet.—Mr. D. D. Wilson has. been obliged —This is a good wi , . 11 in th eve -For two hours- to haul his ice from the pond in wagons this Mr. t=0r, - or the saw -min. will give aid oil of his - Mr. Hodason exercised Wallace repor s ., logs now than all ary work i escrip'i I complete control over Lait a dozen . Form6sa.—Miss iC g 1�. past week. It i'eminds one of summer to last winter and it is i kel that a large quail- is visiting in Goderich, at th ray ILY ; atro= bd The band should be young men who . - . � � by our citizens. volunteered from the audience to test his powurs.- see ice -wagons around.—Mr.- John Me- it r —W— Toronto Mail. 1 1360-1 Laren, of Toronto, formerly a very popular tity will come in betweenlDow and sp Rathwell. There have late , � - DMIR rR AmBER'rA.—Word was received L Messrs. M. Mains, A. W�odnian, S. Union church, in succession, Seaforthite, was in town this we, , Vg -y by his f L SCOTT'S MAMMOTH SEED AND FEED STORE ek looking o - ' ' farmers and others wanting to procure anything . I 'rant, of , St. man aiid Herbert Prm le ' attended the derson, Mr. McNab, Mr. M aiqUy and friends here, on Wednes- still to the front. we ,would again reminti the up old friends.—Mrs. D. G day of last week, announcing the death of in Marys, was visiting in town this week. Orange meeting in WZ2 �n las� week.— the last two Sabbathe Mr. theseedlinethat we have opeemd up this season M I � Mr. Zenag Beam, wh — The Good Templars' m eting, a -at week Scotchmen.' It would app ich took place at with one of the largest and best selections we have r.. John G. Crich, artist, has opened a was . 11 . , well attended Pif ty-four mem- Scotchmen are in the majorit Cochrane, Alberta, on t& Ist inst., On the ' .ever bean able to offer you. Our Seed Grain depart. studio in Cady's block, wher he a on ex. bers were piesent. ihreL- candidates were try.—Mr. and Mrs. Burdge - asent, we have madwevery effort to procure the befit. hibition some of his work. Mr. Crich does initiated and a Ip d profitable time Zorra,--Mr. Win. Simpson in Previous Monday a letter had been re e b 8 ceived aniiouncing his illness, but nothin . In clover and grass seed we stand secoi,d to none, , serious was apprehended until the I& .11 and as for mangold, oarrot and other field and g r. ortraits'in, oil, crayon or pastel, asd also was spent. The L. A Inbu �' I e o:cers for cident on Tuesday last, whil P 'L t" . den seeds, our trade in those lines has 'been stead'illy landscapes and marines in oils and water this quarter.—Herbe "" ied b 0� again woods with a load of saw .—Two rinks of the Seaforth curling with George Snell, blacksnflith. —A number upset and he was I'd' d news was'received. Mr. Beam has been in increasing, which goes to prove that our goods have colors . A Fe: on Isr Alberta about two years, but his family are given splendid eati8raction. CoMeandexamfirie our club went to Toronto on Wednesday -to play still residing in_ Seaforth. He was about 5,".1 ,"to,k ,,d we are confident that we can satisfy you . of our villagers are making ,07 . both in quality- and price, D n't forget in the final match for the Ontario tankard. ,xeparations for Timely aid was at h , storing ice for si e —Mr. Samuel are not thought serious. —Mr years of age. Mr. Beam has been a . resi- and feed depirtment, which you will always find —We deeply regret to learn of a serious ac- Woodman has quit pressiig, hay owing to spent week in Toront dent of S��fdrth for a6boitt twent ears h,nd well supplied in all lines. ROBT. SCOIer, Main Street, cident ihat befet last - ears, accompanied by Y y Seaforth. . . Mr. John Daly of this -the rise in freights. 1�e fs, now shipping meeting of the Farmers' I for many _y� his brother, 1366-3 lie, worked the ashery here. .He was an ', *in- I —0 . town a few days ago., He slipped oil the logs to Wingham.—M Lawson' Myers, of Michigan, is vi � sidewalk and fell, fracturing his thi dustrious,! worthy citizen � and was very th CuRLiA_,,i.t.—The late cold spell suited ,ijh bone- is on the sick list. " " neighborhoyd. . highly res � eted by- our 61 e curlers to a " to . I/ He is a very old marl'and it will h ely go , — � 1. pe -tizens general . see "' and they have been hard with him.—The fine young blood stal- -1 0!17 � ON - ly- busy ever sinleedt t in. On Wednesday . I ffe leaves a widow and family of sbc, the' evem lion which Mr. F. S. Beattie purch Hensall. duty this week to chronicle eldent of -whom is about 19, who feel keenly 119 two rinks came down ased-from . Isabella Swan McQueen, reli from W"19- Mr E. C. Coleman a short time ago, (lied The highest market pric the heavy- affliction- that has fallen upo haul and were badly doneup, as the follo*_ * ,, paid for good James McQueen, which tool, � them. The . Of n ing will show : " . this week. It will be aserious loss to Mr. Clover and Timothy Seed at th 5 Hen8all Flouring , - Beattie, � as it was o 5th inst., at the ' I y have been bereft a kind 0 ne se'us before sel residence of husband U -id good father- The',remains WIN611AM. . of the best animals of' Mills. It will pay farmers to ling w - I G. Duffield .1. SBAFORTH. I . the kind in the county.—The Orangemen of elsewhere.' CooKBROTYERR8,11em &U. 1383 London road. Deceased wa ere interred in� Calgary cemetery. I . T. Richardson, BRIEFS. —The severest storm of the season l8th of May, 1825, in the vill 1�� I C. Knechtel, Dr. T. Coleman, South Huron have decided to celebrate the . , . _#___ W. Vanstone, I W. Ament, section on Mo[Iday. A large near Jedburgh, in Roxboroi Tnic Dr. J. McDonald, Skip -1A - W. MeDougail, Skip 12t,h Of July ; at r Parkhill. The Seaforth visited this WiATHEP-.—We have - been, having -L. Hanson - I -22 quantity of snow fell, but ow * ng the v ' land. Her father, Dr. Swan, past !wee . M. Morris, - 11 iling it wa I J. IN ichol'' but did not succeed rl larg e�y - remark-abli weather during the brethren made a strong pull to have it here hi h winds preva d d ely and family, came to this co Fridayevehing we had an exceediri�ly w R. Counter, . The North Huron' an ftt ce cor heavy N Griffin, . A. Forbes, celebration will take place at Tin ham.— owthe roads'into the ditche d fen _, and settled for a time, on the - thunder storme'. The " oldest inhabita,rit" J., Inglis, Skip -10 P. W. Tweddle, Skip -2o 9 ners.—We are pleased but soon came to Brucefield says —"Kit," the brilliant see that Mr. � 7 its likt was never seen in this section , - I I - writer ifr the Wo- James- Bell, sr., of the Lond n road, is able ticed medicine until his deatl ' at this sea-41on of the - year. All, the . . 23 42 man's Kingdom of the Toronto Saturday to go, -local Maitirity for seaforth, 198hote. Mail, was in town this week, tile guest o . f around again in his u0al health, after was married to James McQ 0 weather prpphets said cold weather would After the game the an illness of nearly two mon�hs. —The Rev. that time she lived on theirIfE follow the thunder, and it did, as on Mon-'-' players adjourned to Mrs. T. F. Coleman. She is on her.way to Mr. Shaw, of Eginondville, I preached with until now. She was a sincere Ch day ilight we had the Flanm,* ' H tel, where they enjoyed one the California Mid-Wint E . tion at worst blizzard of the of &ans -o er xposi Carn always set a ood example, season. ,The nine o'clock train was unable Mr. Flannigan's inimitable suppers, and a San Francisco.—Miss karioll Uotmter, of .�el Presbyterian 9 to get farther than Mitchell o ' very-lDleasailt time was spent in the social 8im"', is visiting her brother, Mr. W. R. church, on Sabbath inor��g and evening ready to lend a helping har night, andthere were no en- Counter.—Mr. and Mrs. Lemon, who have having, *0 . eed. Her sickness was shor nj Monday interjourse so dear to the hearts of last.—With.the little slei&ng we are now n trains been the guests of Mrs. Bauslaugh, have re- into mar] Off, rain and logs are! Pourine nine days, when she was rec ut 10. T. Mur4och has som(�_ Heaven, and left behind her on Tuesday. A'tremendous amoil, until late thusiastic curlers. Seaforth is represented ofsnow at the finals for the Ontario tankard, in turned to Harristou. —Miss McLaughlin, -IF � fell, and 'were it evenly di�tributed, We Toronto this week, by Messrs. A. Young, J, who has been the guest for some time of thing xlyrw' and neat in the[ trotting -cutter ing children, three of whom would ll�ve splendid sleighing.1 but as tyon, J' Turner, W, Pickard, J. Weir, J.S line. —0dr. James Jarrott, o E this village has and the rest are at home. it I . , � Mrs. Irving, of John street, has returned to - " ill sold his fine farm in the to -w nship of Sj peacefully away trusting in - an * her home in Galt. —Miss Birdie McMulk , � an- aleighing uor good' wheeliAg, The stages forth was drawn aga _ ley, near Hills Green, to Mr. J. Love, of t the Way, the Truth and tl I is in, atches� there'is neither good Roberts, W. 0. Reid d A. Wilson. Sea � p frora &�field, Brussels . inst Peterboro in the of Toronto, was visiting friends'in to*w for . he same township. - Mi-. Rol ert Jarrott, his funeral took place on the 7t and I Harlock first round in Toronto. a couple of days last week.—Mr. Loftus . i I beat the ,"tra-ins all hollow this! time, as I . - � Stark, who has been in the Salvation Army son, has also sola his farm r Hills Green number of friends and acq I 6ey all arrived on time. H orse power seems 0 - ' I ' - to Mr. James Turnet. —The Rev. E. Softley� lowed the remains to Baird's c to be aheatll of ateam for surmounting snow TowN CouNcm.:--The Town Council had work in Toronto for several years, has'r�- of this village, and Rev. M . Shore, of Ails' drifts. -'- � - . a regular field night on Moziday eve i 9 turned to town, and will go into the tailor- raig, exe iang a, 0 . I . ! The tug of. war was in conne . nin . Mg business with his brother, Mr. A. Stark. 0 ' I ed pulpits on Sabbath laat.---Z. . ction with the . Varna. t -----------*— � , 8 health was beginning to give way, and The Reva. Messrs. Diehl, of Clinton, and i I appointing of the. town - officers, especially he wa I s obliged to leave the Army.—Mrs. . � 'al mission - SOUTH HUROWN FARMKP.S' 1X8T1TqTE.-1-We the constable and market clerk. Shore, of AdIsa Cr i , assist d at a BARN UNROOFED. —On Frid i ' would agalh rerr�,d'our farmer friends of were ten applications for the form There Robert Scott returned on Wednesda ary meetin t -8t. kul's ch rch on Mondav during the thunder storm, - South Hurt)wof the Inst wi,er Position Picton, where she was attend y from evenin k� 1� Morrison, f Seaforth, ana caught the buildings of Mr. O it I be seen the funeral nd jiled the shingle held at Heiisall, on Tuesday next and at - the council had amplewhoice. —Rev. Dr. 111)onald has last week and this on a visi .—Miss Gildera,, It itute meetings to be and nine for the latter, 8 , s - I After several of her mother. Iorriierf� 0; thiss village, here part of of this place, and: Carried half Dashwood: on the following Wednesday. votes Mr. Thomas E. Hanley was appointed been very seriously ill since last week. He the barna, Both meetiliigs commence each day of Goderich * *sit* in heaps in the field. alac - - O'clock. Mr. J. A. Auddi � ck at ten constable and, Mr. E. Lusby market 'clerk. was in such a low state at one time that his W. J.. Chart'elrssv' ing Mrs. J. Ellis.—Mr. shingles off a patch about two ) I Ot6wa, The constable goes on duty at one o'clock P. children'were sent for to come home. We . , of Ashland, W-Oconsin, who ' Superintendent of Dominion Cn�ameries; m., and rem' ains on duty until 4 a. m. are glad to learn, however, that oil Wednes- , was here 'for some time oil a -visit, has re- the roof of his house. No fur Mr. A. G. "ert, Ott Mr. day night lie restedwell, and yesterda turned home. —Mrs. Robinson, of Lucknow, however, was done. � awa, Super I endent Lusby's duties are to attend to' the ne y was Poidtry Department Experiment Farm ; town building and also to the weigh 8 V somewhat better.—Mrs her sister, Mi' THE H -&LL DwFicuLTY.— Id cales, John Wright, who 'and ss -McAllister, of Clinton, - were here last week, visiting Your remarksi .anent this matt( (Wiliall, M. P., South.. H�ron ; The constable, in addition to his duties as has been ill fof -some time, has recovered. — Mrs. R. Pat- . i ' M'r. John White, Mitchell _pig bree er Mr. T. Bell, of Winghain, was in town or, terson. sr.—Miss Jennie Jo ihston has re. issue are not entirely in ace � �d and constable, will have to collect stieet-water- turned from visiting friends in and near facts. You say it� is a pity the iug an, Fen- Wednesday. calling on old -friends.,—Miss � pork packer 3� Mr. John. Wer i h' ing, lawn and poll tax. The salary of the - � - - miner . Mi. S. M. Sanders, Exeter, and constable is $400 a year and that of the ' Nellie Houghton, of Wingbarn, is visiting Centralia. —The RevsNessi s., Swann anti not be amicably settled. This I mar- re Walker exchanged pulpits on -Sabbath last' have been' endefivo�ring to do. otherswill take part in -these meetiftgs. �ketclerk,$350. Neither Position is'a sin' friends he at present. —E nsign Maltby, f legal proceedings were taken, . I '_ late of Palmerston, is- now in charge of the .g ser�nons. —We are In view 6f . the large at -ray of prac- cure by any means.. Mr. In preachin ediicational .1 . . IT&M was re- Seaforth corps of the Salvation A my, ee a I r. N�m. Caldwell, of tical speaker8i,, both meqtin,g,s.:should be 'n- en aged as elect ' 12 pleased to s th' t M known and respected gentleme , � 9 rician ; Mr. Roberts as en- r teresting and profitable and should � be gineer and Mr Mrs. M Itby, the the township of Hay, has i-Teovered nicely terests of peace and quietnes - - lar ly attexqed b th' farme I . - Ball�ntyne,wa,s re -appointed some a n Captain Banks, was, from his recent inness.—Mr, Phippen, pho- Mr. Ward and asked him if hq . V; . . y e rp of 1 the assessor, all at the same -salaries as former- . years ago, a very popular officer in . RicLing. . - � i I 1�- Accounts tothe amount of about $200 ClintQn.—The Misses TeNrl, and their bro- to rapher of this village, an�l only son of $50 for a clear title 0 the site ----#- __ I . , fused. They thent'ried to get . I wf�re passed and the sum of $1,500 placed to thpr, of Avoliton, Perth county; are this Or.) Phippen, the well known photographer EGV-ONDA- - I week visiting at Mr. Robert Turnbull's, in of Parkhill, has found it necessary, owing to the matter to arbitration, an� 1�,,T-LF NoTEs,_-One of tl�ose use- ,thb credit of the Collegiate Institute Board. , I fused. The only propositio, ful individ�A ,.a baker boy most: ur,fot . McKinop. the increase of businegs in tl�e main gallery .3 ) �tu- %' —0— —Messrs. Ctuff & Bennett have nately negleoted to close Mr H .1P , lately prodi:Lred a fine safe from the celebra at Parkhill, to make arranayeinents to leave make towards settlement wa OW _A - here in the course of a m7ofith or so. We Ken- DFATu OF A WELL -KN I N HuRO,NrTE._ ted Goldie & McCulloch firm, Galt. .Ljr would involve an acknowle(ig nedy's gate�' one day last *Weei) ,Ldsome The gentleman referred to in the following are sorry for this, as Mr. Pitippen has gi ,proprietorship ofthe hall. -Th . marauding bawi so,on found their -Oay in and Marshall, inspector of the C. P. R. tele' iven J n h aragraph, which we take from eek's grap company, was in town good satisfaction. —Mr. Johp E�Igie -the trustees disputed, and Mr. , on Thurfiday. hi had the I Vingham Times,. had many warm friends i . . ii refused all peaceable means early ruinO is two choice Siberian arbor P last w it 11 mlsfortun�e a few days � 01 V., &eon the lawn, They were planted � — he regular meeting of 'the Women's 0) e cutting -tza K7%A y I . the wound re- the trustees had no other alt _ o gret to the quiring a large number ol to go to law, as Mr.Ward had t by Seaforth, as well as in other parts of the hristian e erance Union will be held in wood, to badly cut his foot the la,te, Mr, Payne and were highly priz , by the present owner. count, , &11 Of 'whom will deeply, re I Boys all I d be more learn of his death. sOci&ti0n rooms on Wednesday r , stitches. The I th' afte - axe caught on a. limb and, gilancing, inflicted I Possession by n ly be seen on i are called upon thisweek to chronicle the 1 Wil , - —Mi Dora the injury.—The Farmers' �nstitute Lint doors and windows. The sole � careful in is matter.—A maro, and foal TheTimessays: "We noon next at 3:30 o'cloch. ss of the building may frequeott I Our I streets in son,N%rho has been on a visit to -Mr. Se - end � death of one of the oldest and most respect- miller's family, in Alleghany City, Pcni'l e - holding a,grand meeting he�e on Tuesday, Trustees is to protect the prolK charge of Afast,er' Leo Charles-*orth, wbo ed residents Of Wi h , the perso of v ia syl . been placed in their charge, an� . I one ' t ' the evening, be L N am: . , has returned.—Mr. John Steet, of the n i matter �rentilated in court, Mr. John Ritchie-, w 0 died oil Sunday, the F Golden Lion Store, is, we are promise of being as muchi of a haf;c in n � an February 20th, and a c T r as fli�.father.- The foal, 4oweve and, we believe, are sparL r, is 4th ins,t., in the 57th year of his age. iflad to learn, t� n10 pa ns or ex - one of t e beat meeting 11 show that they 'have not the noted figa Mr. - progressing favorably, and wi soon be back pense.to make it ( ,s wi ,re of the two, beinc� a. pacer Ritchie had been suffering from an internal at busirtess.—Hur - * ever held'here, which is sa�ing a giod deWl, exceeded their duty in this r( t? froMat&rttoLfiniE;h,and,geemsto.,know no disease for some years, and last � is represented at the , . other gait. Jt may yet rival Nancy Hanks Canadian Association of � .17RUSTRES. - August vis- mee6ting of the on as their meetings in ppt �ears have always . I 0 , ited Boston, Massachusetts, to bOnsIllt emi- Agricultural Fairs and Exhibitions, being J. MeGarva, o Ze in the vill most successful tea moe,tings tj . t been good and much enjoy-ld. —Mr. and Mrs. TEA MERWNG.—One of the . in speed, ana so make a �pile, for its genial nent medical specialists, but the treatment held this week in Toronto, by the following this week, visiting frienas.1 - age been held in Varna took place owner.—A-Ithough business, generally, is prescribed did not have the desired effect gentl m �n:. Hukh McQuarrie, . Tery dull in the country, we seem to have and he ' ) e E . Blyth - , . I Ro, reason to:complain in thi � oraduallY grew worse, and was re- Thomas Russell, Exeter ; Robert 11 I (From an Occasional Cdrresponden day evening last, under th a is villa as 0 liev8d from his terrible safferings by death, Ki i McMordie' 0 Royal Ternplars, Orangee a: unning and 3Lg pro- on the date .stated. - The deceased was a pZ�en, S. Saunciers, Exeter; 11 Eilher NOTEs,—Monday's stornt was the"'8everest societies. The chair was occup our industrids are r 10a I I I e ton, and J. Ste V. Citizens com- JohnTor fitable sales. Mr. Andrew Smith, our resident of the town for many years, and Cr ele, Amberly.—Re ' in the history of the to ran - veteran harno3m&ker, has lately employed successfully carried on a Mr. Leech, of Stratford, preached an excel- plain of the very une 71�*._ ce, ex -Reeve of Sta ,� , I carriage anii black. lent preparatory sermon in the -Presbyterian snow.—The qua istribufion of the ed in that evacity in a very I � . . hibition sociatiOn Of South J able manner. Excellent ad . � � . . . . � I - . . I I I t I r_- "W*WM W toy twr *W. Maw Mi% Aftx� Menem - J. Bledsk a W* reatod tbo &MI J%r 0 Short twm. U am. MW 10"A --*-- Ir. B- H. W W W*n AFUL _ I - *991ii 109 Ou" I A.KxvAL tiurrm—The. A,MYAI "Pper c ty, and a bull ttw 1gorria Branch Airicultural soqw4ji Wi addition to SAY be held in the Con�jr� Hotot on th I - � evening of WedaewUy, the 21st hwL A Jamieson a res 0 expected, and all into, in P&AL—Munlim, ested in the .8ociety, am cordially. it * , , . vmtm iR I'm-' ited to be prment. A good time wil , I, a on Vegesday T1 Hart ii renew- doubt, be hrA � . BRixn&vs.­Mr. P. Kelly is very low a loc&"ty--Mim the time of writing. The doctors hav - -nd Miss Eldon, 1pve,n up all hopes of his re I � of Miss Mary daughter Annie arrived homecoovneWondHal, ohn Fitch and . 'Re )err V . morning.— v. Mr. Hamilton, of Londei y, are visit- bore, preached in the Presbyterian churcl e Galbraith, of on Sunday evening,, Re,r. Mr. McLean tak sea Annie and - ig his pul it in Londesboro.—Mr. Fran] . �1 Buzzin OF, W- - I sad desith oc- I . inglism is spending a fev . daji'in town this.week.—Miss Ethel Wat )on, last week, son, who has been sick for the put fev �ooper, on - that weeks, is, we are glad to see, able to be ou is old neighbor, n.—Mr. Douguld McKellar is on thi that he intend- saigeaki list this week.—Mr. A, M. Babb wEw n his failing to in Clinton this week.—Mrs, Robert Soin rty was organ- ers, Mrs. E. D. Chamberlain and Mr. Wil . leaning a,gainst . Taman are the delegates ,appointed by th'4 e had shot was Methodist Church Sunday Khool to atten� pund some feet the County Convention in Clinton nexi ether the case Tuesday and Wednesday.—Miss E. G� i ide is not Young has recovered from a very severf ame g held. The cold.—Mr. Hugh McQuarrie is in Torontc ,,3 of age and this week, doing business for the Mor6 right children. Branch Agricultural Society.—The Epwortl y, of Formos�, League of the Methodist church has re. will speak in ceived an invitation, to 'visit their sistei 23rd inst. .He Society at Westfield, on March 2nd. We �emission- understand they have ace � epted the invi- at * oodi' Mark�5 tation.—Mliss Saxah Stewart is indisposed e home of Mrs. at present. -Mr. Will Davis left for Cobourg on Monday afternoon.—Mr. Jacob Walker Rey. Mr. An- and family intend leav for Chicago soon. ct I ing '. I c, & and for enzie, all 0 , ar as though Wroxeter. ' I - I y in theminis-' BRIEFS.—Mr. Arch. Patterson, of Blue. are visiting in -�ale, has opened out a new butcher sh '-in et with an ac- the store adjoining Mr. T. B. Sanders' Otar- e driving in the ness shop.—Mr. W. S. McKercher has pur- logs.. His load. chased the house at present occupied by against a iree. Mr. James Garrick.—Mr.' Thomas Gibson nd his initiries, M. P. P.Jeft on Wednesday moriiing to at"- . John K,Achen tend the g of the Legislature. —Mr, o, attendig a William Meelin all old Wroxeter boy at Lstititue.— iss present residing in Duluth, Minnesota, is iting in this spending a few days with friends here,—All arrangements are now complete for the -It is our sad " Agnes Knox" concert in the pavillion on . the death of Thursday- evenm next- With Miss Knox ct of the late will appear Cana,lca's most popular artist, place on the Mr- James Fax. With such names on the her son on the programme as the two foregoing, it is need- s born, on the less to say a most enjoyable evening -may be age of Ancrum, expected.—Owing to the st, Onctay, ghshire, Scot- the evening train on the Canadian 1pacific- with his -wife Railway,'due, here at 10. I . 5 did not -arrive untry in 1834, until 2 p. in. the following day.—The village Grand River, is certainly booming at. present, as there is where he prac- not an. unoccupied house or store to be had . In 1854 she in it- ueen, and from i min Stanley ristian woman, - Exeter. Lud was ever AcCIDENT.—On Monday last the news d in time of reached. here that Mr. William Delve-, for- t, lasting only merly of this place, who is employed as a eived 'up into teamster at Cameron�s Coal Yards, London, sever! sorrow- was with other men engaged in unloading are married., coal from the Grand Trunk Railway cars She passed near Peter . b r , in ,- London East. it appears that Christ, who is s ove was driving across the e Life. The tracks at this 'point just am the Stratford i, and a large accommodation train came along, and be- iaintances fol- fore he could drive out of the way the wa, .gon emetery. was struck and knocked into the air, taking - the horse with it. Delve- was thrown out , � "I and alighted some distance away upon his hands and kpees. As quickly as possible .he ay night last, was icke:d up and removed to Barnes'llotel, a whirl wilO and reater he was taken to the hospital D. Robertson, where his injuries were found to consist of $ o' f the roof off broken knee cap, a badly- out face and a a and -boards few bruises. It was a miracle that Delve stripped the was not killed, as the train was - gomg at a feet spare.of high rate of speed. The fellow employees . ther damage, of the injured man say that the engineer did not sound the locomotive whistle but EAR SIR,— the railway men say it was blown. I The r in your last horse and wagon - were, damaged consider-- ordance-with ably. --Mr. Robert Delve, of this place, matter could father of the young man, is at London this is what we week and was telel raphed for on Monday. Before any ITEX'S.—OnFridray evening Ia4 durin three welf- theterrible thunder storm which passel 11, in the in- over this place between 7 and 8 p. in., 11 ht - s, waited on ning struck the residence of Mrs. ga"r� would take Fisher, on Huron street, tearing shingles off ; this he re- the roof of the kitchen, sp-lintering ,some of - him to leave the rafters. The bolt then descended into he still re- th6 cellar, tearing the joists, but no serious :L he would damage was done. The loss was covered by one which insurance in the London Mut"l, which was ent of his settled by their local agent, Mr. David � is of course, 4ques, within a few,hourA after the acci- I Ward having dent. The in -mates -received a severe shock ' settlement, at the time. —On Friday evening last a mass I ernative than meeting of the ratepayers was called by � aken forcible Reeve Bawden to consider and discuss the ' ailing up the advisability of getting eledtric light for tile � esire of. the v Ilage. The meeting was not as hxrgely at- ' rty that las tended as it might have been, on amount of, I should the tl Le severe storm of thunder and lightning I the results ai the time. The villager's who took part in ( in'any w the discussion were Reeve BaWden, Conn. I spect. _T cillors Bobier, Carling, Taylor, and Messrs. k -Thomas Hartnell, Thomas H.. McCallum,, N. largest and D�, Hurdon, J. N. Howard, R. E. Pickard, ' at has ever and several ot'hers, who were all 'in fa-vor of a . on Wednes- procuring electric light for the village. The ( ices of the meeting was unanimous in its support. '-No I Foresters, doubt the council will act on the matter at I ied by Mr.' as'! early a date a8possible.—Mr. James H. , kley,who, act- G,tieve, of Oshawa, formerly of this placc9 a pleasing and, has opened oq a tailoring business in.wm ( resses were 11 Grigg's old standL—The Exeter Afilling I � , :. � i ,: .I- . . - I . . I � - I I . � I " - . I I z' 3 I I . � 11 . . I I - I - I - � __ I _ _1- � .- . 1! - -%, - �_ _- i J_ .- 1-1 - 1. I..,- _: �_ -_ , '. , _ . � ---------: ­�__7�. � , � �__�L-.­- !.-�_-"�­,_;�- - ,�,__­�, -__-z :-:- -I: � , _� � i : � I � . . � __ �___ 77 __ - __ ___ ­��l 1- de mdats. Z I , 0 __. ? I- _� � , D W . e aJS­o received this . week (ia.-- I � I r bea.dtlfutnew patterns) a full ranp,dl e. - - I -i o Union a uld All- Wool yard wide, oar_' - a ' . � J pets. S ; them. �,� �_ , ee .; - � i ' . - ' - ' . �_ ' I � I- P. 1S.--4-Anything we have.: left ja z ' � Heavy Winter Goods Y*u:cau have*_ �. , � . IL � simply -YOUR OWN PRICE. I I i I . 11 � I L- 4 :. I � I . 1� " 0I - ' i Edward McFaul, & - . �_ � r . � * SIATORTf r. rate g,o _ -we wl article ` that ul t1le twi monith,_ - $314 $11 - _V� � . They a � ., I - -1 of the for yoi I - - , - Qr,:i�� � Q J,JjJ*4*y 4 1 r I Pligoo 1�_ 11)"t I � - . It —07�' am- *An * V_W7 ""I uk" U96P.. *fW' *0 *205: . JWW -=; - � �-- &."-,#AAk",a - I 4r_ &L_X.0 A -M �kff__J.77 I - -1 � *1V#1,1 I I I ;&--,A,,--7 ----qjp 1. . - , L 1,0"�_& WIM 0" I I 0 of tf& . � - &.____k . - - i1­4;3WVV9W4 frow- *oft �__ a f aw ki- A, &b -04 owyekth'" ot: 0 Cat W - UW —Mr. IL - X. Now a nkurw , 9 b" disoomed of kit - . '. On RUWk 1* Mr. W4014V - .., I _ - __ � ____2r1kAr_ lr____�&­ . - I L I- - FWXIM� ARV. #010MMIS . - L- � - L- , 0 ;�Iff"Skvak—The funwa-I OM01 � � ,.� I _=_ &"it* - 041SO&Y *03W =tl somuel 0OUK whieb took pbm as L - - C IaW w4 liar �n�l 1. I I Sd &#euded� � . - e :esteefm in wilff the yomw man Wft I . s The lu*wsl awmaii of the late W. IL . � Verity,, -W Brautford, formerl I 11 ,y , of Xlworl " , . was preached in am Jame& S684 - - i - 7i chw;h,,�on Sunday evening lait, � I - Rer. W. McDonagh, pastor_­Mossm L � t bull an4 Archibald, of Sesforth, arf to be, - . - r HawksAaves hotel here, on ywdayl t&o 2" - inat., t6 buy horses. They, want *emm — , L IL, I . r weigh ffFom 1,150 lbs. upwards. ,�� I � �, _. I - I - � . - . I I - Brussels. I - �� 11 BRiVs.—Thepolitical address by , � . . - , .Mr. lff� �, I Awrey., X. P. P., on Tuesday, did not vomwil I offY as Pe was unable to get here on amount---- - � I __ ' I � - - . I of the #now blockade. —Oran Turnbull, - ­_ I �, I I old Br�sselite, now of Guelph, returned to-'- ? L -, Bruss4s on Tuesday, and on Wedn*k.y - L I ev I enink, at 7.30 p. in., he claimed Maio - - � M_ I voungiat daughter of *v. J. L. Kerr- L - ' - . - - � his wife. Both the bride and groem,arft"�' ' � printefs by trade, having learned intim---t. ' I I saui.eL (Iffice, and it now turns out that A I- __ . * L - . � . ey �__ - . � I 7 L I wereloarnmi more tbin printing- I 'Any- --- way, it endel in the happy wedding -of , __ I .. . thit, �' - � I week.4-Hugh Willidins and son have - W- _'� , I ' - '� __ � chasecl-' the building of S. W. fAW-1.U'r�f 'L ' � ' - I f __ - 11 , Stratford, now occupied by Cardiff and _' - I'll, Kirkbt as an I iniplemeh�k.shop, for $9W, aa4 '.. I � are gofug to Use, it for & livery. stable aftw �., _­ . . tt* , it fi4.�d L' I .- - 7 �A C18111% I L "U up. :t was a good,;Z.— , I _�L' L - - - . . Harris, mothef-of the new p L roprietor �_ -.' -_ �71 of the illeese factory has mov6d - - _ � __ Roths4y, her former place of residence.�'. " I L ; . - - I Jamds,13ell, win reside with- her, she bei - - _-�" & his in4her-in-law. —The'Patrons of In � t,.. �, I , try fok-.' East Tiliron meet here on the 4_ --il . I . - ­ inst., A)r the -purpose of bringing out a can- - 11,_:. didate.�--GeoT`ge MeLaren, who for years -, , I - 11 - LLL has, be" a clerk in the store of A. R. Smith LLL - . - n n � 11 h 8 go4e into: I � � a _ , partnership with him, and the - - _ new firm Will Mt,T.0-r - � be known as Smith & McLar- ..- LL��k . en. —Ab R. Smith, who hm been laid up -for ! , ` - . I . ' I - some fjw dayi, is --J(jhu E. " ' . I again. around. L � . Smith,,; aix old Brusselsite, %ut nOW known I'll ... as onj Of Manitoba's leading farmers, is,;. - here ois week on business He looks 1 the saine, as of yore, and ca'n talk just - ,� : . - as 11111ch and as fast as before. — On . Fridap, last 'we had nearlk a fire. the I _.. . , -- I ... roof of -�Daniel McKenzie's residence havins� � .1' . caughe, from the chimney. The -alarm ..� sounded, and the en WM L ­ � gifte got out, but the . . . . . � fire wa*' extWguishe � before it reached the '. . . . " river. " The alarm was again sQun�ded the �., -- . . next nl�brning over a chimney-bemig on fire.-,- - - —At t4e cheese meeting James Ferg"On, _', John G�rdiff and . - I James Turnbull"Wer � pointecl ta look after the interests of .t16 Patroni-, and M. Cardiff. was appointed LL . - . --. , 1. auditor, - William Haun 'was appointed,* .1 , L salesmo. The change in the owners of the �L, I facto �'seems to have given th ' 11 rr-, e buaiiiew- A, I __ , , I new 14se of lift which it is . '. I I hoped -may be a - - I L ..a healf,hy one.— Thornas McLa,chlin or '. � , I Grey, s6ld a hog this week on the ma'rket '-'- i that wekighed 511 lbs.,, and hasraised -6hres, L I" I � litters 4f pip 'Within one year, which the " � owner 4116 sold for over $100, and he sold _- - her for the same as he Purchased her for 1:5- , I -, months no.—The lecture on John Calv- - by Rev., J. Ross -has . 111V - - � tp 3 (L . * to L � again been pos one I , I I � . this timb the 20th of ]February, ,on ae. . I dount of the storm of Monday night last.— - - -�Pl - � The skajing race that was; to conio off las� :­,_' of this .. � I � week takes pl"e Thursday evehing -1 � � t, t week, wtather permitting. ' � � 11 � I L __ — __ . � I � . - :1 Belgrave. - . - - ­ . LOCA1�171]&s.—Mrs. McDonald, -daughter 1. I I % , � of Win.'MoRes, who died in Manitolia-, orL i Z - L I father'S . L January 129th, was buried from her I ­.- - ' re8idencti on the 4th init. , L the f unerd, bem'9 -, verylar'�l attended. ,Our8ympathiesare,� I , - - '.r .111, eXtende 7the bereaved husband and friends 2` in their 4reat low. -Jos. Carbett continues % L I - - . very pootly, and is gradually, 8i 1 1 . , .nk - . ing and :-, I his ldea§ may be looked for at an -time.— 1 -4 �­, I I L I I - James B�ne left for Michi amiew- clays �� %i ago, whe�e he intends i i - � � . i L _ giving a course of , I- _� Iecture8,,we believe in the towns of that I � I i - " I z� :1 t I state. Re has been 'over that ground before :,L I I � I � � lecturing,*.i He is a finespeaker and will be 7 . � - � successfuLI—A delegation from Mai�tlallcdi �� - s. �- ' , ' Presbyter! waited on Knox Church congre- ' . �_ � 11, gation a sTaort tune ago,to consult with thern; - I . - . - . Warding 4x union with Calvin Church, East - �. I aw Lnoftf A large majority for union waa - -. I I . li ­ . �` �he result - the vote. The building com- � I I nittee w4 in an probability go On With the- . � . low churcA as soon as the matter is settle& �L . - . . -1 -R. Mobjurray, of East Wawano'sy"gives - ;he fonowipg facts from his experience ia s I ' . . I . I . 10618. h � th- t; From last sprIn , . - .N ogs e as car. - I T _, . - . - int-, New Y.ear ge soTd hogs to the value Of il. �3ft and 4ill had 23. On those he sold he LL ' , tod .xperinlen a little. Four of them he fecl . - rheat to. The return was 80 cents & bushel, "I'll .1 vhile the niarket price was .60, a pin of 2a � - I ' ents on -'*,cry bushel fed. He considerg 11� - - - - � , rheat at "- cents a bushel a cheap feeding I . Xam i I A . - - I - - - - L : - L ,. � _, , . 1. � ! —Mr. W* C%Wston, of Downie, received � . i 31 I couple of *eeks ago, from his brother, Mr. 1 I ;eorge Cawitor6 of Penticton, British Col- - . � -Mbia�, & fin* mounted head of a. Rocky - _. foiintain ` sh� p of the variety known, as the, X-, I � I . . 'Big Horn.Tel The animal is aptly named, _L 8 the horns �f the ape , . . f �� mmen received by Mr. I , . . . ;awstOn, me*um 35 inches long, an4 -at the L . - age AN 14i �� in oircumferince. I �_ r � . I I - . �' - - I . 1 I I q I- . - L- :_ I I - L I - __- � � 1 - I . - . - r- - �� � 1� I , ­ � - " - ­ -- .1 . -1 - - I L . I - � ,7 L, - . . � ­_ ­ - i- 1-1 _., - I I � I - ,� L � I � - -- �� ­ - . I - . L.- - __-_ - - - , , - ��, t�L , ., p�__ 1. - - � . � I I t: , L